The 2010 Census enumerators undergoing training at Kitwe’s Vocational Training College today boycotted their training demanding that they be paid the promised one point five million Kwacha allowances.
The Enumerators who were found standing outside the college are demanding that they also be refunded their transport allowances.
The enumerators have accused government of planning to under pay them after the whole census exercise.
The two hundred and twenty seven enumerators have vowed to go back to Lufwanyama were they came from if government does not honor what it promised.
Government had set ten days in which to train the 2010 census enumerators.
These Bembas like money so can u be paid b4 u do the job? The right thing to do is to ask for for down payment and get the rest of the after the job is done…these people should realise the loss they would engage themselves if they boycott this census…..almost niger thinking on the copperbelt
Yakwe ba Exterminator, I have read the article over and over again, but I see no mention of the Bemba people. What is your point?
Most of the enumeratorz have connexionz with “big fishez” who know that there iz more money to “chew” from the census exercize, hence their demand for more!
# 2. Inference, ba wishi muli statistics.