Sunday, March 16, 2025

Doctors call off strike


Resident Doctors have called off their strike.

Resident Doctors Association of Zambia Acting president Amon Ngongola told journalists that the decision follows several pleas from patients and the general public.

Dr Ngongola said the Resident Doctors are still convinced that with the help of President Rupiah Banda the problems they are facing will be a thing of the past.

The Resident Doctors who have been on strike for a week now, however said they would continue to press for better conditions of service through other means.

Dr Ngongola has appealed to all Resident Doctors to resume work and await a comprehensive feedback from their representatives.

The Resident Doctors last week went on strike demanding better conditions of service.Ends
[ ZNBC ]


  1. but why have they called off the strike and why start what they cant finish. they have come out with nothing but I know their personnel files will be marked with discplinary letters. the medical profession has gone to dogs

  2. LADY GAGA, #3:
    That is a valid question you have asked, but I guess the doctors did make a point, and I guess they felt duty bound to go back to the wards to help the poor people crying for the doctors’ services.
    On the other hand, for any union or association to succeed in its demands against a government such as ours, it needs to have a resolute, focused leadership whose main interest is to further the interests of their goup and not just their own ambitions, a leadership that is not compromised or infiltrated. The answers to your questions may lie in the quality of the RDAZ’s leadership or the lack thereof.

  3. #3 & #4 ..You must be heartless. You even have the audacity to say why start something they didn’t finish? Finish what? Are you normal? Do you know what who the real suffers of this strike were. Do you know who the real victim were? How can you be so heartless. You really don’t understand what Doctors do and in case you need reminding, Doctors save lives and their work stoppage put that task in jeopardy and your myopic question could even be construed to mean why did they not finish letting lives to be lost. How can you be so heartless.

    What the Doctors have done is good news and need to be applauded and no amount of money can ever compensate the amount of work that these Doctors do and the danger they go through to save lives. This is no time for politics

  4. Ministers have Cell phone allowance for not even Jobbing like a doctor for seven years. Being a spook studying overnight and all the other jazz. GBM gets paid and I bet he has no knowledge of parliament to the 30 ieth percentile.

  5. Life is not fair man,docs work hard,nurses work hard,teachers work hard,and these are people who are very important in our lives,but I guess they’re not careers for getting rich…ask Zuckerburg,Gates,Jobs and the other dropouts – u wana get money,quite noble careers and try something want to help people,continue doing the great things you do.

    Government shud not take advantage of these doctors and others though,they need better conditions ,as in equipment,drugs,and even decent accommodation and salary to leave a dignified life…we pay loads of tax and with proper thinking ,u can do better-really

  6. They should go on strike again around december christmass time, the impact will be more felt. Also must fire executive of RDAZ. Do it for 6 months like they do in congo, then the govt will learn, they wont afford not to negotiate.

  7. Dear Doctors,
    Great job for rescinding the decision to strike. But plz next time do’t go on strike. Conditions will never improve to the levels you wish for at least in the next couple of decades. Solution is keep queit and if situation permits migrate humbly and fiercely inside you. Do not alarm the nation. That 7 years and more of training need to be cerebrated. You have tried to serve lives and God knows and where ever u go u will be saving lives. Stay cool and razor sharp.

  8. #4 mungoma thanks for your advice and #5 mmd chiefbootlicker my point is these guys shouldnt have gone on a useless strike, its all out of selfishness. the medical profesion isnt for those who want to get rich itsa humble career.

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