Sunday, March 16, 2025

MMD should be changed- Milupi


The Alliance for Democracy and Development party (ADD) has charged that the ruling MMD has lived beyond its usefulness and time has come for people to change government.

ADD party President Charles Milupi lamented that many Zambians are suffering under the MMD because of mismanagement of the country’s resources and called on the people to take advantage of the forthcoming 2011 elections to change regime.

Mr Milupi, however, regretted that the forming of a political pact aimed at unseating the ruling party will not bring about the change that Zambians deserve.

He urged the opposition parties to prioritize articulation of their manifestos to the electorates so that people could make informed decisions.

The party advised Zambians who have not registered as voters to take advantage of the extension of the on-going voter registration exercise by the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) to change regime in next year’s polls.

[ QFM ]


  1. Yes Charles i hear you what exactly is your party putting to the ground as your manifesto! well we know UPND has a Manifesto we dont know about PF…so in terms of the Pact i agree we dont know the strategic plan whether or not we use the UPND or PF Manifesto for development.Since PACT is dead you and HH bring your manifestos together and win next ytears elections. I dont want Shikulu SATA near state house!

  2. :(( it’s sad that pipo in zed believe in those who lie. I will never believe in satana coz he was part of MMD. He was spearheading for the third team & today he is saying Chiluba is a bad leader. Shame on this man… Even banda is better than this old snake:-?

  3. ala milupi just join the pact, your little savings from CEC and parliament will be swallowed in the campaigns and you will end up like BY.

  4. Waitaya Charles Milupi, and how do you expect to change the MMD government if the oppozition don’t come together. Like BY, Sekwiba Sikota, Ken Ngondo, Gen. Miyanda and others who run 1-man partiez, you will remain insignificant oppozition to the MMD for a long time to come.

  5. But how can anybody join hands in the opposition when in fact SATA and HH right now are struggling to come together!! What more if you had three or more opposition parties in the pact! Let us be practical. There is no point in joining a pact that is actually crumbling due to selfishness. The UPND/PF Pact has so far concetrated on snipiong against each other instead of telling the Zambioan people what change they are bringing. This is not 1964, this 2010. If The PACT has to convince Zambians they must state what they stand for otherwise they will not get enough votes. There is no way you can win an electioon just by saying vote for me because I hate the current president. People are not that stupid nowadays: they all know the devil you know is better…


  7. Senseless Mulupi. One minute you are saying people want regime change in another you saying we shouldn’t change just for the sake of it. Which is which? You have no direction and please do not lead innocent people into a “ditch”. Please put your cards on the table so that we know what to expect from you and your party.

  8. #2 grow up who among these parties was not part of either UNIP or MMD? The fact is among the parties that broke camp PF is the most popular and the biggest threat to the ruling MMD.

  9. 7, there is a difference beween God and god. There is no way our God can give the country to his nemesis. Don’t you just wonder why God did not give Sata the country in 2008 even when RB campaigned for barely two months? Ba Sata had been on the Zambian political scene for years. And ba Sata should stop comparing himself to Abdulaye Wade of Senegal. That is a statesman with unblemished record of leadership, while it is difficult to place ba Sata anywhere.


    One Zambia, One Nation
    One Nation, THAT LEADER
    And THAT LEADER…???
    We don’t know, We don’t know, We don’t know!!!
    According to my Prediction for 2011!!
    Sosa, Sosa, Chalo chile kumfwa!

  11. Milupi, Sata, HH,Ngondo,the General,Chipimo Jnr,Edith ,Tilyenji,BY,Masheke,Magande,Mpombo, Cosmo and Humphery,Ladies and GENTLE EMEN from the above list Have you ever read or heard anyone saying any good on the Friend????? These above mentioned Team who claim to innocent pure and wise??? Can we make SURELY a Team that can deliver Our beautiful Zambia from the mess it is in Today???? If allowed to share a singlee pondium can we get sense from the people???? Tears run Down my cheeks as I see fellow men and women of the things they know and mostly about these people.When I look at these 1.We need to understand really who they are 2.We need to analyze there behaviours 3.We need to need to evaluate properly what they have done in there lives.Men and women of God we must wake up from our sleep.

  12. Please connect and make sense out of the same.We are tired of being Fooled, Leadership starts from managing yourself, and if you are a question to many people be worried.What you know about people is not what they know about you.The Bembas say Insoni Ebuntu( feelling ashamed of yourself is very normal and thats what it means to be know) Check the list and check the list that I mentioned and weigh those men the handwritting is on the wall for all to see.

  13. The problem we have with “African” political parties is that they cannot be separated from the “leader”. If the “leader” is not there, the party is dead. Can we for a change have parties that exist on manifestos and institutional structures so that we don’t have these tinpot dictators. PF should survive without Sata, UPND without Mazoka, Heritage without General Miyanda, FDD without General Tembo etc. Forming pacts or coalitions would be much easier as they would be based on principles and not personalities or the age of its leaders.

  14. I tend to support Sata because i have seen what he did when he was a minister in any party that he was in;; man he did wonders, even now level minded Zambians do support him: that is why he must be given chance to rule this time, and he is close the suffering Zambians

  15. Ba Charles nabena…… he knows he cannot win presidential polls even in Barotseland but there he goes ranting ranting and ranting. Tekupena uko. We should change MMD, but let us not change for the sake of change. Which is which kanshi?George ‘Antelope’ Mpombo can you explain this milupi nonsense using the dictionary

  16. Listen to #7, the pact is god given.God has given zambians sata as their saviour.i dont blame #7, i blame can the almighty him want to impose a barbarian on an innocent citizenry.sure god you can not see that we are living in harmony and prosperity.please god let peace prevail amongst us

  17. #17 LIAR, to begin with sata is supported by the mob driven souls mostly in the copperbelt and lusaka where these kabovas are your sane mind how do you support a presidential aspirant who has shown you his manifesto. it just shows how low and cheap people like you can be.

  18. # 7, please my friend dont use the name of God to justify you selfish interest for the pact. Dont be myopic what single clause do the pact have that gives assurance of removing poverty.

  19. Thats y our late President said we Zambians have a short memory, sure we have forgotten how Sata and FTJ managed MMD, Sata supported third term, he caused 21 senoir members to leave MMD, pipo have forgotten that when he was minister of finance doctors went on strike and most of then about 300 went abroad and look at the way he rans he so call PF, they have never held and elections in the party and when he is been asked question, just see the way he comes, and he tries by all means to attack those that asks him proper questions, i strongly feel that he is not the right person for zambia

  20. Change to what? If these others don’t show any manifesto and democratic tendencies, they simply do not qualify. And if building merzaf flats, if putting government money in your account to earn you interest is one of your credentials for Presidency, then God help us. A Presidential candidate leader cannot even articulate a plan for the country beyond 90 days more money in your pockets God help us, it actually amounts to attempted bribery on a grand scale.

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