By Henry Kyambalesa
In an article entitled “Give Us Time to Finish Projects,” which appeared in the Times of Zambia of 4th October 2010, President Rupiah Banda is quoted as having asked Zambians to give the MMD and his government another term of office to enable them complete the ongoing development programs in the country.
Firstly, this suggests that Comrade Kenneth D. Kaunda should have been given more time to complete the Chipata-Mchinji railway project, for example, which was initiated in 1982 as a joint venture between Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique, and which was completed this year.
Secondly, the people expect that any new Republican president would be obliged to adopt and implement projects and programs initiated by previous administrations which are designed to benefit communities nationwide. And this is the way the government has been administered in Zambia thus far, and it is the only way in which all democratic countries worldwide are administered as a matter of fact!
Thirdly, the President needs to acknowledge the fact that most of the ongoing development programs were started before he was elected to the presidency, and are partly or wholly financed by multilateral institutions, and/or bilateral cooperating partners like Canada (CIDA), China, Denmark (DANIDA), France, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Japan (JICA), The Netherlands, Norway, Sweden (SIDA), the United Kingdom (DFID), and the USA (USAID).
Sooner or later, we are going to be continually bombarded by other rehearsed, stale and meaningless campaign tools coined by MMD cadres, sympathizers and sycophants, such as the following:
(a) That we should not experiment with leadership. Well, many of the current crop of government leaders are deadwood and, therefore, do not hold the key to Zambia’s future.
(b) That voters should not vote for presidential candidates from political parties which do not have a majority in parliament because they will not be able to pass new laws. Well, any new Republican president should be able to run the country with existing laws, even enact some essential pieces of legislation.
(c) That voters should not vote for presidential candidates from political parties which do not have a majority in parliament because such candidates will have problems in the appointment of government Ministers, since the 1996 Republican constitution requires that such Ministers be appointed from Members of Parliament. Well, a president-elect who wishes to trim the current bloated government to at most 12 Cabinet portfolios, abolish the position of Deputy Minister, and provide for the administration of provinces by elected governors rather than by Provincial Ministers would not be encumbered by this; he or she would nominate 8 technocrats to Parliament and appoint them as government Ministers, and then figure out how to fill the remaining 4 Cabinet portfolios—possibly by poaching a few MPs from other political parties.
(d) That voters should vote for parliamentary candidates fielded by the ruling political party because such candidates will have ready access to funding. Well, all MPs have access to Constituency Development Funds regardless of the political parties they belong to, and any additional funds allocated exclusively to ruling party MPs are not likely to be lawful.
(e) That voters should not expect development to take place in their areas if they vote for candidates from opposition political parties. Really? We need leaders who recognize citizens’ right to vote for candidates of their choice without being threatened that their communities will be excluded from the development process if they do not vote for candidates fielded by the ruling political party.
(f) That one can never become president unless he or she is meant to be. No, in a democratic country like Zambia, an individual can become president through genuine and competitive elections. Only in pseudo democracies and totalitarian states would a citizen become president if he or she is meant to be – that is, through coronation! And
(g) That Vision 2030 will bring salvation to Zambia. I doubt it. Such a Vision is going to be a mere dream and an empty MMD campaign tool if President Banda and his administration cannot immediately and seriously start to address such issues as education and training, public health and sanitation, sustained food security, public infrastructure, corruption and other forms of criminal activity, and so forth.
These are tired songs,even the sympathy vote in 2008 will not work this time around unless MMD recruits a new song writer like R Kelly
Well analysed and put.
I wish the ordinary person on the street like Bana maliketi could be educted with such information.
LT editor , good to see that you are allowing views opposed to the ruling party . Keep it up , and i hope you don’t get removed from your post for this. The article is a bit stale though.
When I saw the headline, similar thoughts crossed my mind.
Its deja vu all over again
#3 Are you new to blogging or what? You expect the author of this article to be objective? Unless you are one of those addicted to being lied to and when reality hits and and your heart is broken in 2011 elections, the same people that lied to you will feed you another lie pill called they rigged elections. Are you not tired of being in the losers circle? You deserve better.
Anyway I wont even dignify this article with a response. . Suffice to say that the author has been An Internet Party president for over 10 years now and we have challenged him to meet us in the battle ground and he never has , all he does from his lecturer’s seat is spill this garbage on the young, and unspecting minds like yours. This loser does not want to face us in any by elections, but just rant.
Kyambalesa, you should come back home and help develop this country, we will make you Vice Chancellor at CBU. For me, a non partisan person living in Zambia that travels around the country every so often, I will telly you that education and training, public health and sanitation and public infrastructure are being vigorously tackled by the current govt. You may hate the current regime, but these things are happeninig all over the country and are there for all to see. The biggest problem we have now is unemployment, there are very few quality jobs now compared to the time you left country. We are now jostling for GRZ jobs, be it in govt proper or the new regulatory bodies/agencies such as RATSA, ZRA, ERB and so on. There are very few private sector jobs and until the private sector starts…
# 5 Bootlicker , You’ve completely lost me , what r you on about? I’m merely commending LT for allowing divergent views….. I don’t give a fu*k about who wins the fu*king election !
#7 The point am in #5 am making is LT have always published this Internet party president’s articles and I mean ALL OF THEM have always been against MMD. You can search his name on the front page. So what is new about that that makes you praise LT editor? Unless you are new on the blog you will know that LT has always published this Loser’s articles and he has never written anything about MMD that is of praise worthy, even as people clearly see and feel the value that the MMD polices are delivering. That is where am coming from ..I hope you get me loud and clear.
# 8 What about Times of Zambia and Daily Mail?
I implore men and women of God to immediately reach out to Henry Kyambalesa or indeed his wife Namoonga Kyambalesa with deliverance prayers from hallucinations and trolling. When he turned 56 we all expected him to mature and chat a rational route in life. Alas at 59 years old the poor old chap is still hallucinating and casting unparallel shame on poor Namoonga. Young internet parties like Citizen democratic Party of Mwanza and Kelly Walupita/ Cosmos Mumba just born yesterday have hit the ground now fielding candidates in Chilanga. but the old chap is still an internet troll party president 11 years on, he has no mark in his Kapijimpanga village. Too theoretic
Henry Kyambalesa 1535 Krameria St
Denver, CO 80220-1550
(303) 399-1765
Good stuff! Viva PACT!!
Let me remind you that Zambia has no alternative national party to MMD. Kindly cut this and paste it on your computer that i have said it today that MMD will reign with a landslide victory in 2011 on the record of national development,people-government oriented system, enduring peace and stability, successful transformation of the national institutions from one party system to a democratic ownership society of innovative entrepreneurs, successful national food security, road, hospitals and school infrastructures, and RB’s spirited leadership that has ended an era of polarization. If you think Zambians would settle for the anarchy in titular parties which would turn into national civil strife give power, then your thinking is based on knee-jerk reactions kind of idealism.
To all patriotic Zambians around the world,
Please instead of admonishing poor Henry with disdain, with love just fervently pray for his salvation that his eyes may be opened on the way to Damascus. in the fullness of time though against him due to age, he believe the brother will change from a Saul to Paul. Right now he is unwittingly trapped in vanity.MMD is in unwavering victory match in 2011. Henry does not understand the Zambian constituency other his old clues in Kitwe, Solwezi and a little bit in Lusaka from the old days he worked as a clerk at mininistry of Finance.
Is the Zambian economy stupid?
Certainly not when it’s growing at 6.6 percent and will even be a little more in 2011 looking at the massive capital expenditure.
Inflation just dropped to 7.8 percent, while the
National forex reserve has hit a record highest at above US $ 2 billion since independence.
Maize production has hit a record highest of 2.78 million tons.
National budget is being presented to the August house on Friday October 8, 2010.
Is the Zambian economy s.t.u.p.i.d.?
Certainly not when it’s growing at 6.6 percent and will even be a little more in 2011 looking at the massive capital expenditure.
Inflation just dropped to 7.8 percent, while the
National forex reserve has hit a record highest at above US $ 2 billion since independence.
Maize production has hit a record highest of 2.78 million tons.
National budget is being presented to the August house on Friday October 8, 2010.
The so-called opposition in their wreckage condition have only a menu of insults to sell to unregistered Kaponyas and some cyber stalkers.
# 8 Bootlicker , or have you become booklicker now ?…….Yes, i get you loud and clear and one-sided as usual. Yes , Kyambalesa and his views are not new on LT , but LT , of late have not shown much that puts the ruling party in a negative light.
You write that Kyambalesa has never praised the MMD even when people see and feel the value that MMD policies are delivering . So who’s feeling the value of these policies after 20 years of MMD rule? What is the value of minerals that go out and how much change (both literally and figuratively) do we get out of it ? Any way your standpoint is clear and never changing . The same one as you accuse Kyambalesa of . One of never allowing for an independent evaluation of matters.
Typical of Kyambalesa, the other time he attempted a disguise in the name of a balanced article and we told him to stick to his true biased self. I am impressed that he listened. He is probably on the shadow cabinet that they revealed in 2008 when their cadres were very sure of winning the elections. Unfortunately he is reading his Zambian political lessons upside down, decampaigning his party in the process and wasting everybody’s time. His articles are not meant to convert new recruits to his party but rather to please the existing ones. No way to grow a party, is it?
Booklicker , have you ever criticised the MMD’s policies ? No , you haven’t because , as , your name implies , you have clearly stated your position when it comes to the MMD . A position of blind loyalty! And i can tell you booklicker , that blind loyalty and cadreism , are major obstacles to development . They hinder progress in places where illiteracy is high such as in parts of S.America , Asia and Africa !
Well,well,it makes my blood boil to read these diabolical and counter-productive comments glorifying the rulling party(MMD).Enough is enough with this b.l.o.o.d.y MMD,we are tired of living with unfulfilled desires.Oh lord help us,lead us into the right path!!!
The Lord SITH: 3
MMD Chief Booklicker: 0
“That Vision 2030 will bring salvation to Zambia. I doubt it. Such a Vision is going to be a mere dream and an empty MMD campaign tool if President Banda and his administration cannot immediately and seriously start to address such issues as education and training, public health and sanitation, sustained food security, public infrastructure, corruption and other forms of criminal activity, and so forth”[END QUOTE]
I think Mr. Kyambalesa is just politicking now. This administration has built (and is building) schools, hospitals, infrastructure, etc. They also produced a bumper harvest and more farmers are expected to benefit from FISP this coming farming season.
BTW, Why isn’t Agenda For Change taking part in the Chilanga and Mpulungu by-elections?
Only MMD useless bootilicers or bum lickers can praise MMD silly policies of giving it all to foreigners. A foreigner is given tax rebate but a Zambian pays through the nose. What nonsense of MMD. Chinise and Indians are tapping our copper free of charge while we stand begging from the European countries. What a useless MMD gonvernment …only a person insane can praise these useless MMD guys.
What is your point man? RB is the only man in Zambia who is wise. You guys are *****ssssss you have eyes but can’t see. Nose but can’t smell. Ear but can’t understand RB is the only man out of you 11 million zambians with wisdom. Rb for ever.
Here is a simple definition of a BOOTLICKER! as some people proudly call themselves!!!
-The act of licking a boot for an excuse to step higher in life; Brown noser; No other option than to become a boot licker
-Someone who refuses to learn or do anything else in life,with no self respect or dignity,who would rather use the simplest way to make it in life by grovelling and sucking a.ss to step up in life than to gain experience.
Even if MMD goes out of power life will still go on. Projects? What projects? If God has not finished his work how does MMD think they can finish any thing?
boring speeches and songs by mmd..we need change..
As long as the sun continues to rise from the east and sets to the west, as long as an eye cannot see itself, as long as Prince Charles will continue as prince of wales till the queen goes to the tomb, as long as Chilufya Sata’s brains will never be rational, as long as HH will never offer us a decent grin, as long as Sata can only be a president of Zed as a fossil, as long as HH will never be a counselor/parliamentarian, as long as Mumbi Phiri is the shadow minister of information, as long as GBM is shadow gender in develompent minister, as long as Mark Mushili is shadow Finance Minister, as long as Chishimba kambwili is shadow Justice Minister, as long as Guy Scot will revert the agriculture ministry to swine fever glory days….MMD will continue winning this time with landslide
Zambians are such suckers, I usually try to be analytical, but this article is cadrerism, so are most comments. Whether goverments change or not projects continue, presidential powers in the current constitution are unlimited, CDF is available to all MPs, government should treat all regions equally including those that did not vote for them , Zambians vote for president they are not meant to be and we still have students at UNZA being thrown out and hospitals opened without doctors while the president travels endlessly.
Why didn’t the people on this blog discuss these issues? Give us a break with cadrerism!!!