The United Nations says Zambia will achieve the Millennium Development Goal on universal primary education by the year 2015.
The UN Resident Representative in Zambia ,Kanni Wignaraja says the challenge, however, will be to invest in secondary school education and reducing the drop out rate for girls.
She said this in Lusaka Wednesday at a ceremony where Standard Chartered Bank donated 200 million Kwacha to World Vision.
The 200 million Kwacha is the first installment that will total about 660 million kwacha over the next three years.
The money would be spent on fixing classrooms, providing solar power and buying desks for Simwaba school in Magoye.
Standard Chartered Bank Managing Director, Mizinga Melu said the 200 million Kwacha is for rehabilitating Simwaba Basic School in Magoye, Southern Province.
Mrs Melu also said the Bank would be contributing 35 million Kwacha each year for the next five years toward a scholarship program.
And World Vision Zambia National Director, Michael Veitenhams said the organisation plans to recruit up to 600 children to benefit from its scholarships.
[ ZNBC ]
Good news from home. I hope that we will not only focus on the numbers but, See to it that the people’s standard of living improves.