Two children were severely burnt when their house in Chingola caught fire while they were sleeping.
The two were rushed to hospital and are admitted to Nchanga Hospital where they are receiving treatment.
Copperbelt police chief Martin Malama confirmed the incident that took place on Tuesday night in Chingola’s Chiwempala Township.
Dr Malama said the minors were rescued from the house in time before the fire completely engulfed them but they sustained serious b urns.
He said police suspect the inferno could have started from a candle that was left unattended to in the room the children were sleeping in.
Dr Malama said, however, that police had launched investigations to ascertain the actual cause of the fire at the house.
[ Times of Zambia ]
Sorry wish you quick recovery kids
Too bad for the young blood.
R.I.P. I always say there’s no God and nobody believes me. if God was both willing and able to prevent it why didn’t he? Simple. There is no God! too bad 4 the poor babies.
Were parents in a different house or what were they busy doing ? Sorry to the young kids.
It is where I was brought up and I thought that by now nobody was candles like we did-or was there a load shedding?
#3, God created man and gave him senses to reason. If you dont reason dont expect God to do it for you beacause all is at your desposal. For example these children, they have parents who know that children should not be left alone and should have also educated the children on the dangers of using candles.
So you can not blame God for what happened. If you doubt Gods existance, then doubt your existance as the way the kids are not dead as you seem to misunderstand the story. If you dont like God then you like the Devil!! which makes everything interesting!! Go on and save the devil, I am sure you are enjoying it!!
#3 iwe chikamba is yo head 2 big 2 think clearly?Dont say things that you ll end up regretn better yet dont curse yourself everythng happens 4 a reason,u were born 4 a reason God knows wat! Maybe your parents wanted a genius but ended up havin u.Jokes aside u cud die 2day,right now or in yo sleep what do yo thoughts tell u wil happen 2 u?Do u hope 4 a better place than this?Dont ever blame God 4 the problems u created yoself.GOD IS REAL !REPENT!
#3, It is sad that you’re attacking God on this forum. If you’re in Lusaka, kindly let me know how I can meet you so that we can sit and prove your claims. The factors you might have used to conclude the matter of the existence of God might not be accurate. As for the kids, may the good Lord grant them speed recovery.
# I don’t like God says:
Wembulwa mano we!! Even fellow bloggers here can read that you are shallow minded going by what you have written. I really question your sanity because even satanists know that God is there.
Don’t get annoyed by me calling you “IMBULWA MANO”. Its not an insult nakalya! Its a term used to describe people who are shallow minded like you. It is written in the Bible that ” IMBULWA MANO SHITILA LESA TAKWABA”. And you happen to be one of them. May God deliver you.
Like what # One Zmk was equall to One British pound says: You misunderstood the statement. The kids are still alive!!
May the two kids get well soon in the name of JESUS. Amen
Ladies and Gentlemen please leave this #3 fool , what he wants is to provoke a situation which will lead to a discussion about God
Fellow bloggers I appreciate your concern about this FOOL # 3,He is such a stupid and useless person who is insulting his parents by telling them that they came from animals or in short they animals.And the Bible says Honour they Father and they Mother that the days may be Long on the earth for thee.So cursed be the day for this guy He needs God’s presence.May we pray that the mercies of God flow on him so that he may be forgiven by God .
# 3 I don’t like God:
Uli chipuba.The bible says, ”the fool says in his heart,there is no God.”
# 3 I don’t like God:
Uli *C*h*i*p*u*b*a.The bible says, ”the *F*o*o*l says in his heart,there is no God.”
Litako sana #3.Ilya fita.
Lets pray for # 3.