Sunday, March 16, 2025

Look beyond tribal lines, UPND/PF pact advised


Citizen’s Forum (CF) Executive secretary, Simon Kabanda has challenged political leaders in the country to look beyond tribal lines if Zambian politics is to mature.

And Mr Kabanda has challenged the opposition UPND/PF pact to resolve its challenges or Zambians will bid farewell to it.

Mr Kabanda said it is clear that the issue of the pact presidency would reap the pact apart if not resolved properly, calling for the issue to be addressed with urgency.

He said the pact problems could be resolved but it would require focus from both political parties.

Mr Kabanda observed that tribalism is not what is the problem in the UPND/PF pact but the issue of the presidency.

He said members of the two parties in the pact would want to see their president emerge as pact president, warning that if a decision is not made any time soon, the pact will crumble on that basis.
[ GFM ]


  1. On “Mr Kabanda said it is clear that the issue of the pact presidency would reap the pact apart if not resolved properly, calling for the issue to be addressed with urgency… the pact problems could be resolved but it would require focus from both political parties” but which party is not focussed between UPND and PF? Also there is no PACT presidency to address for the pact has two presidents already. What is remaining is to elect a PACT 2011 presidential candidate and clearly HH is the best to sponsor against MMD’s RB Banda.

    As for “Mr Kabanda observed that tribalism is not what is the problem in the UPND/PF pact but the issue of the presidency, Kabanda must not shy away from the fact that Bemba tribalism is destroying the PACT and Zambia in turn.

    Be blest o…

  2. @Maestro, How have you been my good friend? i have really missed man! i was out in Jordan trying to raise some funds for the PF campaigns next year and im now back with a bang. To be honest, the best candidate for the pact is Sata right now, i know you will dissgree with me but deep down your heart you this is a fact. HH 2016 and remember our new slogan for the PF “Don’t Kubeba”

  3. # 1Maestro. I am Bemba and your comments and your hatred towards Sata has made me to now support Sata completely not because he is Bemba but because of your myopic thinking and your personal hatred towards him. Like it or not you know for sure that Sata commands a large following and he has always emerged second in the previous election torn down your pride.

  4. Well said Mr Kabanda.I can`t agree any further ,you are just as right as one Chibamba Kanyama who passed a similar sentiment.

  5. The kind of focus needed, @Maestro #1, is one that will put the interests of the people of Zambia as whole, (political, social, economic, etc), as priority number one in deciding who is to be the PACT presidential candidate.The Pact must choose the person who is MOST LIKELY to deliver to the people of Zambia, as a whole, regardless of where that person hails from. Bwana Maestro, you sound like one who has an entrenched tribal position. That will not help any of us, my good sir!

  6. Tribal Chaps like # 1 are the ones making UPND look like a tribal party and thus making it unpopular. Remember DON’T KUBEBA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. As is basis

    Zambia’s Pact – Marriage of convenience

    When a political pact between opposition Patriotic Front (PF) and United Party for National Development (UPND) was formed on June 3, 2009 ruling MMD Chief Whip Vernon Mwaanga called it ‘a marriage made in hell’.

    But the pact leaders said Mwaanga was in for a rude shock because this Pact was going to work for it was called on by the people themselves. But Mwaanga still argued that, Zambia’s political archives show that no political alliances made on tribal lines were successful in the country since independence in 1964.

  8. But the Pact leaders argued that this alliance will work because it involves Zambia’s first two big opposition parties whose members can’t be weighed evenly with those of the MMD. But Mwaanga repeatedly said “PF leader Michael Sata 73 and UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema 48 are totally different people with far more different ideologies and beliefs and can’t work together because they both love power too much”.

  9. With little known of the agreements made in that closed door meeting at the formation of the Pact, it came to seem that, that little wasn’t enough to satisfy the public as to how this Pact will work; considering the fact that both leaders from the two Parties have strong loyalty and submissive following from their members.
    Still in this quagmire of thoughts at the time, one of UPND’s big wigs Robbie Chizyuka, a Member of Parliament for Namwala, one of the historical Constituency in the Southern Province being the birth place of freedom fighter Harry Nkumbula; went on a local radio, Sky Fm and announced that, he can only support his President Hichilema for the leadership of the Pact which himself didn’t like. No one took him seriously for he is known to be a controversial man.

  10. Robbie Chizyuka, though continued working with his Party still held his dissident view of the Pact solemnly to his heart. Today, he is an expelled member for “bringing the UPND Party in disrepute for refusing to accept the Pact”. He has put an injunction in the High court, and rumor has it, the President wants to award his ‘courage’ by giving him a position of Minister for Southern Province.

  11. One year down the line, PF and UPND Pact, has garnered more dust with the speed of a snail muddled in insincerity, deceit and hide and seek maneuvers from both sides. In the last few months, its actions have shown everything one has to know about a marriage of convenience. Its members have grown too partisan, as they fretfully wait to hear who gets on the Presidential ballot paper in 2011. This multi-million dollar question has until recently instilled suspicions and name calling amongst followers.

  12. But speaking on QFm radio July 16, 2010 UPND deputy spokesperson Cornelius Mweetwa said “the PF-UPND pact is not a marriage of convenience, but a necessary vehicle for uniting the people of Zambia and the opposition political parties’ voice”. His words were not convincing.

  13. In dramatic turn of events, prior to the August 6, 2010 Local government by-election in Kaoma Ward Western Province, the Pact ate its own rule of not competing each other. With a history of regarding Western Province as a power house for UPND since its formation in 1993 by the late Anderson Mazoka, the UPND leaders in Kaoma Ward, thought it an automatic move for them to field their candidate, but in defiance, the PF local leaders refused arguing that their Party was more popular in the area and so needed the chance to contest. The standoff failed to lull and the two Parties went separate ways alongside the MMD. This was the start of a –would- be tag of war of words in the weeks that followed.

  14. UPND leader for Copper belt Province Elisha Matambo on July 21, 2010 accused the PF of having little respect for UPND president and treating UPND like a junior party. The following day appearing on local Hot Fm radio Sata said, “If we wanted to bulldoze, either UPND or ourselves would have stood in Luena. We are far much stronger in Luena and we prevailed on our candidate in Luena not to stand as an independent candidate… I have not toured the country denouncing HH. But he has done so. I have not gone to the press, coming from America and say ‘I’m the best because I’m young’. I wasn’t born old.”

  15. Sata was referring to a statement Hakainde had earlier said when coming from a visit at the White House that this country needs young leaders who are abreast with modernity. In that radio interview Sata , further stated that numerically the PF was bigger than UPND.

  16. The Pact technical committee’s Press briefing the following day did little to convince the ruling Party that all was still well with their threatening adversaries. MMD sympathizer Senior Chief Mukuni of the Toka-Leya people of Southern Province commented that, “They formed the pact and quickly announced it to the nation with the hope of sending the MMD into panic. Now they are the ones who are panicking…they have gone back to their original acts of insulting each other.”
    Sata’s words goaded UPND. Party deputy Spokesperson, Cornelius Mweetwa angrily replied on State television later, “PF is treating UPND as a minority Party in the Pact instead of an equal partner. But they forget that from the time the Pact was formed UPND has won more by-elections contested than PF”.

  17. The public reacted differently to this warfare, many calling for the choosing of a Pact leader now to end any speculations and try to heal any wounds that may come as a result of some members feeling left out if their preferred leader loses. But the Pact technical committee maintained that the issue of leadership will wait to a later date. When that date will be, still remains a dating affair.

  18. In August 13, 2010, UPND national youth leader Joe Kalusa branded the alliance as a ‘a headless Pact’ prompting a PF MP Chishimba Kambwili to fire back demanding for Joe Kalusa’s resignation from UPND for “ issuing derogatory remarks against the pact leadership”. But in a defiance move Kalusa said the national youth leadership of the UPND was a well recognized and respected wing in his party’s constitution and that Kambwili’s reactions on the youths’ demand for an explanation of the national programme, guidelines and regulations of the pact, clearly showed that the PF lacked respect for its youth wing.

  19. On September 13, 2010 PF leader Sata put adverts in The Post newspaper calling on his members willing to contest for the forthcoming Mpulungu parliamentary by-election to apply. Joe Kalusa came back on the scene the following day gave an interview to QFm radio in which he condemned Sata for not consulting the Pact elections committee on which Party should be allowed to field a candidate. Sata issued a media statement calling for UPND to discipline Kalusa but UPND leader Hichilema on September 14, 2010 said, “We advise Mr. Michael Sata to follow procedure in airing his grievances against Mr. Joe Kalusa. Our party will not take disciplinary action against Mr. Kalusa because there had been no formal representation from him”.

  20. The following day another MMD sympathizer, chief Mwanachingwala of the Tonga people of Southern Province said, “I told Mr. Hichilema to make a pact with President Banda and the MMD because that is the only way he can have a chance to probably come and stand for the presidency in 2016. He came here and I slaughtered a buffalo for him but he only ate one piece. I was very annoyed. Mr. Hichilema is the one to blame over the pact problems and not Mr. Sata because he is the one who joined Mr. Sata. ”

  21. The public still nursing their wounds from this cross-fire, the UPND lost a Parliamentary by election under the flag of the Pact in Luena’s Western Province while the PF won theirs in Kasama’s Northern Province. Commenting on this result, PF Vice President Guy Scott wrote a controversial article in his column of the Post newspaper that the two Parties needed each other if MMD has to go. He stressed a appoint that annoyed UPND that, “the UPND no longer commands Western Province and PF commands 60% of popularity in the nation based on the 2008 presidential by elections and the UPND has 40%. To be 100% sure the MMD is out of power PF needs the 40% from the UPND”.

  22. Spiky reactions from the UPND over the article prompted the PF leader to exemplify Dr. Scott’s writing as “This is not the first time Dr Scott has written such articles. He has been writing as an individual and has never written as PF vice-president. What he writes are his own opinion. So, there is no need for our friends (UPND) to be jittery.”

    But UPND Spokesperson Charles Kakoma, refused to take Mr. Sata’s explanation stating that, “Guy Scott is a senior member of the PF, and whatever he writes or says amounts to represent the standing of the PF”. A call for separation started coming in from some quarters of the politic. But Hichilema chose to refuse to discuss Pact issues through the media saying their problems will be dealt with through their structures.

  23. Historically Sata and Hichilema have had a bitter political standing before forming the Pact. At one point in 2008, Sata had called Hichilema a light weight in politics and a calculator boy referring to his economics education, while Hichilema had hit back that Sata is an outdated old politician who doesn’t know how to use even a simple calculator.

  24. Their forming a Pact last year seems to have stemmed from some of the contentious issues that were coming out of the Draft Constitution. One of the clauses in the Draft Constitution were that for one to stand as a Presidential candidate needed to have a first degree and should not be more than 60 years old. Both clauses were seen as an attempt to block Sata from his presidential aspirations. And knowing the way politics play its tune in Zambia, it was so prudent for Sata to be in this Pact, just in case the two clauses pass, hoping at least for vice presidency if the Pact won with Hichilema as president. And Hichilema needed PF’s majority.

  25. But with both of the clauses now removed, it seems PF has no fear for their leader who till now commands a lot of support from many parts of the country. But what worries anyone who cares is that, if this Pact has to fail, no matter how much popular the PF is, will never be able to beat the MMD.

    Since then, a truce of silence has taken root over who leads the Pact as the clock ticks on closer to the anticipated elections.

    End As is basis

  26. 13#. UPND was formed in 1993, you un *****…!! Upnd was formed in 1998 and there for not correct..!! when these party competed against each other,, UPND emerged victorious to PF. So PF will not take presidency, they must learn to support other people not only them. this is what will kill pact..!!! If you put HH and the pact will work but not other way round..!! Kabanda who are you going to cheat, we know you are supporting sata even though, you know that this man can’t write…!!! what is your problem…!!!!

  27. The selection of the PACT president is a test of wills and selflessness for both Mr. MC Sata and Mr. Hakainde Hichilema. If these two believe they are in politics to serve Zambians and not themselves and their cohorts, they will easily agree. The spirit needed is as portryaed by that great son of Zambia the late Harry Mwanga Nkumbula. We have political history and references not just in Zambia, but all over Africa where selfless leaders gave the people the leadership they deserved by sacrificing.
    VIVA the PACT!!!

  28. Don`t kubeba,

    You know that LT is neither an initiative of PF cadreism nor does it send you invitation cards to patronize it. The fact that you have no privilege to dictate what should placed here and you are patronizing it means you are subject to their preferences. I sympathize with you that you cannot rival these guys in initiative.

  29. 2 Rashid Jones thanks bro for your concern and activities to help financially-stranded PF [Panicking Failures].

    The PF characters are in trouble because HH will stand for Zambian President as 2011 UPND-Zambians’ PACT presidential candidate especially that PF characters do not respect the PF UPND PACT MOU and other recent resolutions as evidenced in ““We have already started organising our party in readiness for elections next year under Mr Sata as presidential candidate. Mr Hichilema has to accept reality. He should not rally behind PF for him to get to State House,” [PF information and publicity secretary Stanley Chiumya] said” as reported by the Zambia Daily Mail of today under a title “PF doubts Hichilema’s popularity“.

    Hats off to UPND junior Manenga…

  30. On “But UPND youth national spokesperson Ronald Manenga insisted that his party is an equal partner in the pact and that Mr Hichilema is equally capable of leading the pact in 2011.

    Mr Manenga said Ms Nawakwi and Mr Ng’uni should stop meddling in the affairs of the PF-UPND pact after their party has gone into oblivion,” as reported by the Zambia Daily Mail of today under a title “PF doubts Hichilema’s popularity” keep it up all UPND juniors in the NEC and NMC of UPND Group.

    This FDD [Finished Democratic Development] party leadership of Nawakwi and Ng’uni who both failed to campaign for HH as UDA 2006 presidential candidate across Zambia are a let down because they have reduced FDD to a congregation of bitter losers instead of just FDD being merged with PF…

  31. You have hit the nail on the head. The issue of presidency will surely devide andeventualy kill the pact. And most likely, will bring vote apathy in the 2011 presidential elections. Chao

  32. Why not hold Presidential debates and let the people judge and choose who would be the best person to deliver to the country?

    This would at least reduce, though not eliminate, the issue of tribes as the person with the best policies will convince the people

  33. these 2 guys should go for presidential debates and let this matter to rest..we want the best to comedy but reality.we need someone with good PR not a man that will be fooling people for not believing in what he believes in! viva pact..let the best man win..

  34. It is clear that the pact presidency is an issue but looking at this matter critically you will actually see that, it is mostly the outsiders who are making noise over this matter.Leave it to PF/UPND and you will be told when it is time.

    Kabanda no need of lecturing the PACT they know what they are doing and the right time to nnounce.
    The problem with Zambians we like opening our mouths anyhow and anytime. Watch the space the pact presidency will surely be announced later. It is in the interest of MMD to distabilise the pact and also to know the pact presidency early for them to start scadalising the pact president.Take heart lest you are pushed to fall in a trap. VIVA PACT VIVA HH VIVA SATA VIVA PF VIVA UPND.

  35. The PF and the UPND have one thing in common – each of these parties is a Tribal Camp. In a magnet, like poles repel. So it is with these parties. It’s a simple rule. Each of them must be at the helm of power, otherwise, the party that doesn’t, loses the essence of its existence. Consequently, the current stand-off between PF and UPND is a blessing to the country. The longer they fight, the less chance there is for either party gaining the presidency. Otherwise, the country will be embroilled in yet another decade of tribal politics, the ugly face of which, we all have already witnessed. VIVA the stand-off Tribal Parties!

  36. I want the PACt to split immediately.
    With these kind of squabbles and hagemeony, it is prudent that both the PF and UPND go it alone.
    Let oneof them win or lose elections on their own..
    if it takes the MMD to win, let it be as long as their is no thugs like PF in power

  37. Zambia politics is tribal, has always been tribal and will continue to be tribal whether people like it or not. Kaunda tried to quench down the tribalism using the one Zambia one Nation moto but he failed. All what it achieved was to suppress people’s true feelings but it went unhindered in work places. As Mwaanga had correctly pointed out ref SC #7 posting no alliance based on tribal consideration can ever work. No amount of lies and self denials, especially from the PF camp, that tribalism is not what prompts them to support their respective leader will help. In an ideal world were logic and the best interest of the nation is at heart HH is the best candidate by far but the other camp will continue denying the obvious fact. They want us to replace like for like, what for?

  38. #39, are you sure PF are thugs? what example can you give to support your claim. Which parties were involved in Mumfumbwe elections, where people were injured? which parties are busy fighting each other in Chilanga?

  39. I wonder why the two s.t.u.p.i.d leaders of the pact want to keep people complaining and talking over their action of not putting zambian’s interest first to their ego. why cant one admit to be vice and give chance. The two craps have failed and should go separate ways. mwila tuposela nsita. You are giving chance to mmd by time worsting. f.ulish

  40. # 39 what makes you say that HH would be the better leader? I don’t agree with you . I think Sata would be the best leder at this point in time. What we need in this Country looking at the levels things have deteriorated is an action person who has some experience not one who will come and do some job on training no. This Country needs to attend to a lot of issues such as our road infrastructre and other serious issues. #39 be more objective

  41. People…!!! I don’t know why you are fighting..!! These parties are seperate parties and each one will go own its own..!! In 1964, Nkumbula gave way to Kaunda who was supported by bemba speaking people. You know what kaunda did to nkumbula…!!! Sata this time must pave way to HH not other way round. If that fails, each party have to go own its own. 1967 during unip elections, bemba and tonga supported kapwepwe not kamanga. How long do you want these people to support you. You better carry out research and come back here. Even sata, he came to this point where he is today, because of bemba presidents otherwise, no president can put this man even as minister. You have to go seperate ways not to use southern province every time you want your presidency otherwise get it own your own. ****…

  42. Ba Nazo, #42. Just look at yourself! Your friend are moving away from recycled old madalas like your man. Just check around in the region and the world over. Who is an action person? Talking ma rubish and bringing confusion wherever he has worked is action? Don’t you realise that it was not by coincedence for that man not to have stayed in one ministry longer than necessary, till finally he was shunted to the ministry without anybody? Confusion bwana!

  43. Look beyond tribal lines!!! That is good advice. But who is promoting tribalism here? Tribes in zambia feel comfortable to vote for Bembas -Kuanda voted in power, Chiluba voted in power all these are clasified among Bemba speakers. Why is it a big deal for Bembas to accept the leadership of other tribes? Someone must answer this quesition.

  44. #45 Great Question. Few countries in Africa have attained “nationhood.” The countries which immediately come to mind, that have attained proper “nationhood” are Ghana and Tanzania. Politics, as practiced in these two countries, is not based on tribe. Elsewhere in Africa, the story is quite different, which is indeed Africa’s nagging achilles heel. This is equally the case in Zambia. Tribal politics in our country is still prevalent. The Bemba case you have highlited happens to be one extremely ugly case of tribalism, but not necessarity the exception. Bembas are that way because they have always enjoyed the luxury of voting for a fellow Bemba and are yet to find themselves where they must cross the tribal line and vote for somebody outside of their tribe! That will be the…

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