The Church, civil society and the labour movement have condemned Patriotic Front (PF) leader Michael Sata for allegedly engaging some diplomats to support his presidential bid on condition that he recognises homosexuality and takes Zambia back to a secular State if elected.
And Forum for Leadership Search (FLS) executive director Edwin Lifwekelo has disclosed that some envoys that have held meetings with Mr Sata revealed to the civil society that the core objective of their discussion was to promote gay rights in Zambia.
Council of Churches in Zambia secretary general, Susanne Matale said in Lusaka yesterday that Zambia and the Church believed in the sanctity of marriage between man and woman, which is enshrined in the Constitution.
“It is a hard road to take because Zambia and the Church believe in the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman,” Reverend Matale said.
Bishops Council of Zambia spokesperson Gibson Nyirenda said it was wrong for Mr Sata to champion secularism and gay rights in his discussions with some diplomats.Reverend Nyirenda said the Western world want to champion wrong things in Zambia for their personal interests and advised Zambians not to condone such manoeuvres.
Federation of Free Trade Unions of Zambia president Joyce Nonde-Simukoko said the federation was disturbed by the alleged manoeuvers by Western countries to promote gay rights in Zambia.
“We are fully aware that the Mungo’mba Constitutional Review Commission travelled throughout Zambia and petitioners unanimously opposed this practice and instead promoted the declaration of Zambia as a Christian nation.
“Homosexuality was considered as unnatural and a misfortune which should not be entertained at all in Zambia,” Ms Simukoko said.
Evangelical Youth Alliance International president Moses Lungu urged Zambians to condemn any attempts to turn Zambia into a secular State and to legalise homosexuality.
Leadership In Development executive director, Moses Kalonde expressed sadness that Mr Sata was meeting diplomats over gay rights and secularism matters.
And Mr Lifwekelo maintained that Ms Sata was meeting some diplomats over issues of gay rights and reverting Zambia back to a secular State.
“We cannot disclose the names of our informers but let us stress here that our sources are from the same diplomats that have met Mr Sata.”
[ Times of Zambia ]
This is not true, why cant the civil and religious groups meet with mr Sata and ask him. This story from times of Zambia is fake. Mr. Sata cannot do that. They are busy cooking up stories to discredit him. MMD kuya bebele.
Niya Kumbuyo!!! I have always said that Sata right now stands as Africa’s most dangerous politician economically,politically as well now socially and morally.
With Mr. Sata’s desperation, I would not be surprised at all.
Concerning the secular state issue, Archbishop Telesphore Mpundu who allegedly supports Mr. Sata is opposed to the declaration of Zambia as a Christian nation.
If this is true I shall from Now on on this forum. Decampain mr. Sara and hakainde Helena.
The problem is that state media give credibility to bull coming from Lifwekeke and one Dr I.d.i.o.t who has never written a research proposal before. Gay rights are human rights bit again, this is why Zambians allowed the NCC not to allow water to be provided as a human right.
Fellow christians,…let us all go on our knees and pray.This is a spiritual battle it can not be fought with flesh and blood.
Edwin Lifwekelo has disclosed that some envoys that have held meetings with Mr Sata revealed to the civil society that the core objective of their discussion was to promote gay rights in Zambia.
Surely,are we going to conclude that Sata is championing gay rights activities based on this statement from Edwin Lifwekelo.
There’s been journalists present at all these meetings,the ones who have even taken pictures,are they afraid to report on this,should it take Edwin Lifwekelo to tell us what has transpired btn Sata and the diplomats
lets for once be objective and do away with this kind of politics,when is Zambia and Africa as a whole going to mature and look at things objectively
People people people and the media.Why not find out the truth before we coment on Sata, RB,HH and the like? Why hurry to the media and start saying this and that? Did Sata say he was going to promote iyakunuma before any diplomats? Let Sata say it by himself or else he will drag you to court for defamation of character and you will remain embarrassed. Whether he said it or not we can only proof it in a professional matter.Even a church body can coment on rumours yes? Insoni pa Zed.Let us pray that he did not or let him come out in the open-truth
#7 and 8, you are very right, I saw a photo of sata with diplomats in the post paper, meaning journalists were presend in this meeting.If this meeting was about what Lifwekelo said fine, but the question is did sata agree to this? Mr sata will for sure respond.what I see here is the issue about homosexuality might have just been discussed as a by issue and not in totality as Mr Lifwekelo is puting it. I know MMD is not happy for the diplomats to invite sata. I also know that the Agenda of the meeting was about development issues.
MMD machinery will do any thing to stop Sata. Remember the crimes he commited 60years ago story etc? And this is the most stchupid accusation, because no sane Zambian can aspire to the presidency and the same time base his campaign on what this Lifwekelo is yapping on behalf of Rupees Banda/MMD
As much as i hate Times of Zambia,there could be some element of truth in this,honestly can diplomats engage intelligent conversations with Sata,just what is there to talk about with that character.
Again, Zambians are very slow in analysis and research!
1. Have you forgotten that, SATA himself oposed the declaration of Christian Nation at one time?
2. Have you forgotten that the brother in law to SATA (Telesphore Mpundu) and entire Catholic have rejected this declaration?
3. Have you forgotten that, SATA is Catholic and abides to the church doctrine as he propheses himself, hence the unhidden support from Catholic bishops?
4. Have you forgotten that SATA is untouchable in Catholic, even when he is in an adulterous relationship with the Bishop’s own sisters, the Bishops will still allow him to take eucharist when others of similar nature are denied? until Chiluba querries
5. Have you forgotten that, some foreign countries offered funds to support gay & other dogish rights Z?…
To the body of Christ in Zambia, I ask them to fervently pray for Sata who sadly has dangerously turned into an agent of Beastiality & Homosexuality in our country. He is being taken advantage of on the basis of his desperation for power and campaign finance. It’s not surprising that his insatiable dream for power at all cost has left the UPND-PF pact a doomed wreckage. Before God it’s a “tower of Babel” full of blasphemy and judgment.
Filter this sad and most disdainful news to the grassroot to guard their hearts. Sata and his PF are in a pervasive covenant with some weak societies of the world that God has outrightly cursed and rejected. PF is a modern day Tower of Babel with a Generational curse.
This matter every conservative grassroot community around the country ought to know. Without shame Sata is now in overdrive on behalf of the same pervasive imperial voices against our true Africanness and sanity. Money shredders are now dangling carrots to Sata for Beastiality and Homosexuality. Sata has sold out his soul and africanness as he did in our struggle for independence.
This may go well with “some” catholic phidophiles but not with some charismatic Catholics, millions of conservative Adventists, Pentecostals, traditionists and moralists diametrically opposed to Beastiality. The good thing is that citizens vote in democratic elections presided by a country’s statutory body whose results are certified and announced.
This is true, and this is how Sata is not going to ever be president of Zambia. Sata is so desperate and power hungry that he can do anything. I guess this is good news to his gay friend Fred M’membe.
His sponsors have failed in Uganda against Kaguruta Museveni, Malawi’s Dr.Mbingu Wamutalika, Namibia’s Pohamba, Tanzania’s Colonel Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete’s Presidency. They can shred their pro-Gay money in Zambia but will never prevail in turning our society into a Beastiality friendly constitutional nation. To Zambians, marriage is consummated between a man and woman period. Anything else is cursed pervasion regardless of PF’s antichrist values.
Lev 18:22
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
Lev 18:23
23 “Don’t have sex with an animal and violate yourself by it.” A woman must not have sex with an animal. That is perverse.
but which church is in the forefront promoting homosexuality. not too long ago pope benendict was in UK saying sorry on behalf of his bishops who abused children. homosexuality is rampant in catholic church the pope admits
Sep 24, 2010 … Michael Sata’s party secretary General Winter Kabimba in the Post said, … “as PF we do not believe in the second coming of Jesus Christ” so Hichilema will not be head of the pact as did in UDA.
I implore charismatic Catholics, millions of conservative Adventists, Pentecostals, traditionists and moralists diametrically opposed to Beastiality to see blatant satanism in PF.
Am equally disturbed just like Zeke zeke pointed out that one of our church mother board CCZ has decided to comment on a mare rumour and for goodness sake coming from a worthless chap and rupiah vuvuzela Lifwekelo the guy who is bitter for being dismissed as Secretary General for PF on allegation of incompetence by Sata. It is also saddening to know that even a rational Joyce Nonde Simukoko also decided to comment on this allegation before even establishing facts. I wonder what this two eminent two ladies will do when it turns out to be revealed that these are just one of those baseless malicious allegations coming from Lifwekelo against Sata.I will not even worst my breath to comment on the so called Bishop smthn and Moses Lungu who are just mare cadres hiding in the name of the Church.
Since when did Lifwekelo become a credible source of information on Sata or anyone else? In any case, as things are today, ZAMBIA is a secular state. Did someone turn it into a theocracy without the rest of us knowing? The hollow statement in the preamble of the constitution about the country being a christian nation is nothing but a charade. Else, we wouldn’t have so many great thieves & crooks as we have! You can’t legislate christianity nor can you make anyone a christian by edict! Being christian is an individual matter of the heart! As evidence of the secularity of the Zambian state, it has provided freedom of worship to all in the constitution, regardless of religion. Wake up and think!
Its until Sata has been found with a fragrance for pervasion, never in the history of mother Africa has an aspiring leader bargained with agents of beastiality protagonizing cultural and moral virtues of his society. What a shame desperation can do.
It’s always the ones who make the most noise about homos who turn out to be homos themselves
kabs dont be so disturbed with the corrupt conmens of zambia(ccz),this group came into existance when ftj after smokin a stronge leaf from colombia halucinated into thinkin God was speakin to him,to declare zambia a christian nation,my foot.as far as am concernd,it jus that zambia is a country made up of cowards so they jus dont take part in debating.christianity is followin Christs behaviour which i b’liv is not the case in zed.so why claim?jus listen
Sata will never be president of Zed for promoting gay rights in zed.
most if not all tribes in zed ran away from some war somwher back in history,e.g the mfecani,the luba lunda breakaway etc,that is why we are ever dead scared to debate such issues as the declaretion of chritian nation.great democracies hav not declared thers,why us.think?propaganda.that is why u find groups like ccz ever supporting foolish govts coz they re paid off to disturb the oppositon.how many yrs hav the catholics,sdas being in existance?!
whatever period,ull find that these too groups hav never begged for anything in material from any govt,but hav always helped the world community.in short uncorruptable and sincere to their deeds,so if they venture to condemn u,jus kno that your end is here.i see nothing wrong,when sata meets diplomats in full view of journalists who dont give such pathetic report of gayizim,but 4stupid rumour mongers,careful.sata is clean.
whatever period,ull find that these too groups hav never begged for anything in material from any govt,but hav always helped the world community.in short uncorruptable and sincere to their deeds,so if they venture to condemn u,jus kno that your end is here.i see nothing wrong,when sata meets diplomats in full view of journalists who dont give such pathetic report of gayizim,but 4stupid rumour mongers,careful.sata is clean.wanvela chiVeteran.
shallow minded creatures like#26 dont even understand democracy till it suits them.do u even kno that thos which u term sexy cloths of your wife,is a crime when shes in them?its called indecent exposure in our law and very punishable.but u bring fake democracy to say freedom of xpression,when even community is able to see the design of wat salivates u in the middle of the night.where is chritianity here?jus leav it open,better religious nation.
Sata can never and will never do that. Thats an insult to us fwe babemba. Umwana wa mubemba inkonko not from zimbabwe can ever do that. Follow the history of people and see if chilufya sata can do that. The man is very clean not like bakabolala baku luapula/congo.All this propaganda against sata won’t take you any where come next year kuya bebele. No wonder that chap Allan mbewe is saying that in parliament. Who dosen’t know him from katete cooperative college as principal. He stole alot of money can DEC and ACC follow up his deeds whilst there. The chaps wants to behave though his clean and not. Not even educated his just simple form five kajinya wamu katete. He wants his tribemate Bwezani to be there so that he fattens. Stupid *****.
i have always thought that there is soming satanic about PF. Firstly, it was Winter Kabimba who told us in the PF Vuvuzela that PF does not believe in the second coming of Our Lord Jesus. What sinful and abominable statement/position of a party that wants to lead a Christain Nation Zambia. Second we hear that Sata is pushing for Gay Rights. This is the ending of this serpent, the dragon Satan. Remember in the USA Democrat Presidential Candidate Edward lost because most of the voters did not like the Gay rights he was pushing for.
We know that even one of the Chief Editor of a particular newspaper called PF Vuvuzela has long before been linked to be a gay.
Malabish ..malabishi. MMD is trying by all means to discredit Sata but they will never manage.
The truth is that Sata is a seasoned politician who can not be matched. MMD is feeling the heat from one PF DONT UKUBEBA.. PA BWATO.
LUfwenkelo is an ***** who always fakes up stories to solicit money from RB.
Ala 2011 MMD kuya bebele whether with or without the PACT.
This country has pathetic pathological liars who will say anything if it can put food on their plates. Lifwekelo has not been present once while President MC Sata held meetings with his execellences the diplomats accredited to Zambia. LT gave a platform to this propaganda mouth piece by publishing absolute lies. MC Sata has never claimed to be perfect, but he is definately not supporting homosexuality. Lifwekelo is trying to elicit hatred for this great man, who lives by great family values. He is a family man, loving and supportive of all members of his family. He is a hard working man who will revolutionise Zambia come 2011 and we will not have the likes of Lifwekelo lumpenising as they will craw under rocks in shame. Lifwekelo, I pity you for being such a hopeless rumour monger!!!
Until sata responds directly to this,its jus another rumour.We are all ignorant 2 this situation.Speak what you know not what you think.If sata denies all this you will look more foolish than the 1 who said this.
Between now and the 2011 electionz, there will be lot of such propaganda, real or imagined, against the oppozition in the public media. There will also be many reactionz, genuine or stage managed, from a cross section of society. So get ready for the drama.
we all know the nyandule and cockroach edwin lifwekeleo..mmd sucker…
which church is credible here..these are all mmd wings..get out!!
Zambia, a Christian nation!!!! My foot. Christian nation should not just be by talk but by conduct. We are very far from being a christian nation…..
Ba Sata can do anything to get funding for his political campaining we saw how desparate he was when he followed those Taiwanese. We don’t need ya kumbuyo in Zambia.
What do you expect from a fellow who keeps changing goal posts and a party without a constitution only what is in Sata’s head. If today he wakes the other side of madness then what you hear the whole day will be the same madnesscoming from his head carrying the same constitution. Honestly, what do you expect from a man who divorced 5 wives, the next story you hear is that he is now a gay from Christine Kaseba. The man is not a good example to young ones in terms of leadership. What do we learn from such a person, only a group of bastered children in state house. Firstly Sata is lazy, at his age in zambia he does not have even a farm to grow tomatoes to feed his grand children, thats why he wants to be a president so that he can live and die comfortably.
I for one with my Luvale clan will never trust this man, because he is the one who in the last elections promised to pardon all Chiluba and all Bemba thieves, the same man promised to support Mugabe’s rule and Mugabe was suppose to be the guest of honour at his inaguration celemony. Shame on those who support this devil. To be honest this man will never rule out beloved country zambia because he is not consistent in his speeches. His mouth is full of insults to discredit those who oppose his views.
Abale supporter Sata BANA BA NDOSHI, Sata is a desperate person. He we do anything to go to state house. People mwilatalikafye. Are your brains full of rubbish. m******mwe
awe 2012 ikaba niyakumbuyo ngabawina bashikulu. Sata i dint know you can sink this low, am dissapointed.
Why ninshi intweno yaba Mrs Sata tayalowa as such for this guy to even want to legalise deeping his thing in an a.ss? May be the heart heart Sata suffered paralysed his naninani so he has forgotten how nice zizinum asparagus tastes? HH should be careful with this guy or could it be the reason why we haven’t seen HH’s wife?The last time I met HH in Shoprite he was actually walking kabeya like bend bend so, I now suspect Sata!No ba Sata if that’s the ‘more money in your pockets’ you always promise us then twakana! Take your money yakumbuyo somewhere else wecinangwa we!Abash gays! Viva intweno yabanakashi!
kadobi, taunfwa mune! Sata say something over these issues or you are finished. Abashi gay!!!
Boring. boring boring boring and very petty.
# Veteran ‘don’t kubeba’
No yakumbuyo we are few bane, just promote straight and fill our country 12m of people chalo choose cha Zambia.
It will not help you to insult Sata. Zambians are very ready to vote for him. Sata is a seasoned politician who has confounded the foolish reasoning of you dull people.
I really pity you guys that despite your insipid eforts to scredit Sata, the man is even growing more popular now. You will never bring down the seasoned politician Sata. Sata is Sata the hard tested.
I will just continue laughing at you silly guys…hehe.
#49 you could not have put it any better mune. Zambia is 6 times the island of UK and yet our population is 6 times smaller than that of the Uk. Let the diplomats shrink their old populations in their countries but not in Zambia. Actually some school of thought in Economics advocates for population growth as one of the requirements for economic progress. Bane more munyengo and abash homosexuality.
If the State Media Journalists can quote Edwin Lifwekeke, then my comment that State Journalists are worse than dogs is well beyond justification.
Because honestly, why wouldn’t they investigate and confirm the story with Sata before rushing it to print?? Olo ni scoop.
At least, dogs are trainable and can detect fake chamba from the real cannabis compared to these State Media Journalists who can not be trained to detect falsehoods from truth.
#1, sometimes iwe na iwe chikkala ulebako fair in your analysis.when times or daily mail write anything about sata and his antics,you are quick to dispute,when membe writes falsehoom about rupiah,you are quick to spew your vomit.grow your mind.
#52, grade mpombo and lifwekelo for me.
oh lord,what curse have you bestowed on us to have this sata as a presidential hopeful,whatever comes out of his mouth smells like that gas from a skunk ass.its terrible
#55 *** denotes assss ba LT abaiche balachinga
I was PF but not anymore. Sata seems dangerous & untrustworth as he is capable of selling zambia to the devils. So i will not risk but vote 4 this same Bwezani Banda. No wonder PF that time failed to condemn homosexuality saying they were still consulting when MMD & UPND outrightly condemned this devilish act. Bane Sata can do anything. The devil u know is better than this Sata devil whom we dont know his true colors.
Gents and Ladies how true is this nonsense?I have read enough verbal diaorreah for one day.whether you like it or not bambi nabali pa blog mula chita iyakunuma.si tinga zibe ukuo kwamenemuli to viyalo kapena ndimwe ba gelo elo mupasa yakumbuyo.Vetran,senior citizen,mwata,Lufwekelo etc you sound very gay to me and am sure this crap (homosexuality) is happening in zambia right now.Do not conclude on issues you are not full aware of.Lufwekelo aletina ati market yalapwa ba boyfriend balakwata variety.
MMD cadres are a shame and black skull of blind loyalt. They lack the passion to see through and give the best analysis. Someone was hallucinating reminding people that Archbishop Mpundu refused to name Zambia as a christian nation. My answer to your hallucination is get anti-psychotic medication. What makes or qualify Zambia to be a christian nation? The answer is a big Zero. Chiluba stole from the poor, oppressed and the voiceless. Is he fit to call Zambia as christian Nation? Christians are suppose to emulate christ i.e to love their neighbours as themselves. To share what thay have with those not able to feed or look after themselves. It is baseless to call Zambia as christian Nation. Rupiah has made more billions from allowances from his global trotting from the miseries of the poor
this is just another smear tactic by these cowards MMD ruffians.
Sata is a staunch Catholic but whether religious or not, any sane Zambian wouldn’t condone Homosexuality in Zambia. Death by firing squad to all the gay chaps
me i have a question, just what toothpaste does sata use mwebantu?
It will be wise and fair to hear the other side of the story from Sata before we all start jumping to conclusion(s). My only hope is that LT and other state sponsored media will publish Sata’ statement on their portals once he has responded to this allegation so that my fellow bloggers can compare notes. That is what is called professional and fair reporting. I also hope the diplomatic missions will issue a statement to clarify this. ‘Tiyende Pamodzi Zambians’
No matter what they say ifwe ni Pact all the way. Desperate people will try to derail the Pact but we are determined to see it through.
There is nothing like hearing the other side of the story from sata.he said it.only that you yobs wouldn’t to believe it.this man in his desperate pursuit to enter state house will do anything.only last time he was quoting taiwan just for money.so very soon you will that he has been arrested in belgium trying to leave with $15000
lol ma guys, just know that when a news paper article uses the words ”a reliable sourse said” then the story is probably just lies, a reliable source can be anybody, even you.
God’s word to Sata over his bargaining for a pervasive society.
Lev 18:22
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
Lev 18:23
23 “Don’t have sex with an animal and violate yourself by it.” A woman must not have sex with an animal. That is perverse.
The Church, civil society and the labour movement are scared of the unknown. Is Lifwekela the only journalist who was there when those diplomats where disclosing their discussions with Sata? And have these meetings been closed-door? Even then this laws before they are implemented will be thrown to parliament for debate. I am sure most parliamentarians would say no to this bill. So, why are they scared? It should scare them if diplomats were meeting desperate RB who can do anything to remain in state house. More so because laws now are being made at state house. MMD are panicking and would cook up anything against Sata. Kuya bebele bane.
Zambians, if you fail to use your 5 senses, try common sense- or has it also become rare in Zambia. Of course RB and MMD are not happy about the diplomats inviting Sata and PF to their need-to-know more about Zambia meetings sidelining the tourist. Fact is- they don’t see any brain in RB’s head. RB is not their compatriot in terms of reasoning. In short RB doesn’t reason. GOOD LUCK MMD WITH YOUR FIGHT TO BRING SATA, DOWN AND VIVA PA BWATO.
What is wrong with discussing homosexuality? Zambia would wish to be a christian but in reality we are lucifer’s den.!
Let me tell you s’thing, Is Zambia really a christian nation? Is plundering the nation resources and taking s’ones wife to be yours, Christian? Zambians should not hide in such political slogans. Zambia has got many religions and for political leaders to call this country a Christian nation is not Christian. Those politicians know what they were running away from. “Prosecution for misusing the nations resources”. Christianity is an individual choice. It is not every one who says Lord Lord shall enter God’s kingdom, but those who do the will of the father in heaven. Human rights are important in a society and we must uphold those good rights and not to mix the rights and the wrongs together. I am not afraid of what may come from the western world because God has taught me the truth.
George Kunda is a homosexual, Kangwa Nsuluka was one, Shawa from Lusaka is also gay and the President of Botswana. You monkeys think you can write something on paper to change it? Homosexuals are here to stay!!
@ post above repent and don’t miss heaven.
Sata is Canaan Banana! He will be sodomizing his Ministers. This guy is sick, which elderly man would support such sickness as gay rights? May the gays rape him one of these days and he will understand that it is nothing desirable. He cannot auction the soul of the zambian nation for money and presidency. He is finished, this guy is finished!