EGYPTIAN ambassador to Zambia Salah El-Sadek has hailed the 2011 national Budget, saying it is was well elaborated and concerned the welfare of citizens.
Commenting on the Budget presented to Parliament yesterday by Finance and National Planning Minister Situmbeko Musokotwane, Ambassador El-Sadek said it was gratifying that the government was trying to work and rely on local resources
United Liberal Party (ULP) president Sakwiba Sikota described the budget as fair but stressed the need to consult with the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) as to whether the K245 billion provided for next year’s elections was adequate for the task.
He was happy that the threshold had been raised from K800, 000 to K1 million although calculations needed to be worked out to see whether the move would translate into the intention of the government.
National Democratic Focus (NDF) president Ben Mwila described the budget as pro-poor and that many Zambians would now have more money in their pockets.
Kalulushi MP Anson Simama (PF) described the budget as good especially that 58 per cent of it was targeting at social sectors, which were cardinal to uplifting
the welfare of Zambians.
Kalomo MP Request Muntanga (UPND) was let down that the increment to the agriculture sector had failed to reach 10 per cent as per the Southern African
Development Community protocol.
Caritas Chipata acting director, Mthadziko Zulu described the budget as promising.
In an interview in Chipata yesterday, Mr Zulu said the budget was promising because it had touched on all important sectors of the national economy.
[ Times of Zambia ]
Am looking forward to seeing all the proposals and content`s in it before i make my own opinion.But sounds good for now from the little i have gathered.
Can we stop this crap please!!! I can remember at any time that a Zambian diplomat heaped praise on a budget passed in any country. Just imagine the Zambian High Commisionner in London saying ‘the budget presented by George Osborne is bad because it will disadvantage the poor with the increase in VAT and removal of child benefit’ Go on talk about this Eqyptian fellow talking on behalf of the poor zambians…. Just shut up mate, we have going through enough pain…..
#2, chikaala cha wiiso. why are you selective in your judgements.when diplomats are rallying beyond your sata wanting him to champion homosexuality,you are numb.somebody speaks positive of the govt. i chikaala ati pono. waba ifimaboolo
Hey John,We’re going to be doing some learning in class over the next few weeks that will be foeucsd on earth’s water and, specifically, how our daily decisions can influence the watershed in which we live. I wonder if you could give us some insight into water availability and use in the area that you are living and working? What strategies do people use to coexist with water as a resource in light of the ecosystem as a whole?Hope this finds you well.Ian