Sunday, March 16, 2025

The Week in Pictures



Zambia envoy in the Big Brother Africa show Paloma Manda is interviewed by presenter IK of Nigeria shortly after she was evicted from the reality show.


Zambia envoy in the Big Brother Africa show Paloma Manda is interviewed by presenter IK of Nigeria shortly after she was evicted from the reality show.


Western Province Permanent Secretary Seth Muleya shakes hands with Mongu District commissioner Jethro Mumbuwa while Western Province Police Commanding officer Peacewell Mweemba looks on during the World Teachers Day Celebration in Mongu.


Mongu District commissioner Jethro Mumbuwa (c), Western Province Permanent Secretary Seth Muleya (l), Western Province Police Commanding officer Peacewell Mweemba (r) marching with teachers during World teachers day in Mongu


Placard carrying teachers marching during the commemoration of World Teachers Day in Lusaka


Placard carrying teachers marching during the commemoration of World Teachers Day in Lusaka


A woman thanks Community Development Minister Michael Kaingu the traditional way after her social club received a hammermill from the Minister


Some women hoist a hammermill given to them by the government in Matero Township


Community Development Minister Michael Kaingu and Matero Member of Parliament Faustina Sinyangwe inspect hand made goods by womens clubs in Matero


Education Minister Dora Siliya presents an award to one of the teachers who received commendation during the World Teachers Day in Lusaka


First Lady Thandiwe Banda interacts with Kamulanga High school pupils when she launched the 2010 UNICEF progress report for children in Chawama township in Lusaka


First Lady Thandiwe Banda is presented at copy of the 2010 UNICEF progress report for children by UNICEF Country Representative Iyorlumun Uhaa at Kamulanga High school in Chawama township


First Lady Thandiwe Banda presents teaching and sports materials to Kamulanga High School head teacher Patricia Mudenda when she launched the 2010 UNICEF progress report for children in Chawama township


Health Minister Kapembwa Simbao inspects an operating theatre at UTH after word went round that the hospital had been stripped out of the equipment


Health Minister Kapembwa Simbao (l) talks to journalists during the tour of University Teaching Hospital theatres


Health Minister Kapembwa Simbao (l) with journalists on tour of University Teaching Hospital theatres


President Banda with some of his Ministers when he arrived from Chipata at Lusaka City airport


President Banda, Agriculture Minister Eustarkio (c) Kazonga and Food Reserve Agency director Antony Mwanaumo (r) clench hands' during the Zambia National Farmers Union annual general meeting in Lusaka


President Banda with his generals from the defence forces when he arrived from Chipata at Lusaka City airport


President Banda is sandwiched by Defence Minister Kalombo Mwansa and Lusaka province Minister Charles Shawa (r) when he arrived from Chipata at Lusaka City airport


  1. Pic 19, So all of the are obese inspite of the AIDS epidemic in Zambia. Where are the sickly, thin, poor, starving natives? When such pictures of the naked,starving natives appear in foreign media , it is said to be negative reporting. Tell me more!!!!

  2. BaThandi, bushe ichakufwala chonse kano na sache? Every time I see her picture, she is in a chitenge with a ka sache! Bwafya.

  3. pic 1 #2,now i know that girl is really a pyscho.she is such a pro at insults.i wonder where she even gets the guts to face the public after all those embarassing moments in de house.but wait…i think she is mad,yes crazy is the word.and crazy wil be any guy to date her!!she is such a low life!!!

  4. The teachers still look poor the need good pay it is a pity for the poor guys. And minister called Daka ( photo.17) or something what does he use for his face? he looks funny.

  5. Pic 7 & 8 is that ka hammermill something to get so excited about to the extent of throwing oneself on the ground like that? things must be really bad mwe

  6. Paloma manda – was she representing Zambia or was she in it to win the money for herself ? , Says she wants to pursue business in the restaurant industry , I will sure keep away from that restaurant , Looking at her shape .

  7. #1-2 This zambian representative looks horrible. Paloma go to the gym mama.
    #9 Fustina Sinyangwe– too hot to handle. Appears cool in here.
    #10 is Dora Siliya married now?. Nga ama ring ayo??
    #11, 12, 13, Thandie looks good, continue mwana wa amama…..

  8. Kalombo Mwansa representated Zambia at the just ended general assembly, but his looks leaves much to be desired. Rupiah failed to attend because of the insults he was throwing at donors. Shame on our leaders who think inside the box. Zambia always settles for the worste.

  9. Muli shani bane

    Nice pics. I can see some development here and there too.

    Imwe leave Paloma alone, nishani kanshi? We can’t have all girls looking like Kate Moss or Thandie Newton. A Black man needs a solid black woman to lean on…besides scientists recently discovered that the bigger a woman’s behind, the happier and the longer she lives!

  10. Zambia katika picha hizi ni maskini na pia chafu sana.Ni wakati gani ambapo wazambia watabadilika na kuwa watu wenye bidii,kujitolea na kuweka nchi yao mbele ili kubadili hali ya maisha?Hata kama waafrika kwingine hawajasonga mbele sana lakini ni masikitiko kwamba zambia imekuwa na amani miaka mingi lakini mambo si mazuri sana.Badilikeni wazambia tafadhali na hayo yakifanyika mimi nitafikiri kuwa mzambia kama zamani.

  11. What makes Ruphia’s trips even more irksome is that whenever he is leaving and arriving the whole of cabinet has to be at the airport, how many hours are lost with these unnecessary send-offs not to mention the cost on fuel, mileage and other logistics of all theses ministers travelling to the airport just to shake hands with RB. Worse still the main roads are always blocked off when RB is travellling unduly affecting so many other people and businesss in Lusaka too when he is on the move

  12. pic#7 am amazed at the traditional “thank you” in Zambia. maybe i don’t know better, help me people. is this how we say thank you in zed?

  13. #16 Mzambia wa zamani, umefilwa kuma mako,yani maisha ya mzambia unaweza kuyafananisha na ya uko uliko hamia polini? nye wasenge wenye hela za uchawi munashindwa ata kununua kilo ya nyama kila siku marage. demu anaatombwa na sumni.mbwaa wee. usirudi tena

  14. Yea, what has the dick-head @ 16 said about Zambians and what the f..k is this half-circumcised never-do-well back-biting ingrate doing on here?

  15. #25 this coolie @ 16 is calling himself FORMER ZAMBIAN. and he says,looking these pictures,one can tell that zambians are very poor and very dirty.when are you zambians going to change and become innovative and start developing your country so that u can start leading a gud life.even if other countries are not that developed u zambians hav enjoyd peace 4 a long time and one wonders y u r still if u zambians can change the i can consider reverting to being a zambian again

  16. Pics 1&2. That woman called Paloma is a disgrace to Zambia and her family. Her stay in the BBA house was characterised by drunkenness, lying, threats to other housemates, etc Thank God she was evicted although it took too long for that to happen.

  17. Hey Paloma you go girl but please stay away from alcohol and lean not to involve yourself in arguments that dont involve you. Otherwise all the best of luck with whatever you want to pursue. Health Minister Kapembwa Simbao i hope he knows something about medical equipment

  18. # 20 Dont Care, Pic # 10 is a sign of poverty where one finds it difficult to distinguish the sex of the teacher, male or female? Easy to recongnise the likes of the well fed civil servants, Doras, Dakas, Kaingus, etc.

  19. Picture #10.. What is THAT THING Dora the Explorer wearing? Uku yi kotesha na bwaiche bwaiche!
    As for Thandie… We know you’re proud to be an African woman, but those chitenge outfits are becoming boring now…you’re only young!
    Kwena ba RB… uku seya kwati bali suba ama futa ya mbwa ku makasa. Yaba!

  20. What equipment is Simbao on about?? 1 monitor, that’s even not plugged in – confirming this is all for show; a very old Boyles anaesthetic machine, circa 1945 there about, & 1 operating table – well equipped indeed!! In the 1st pic, one can also see that the oxygen & other gas supply tubing is not plugged into the overhead boom which is at the top of the pic! Forgive the man, he probably doesn’t even know what he is looking at, he has been set up with non-working equipment, Thanks UTH staff for really showing us what MMD & its sycophants are up to!!!

  21. Pic 7. Pls forgive the poor old woman. She doesnt know where the cash for hammer mill came from. If this is how we say thanx back home in zam, then it will be difficulty for me to be thankful .

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