Sunday, March 16, 2025

13 yr boy steals car


Police in Solwezi have arrested a 13 year-old boy after he allegedly stole a vehicle which was parked outside a named night club sunday.

The boy is reported to have sped away in Joseph Kaselenge’s car around 02:00 hours.

The juvenile used a make shift key to unlock and drive the car registration ABH 7631.

North Western Province Commanding Officer, Charles Lungu confirmed this to ZNBC news Monday.

Mr Lungu said the teenager however, abandoned the car after he plunged into a ditch.

He said police have arrested the boy and confiscated the makeshift key used to unlock and drive the car.

Meanwhile, a 22 year old man is struggling for his life in Solwezi General Hospital after a crocodile bit his legs while swimming in the Zambezi River.
[ ZNBC ]


  1. What?? this is shocking….Abaiche banomba ba misango iyibi.
    Ba kabova ni mbweeee.

    ubu welewele no ubupupu weka weka.. ala mwandi!

  2. Effects of industrialization or is it minisation? These industries have a way of messing up our kids head and turning them in yobs. Copperbelt was the case in point. Remember the expression BENA CB or BENA NDOLA?

  3. we should recognise talent when due at 13 the boy has the making of an engineer and security expert. we should harness his talent not stifleit

  4. And the kid was awake at 2 am….mukali mwaiche.I see talent . I hope there’s automotive courses in juvenile prison

  5. Plenty job opportunities in organisations like the CIA for such kids. Don’t be suprised if he suddenly gets snatched out of the country.

  6. Aka ka chi.. what was he doing outside a night club at 02.00hrs at his age?? And what has he been up to busy fashioning carjacking tools. I think this one has commenced on a slipery slope into a life of crime and delinquency. Actually were are his parents/guardians – clearly this is a case of neglect

  7. there is nothing engineers about what this criminal did, let the boy be locked up and the keys throne away, this is serious criminality starting at a very tender age and must not be encouraged at all, tomorrow this boy will defile your doughter, i hope you will call it tallent also, nhey.?

  8. CIA has a lot of jobs for such kids?????? Stop watching movies too much,there are plenty of prisons here for such deliquent acts.

  9. If this boy has a mother, she needs to be charged with negligence as she is suppose to keep an eye on this boy, unless she has a good explanation like the boy left the house using a window in the dark of the night.
    Parenting is a responsibility and parents should be made to account. This boy is headed for big time deliquency and time for correction is now. I am very sad that we joke about such urgly happenings.

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