Patriotic Front (PF) has described the budget presentation by Finance and national planning Minister, Situmbeko Musokotwane as a duplicate the previous budget.
PF National youth Secretary Erick Chanda says that they is nothing new in the 2011 national budget.
He said that the budget has failed to touch on the issues that are affecting Zambians.
Mr Chanda has expressed sadness that the budget has again this time around failed to address unemployment levels facing the youth.
He said that the young people in Zambia have continued to face challenges, and that it is disheartening to note that government has kept a deaf ear on them.
Mr Chanda noted that this clearly shows that ruling Movement for Multi-party Democracy (MMD) government does not care about the plight of the young people in Zambia.
Finance Minister Situmbeko Musokotwane unveiled a K20.5 trillion 2010 proposed national budget last Friday.
Presenting the budget Dubbed:”A People’s Budget, from a People’s Government” in parliament, Dr Musokotwane said 82.7 percent of the total budget will be financed domestically, while the remaining 17.3 percent will come from external resources.
[ QFM ]
erick chanda has become PF spokesperson bcos given lubinda has quit as he plans to join MMD. chanda you better off with your mouth zipped than expose how mediocre and low calibre membership of PF. why do you think lubinda is on his way out. sata will remain the last man standing in PF like it was during the FTJ 3rd term run. sata is slow to sense
But does Sata believe in the ‘young men’?
Where is your alternative budget then?
You fool why not give us what your alternative budget would look like …..Mazoka was miles ahead of you fooools. Just ful of kaponya thinking
Another PF empty criticism. Anyone who understands national budgeting would think this is a good budget addressing a lot of issues including job creation. The problem with the opposition(PF) is that they expect government to dish out money to people ( Sata’s more money in your pocket concept)
Since when did PF know how to analyse a national budget??? Eric Chanda is talking about his own personal monthly budget which has remained the same since he joined the opposition PF. It will only change when his party takes over government in the 22nd Century. Good luck, Eric!!
I can`t agree any more.
4 sure where is your alternative budget?
I long for the day when we shall hear Mr Sata discuss or give a speech that remotely resembles an economic plan. Has anyone ever heard him to do so, maybe I have missed it? Those who listen to him, what exactly does he talk about? The last time I inadvertently heard him addressing a rally in Kitwe, I heard something like “…. mwebena mikoti…. mwebena mikoti ……blah blah….” I could not decipher what he was on about, no sequence. I could not believe it when I heard a kaponya actually remark that ” … ba Sata nabena ukusabaila takwa kapwe…” and we all laughed in Hungry Lion Kitwe.
A national budget is a very important document; but look at the reaction/input from the opposition. Can we please have their alternative views? All the post can do is quote Sata and Mpombo with their fact-tree (issue-less) reactions… and where’s UPND’s take on this budget?
Ofcourse the budget looks simillar… its called policy consistency. There are a few economic tenants and tools that the treasury can use to effect their economic objectives. I would be more concerned if year on year each budget plan looks absolutely nothing like the previous years. It means you build no momentum with the policies implimented within a budget period. Perhaps the contention by our learned Mr Chanda is that the budget in its current form has failed to address certain fundumental objetcives – now that would be an argument that would require alternatives and counter proposals and not mere waffle!.
I couldnt agree more with #10 and #11.Lets have the alternative views and counter proposals from our learned friends in the PF.
I think we should ask the Government to ask the DONORS to donate a BUDGET….To help us out of our economic problems…..MMD or PF…..Whats the difference? ….MMD is now almost UNIP….PF is almost MMD…..Where are we really?
Asking for alternative budget from the opposition really shows how foolish some people can be. Where have you ever seen the opposition producing government budgets? This is cadre mentality at its best. In essence what this cadre is saying is that no one should comment or oppose the wrongs in the budget or MMD government unless they can produce their own budget or form their own government. Foolish.