Sunday, March 16, 2025

Threats on Catholic church disturbing, Fr Samasumo


The Catholic Church is disturbed by the continued trend of attacks and threats of violence against its leadership, Zambia episcopal conference spokesperson Father Paul Samasumo has charged.

Father Samasumo said he condemns acts of intimidation on the leadership of the Catholic Church.

He has reiterated that the whole Catholic Church stands with its leadership in working for a more democratic Zambia.

He said attacks on the Archbishop of Lusaka, Telesphore-George Mpundu, the Bishop of Mongu,Paul Duffy (OMI), and now against the Executive Director of Caritas Zambia,Samuel Mulafulafu are unfounded.

Father Samasumo said Caritas Zambia is not an NGO but an integral component of the structure of the Catholic Church, mandated to promote the social teaching of the Catholic Church.

He added that Caritas Zambia also works to empower Zambians in issues of justice, peace, development,and governance concerns.

He recalled that in March 2009, the Catholic Bishops of Zambia directed Caritas Zambia to animate volunteers throughout Zambia to prepare them to monitor the electoral process of 2011.

The Father said this is one way the Church has done to encourage ordinary Christians’ participation in governance matters and to promote the attainment of genuine democracy in Zambia.

And ZEC has condemned the recent violence that took place in Chilanga during the nominations for the parliamentary by-election.

He said after the experience of the Mufumbwe by-election violence, it was expected that the Zambia Police Service and other security wings would put in place proactive measures in policing election activities.

[ QFM ]


  1. you can only blame yourselves for being noisemakers. ba catholic you are irritants no wonder too much homosexuality within your circles. you cant cheat pipo that you can stay without sex but conitnue having erections. milingo is right just just allow your bishops like samusumo to marry. sex irritates the mind thats why duffy and fatherless bwalya are always making noise

  2. You Catholics no one is threatening you. You have decided to be political and people are just doing what you expect in politics. Its a dirty job, so when the mud splashes on you, don’t complain.

  3. #2 mwaba you are correct catholicism is a now a political party in zambia. the attack govt on all issues so when govt hits back they cry foul play. you are reaping what you planted. keep to the pulpit then no trouble for you. take heed from UCZ, 7th day, jehovas witness, baptist,

  4. Ba katolika put your house in order, your church membership is dwindling each day, all kinds of weird sins are happening infront of your doors! Imwe ba duff duff ……..

  5. There should be a Third Vatican Council which should restore self flagellation because these Priests are now going out of their sarcedotal duties provoking people to flog them.


    Wrong move messing with the catholics. Am not catholic but I know what they are capable of. You’re doing a good job digging your own graves! lol

  7. You should learn to respect the catholics. We are the church of the world and we speak for the voiceless. Who the ****er are you to criticise what we have done. It was yesterday when John Chinyanta Minister of northen province was saying the catholic is building two universities one in kasama while the other in mbala. Look at the secondary schools we operate and many more alredy in existance. Ask kaunda what he said about catholics in 1990 ati tukanina pali kolona and what happened to him. Tell chiluba to remind Bwezani ati catholic tekwakunyela amafi iyo.

  8. Samasumo is right and it is high time someone spoke about these remarks that are being carried by MMD to discredit the church each time they speak. # 1 and 2, I agree with you all the Church’s house is not in order when it comes to sexuality but that is not the point here. The catholic church has always advocated for citizens well being and a good livelihood. Think of it, In zambia there is only one organization that looks at the standards of living and what the monthly basket for a family should be like. That is the Jesuit center for theological foundation, most of us have had a privallege of being educated by the catholic church schools; wether you were catholic or not. The catholic church has for long championed the well being of citizens of the world by and large, Including in the US.

  9. What is happening with these Catholic priests? They have lost business because no one goes to confess their sins anymore before these priests? How can anyone go to confess when people now see them as ordinary people since they have lost the aura of holiness that Catholic priests in their robes were reverred for in my days? Now they just yap at any and every useless noise, even a sneeze by Dora, and they still want us to call them as priests. Bet you they do not even read the bible anymore, at this rate?

  10. Has the catholic Church made mistakes ? yes a whole lot of them. Are they perfect? no far from it as we may all have seen in what has rocked the church. But that does not take away the fact that they have been for years in Zambia helped citizens and they too have been a church that is not scared to speak out against government bad policies or praise govt on developments. The catholic Church is not only attacking Banda, the church condemned Kaunda when he was wrong and worked with his govt on good policies, they condemned chiluba when wrong and upheld his good deeds. They condemend Levy when he was going astray to the point they had to meet with the bishops who explained to him what was up. They are not looking at getting power they remain and always will be advocates for the poor zambians.

  11. You guys condemnign the catholic church should realise that every group of pipo has bad eggs who are bound to do wrong things like the so much talked about scandals in the church. However, it doesnt mean that if the church sees something wrong with the way the country is being governed then they have to keep quiet. Unlike the timid tutemba churches who are used to being bribed with brown envelops to sing praise about the government even when things are going wrong, the catholic church isnt that cheap and they do and always will call a spade a spade so deal with it cause we catholics arent gonna relent whenever the voiceless are being trampled upon

  12. Father Paul Samasumo is a sober man who should realize by now that his church is under siege of very few deluded scavenger hunters, predators, sexual maniacs, tribalists and pedophile secularist catholic pharisees mostly from Mpika panting for their own. They have turned to the use of a disguised anti black power Ku Klux Klan impi Paul Duff. Who doesn’t know that the chap is a racist, member of the anti-Semitic movement with a commitment to extreme violence to achieve his nefarious goals of racial segregation and supremacy?

  13. Some creatures, human beings inclusive, prefer living in the dark than under light. Darkness seems to be more conducive for their survival skills. When such beings are flashed with a beam of light, they do not only get incensed but also attempt to fight the source of light. Unfortunately, failure is always on their side. Take courage dear Catholic leaders. Do not feel intimidated. Shed even more light on our society.

  14. RB and MMD have started a war that they are not able to finish. Wether MMD likes or not, Catholics have a lot of influence in Zambian polotics becasue the speak for the voiceless.Is it wrong to point out ills in MMD and its govt? Dont condem catholics. You failed to condem Nevers Mumba when he received that brown envelop from RB. Catholics speak freely because they are not corrupt unlike these other small Churches that depended on slash funds from Chiluba’s regim

  15. Because the church has become under siege and pharisees taken off their political gloves, turned into subverts against nation peace, democracy and security, they will always be fiercely taken head on as political pawns other than just pharisees. MMD has many Good standing Catholics from lower ranks to the highest like VP Kunda, Chairman Mabenga, Mutati, Hon Siliya and many more yet the church has allowed tribal pharisees to divide itself. The Catholic has many challenges around the world such that the cannot just afford to serve inimical tribal interests.

  16. # 13 You are very right. I am not a catholic, but am impressed with the stance that the catholic church has taken in pointing out the wrongs on the current govt. Am impressed with the leadership of the catholic church. After all, the same people that are being robbed by this MMD govt are the ones that vote. So please catholics continue exerting pressure on this bad govt. It should not only be the post or the opposition that should talk for the voiceless.

  17. With Zambia domesticating its national budget support which takes away external leverage in politics, some of us will never be surprised to find that the political sect of Catholicism in Zambia ends up in a historic quagmire of entering into elections heedlessly only to field Sata’s brother in-law Pharisee Telesphore Mpundu being plugged in as their presidential candidate because the political heat has burnt them and created a challenge.

  18. #7 please stop using my blog name be creative and come up with yours let’s not fight over a name I have been using the name for a long time now.

  19. Senior citizen your boss Rupiah dared the donors and in response they met sata and reduced their support to Zambia by half. So mess with the Catholics and you have nothing for the poor people which you probably don’t care anyways.

  20. What is happening in Zambia is really sad as we have seen a continuous involvement of priests particularly from the Catholic Church in internal and partisan politics.

    It is also clear that the levels of involvement are so personalised and show divisions of people and not unity.

    The Church must always comment on public policy but certainly not to start deciding on who takes over the country and who they favor, especially where the Church supports people with questionable backgrounds such as immoral behaviours, use of unpalatable language, sexual immorality etc. Such support raises many questions on the Church.

  21. In Zambia we have seen continued attacks by the Catholic Church clergy on individuals in government which has compromised their role in society.

    The Church must not behave in a divisive manner but act as a uniting front to everyone regardless of political affiliation.

    A statement such as that made by Bishop Duffy that Western Province wants change of government’, reveals a lot about the caliber of our priests.

    This statement cannot come from a mouth of a priest but only from someone who is biased and with ill motive in their thought. One surprising fact is that it is only one group of catholic priests that have been involved in these partisan politics.

  22. Father Frank Bwalya has even given up preaching in preference of de-campaigning President Rupiah Banda for 2011.

    Several other Catholic clergy such as Father Mambwe Mpasa, Bishop Telesphore Mpundu, another Father Mpundu, Father Besa Lesa, Father Augustine Mwewa, Bishop Duffy are also doing the same.

    Most of these priests have a chain of evils or are connected to these ills. In many countries the Catholic Church has been involved in many disgraceful activities such as sodomy, where recently, the Pope even acknowledged this fact, many priests today have actually maintained a series of girl friends where in most cases they have children.

  23. But these priests maintain a holier face and make their flock believe that they are clean and holy.

    This is the belief most people have, however, many 100 years back, the church has helped conduct sinful acts.

    For a long time these priests have done and committed many atrocities. A case in point is Rwanda’s genocide where nearly one million people died directly or indirectly.

    The behaviour where boys, usually those serving as Alter Boys are abused or sodomised by priests at parishes is rife. This behaviour has not only affected Western churches in Europe and America but also in Zambia.

  24. Children are abused and their lives wasted as they have a psychological problem for the rest of their lives. This predatory behaviour by the concerned priests must be condemned.

    This topic becomes important for discussion because the involvement of priests in partisan politics is part of the general malaise that has been practiced in the Church by some sinning priests.

    For this reason, the comments made by priests are not genuine and certainly not in the interest of the country.

  25. Because of their mischievous behavior and hypocrisy there is now a long held yet compiled list of names of wives, girl friends and children of these priests including where they are staying about to be delivered on Zambian and challenge to sue the source.

    In the coming week this information will be released to the nation in order for ordinary people to realise how they have been misled.

    All priests who have sired children will soon be known to the public.
    We find it essential and an obligation to inform the public so that when an opinion is being made, it must from an informed basis.

  26. We have in the past seen how some named priests really have taken personal interest and subjectivity in their thinking.

    Second Republican President Frederick Chiluba also revealed how Patriotic Front leader Mr Michael Sata is linked to Bishop Telesphore Mpundu through an unexplained relationship with the Bishop’s sister with whom Mr Sata is said to have two children.

    In fact, despite the Catholic Church stance against polygamy, Bishop Mpundu never condemned the action by Mr Sata but he seems to be happy with the arrangement and merely responded that it was a known fact, therefore should not raise eyebrows.

  27. It is such hidden information which we are trying to address.
    There is a lot that is trashed under the carpet but we need to start letting the truth out.

    The Church must play its role and its role is simply to turn people to God and stop people from sinning. Zambia does not need political priests, it needs politicians who are politicians and needs priests who are priests.
    That way, our country will live in harmony.

  28. Zigito # you know what the catholics are capable of. ? Mai weeee! They are capable of Genocide in Rwanda and Burundi. Ask The Tustis and Moderate Hutus they will tell you. Right now the catholic church in Rwanda and Burundi is at its lowest membership. They Caths are also confessed homosexuals. catholic sisters are ever aborting pregnacies. child molestation is the order of the day and the pontif has even apologised to the Brits. In Zed we are earnestly waiting for our apology too. M.M.m.e.m.b.e F.r.d.i.r.i.c.o.s is about to confess to being m.o.l.e.s.t.e.d by Arch. M.p.u.n.d.o.i.u.s and Arch D.u.f.f.i.o.s. why do you like inciting the electorate kansi imwe ba Samasumo? we all know that you are not the saints that you prophes thats why you will always side with the likes of Fr. Bwalyas

  29. Guy have some respect here please for the catholics, when a person looses all respect like that is bad. What bad stuff have these guys done to those of you who are insulting them here? Say them out here for us to hear, you want to start comparing catholic priests to poilticians?

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