Sixteen of the 33 men trapped underground the Chilean mine since August 5th have now been rescued. Shortly after 11:00 p.m. eastern time, the first of the trapped Chilean miners miners was pulled out from underground.
The 33 men became marooned when the main access tunnel collapsed at the gold and copper San Jose mine near the northern town of Copiapo.
They were trapped 2,300ft below the surface for the last 69 days. They had managed to make their way to a shelter said to be the size of a small flat and that is equipped with water tanks, ventilation shafts and two wooden benches.[pullquote]Chile President Sebastian Pinera said the faith of the trapped miners has “moved mountains” and made the “miracle” of their rescue possible.[/pullquote]
The sun began rising today as one by one, miners are trading their underground chamber for the arms of their families.
It’s an emotional breakthrough that has captured Chile and the world. Florencio Avalos was the first to be freed. He hugged his tearful 7-year-old son and his wife.
The second miner to emerge couldn’t contain his excitement. He jokingly handed out souvenirs; rocks, of course, to rescuers. He also led cheers and embraced just about everyone he could get his hands on.
63-year-old Mario Gomez is the oldest of the trapped miners and was the 9th miner to be rescued.He dropped to his knees and thanked God when he got out of the rescue capsule.
Chile President Sebastian Pinera said the faith of the trapped miners has “moved mountains” and made the “miracle” of their rescue possible.
Each miner to reach the surface in the specially-designed rescue capsule brought new hope to those waiting.
Officials say it may take 36 hours to rescue all the miners, who range in age from 19 to 63.
Not everybody is as fit as the first few to be winched to freedom. Some of the miners are suffering from hypertension, diabetes and respiratory infections.
All the men will receive medical treatment after spending more than two months 2,000 feet down.Nobody has ever been trapped for that long underground and lived to tell about it.
Psychologists are concerned that the miners may struggle to return to a normal life once their celebrity status fades.
Chilean authorities have offered the men at least six months of psychiatric follow up evaluations.
The rescue efforts started early Wednesday morning and will continue throughout the day.The trapped miners put on green coveralls made of moisture-resisting material and personalized with names.
They will climb into a claustrophobic capsule only a little wider than the span of their shoulders. They will be instructed on the communications equipment and the oxygen supply inside the rescue tube. And they will put on special goggles to protect their eyes from lights up above as their eyes have become accustomed to the vampiric darkness of the caved-in mine.
Then the order to hoist will ring out and each man will begin their journey.
The first miners to come to the surface were deemed the most fit, but also possessed the most technical know-how so that they could advise the rescue teams.
The next five are the physically weakest, a term perhaps not appropriate for anyone who has survived more than two months in the bowels of the earth. But one of the miners has diabetes; another has black lung.
The last to come out will be Luis Alberto Iribarren, 54. Like the captain of a sinking ship, the shift supervisor volunteered to stay behind until all his men were safe.
Like the ten already rescued, all of the men are expected to undergo about two hours of health checks at a field hospital set up at the mine. They will then be flown by helicopter to a hospital in the town of Copiapo approximately a 15-minute flight.
Miners who are healthy enough will be granted quick family reunions before being shuttled to the hospital.
“It’s extremely exciting for us. … It’s a very emotional moment for us,” said Jeff Hart, one of the lead drillers who assisted with the rescue efforts. “We worked real long and hard on that, and to actually see the capsule come through the first time through the hole that we drilled was just unbelievable.”
[CNN,Yahoo News]
Yeah at long last.Thank God these guys have been given another chance to see the light of the day.
I watched the first three come out its unbelievable and a miracle thats God’s work. I shed tears of joy can only thank foreign govts who provided technique and machinery. Lesa is for all it can happen to zambia since we number two to chile in world copper production
That brings an end to BIG BROTHER CHILE, SEASON 1.
am impressed with chile president Mr.Pinera, he’s been at the site since the first miner was rescued and he’s still there now, he has not been galavanting and has been visiting the site time and again. hope other presidents should learn something from this man in dealing with local issues instead of moving aimlessly like rabid dogs..
Chile is a Catholic Stronghold. These people have alot of Faith.
Those are serious men and women. They have shown the world how a leadership committed to its pipo can act in terms of a crisis. They have been and are still united as one their Govt is thre twenty four hours providing inspiration. I wonder what could have happened if such an accident happened at one of our fmines on Copperbelt. The Chocholies and Kulies would just have given up and lives lost like that. To them 33 lives would hve been nothing. This is a wake up for our general populace never give up until its not over. We have tendancies of missing before action. No matter what it cost the pipo of chile have done it. Mounted a dramatic rescue with seal and determination. VIVA CHILE
The resolve and leadership shown by the Chilean Government in managing this crisis provides many lessons to the world. The mining minister, Laurence Goldborne, literally moved his office to the atacama desert (the disaster site) for the entire period to provide the required leadership in ensuring that resources for the task at hand were available. How many of our leaders (both from developed and developing countries) can match this commitment in serving their people?
#4 & 6, You are absolutely spot on! The world is witnessing true leadership in Chile. It is sharp contrast to where a leader turns a blind eye to a flooding disaster in Kanyama and instead flies away to some country while his vice watches the disaster from the comfort of a ZAF helicopter.
Had it been in our beloved Zambia our President would have just tasked Lt Gen P.N (Pink Nose) to be issuing useless statements on behalf of his ever-airbone boss till all the miners died
These guys have shown the world a clear example of a working government!
Hats off Chile. In Zambia our educated accountants could have been talking about the budget. This event was not budgeted forso absorbs the cost. is iat the mine owners or the Govt or the union KUTALISANA BAICE
#9, you are right. had it happened in Zambia, The goverment could have put the blame on the management of the affected mine and declared the day of national mourning with all flags flying at half mast and radio and t.v stations playing solemn music and urged the grieving families to take heart as God had allowed it and hey. life could have continued. Inonshita nga twalilabako mako.
Thats ny God doing it again and again. I love you Jehovah and to the family thank you for staying strong.
Just seen the Chilean president during a press conference at the scene where the trapped miners are being rescued and he said,” one of the most important resources in Chile is not the copper but the miners that mine the copper” , that is leadership, that is being visionary, that is being patriotic to one`s people, that is giving due respect to the people that put their lives at risk to produce the copper that in the case of Zambia the investors and their supporters in government get richer at the expense of the miners and the general Zambian public, due to unequal distribution from the proceeds of copper. Please those in government please try to create a level playing field so that there is an equitable share of our mineral resources between the workers, the Zambian people and the miners-…
miners- this is what true leadership calls for. Why does Zambia not learn from other countries, why do our leaders hate their own people so much? why are we so unpatriotic,? where is our pride? where is our independence? slaves in our own country……… it is painful. If our leaders have respect for foreigners much more than they have for their own people then they are not right for Zambia, if you expect other people to respect you, respect yourself and your own people first. I am hurting, how can people be so cold of heart? so insular to the suffering of the majority of our people. Lest we forget it is not the Mobutu`s, or Abacha`s, who are well remembered and leave a legacy for a long time, it is the Martin Luther King`s, the Mandela¬s the Gandhi`s, the Mother Theresa`s, those that have…
, those that have given their lives serving mankind. When is Zambia going to get a saviour, a servant of the people. God save Zambia
If it was in Zambia Dora siliya could have had been the one overseing the whole operation with William Banda and his cadres helping out the family of the trapped miners.
If it was in Zambia and the president was there all the time, then some people would have accused him of campaigning for the elections in 2011.
WOW, inspirational. Thank God they are safe. God really comes through in times like these. We must strengthen our faith in God.
Just learned that 27 of the miners plan to sue the Chilean govt for safety violations – so much for the great leader that some Zambians want to praise without any background knowledge.
IF this happened in Zed, Chiluba and Shikapwasa’s churches will be praying for god and NOTHING WOULD HAVE BEEN DONE to rescue the poor miners! They forget that god helps those who help themselves.
And or well, no mine taxes and no resources to rescure anyone Lets just cry and moan and hope all the trapped miners are dead. GRZ way of thinking as this is truely happening on CB at the mo.
Chilean President is a man of God. He stayed there for the episode of bringing those trapped miners out. Banda would have been out visiting another country leaving the people to suffer all by themselves. Hats off to this great mining country and great Catholic nation. God answered their prayers. I don’t know if God can answer Zambian Prayers the same way after the threats by MMD cadres on people of God like Bishops (Duffy and the Ndola one) and the usual insults on Archbishop Mpundu.
Thank God for the great deliverance!
Now, my questions are, if there were only 25 trapped miners was the rescue going to proceed as for the 33 ? Obviously, yes!
Now, if there were only 15 trapped miners was the story going to be the same? I think so!
Now, if there were only 8 men down there, was the effort going to be the same ? Perhaps yes!
Suppose there only but 4 men down in the earth, was the effort going to be the same ?
I should think so!
I don’t mean to bore you, but if there were only but 2 miners trapped in that mine, was this operation going to proceed ? hmmm.. yes, yes!
Suppose there was only but 1 soul trapped, was the operation going to proceed ?? What do you think ?
Kanshi abakashi balimucibe. Seriously we need to learn something from this as country especially our so called President. Imagine this happened in Zambia – God forbid- does any one honestly think RB would even be bothered like his Chilean counterpart. He would simply take off to nowhere serious as always and as if nothing happened living his d.o.gs competing in rhetoric. Us africans dont value life as much as our friends do. #22 To answer your question, if only one person was trap i still think they would have done just the same, they seem to have respect for human life.
most ppl posting here would never have known who the Chilian preso was before this incident now suddenly because he took some time out to do afew days of publicity hunting at a world media event he is a great leader. If such an incident were to happen in Z where the worlds media was converged RB would be there via jet instantly,
maybe that was his plan when he officially opened the pit latrines.
Bane mula ponta,Thank God all are alive,can you see that evn the one who thought religion was just but a joke gave his life to the lord.Am hopeful our airborne president and his followers have learned a lesson.Did RB see that there was no politicking at the site.Him would have been saying it is good MMD/Govt policies that the trapped miners were saved because investors blablablablabla..Learn to thank God because my God is able.
#2 Lady Gaga
“……..since we are No:2 to Chile in World Copper Production”! Only in your dreams my dear!
# 17 and 19 The survivors/families are suing the owners of the mining company operating the mine and they have the backing of their President.
# 4 i agree with you.nga niba bwezani bena nga ni 2 minutes fye nishe ba fumako ati am going to nigeria for celebrations.shame .
We should all pray ,Mulungu ni mukulu.
If there had been only one miner trapped there is no doubt the operation would still have been undertaken. We may be doubtful because in Zambia we are used to leaders who only care for their families and friends and of course about lining their pockets.