President Rupiah Banda says people countrywide have lost confidence in the PF/UPND pact.
Mr Banda said the MMD must,therefore, do everything possible to win all the by-elections as people countrywide had lost confidence in the Patriotic Front (PF) and the United Party for National Development (UPND) pact.
He has since called on the MMD in the country to go flat out and campaign for their candidates in the fourth coming parliamentary and ward by-elections.
ZANIS Ndola reports that Mr Banda said this on arrival at Ndola International airport ahead of his three day tour of developmental projects in the province.
And MMD Copperbelt Chairperson Joseph Chilambwe informed the head of state that the MMD was rapidly regaining its popularity in the province.
Mr Chilambwe said the people of Copperbelt Province were convinced that the PF/UPND pact had nothing good to offer the country hence their differences on who would be their presidential candidate.
and President Rupiah Banda is tomorrow expected to officially commission the construction of the Konkola North Copper Project.
The President, who is on a three-day working visit to Copperbelt Province, would officiate at the groundbreaking ceremony of the US$380 million Konkola North Copper Project, which is owned as a joint-venture by Vale Mining Company of Brazil and Rainbow Minerals of South Africa.
Once completed, Konkola North Copper Mine is projected to produce 45,000 tonnes of Copper Concentrate per year.
The new mine is expected to create about 1,500 jobs on the Copperbelt Province.
The President will later tour the Ndola Stadium, which is under construction and visit the Multi-Facility Economic Zone (MFEZ) trade zone site in Ndola.
On Friday, President Banda will visit Ndola Rural in Mpongwe where he will inspect progress on the construction of a High School and later tour the newly tarred Mpongwe-Luansobe Road.
The President and his delegation will return to Lusaka after completing his scheduled visit to the Copperbelt Province.
[ QFM ]
Amazing energy from president Banda .
We have lost hope in you RB! YOU need to rest in now- and enjoy the State House-otherwise, come 2011, you will be out of that house.
VIVA RB,VIVA MMD. RB, Never mind monkeys forming tribal parties. 2011 is yours, eastern province clear win, western province clear win, central province clear win, Lusaka clear win, Luapula clear win, N/Western clear win and now c/b clear win. Go ahead RB and the dynamic, G. Lubinda is joining you soon bcos pipo of Zed want development and inclusive national parties, Not tribal projects.
# 3.
You have a right to daydream,let no one take that right from you.
no hope indeed with this takataka pf-upnd pact, RB will have a clear sweep next year, MMD have just the right policies of steering zambia to prosperity, we dont need donors, actually am proud we funding 93% of OUR national budget. viva RB viva MMD
The rumor of Chiluba and RB bewitching/killing Levy and Levy haunting RB at state house seem to be true. This man ni mfwiti. Thanks to the Mwanawasa family to have evoked his spirit to still live in State House and Banda on the road. I am told Banda does not use the road that passes through the burial place for Levy. He sees Levy jump into the Benz. Sorry Mr. Road Banda, you rip what you sow.
That’s pure daydream from this state house care taker. Let him keep daydreaming that the pact is dead. We got elections in less than 3 weeks to show the mighty Pact. These two seats previously belonged to MMD and will belong to the Pact. The fortunes are diminishing and very very fast.
Yes,it is true that the pact is in disarray but who told RB that pact sympathizers would all of a sudden turn round & start supporting him? reality is that if i lose confidence in the pact then i would rather vote for FEACES than vote for RB.
Yes,it is true that the pact is in disarray but who told RB that us pact sympathizers would all of a sudden turn round & start supporting him? reality is that if i lose confidence in the pact then i would rather vote for S**T than vote for RB.
Ba RB, PACT or no PACT just forget about our votes. We have been abused so much as Zambians!!
VIVA pa bwato!!!!!
I hope it is true that Banda is huanted by Levy and so can’t sleep in state house . Rupiah keep dreaming and you will lose miserably then senior citezen and many of your loser supporter will be doomed for ever. Zambia belongs to all Zambians and the resources of the country must benefit Zambians not the Chinese and other foreigner.
Rupiah kuya bebele tamanga wena uzalila nyonka wafwa wa bola.
Senior citizen uzazitundila mukabudula boss wako bana mutundila kuli kolwe wa chibemba!!!!!
Mwanga ulutee wakazimina
George Kaunda wakashi imilomo monga nini olo kongwe
Shakapwakasha ici moona kwati li tako ilya ule iya kwata amantenda
Rupiah don’t shi t on the plate you eat on now the donors have cut down may you will stay at state house so you can face mwanawasa
Wina azalila kumawa
Ka Chiluba ubwipi kwati bwamba bwa nkonko
Dora ifi milomo
I still have a lot of confidence in His Excellency RB to take the country forward after 2011. What do you think?
Viva Sata viva HH viva pact
#21 dream on hope you have no people in your immediate and extended family in Zambia that are suffering plse send money home more often
Rupiah is not for Zambia and zambians
Lelo shalale mpaka fye Rupiah moves out of state house
Sorry he is not there he ran away from LPM ichibanda cha mwikata ku ma tt
Webo mpelako ka stella
Lelo mule dabwa ba Mwemwemudi
Lelo ninzanda for mother Zambia
Until senior citizen is fired for sleeping instead of blogging
Viva Zambia viva copper
Iwe pelako ba mulamu ka mosi ako
Obvisi mwanvela
Cyber lumpeni
Chikondi cha munsomba
Donors have lost confidence in Rupiah’s government
Pact cyber millitary
We shall not sleep until Zambia is delivered from MMD
Iwe moba ukaliko ee ukaliko ni wambili good
Niba uzee ee bauzeni sibanvela
Okay nzabauza why have you auctioned mother Zambia muni yanke ne Bo
This old man called RB, why does he not concern with the confidence we have lost in him and the MMD? Everyone is entering the boat yet he is saying people are loosing confidence in the boat. “Sata libwe ilishibumbwa nobubenshi”. Mubwato, imotuli, noushilimo-akabamo. RB is the next one to enter the boat.
MMD is for puppets
Sata Mubanga nkontola kasembe sata is the strong tree that breaks the strongest tree obvisi mwanvela
Sata the strongest tree that breaks the strongest axe because he has got roots sons
Senior citizen is sleeping just like his boss pact always on the go
So the people of Zambia had confidence in the PF-UPND PACT? How came RB didn’t say so then?
#49 good point
RB is a dreamer, he ran from state house cause fails to satisfy Ka Thandi. and Now we hear there is a twist, dreams about Levy. ha ha ha ha. His trip to Copperbelt is to tets the waters. I knew he will include Ndola Rural because of Mpombo’s outbursts. Well It wont win him votes there. A president to inspect a road that will be washed off come next rain season. it was shaddly done by Mulongoti and MMD single sourcing. The POST kindly capture this tour and show us the same road next year after the rainy season but before the elections 2011
Mr President, Zambians may lose confidence in the Pact, but that does not mean that they have confidence in you sir.
Bye the I am not sleeping yet like senior citizen I was just you know bana Musonda
I don’t run away like Rupiah ichipo ninganda
Eye we mwana lya umunani ifwe twalalalila banoko, child just eat what ever is there I shall feast on your mom un like Rupiah who runs away
Educated Bemba fools from the diaspora. No manners. Only insulting elderies and politicians, becos you want a Bemba thief Sata to rule and NOT happy with Rupia, no matter what good he does, cos he is from the Eastern. To hell with your Chi Pact Nosense!. We are happy with Banda, humble man of the pipo, NOT pompus monkey thieves to come and plunder the economy. NO more thieves in plot 1. VIVA RB, VIVA MMD.
## 56 I think you are drunk go to bed now tomorrow is another day
Mr. Banda who ever is advising is misleading just like Mainza Chona mislead KK in 1990-1. We have not lost hope in the PACT because 1) One can only lose hope in a person who is already in power like yourself Sir.
2) We Zambians are praying that God makes the PACT to work.
3) We know that your government is spending billions of Kwacha just to destabilise the PACT- we know Wynter Kabimba is one of the plants by MMD.
We are fighting for the common Zambia who doesn’t know where the next meal is coming from
KK song that some people are crying for the suit and yet he was crying for the country
Bambi balelila amasuti ifwe tulelila icalo
Tazani #56 Having gone through all the posts on this topic so far, yours are the only ones with tribal sentiments. You may hate the Bemba people for your own reasons, but try and understand that Zambians can form an opinion without being tribalists. An inadequate president regardless of origin will always be judged inadequate. Get over your tribal myopia and learn to accept other people’s opinions without playing the tribal card.
62 I like your point Zambia is more open now I have family that are tonga, Lozi Bemba, Nsenga Scotish, American, kaonde we rebuke each other and yet we LOVE one another no tribal politics any more substance is the only way we shall move our country forward. I hope punks on this blog listen
And tumbuka
# 56 Tazani kanye first.
eastern province alone can’t make this old man win the elections..stop day dreaming you rats!
Tribal as it may. Face the truth. Why are the blogggers insulting elderies in Bemba language? Do you encourage such NOSENSE? Come on!! Where do you come from to enjoy insulting elderis in your language? Do you think becos you hate Rupia then you should insult him? No. That is Rubish. Therefore, your deliberate hate for Rupia & MMD regadless of the good things Rupia has achieved is just your foolish Bemba superioty and stinking tribalism of wanting only one of your own to rule at whatever cost. Zambia, wake up. Don’t allow accredited & certified thieves to go in state house again. Period!!!
Shi muchita panono – apokele mwikalafye umukashi! Yes, same here; have lineage covering many parts of the country and most continents of the world except middle eastern!
#67 what good had Rupiah done apart from making the donors cut down on their support for the poor Zambian woman/ man in kalomo, kawambwa, Zambezi, Solwezi, isoka , Magodi, Masaiti ect grow up
Tazani, the correct word is elders and not ELDERIS! Yes I am Bemba, in diaspora but I do not look a HE RB as an Easterner, rather I look at him as a very very poor imitation of a Zambian president – that is my opinion.
We are not insulting them honors comes from oneself ubufumu bu chindika umwine
Ulemu upasa mwine
# 70 point taken
2011 we shall meet on this blog then you will understand the zed electorate better…for now lets all speculate and accumulate….who knew Mbingu would emerge victorious by such a landslide? Pay particular attention to the budget allocation..its a talking campaign..
Tribal myopia is manifested in you bcos as long as the head of state is Not classified among Bemba speakers then they are Not worthy of anything. Please go to Hell. Who do you think you are? Do you think Zambia is a workshop for Bembas? You are failing to accept HH to lead the Pact bcos of the same tribal NOSENSE that you have and here you are insulting the elderis and the leadership on the blog. Now who is tribally myopic? It is you Bembas, if you nOt then Put HH a Tonga to lead your Nosensical Pact. Which I know it will never happen.
Face the truth imbwa iwe NOT spelling mistakes. Kawalala monkeys
Tazani, I am not a member of the PACT, and therefore I have no role in chosing their leader. I shall go to hell now – if that pleases you, but please its Elders NOT ELDERIS!
#75 remember substance zambians are more enegisized educated well travelled and exposed than before kuya bebele mulute , mwaka zimina, aba mwisho tamule umfwa mwebo ku chenjela mutauni
No. 56, you must be very frustrated with your RB, so much that your reasoning has left you. It is RB who has befriend, employed as consultant and got acquittals for ‘KADOBI’ the biggest thief in Zambia, FTJ. It is RB who thinks the master mind of the greatest robbery in Zambia is a damned good president. By the way No. 56 I am bemba, but in 1996, I voted for Anderson Mazoka, so stop being shallow.
No. 51, great insights, PF/UPND, start talking to ‘BRAVE HEART’ George Mpombo, about Kafulafuta. He is still MMD, but I know he would like to teach this incorrigible RB lead administration a lesson through strategy and consultations with him. We need to show RB that we the Zambians are not gullible and we for the first time will be respected by the new president come 2011.
Kuichenchenta ngatamu icencentele kulabebe ba mfumu mwebo nka ndabile nshi
Tazani – #76; that is not nice. You are now insulting your elderis!
Look yourself if you don’t you shall be lost like you are
We are better with RB & MMD. Donors CUT support, but when Bemba thieves come to state house, donors WITHDRAW the whole support. And then????.
Muchrnche bamfu nga ta. Muchechente nwalapenga kwati ni senior citizen nebo nkolabila ifishinka bamfumu
Muchechente bamfumu
As a Zambian on the street of what benefit is my copper to me?
Ba mwisho nebo ko labila ifishinka
Hmm Ka Tazani,
I think you feed on our tax money and you are so afraid that come 2011 you will be back at evelyn horn college. Just work hard for yourself and you will not be treatened by RB’s dismisal in 2011.
RB is going to his farm whether you like it or not.
Mwa nalisa basalisi
Uyu chimuchita panono tabomfya basalisi mu ko umfwa bwebo bamwisho
VIVA great East. VIVA RB watu. VIVA MMD. VIVA Zed. To hell with selfish and tribal monkey thieves. Only humble tribes must rule Zed.
Muka penga pano pesonde mwebo na Rupiah ta mwaka momonepo chenjeleli mwee
Lady M
I dont think Mazoka stood in the 1996 elections and UPND was not in existence.Did you mean ZADECO by Dean Mung’omba?
We Bo tazani kwatapo amano uyu Rupiah aka kubutuka webo wechinangwane webo
Mungomba ali kwetepo amano mwebo
I think you dont think….You hate Bembas but at the same time you have a Bemba rulling through RB. Chiluba told the Nation that he is the one who is telling RB what to do in running the country. How do you reconcile the two? This shows that dear you are so inferior to Bembas as you can not run the country without consulting a Bemba.
He he dull you are really.
Mungomba ali umusepela youth nomba amalwele yamusenda diseases took Mungomba
Mwebo ichiwa the devil chasenda Mungomba chasenda Mwanawasa chasenda panji chasenda dingswayo chasende castrol Chiluba chasenda kapwepwe chasenda Baldwin nkumbula na wishi chasha Rupiah na ka Chiluba mwebo
Tazani # 83- I advised you to go and s.h.i.t. taumfwa kanshi iwe.Kabiye ku toilet unye.Thats when you will start reasoning.Kanye unye sana.
I shall not sleep
Tazani : I can’t figure out the flag on your blog but it looks like you are in comoros or wapenga Island, confirm.Go back to zambia and start school again.Your english mh mh
NO. 79. It is RB who has befriend, employed as consultant and got acquittals for ‘KADOBI’ the biggest thief in Zambia, FTJ. This is your statement. But who is FTJ, you are calling (The biggest Thief in Zambia)? Is he not classified among Bembas? This is your Bishop who baptized all of you to do the following: (a) Forge qualifications, steal from state and plunder the economy. For your own information when you start stealing you normally start from your house, then from friends, the curse grows, then you steal from a begging blind man in the street and finaly you steal from the church. What a shame!!! And you call yourselves clever pipo. Please state house is not for thieves. Big NO!!
Chasenda Dan munkombwe chasenda na PK we chibabanda webo senda Ka Chiluba na Ruphiah webo twa chula fwebo
Tazani;this flag where are you iwe.i think ndiwe smugler
Mama Betty nowo amalwele yamushupa
Mwebo tapenga
101. bola ya pa zed. I studied Avionics in english, Rusian French and from a respected Zambian tribe . Not tribe of thieves and forgers of qualifications. If you are a literacy teacher, i’m an air craft technician and there are NO institutions that offer such in Zed. May be you give me your true contact details so that we teach other our respective specialisation or else go and sleep.
No Ka Chiluba kena ati umutima wapola now Chiluba’s heart is sunddenly fine kasende webo we chibabanda
# 107 you are full of sh. I. T do you mean ebonics that’s only applicable to afroamericans dummy
But the truth hates!!! Pipo will cry come 2011. VIVA RB mudala watu, VIVA MMD. VIVA supporters in diaspora. VIVA Africa. To hell with imperialism. Guy Scot V/P of PF which village does Guy comes from? An imperialist white to act Zambian president in the absence of the snake. First big mistake and joke of the century. This will never happen in Africa.
Tazani I think u are in techical institute society historically defines the language and in America the slaves sad to say had to come up with there own language that their masters could not understand and so based on the different languages across the global each group of slaves had to make a langage that their masters didn’t get so German ect can not have had the same langauge that is why our friends from the carebeans sound different though their cooking has a lot of African influence dummy
#110 Tazani – The correct qoute is ‘the truth HURTS’ NOT HATES!!!
QUOTE not qoute!
I mean to say history difines each locallity language that is used or spoken
And bye the way I lived in Russia and Ebonics does not exist there considering how Russia was closed up in the soviet era
Though I must admitt that Africans but very few of them lived in Russia
Moreover the point of discussion here is not lauguage as a businessman and major I like languages that is why I speak so many. Now we are discussing Zambia the beloved country dummy
Ati pact anga taliko Mmd ni ngwele ba donor bamataba le lo muledabwa nalaizandamuna lele muledabwa
Chi senior citizen chilikwisa lelo? Come and assist this other retard Tazan.
# 118 what beer have you taken, useless crap. What banda is saying should work out as an eye opener in our pact. what is S.tupid satana and HH doing to organise the pact? Thiings are not really ok we need direction if we have to win as pact. Insulting and day dreaming will not remove the mmd, pact should show substance.
Ine nimvelako cabe pano , tizakambako after 2011 .**==
And Zambia is for all of us not just a few individuals read the post then you understand why I am mad who are these MMD youths to threaten peoples lives
#Tarzani – welifontini iwe, pull yourself out of those dirty butts, anyway walikowela kale ikalafye with your blind loyalty we shall see you how you jubilate on 25 oct and again after 2011 elections.
Lady M #79 UPND didnot exist in 1996. Kwalifye ZADECO. Unip boycotted the polls and Kaunda burnt Nikuvu voters cards. So LADY M you are telling lies that you voted for Andy in1996. Shame on you