Sunday, March 9, 2025

Politics of Grassroots Mobilization: William Banda and the MMD’s Battle for 2011


MMD Lusaka province chairman William Banda

By Elias Munshya wa Munshya

Many opposition political parties, civil society organizations and particular one daily newspaper detest William Banda, the MMD’s Chairman for Lusaka Province. They accuse him of having a UNIP mentality of caderism and violence. William has been in politics for many years. He was a UNIP stalwart who was under very controversial circumstances stripped of Zambian citizenship by the Chiluba regime. The Supreme Court of Zambia affirmed his deportation to Malawi by Home Affairs Minister Chitalu Sampa. He was only to be brought back to Zambia by President Levy Mwanawasa who quickly recognised William’s political skills and used him extensively in the 2006 election campaigns.[pullquote]As such, only a person who understands grassroots thinking and politics can be a match to Sata. When explaining economic performance he simply says, “Our Coca-Cola in Zambia is more expensive than elsewhere in the region.” The motto for his party is simply, “more money in your pockets .
Politically speaking William is a great political asset for the MMD. As much as many of our people would like to see a new kind of politics take center stage in Zambia today, the reality on the ground is that the current politics is indeed centered on the old political ideology of UNIP. In fact, UNIP politicians are still calling the shots: from the MMD’s RB Banda to the PF’s Michael Sata. It still remains to be studied how the MMD became the new UNIP and indeed why the old UNIP political ideology is still prevalent in Zambian politics today—twenty years after the end of UNIP rule. UNIP ideology is seen in the MMD’s “wamuyaya” mentality during Chiluba’s third term bid and is also evident in the PF’s fixation on Sata, the undoubted life president of PF. Further, Sata’s power to hire and fire his Central Committee and the fact that his party has never had a convention since the party’s formation in 2001 shows clear UNIPist propensities.

The MMD’s current greatest challenge for the 2011 election is Michael Sata. Sata is, undoubtedly, a man of the common man. His political mobilization skills are derived from the compounds and from the ordinary people. He speaks a language that they can understand, and he does not hesitate to use old and overused UNIPist strategy of intimidation and sometimes violence to carry his message through. He does not use academic language to explain economics and for him good investment is one which does not “give our market stalls to the Chinese.”” All these are simplistic terms that easily resonate with many of our people. As such, only a person who understands grassroots thinking and politics can be a match to Sata. When explaining economic performance he simply says, “Our Coca-Cola in Zambia is more expensive than elsewhere in the region.” The motto for his party is simply, “more money in your pockets . Unfortunately, RB Banda’s political history lacks a touch with the grassroots. RB Banda is a university educated elitist who spent a good number of years in the Kaunda government as a diplomat. As such, when it comes to grassroots mobilization, which the MMD desperately needs to win confortable votes in Lusaka, they had to look elsewhere to supply that.

The MMD had to look to William Banda, a controversial cadre who nevertheless can match Michael Sata’s grassroots mobilization skills. Of course the PF complain about William because they know what he brings to the political table. The PF knows that as a grassroots mobilizer, William has the potential to dent their popularity in Lusaka. This is William, an old man with grey hair, but nevertheless has the time and energy to meet cadres under mango trees and face them in Mandevu and Chawama. This is William who projects a figure of an ordinary man, a common person who nevertheless commands respect from a myriad of cadres. The MMD did not need a reasonable person to mobilize Lusaka. All they needed was a figure like William who would go to the people, mobilize them for the hour and speak a language that they can understand. The MMD does not need William to help them become a majority in Lusaka; all they need him to do is to turn a few votes against the PF. And those few votes would be very significant when the final tally is prepared in 2011.

The fact that some violent tendencies are seen in William Banda’s politics should be a concern. But equally concerning is the general violent nature that our politics seem to be taking. Be it the UPND violence in Mufumbwe and Mapatizya, or indeed the MMD’s violence in Chawama, violence should be detested. But William’s strengths of grassroots political mobilization far outweigh any of his weaknesses. The message is at least clear, if the PF have Sata, the MMD have their William Banda who is willing to do what Sata does very well in Lusaka. And if the MMD indeed wanted to have a man of the people to mobilize Lusaka for them, they had no better choice than the old William Banda.


  1. The “Willam Banda Thuggery School” runs daily in Zambia.
    Just in different locations.

    It’s a Mobile MILITIA!

  2. What you are saying is that we are so old fashioned&uneducated to move forward! That we dont have hope&we are done for.
    William Banda is a man of violence. Period. Sata equally has held on to power in a party he created-is that democratic enough, certainly not.
    I refuse to believe that we cant move on, that we cant have politics that are transparent…but again, the last twenty years or so we have seen Zedian govt.s hold back educational progs and henceforth, democracy without education is a non starter-thats why we see chitenge materials, etc presents during campaigns, corruption unchecked.
    MMD and Banda are no doubt the waste opinion for Zed. Sata was never implicated in Chiluba’s corruption nosense but he is not democratic. HH not realistically respresenting the whole country…

  3. William Banda is a disgrace, I am sure his children are ashamed of his beheviour. He is not even worth writting about, politics is not about winning elections be Author, it should be about improving the lives of of the citizenry through promotion of the well being of the people by improving the eceonomy. REMEMBER; “PEACE IS NOT THE ABSENCE OF WAR” William is simply a thug who doesnt care about what happens to anyone as long as his stomach is full, he is just using the cadres in MMD to eaarn a living he doesnt care about them. What economical value does he add even to his ward or branch. He is just trying to survive period!!!!!!!!! His conduct is nauseating. As a human being, I like him because he is God’s creation but I DETEST his behevior. May God serve him just like he saved Paul…

  4. I tend to differ with many people who say chiluba was a completely bad president. on depoting william banda he was spot on. it is time these old folks are gotten lid off. VJ, Sata, RB they have no new ideas. they think with their bodies are not brains. thanks, dingisawo is gone due to natural cause.

  5. …The PF knows that as a grassroots mobilizer, William has the potential to dent their popularity in Lusaka…does this writer know what he’s talking about?

  6. The Supreme Court confirmed WBanda’s deportation to Malawi. When and how did the court overturn its own ruling? Was it determined that the supreme court made a mistake & that WBanda is actually a Zambian? Can the decision to bring him back be challenged & have this chap re-deported?

  7. This is a well-balanced article and indeed it points out exactly why this thug Willian Banda has resurfaced on to the political scene. If he indeed was useless he would have been confined to the poilitical savage yard.
    He has something similar to VJ. Regardless of how we the public hate them, theres something ‘useful’ they provide their masters with.
    So wats the smartest thing we can do as a country? Vote them all out, i say!!

  8. Perhaps lets talk about those women in Fitenge material. This William Banda is very insignificant in political fraternity. I personally don’t even know him.

  9. HH should be indicted to the Hague for genocidal atrocities committed against the kaonde and Luvale earthnic groups in mufumbwe.He has further brought his terrorist atrocities(mapatizya formular) to chilanga, where he is filming these terrorist acts so as to enlist Tonga children in his terrorist group.
    I call upon the US government to freeze his assets abroad, and place a travel embargo on him and close associates.

  10. #8, you are right. This cadre dosent know what he is talking about. How can a disgraced charp overturn the PF’s political fortunes? That charp is not wanted where ever he goes. Whicg grass roots therefore does he mobilize?

  11. # 4 Cyberstar walasa bululu.
    This nonsense of praising thugs masquerading as political mobilizers is causing bloodshed.For the sake of peace & justice,we need to organise an assasin to rid this country of foreign crooks like William Banda.

  12. #12 continued..
    I further urge the CIA to place his terrorist organisation(UPND) on the list of terrorist groups headed by al Qaida.I am willing to become a CIA informing operative attached to this investigation.

  13. #15 continued…
    If the CIA does not take HH out now,he will start exporting to the USA, hundreds of young terrorists he is training in various terrorist camps in southern province of zambia.

  14. #10 Bashi Thandi,
    I like your analysis, it is factual and makes a lot of sense and I quote, ” He has something similar to VJ. Regardless of how we the public hate them, there’s something ‘useful’ they provide their masters with”.
    I have often wondered why the leadership have failed to condemn the likes of William Banda, the man who is a law unto himself. Yes, like #10 has said, ‘ the smart thing is to vote them all out’.

  15. You people of Zambia, are you sure there is no one out there to beat William Banda to death? Can some one do the justice please. thats what he deserves.

  16. By any perspective, the pendulum is steadfastly swinging much faster than it did a few years ago.RB tidal wave is sweeping through choking even the very embiortic now dead pact. Above and beyond, it is gratifying to see the speed at which H.E President Banda is realigning the country, galvanizing the voting masses while obliterating the disillusioned tabloid based PF now a historic political shell of pharisees.Decision 2011 elections will be a “gigantic tidal wave that may leave Sata incapacited if not impose himself in Taiwan as an asylee.

  17. Great analysis and perspective, I must hand it to you. This is what those Internet party president stewards with Ph.Ds fail to understand about the grassroots movement. Thanks for recognizing that we are slowly but surely nubbling away from the opposition’s strongholds. We have been heavily recruiting on the Copperbelt and Lusaka, and not only recruiting but ensuring that anybody who claims to belong to us or attend our gathering has registered to vote.

    We can’t wait for 2011. It will be a landslide people. We have it all figured out and watch the face of Lusaka and Copperbelt change next year. And if we grab Lusaka, CB & Luapula it will be heavy loses for our friends and hopefully retirement for others. Its Game on

    • Open your eyes MMD Chief bootlicker. Do not be blind to truth. Take a ride on a Zambian minibus at random and get the true picture of where MMD is going. You will will be doomed to the truth. The like of William Banda can be equated to FTJ mkulu wanga. There is otherwise an Hand writing on the wall. Only Crooks may not see this hand writing. You know what? Crooks have this fear of Sata that they can write what they see with their belly. All they like about Rupiah is that he never minds what they are doing. To them Mwanawasa was too nosy and Sata will be too Nosy and far too fast to put them behind bars. Come 28th September watch Sata. Ndonchi Kubeba!

  18. congrats Bloggers for ignoring this moron going by the name of VJ Rigger. he thought he was cracking jokes when in fact he was passing wind in his soiled pants. please bloggers my heartt goes out to all of you for once more not falling in this prehistoric specimen of a human being’s trap.

  19. this article is well balanced and to the point.kyambalesa chikaala take a leaf not that junk you always try to stuff down our throats.

  20. Comparing the Skills of William Banda to that of sata is like comparing who is the strongest between a fly and a hippo is a tug war.While William Banda may be a specialist in using intimidation to try to win some emotional sympathy ,Sata is able to out much him with a better analysis of the country`s economical situation both current and that of the future.

  21. #16 continued…
    Recently HH hatched a plot to plunge a plane(al Qaida style) into the presidential lounge of the lusaka international airport where RB was meeting Ian khama.But thanks to our intelligentsia who froze the airspace for 30 minutes.,

  22. It’s time to ramble in the jungle. Sata knows what is at stake such that he will not dare invoke his thuggery on MMD recklessly as did at the 2001 MMD convention against intellectuals. Besides the political machinery MMD has assembled in Lusaka province, the issue of demographics does not present Sata partisan predisposition he can confidently base his false positive notion that Lusaka is PF and PF is Lusaka. Its out of protruding ignorance that HH is trying to thrive on some live wire which Sata is avoid for fear of a disaster to his dream.

  23. Selfless MMD Lusaka Chief has electrified MMD politic in his province at grassroot in all districts. MMD structures are all operational.

  24. Senior Citizen ! where were you in the morning.There was another retard like you (Tazan) who thinks and reasons like you.Very retarded.There is no doubt you guys grew up in villages and being in the States is a real achievement to you.villagers

  25. Who wrote the article above?Its utter nonsense and rubbish.It seems the Lusaka Times has changed its colours recently to be pro pro MMD.What can this old thug offer to Zambian politics except violence?.The only language that comes out of this man’s mouth is that of intimidation.Dont lie to yourselves LT, William Tekere Banda is no match for Sata.If it had been a PF cadre filing in nominations in Chilanga, none of that violence wud have occurred.Its just that MMD have taken UPND for granted these days maybe because of their current leadership.i was once a UPND card carrying member when the great man Anderson kambela Mazoka (MHSRIP) was at the helm of the party.At that time yes UPND commanded a lot of rspct and even Mwanawasa (MHSRIP) knew that.The new leader of opposition now is Micheal…

  26. #32, Thumbs up to you. Its a pity that these chaps have no shame becouse they will still continue talking even after their impending defeat in mpulungu and Chilanga on the 30th. Lets see how this thurg WB will help them mobilize the grass roots.

  27. Analysis yaku mushi, It is like being told to prove some theory and after waffling and confusing yourself you simply state “It is easy to show that this theory holds”. In short don’t start out with the conclusion and then factor in a few incoherent words and sentences just to appease Senior Shitizen and his ilks…..

  28. What everyone must understand is that as far as the line of rail is concerned people have had enough of how MMD has mismanaged things. They just dont want MMD anymore. You don’t need William Banda to make people realise whats good for them The days people used to vote anyhow is long gone at least not along the line of rail. People are tired with a clique of individuals thinking they are too intelligent that they can mismanage things with impunity and have you vote for them to continue fattening their pockets whilst the rest wallow in poverty. They drink mineral water whilst the majority take unsafe water. they get paid peanuts by “investors” whilst those who give licences to the investors and protect them spend more than those peanuts on a lunch or evening pickup.

  29. Levy Patrick Mwanawasa was a good president (MHSRIEP).But two things he did very wrong and probably must be turning in his grave right now and these are:
    1.Fishing out RB while he was retired at his farm in Chipata to become republican vice president and
    2.Overturning the deportation of William “All violence at all costs” Tekere Banda
    These two Bandas need to go and soon.We have had enough as Zambians.

  30. #19 shibukombe
    My friend please clarify which one looks Malawian RB or ur talking of WTB?
    To me they both look Malawian.
    We’ll see wht happens when Sata comes to power.We might just deport them both.

  31. The problem with the oposition parties, civil society and catholic church is that they are busy attacking RB and Tekere while their friend in VJ/Tekere are busy mobilising their sure followers to register as voters and by now you can even see the face of vj is smiling, meaning the job is already done. Of course when results come out in 2011 the same accusation will come that vj has rigged. Wake up and tell your people to register. For your own information, Eastern, Luapula, Northern, Central, Copperbelt, Lusaka, Western, Northwestern has seen alot of MMD sures register as voters, including some parts of Southern(mind you VJ was there for two months persuading the sures to register). Next year’s elections will be very SHOCKING!!!! continue wasting your time insulting here at LT.

  32. # 36 I totally agree with you. We’re tired of these good-for-nothing pot-bellied and neckless characters in MMD.90 per cent of us Zambians who happen to be electorates, bask day and night in abject poverty while these insatiable gluttons lead their lavish lives in bliss.
    Time is slowly but surely catching up with them when they’ll jump out of thier cosy leather seats!

  33. #24, MMD Chief Bootlicker:
    Don’t start crowing just yet, my friend. Do you remember what happened, one general election very many years ago, between one Rupiah Banda and a retired school headmaster in Munali Constituency? Or perhaps that event is not in your memory bank, on account of your tender age?

  34. The problem with the article, is that it fails to appreciate the dangers of using violence as a tool for political ends. History is rich with the dangers of the violent politics. The NAZIS used violence as a politcal tool with consequences the world has had cause to regret!

  35. I dont think the article is saying he is morally upright, a role model, a saint or even a sharp guy. It is saying he has a skill that is usefull in the political arena and can be used to conteract PF or michael Sata’s skills. Come on player haters there are lots of pipo out there who we dislike or disaaprove of who have certain usefull skills. Actually i believe God all gives us different abilities and we just have to realise what we are good at and find an opportunity to use the ability. However I am not vulging for William Banda’s political skills

  36. ZEDIAN @ 36. If that is the case , why did the MMD do better in Chifubu? Dont mistake your view or that of your peers to be a dominant opinion. When you go into any competition its not emotion but tatic that takes the day The best way for you to KICK the MMd out of office is to join the political forces. Forming opinions and thinking they will carry the day will not change anything——-

  37. “The MMD did not need a reasonable person to mobilize Lusaka. All they needed was a figure like William.”

    Still rolling on the floor laughing.

  38. I am gone guys. But if I happen to meet this old villain called Bill Banda as am going home, or if he meets me, I’ll just snub him.

  39. Honestly speaking looking at the picture of William Banda, age is catching up with him and soon he will leave us in peace. Because age is not negotiable, let him grassroot mobilise now, but the guy is old and will soon depart may be that is why violence to him violence is not a serious matter because he knows he will soon be be gone.

  40. very sensible indeed, WTB was brought in to counteract MCSata thugery in lusaka and so far it is working. let there be bye-elections in Matero or Chawama to see the results

  41. The trouble with batata ba Sata is that his PF simply represents all the bad things that MMD used to be. He was there in the FJT era, he spoilt the MMD by hounding out all progressives. He simply killed all the good ideas of the 1990 MMD, leaving it impotent to carry out a brilliant manifesto, simply because he hijacked it in order to chart his own path to State House The MMD only became what it is when somehow the master dribbler had a thought for his country and turned the country over to Levy, maybe under Godly intervention, and again in 2008 to RB. And this Godly intervention will continue in 2011, because a beautiful country simply can not be turned to scoundrels. Such is divine intervention, those arsenals of more money in your pockets are no much. If William so be it.

  42. The MMD only rediscovered itself when Sata left. And when Sata left the MMD, the party was unshackled for ever and Sata’s march to State House curtailed and buried with it.

  43. #VJ Rigger – you are a sick demented drunken good for nothing spineless mongrel – your brown-nosing obssession has led you to eat excrement? Who are you trying to please saying such Take your nose out of those butts and breathe, you pathetic pissant….

  44. William Banda = Sata = Bad Politics(which turns violent when they are losing).
    Sata: 1. Chawama saga 2001. 2. Ordering his body guards to beat up Sinyangwe and pour chibuku on her 3. ordering PF cadres/body guards to beat up post newspaper venders & reporters in 2006 for negative reporting on his campaign. 4. Expelling 22 MPs from his party for participating in the NCC. 5. Kicking out MMD members who opposed FTJ’s 3rd term bid….etc
    Banda: 1. Chilanga saga 2. the Mufumbwe saga 3. ordering his cadres to threaten frs. Bwalya & Duff 3. ordering his cadres to threaten Nawakwi with rape….etc

  45. #31. Thanks for the valuable piece of information. MMD has potential to win again especially if it continues with it’s programs in the rural areas. Thanks to MMD

  46. William Banda is being followed not that pipo love MMD. In fact it’s a few that are following him. The reason is simple: RB & his tandem of thieves think they are high class to address poor pipo in compounds. Hence unleashed William. Now pipo think william has money hence they go there with the hope to get a free chitenge & money for a drink. Wait for the Chilanga results. MMD will know william is not an asset but a big liability.

  47. this is so crap..why praise this german shepherd like this..?he has to be deported to malawi..we need change in the way we look at politics generation..

  48. Elias, profound analysis! Well balanced and shows impeccable grasp of the local and grass root politics. The key really foe MMD is William Bandas antics.What Sata was to the Chiluba led MMD is what William is to the’ RBid’ MMD.

  49. mwilaishupa mebekala chalo just pray and watch all these characters masqarading will be sorted out not by cadres but by the ALMIGHTY GOD

  50. real issue man, that is the Truth bros. Thats why Post has been trying to run editorials encouraging people to register to vote but the problem is those kaponya’s who support Pf usually do not register to vote. most voters in zambia are women and men in rural areas. unemployed youths are notorious for not registering to vote except those in colleges and secondary schools. and usually the student vote is shared. at the end of the day MMD always has a built in advantage as every member of MMD will vote MMD!! whereas a significant number of UPND and PF members will vote for MMD reflecting their division over pact leadership

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