Sunday, March 16, 2025

RB welcomes VALE


President Banda (L)

President Rupiah Banda says the coming into the country of Brazilian Mining giant Vale, will create several jobs and economic opportunities for Zambians.

And President Banda has urged the labour movement to embrace the new investments in the mining sector, as it will create more opportunities for people in Zambia.

President Banda said he is happy with the developments and investments in the mining sector, which he said should be supported by all Zambians.

He was speaking Thursday morning, at the ground breaking ceremony of the Konkola North Mine in Chililabombwe.

Mr Banda said he is opptimistic that Zambia will soon become a middle income country judging by the amount of investments especially in the mining sector.

He said the investment is Chililabombwe will help uplift the living standards of people in the area.

And Chief Executive Officer for Konkola North Mine David Armstrong said the firm will produce in excess of 2.5 million tonnes of copper annually when the company starts full scale copper production in 2013.

And Vale CEO Roger Anglli said his firm will invest over 1 billion US Dollars into the mining operation in the next five years.

He said the money will be spent on infrastructure development and construction of the Konkola North copper Mine.

He said his firm is also interested in contributing to other sectors of the economy other than mining, such as bio Fuel.

Konkola North Copper Project, is a joint venture by Vale Mining Company of Brazil and Rainbow Minerals of South Africa.

Konkola North Mine has been dormant for over 50 years.



  1. No MB, this is the revitalising of a mine that has been dormant for fifty years at a cost wow US 1 billion. this is about 20% of our annual budget

  2. Bravo MMD, Bravo RB and Bravo Mines Minister Max Mwale!!! It pays to have a Mining Engineer at the helm of mining in Zambia……how many mines openned now??

  3. This chap David Armstrong was a chief Geologist in ZCCM at mufulira division and the chap was a racist. Who dosen’t know him. Some of us who worked at ZCCM mufulira division those days will remember this chap with the late General Manager Fred Mwandabai may his soul rest in peace. So people in chililabombwe be careful with this *****. I wish you all zambians all the best back home with the so called investment.

  4. Not even the biggest mine in Africa can produce 2.5 millins tonnes of copper…Do they know what they are talking about?

  5. Bwezani, bwezani, bwezani. How many times have I called your name? Uyu mudala azatisiya countryless, in his is short temporary stay he has brought in hoards of chinese, libyans, chadians, manje akrosa ocean ku west and brings in brazilians. And he says he is developing the country? What a load of croak, the old baffo.on is lining his pockets, anyway he wont get to spend all the money he is collecting in backhanders!!

  6. Number 7, It is 2.5 million tonnes of copper ore. This is just another example of below standard journalism from Zambian media journalists.

  7. Is that Mulongoti (r) in the picture? I think he was told (rightly) to shut up! Or he is scared he will receive some ‘Mpombo’ oratory for lunch! Or he was excorcised by Dora (the new boss)? It is well…..

  8. kwena u blogger and foul-mouthed. is it so hard to appreciate positive moves made by govt? or is your hatred so deep u can never see anything good in MMD? stop this hate game for once and give a thumbs up to RB rand his team! they have convinced investors to bring their money here and not elsewhere.

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