Monday, March 17, 2025

The Week in Pictures



A man bargaining for a good price for beans in Solwezi


The trader sells the beans to a satisfied customer


Illegal mining activities in Chingola are escalating. This is mainly due to the rising copper prices on the market... and dubious businessmen are engaging people including children as young as 13yrs old to illegally mine for them. Copperbelt Police commanding officer was in Chingola last month to warn the illegal miners, that police will soon deploya special unit to work with mining houses to repel them from the mining pits for their safety's sake.picture by Stephen Daka


Journalists marching to parliament building where they went to petition the Speaker of National Assembly Amusa Mwanamwamba to take action against Munali member of parliament Mumbi Phiri who allegedly referred to public media journalists as Information minister Ronnie Shikapwasha's dogs.


Some journalists from the public media during the protest against Munali MP Mumbi Phiri outside parliament building


Journalists at parliament building where they went to petition the Speaker of National Assembly


Chipangali MP Vincent Mwale receives a petition against Munali MP Mumbi Phiri from Zambia Union of Journalists General Secretary Angela Chishimba outside parliament building


Passengers escaped with minor injuries after this Nakonde bound bus went off the road and hit a tree along the Great North road


President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama greet Ambassador of Zambia Sheila Z. Siwela in a receiving line during a Diplomatic Corps Reception for the foreign diplomatic corps in the Blue Room of the White House, Oct. 5, 2010. (Official White House Photo by Samantha Appleton)


Former Kabwe Central Member of Parliament Austin Chewe makes a monetary donation to a church leader in Kabwe


President Banda meets his counterpart from Botswana Ian Kharma at Lusaka international airport


Botswana president Ian Kharma greets Defence chiefs at Lusaka international airport


President Banda and his counterpart from Botswana Ian Kharma at Lusaka international airport


  1. # 6 the placard being held by the guy of the far right says who let the dogs out. Are subtly agreeing to Mumbi’s comments.
    But on a serious note, while we should condem Mumbi if she indeed uttered those words, we should also point out that some of the reporting by the state-owned media is just utterly unbelievable.

  2. Bashi Thandi my thoughts exactly on pic no.6 only other comments I have are on pic no.4 – journalists obviously need to focus on improving their writing because their drawings are even more atrocious!!! and pic no.9 I really did not know Siwela was Lozi.

  3. i feel for these fake journalists.i think they were paid to match with this heat over a statement that was later clarified by the minister.what you are not doesn`t hurt you.Maybe there are…………………….

  4. These journalists have nothing better to do . Surely you go on a protest with shameful posters with drawings and obscene writings about someone hoping to achieve what exactly. If someone supposedly insults you and you respon with more insults you just prove the poibt that you are levels below the same person who insulted you. Have some integrity and dignified responses rather than infantile response demonstrations

  5. Pict 1 & 2. LT, you should ‘ve just published one picture, just like 11 & 13.
    The dog protest was a mere waste of time. What have they really achieved apart from being scorched by the heat & carrying useless & shameful placards.

  6. #3 Mrs Siwela is not Lozi, she is Tumbuka from eastern province not that matters anyways. Many Zambian regardless of where they come from, are adopting the Lozi style of dress as ‘national costume’. The irony being that the dress in question is actually a local copy of 19th century European dress similar to the ‘traditional’ dress of Herero women in Namibia which they copied from German missionaries. On another note, Siwela is the younger sister to the mother of Zambian author Dambisa Moyo.

  7. Evelyn Hone College should overhaul its Journalism Program, their graduates are pathetic.

    Reporters cant even spell or articulate. Even at reputable papers like The Post, the writing is very sub par. LT included.

  8. Hey Aussie dwellers, you can get the real and original red/solwezi beans from ‘get fresh’ supermarket.Just cooked some the other day and its great!!

  9. Imwe mwa banthu. Musiyeni chabe uyu Mumbi Phiri. Who doesnt make a mistake kanshi? Munthu achita apologise , imwee mukali upanga chongo.. are you after her blood?

  10. What about the Lusaka Times, did they also participate in the protest? I not am dissappinted by their Journalism ethics.

  11. Pic 3-Kabonde must have had scared the shi.t out of that kid.I can see that he was crying.I could have had reacted in the same way if i was in the same situation coz that guys face is scary to say the least.Am sure the kid is still recovering from the trauma.

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