Monday, March 17, 2025

Salaries body starts work


The Salaries Review Commission has started receiving submissions from workers and organisations on the Coppberbelt.

President Rupuiah Banda appointed the commission to review the conditions of service for public service workers.

The commission headed by Professor Muyunda Mwanalushi conducted its first sittings in Ndola Monday morning, at which workers, unions and government institutions representatives made their submissions.

Among the institutions which made submissions, are the Clinical officers Association of Zambia, the Mpongwe District Administration, Copperbelt Province administration and representatives form the Meteorological department.

Professor Mwanalushi said government would no longer promote and increase salaries for civil servants automatically.

He said government has instead introduced the annual performance appraisal system to effect salary increments and promotions in the public service.

And Clinical Officer Association of Zambia Secretary General Milner Kasempa urged the commission to recommend the reinstatement of the Clinical Officer structure which was abolished under the health reforms.

And Mpongwe District commissioner Rasford Bulaya called for the harmonisation of salary scales among professionals holding similar qualifications.
[ ZNBC ]


  1. IMF prediction is right! Closer to election, salaries will start to be reviewed in the public sector and resulting in an insignificant spend on infrastructure! Shame on this MMD!

  2. This is very laughable, do you honestly even to waste money on a review commission to have the minimum wage adjusted! It’s a no brainer that the pathetic lower wage should have been adjusted upwards centuries ago! It appears the guys in government jump at every opportunity to spend taxpayers’ hard earned money! Shame…

  3. Performance appraisals pa Zed? I dont see this system working with the way pipo are so personal.
    And also generally pa zed government workers spend too much time doing their own things so what ll be the performance be based on. And you cant blame the pipo for doing their own stuff cause they are paid too little and still they have to survive
    This whole thing is a joke

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