The farmers have also said opposition leaders should stop criticising President Banda’s trips abroad because they were beneficial to the country.
Zambia Small-Scale Farmers Network (ZSSFN) board chairperson Boyd Liambai said in Lusaka yesterday that Mr Sata and Mr Hichilema did not have the capacity to do anything better than what President Banda had done.
Mr Liambai cited achievements such as the decision by the Food Reserve Agency (FRA) to buy farm produce worth K1.5 trillion from farmers while distribution of farming inputs had already started.
The Government had increased the Constituency Development Fund from K200 million to K600 million and the number of people accessing in-puts under the farmer input support programme had also been tripled.
Mr Liambai said the schools and rural health centers had also been improved in the country, which must be appreciated.
“We would like to request Mr Sata and Mr Hichilema to be truthful in their dealings more especially when they are talking about issues affecting the people of Zambia,” Mr Liambai said.
He condemned the recent wave of attacks on President Banda by some clergy, businesspersons and politicians in the name of democracy.
Mr Liambai said the president had ensured that there was improved infrastructure development such as the completion of the Choma-Namwala Road, the Chipata-Mchinji railway line which projects had all been completed within the two years that President Banda had been in power.
He reminded Mr Sata and Mr Hichilema that the Nitrogen Chemicals of Zambia (NCZ) had been revamped and could produce 20,000 tonnes of fertiliser.
“What more do people want better than this? We are therefore appealing to the people of Zambia more especially those in Chilanga and Mpulungu where there are by-elections not to listen to Mr Sata and Mr Hichilema but treat their word with contempt,” he said.
Mr Liambai said the agricultural and other policies were among the best in the SADC region and urged Zambians to embrace the Government for continued prosperity.
He said the trips being undertaken by the president were necessary and accused the two leaders of taking advantage of poor people to tell lies on the President’s trips abroad.
Who is that guy again?
The grassroots who vote are now speaking and not the ng’wang’wazis.
silly rabbit…daft reasoning this is, how can we ever know that the two can never do better than Banda when we can only have one president to prove himself at any given time, have sata and HH been republican presidents before for this dim-wit to make such comparisons?
Wow! The grassroots are speaking and like Sharp Shooter said, they vote unlike kaponya’s. Wapya munzi. Viva RB
Just because FRA paid you and RB is working!!!! Very selfish individual. They have failed to buy my maize and is rotting at my farm.
sharpshooter and freeman on earth thats reality which upnd and pf fail to accept thats why the lose. smallscale farmers are no longer stuck with maize like has been in the past. FRA has collected everything. kaponyas are waiting for less taxes and more cash in pockets till dooms day. This RB is a man among men
These are the people that vote and determining factors. You guys are busy making noise in town them are seeing development by way of boreholes, roads, bridges, schools being constructed and fertiliser support programme etc. That is why when you are campaigning you look at issues affecting the people in a particular area. PF is talking about more money in “our” pockets and these people know how money comes but us in town with kaponyas thats when we shout louder pabwatoooo thinking money will just come like manna. And you the “Eye” dont you know that it doesnt take one to be a president to know what he can or can not do. Sata has no direction on anything and you expect him to perform my foot!!! And the young man HH whom I thought would be better has become defitist .
Well the grassroots who vote have spoken.
thinking like Liambai we are in problems. MMD is doing fine now by tarring roads they graded, mending potholes on roads they abandoned. the unfortunate part about liambai is that he thinks about his stomach alone. unemployment levels are now at 80-85% when KK left it at about 15-20%.simple logic will tell any normally thinking person on earth that MMD has brought misery to many homes the 19years its been in office. so Mr Liambai think about the country and not your stomach. right now MMD is just doing damage repair in a few areas where people can easily be fooled. education and health am sure no sane Zambian would say MMD has performed well in these areas. the number of school leavers roaming the streets is increasing every year and hospitals are now even running out of panadol
ZSSFN hahahaha is there such an organisation? That guy is just massaging Rupiah’s ego.Am sure nobody has heard of that briefcase Non Governmental Individual (NGI)
Me and my entire family will never vote for MMD. But we are not kaponyas. Viva PACT!!!
Dont be foolish.Get your maize from your farm and take it to the sheds, where FRA is exchanging it with money.Dont expect FRA to come to you.What type of farmer are you?
Small minds think about the present. Big brains think about the future. How years has maize been rotting because it has not been bought? No one is better than many brains. Cheap propaganda,again.
wao, I believe Gen Miyanda has better policies and he is the only guy i have ever voted 4 since i became an eligible voter. But between pact and MMD, i would vote for the pact. whether the MMD is working or not. I am simply tired of MMD. even if they brought the Gen, Sata or who ever. just the word MMD is sickening
Small scale farmers yesterday said………….This is misleading. Which farmers were talking? It was only one individual’s opinion. When chief Mwanachinwala says something, Is it the people of Mazabuka who have talked?
and students here in russia are suffering, where is the money for medical policy???
#19 chikubaba what are you doing in a foreign country suffering and crying come back home.
another Lozi sell out like lifewkelo and mundia..useless chaps..
If they have lamentably to manage and nurture their unholy marriage called pact consumated in hell, how could they manage a nation of over 12 million plus people in diversity. If you cannot be a leader in small things, you cannot be one in big challenges. They just run nothing but doomed political shells.
Of course any Zambian been president of this Country can perform a minimal 10 times more than RB. The guy is Naturally DULL, what with his OLD AGE. Feel sorry for this tired soul.
RB is busy busy getting loans from outside. Who is going to pay back these loans. Zambians careful your are under serious threat of bunddled loans. We need to protect the future of the coming generation all this in the name of inning in 2011.
Anyone who thinks Sata is an option is simply mad or a pathetic tribalist. I can understand that maybe someone might make the mistake that HH is an option but Sata please!! What has he ever done for the country. how can a demagogue and a rogue of the worst type(kaponya) govern a nation state in this century that is a useless and shameful notion. I f we feel RB is not good enough let us put forward leaders that inspire and have vision not vulgar old un refined men like sata
The Zambian electorate is probably being well advised.. “The Devil You Know is better than the Angel You Don’t Know.” RB may have his flaws, which flaws are well-known to the Zambian people. Michael Sata and Hakainde Hichilema, “Angels” though they may be, are in reality “Unknown Variables.” Either of them could end-up being anything but the “Angel” we may be fascinated with. And since good leaders are such a rarity in Africa, as the experience of the ibrahim index of african governance has shown, Zambia may be better-off extending RB’s contract for one more term. For two successive years, the ibrahim index of african governance has failed to find an African leader worthy the award. RB may not be a good leader, albeit by African standards he probably is.