Monday, March 17, 2025

Mealie Meal price saddens RB


President Rupiah Banda (file Picture )

President Rupiah Banda says government is working on measures aimed at reducing the price of mealie meal in the country.

Mr Banda says he is not happy with the mealie-meal prices, which are currently high.

The President says there is need to reduce the price of the staple food following the unprecedented maize bumper harvest recorded this year.

Mr Banda was speaking at Mount Makulu Basic School in Chilanga where he is holding public rallies to drum up support for MMD Chilanga Parliamentary candidate Keith mukata.

And President Banda has urged all MMD supporters to desist from engaging in any form of violence during and after the campaigns.
He said MMD members should instead tell the people what the ruling party is doing to improve their standards of living across the country.

President Banda said MMD supporters should convince people from other parties to join the ruling party, and be part of the development programs being implemented.

He also challenged other political leaders to publicly denounce violence and preach peace at all public fora.

Meanwhile, President Banda said that former Chilanga MP, Nng’andu Magande was expelled from the MMD because he continued to criticize the ruling party.

And on Mr Mukata, President Banda said the MMD candidate is a credible man who would develop the constituency if elected MP.

And Speaking at the same rally, Lands Minister Gladys Lundwe urged the people of Chilanga to give a chance to Mr Mukata so that he could help solve the land disputes in the constituency.

The President who also toured Mount Makulu Clinic is wednesday afternoon scheduled to hold another rally in Mwembeshi area.
[ ZNBC ]


  1. “President Banda said the MMD candidate is a credible man who would develop the constituency if elected MP”
    How is this possible? Its Govt reponsibility to develop the country.An MP is just a representative of the people who submitts wishes & desires of the people in Parliament! Basic civics.
    Bumper harvest high mealie meal prices even the Degree holder in Economic History is perplexed

  2. RB, you are mocking us, you know the price of BUNGA, but you are just talking bullshit. woke up man, you talk about bump harvest but no bennefit to commonman and the farmer who lobared to have the much talked about bump harvest.

  3. This man is a joke. Magande was an MMD mp and why didnt they develop chilanga. Kuyabebele Rubbish Bin aka RB and your so called movement for man dogs aka MMD…DON’T KUBEBA!

  4. Stop politicking with people’s lives. Are you just knowing about the high prices of our staple food and other basic necessities of life?
    You spend a huge chunk of our meger resources on your aimless travels instead of subsidizing farmers’ inputs and other production related activities whos benefits will be passed on to the consumers.
    You have no priorities to speak of.
    just start packing your bags to exit State house. You are an embarassment to our nation. shame on you old man

  5. This man never ceases to amaze me.. Ala RB.. What were you thinking when you approved 42% ZESCO tariff increase and and an effetctive 20% increase in Fuel pump prices from jan levels????? Some of these economists! unga lile buti. So RB.. Mudala.. Were you expecting grains to magically fly off their cobs on some farm in Sinanzeze and land in a Milling Plant silo in lusaka.. or that Maize Mill runs on Air and not electricity??

  6. #1 Good point. There seems to be a lack of understanding amongst Zambians, including the leaders themselves, as to what the job of an MP is. An MP is not a budget holder. He might get involved in disbursing Constituency Development Funds but these do not amount to much in the scheme of things. No wonder all we get told is that government is the process of doing this and that, and yet nothing gets done!

  7. #7 – This is the kind of rhetoric which you should expect from a visionless and clueless leader for a President. Dull as I know RB to be, he probably doesn’t know the role of parliamentalians.

  8. Our politicians are so cheap, they strugle to reason. Is there anything insipiational in RB? The other day he was saying that he finds homosexuality very difficult to comment on, no vision. And in his campains, he is telling the electotates tha he can also insult, what a president. Ba Sata nabo is busy talking about the late Chibo in Mpulungu. He also failed to defend himself against the allegations that he is advocating 4 gay rights. our country will remain backward!

  9. Chi kala of course u are supposed 2 be saddened especially after spending 7 months in the air.arent u the same f.o.o.l who was talking about an unprecedented bumper harvest now reality has caught up with u ka.i wud also like 2 know who taught RB economics that person shud be ashamed.You better wake the f.u.c.k up intead of seeing problems when its campaign time.2011 here we come.

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