Monday, March 17, 2025

Judge orders IG to court over meeting disruption at Simenza Sangwa’s firm


Inspector General Francis Kabonde
File: Inspector General Francis Kabonde

Lusaka High Court Judge Gregory Phiri has ordered Inspector General of Police Francis Kabonde to avail himself in  court this afternoon and  the police officer who was in charge when police disrupted a meeting of state advocates at Simenza Sangwa and associates law firm

Judge Phiri has ordered that the police officer should be in court by 14:30 hours this afternoon to give a full account of what transpired.

The judge described last evenings disruption of the meeting as unbelievable.

He said this is because police and state advocates meet each other and should always work together in prosecuting matters.

Judge Phiri was prompted to make the order after Law Association of Zambia President Stephen Lungu placed on record that the association is deeply concerned about what transpired last evening.

Mr Lungu told the court that every legal practitioner should be allowed to operate independently and without fear.

This is in a matter in which Inktech Managing Director Matthew Mohan and two others are facing murder charges of Lusaka businessman Sajid Itowala.

Police last evening stormed Simeza Sangwa law firm and disrupted an official meeting called by state advocates from the Director of Public Prosecutions chambers, Sajid Itowala’s family and a member of the Law Association of Zambia.



  1. Dark corner meetings! Why didn’t the state advocates from the DPP convene the meeting at their offices and in the daytime?

  2. What is he going to do to them? warn them,caution them,take them to prison,nonsense,waste of time,we just want Mohan to continue with his revelations,he has a lot of damaging information and you want to sidetrack him, ndiye kaduka aka manje

  3. No. 2 Ricky walasa,i was also asking myself a similar question.DPP should call for a mistrial.New case should be re-opened with new suspects and a broadened dragnet.Problem you will discover DPP is involved.Money @ play

  4. State has interest in this case….a lot is about to come out. Let us hope that judge Phiri is not connected to this case coz of late he is shaken so much.

  5. Dark corner meetings, dirty lawyers the police did well US DOLLAR 750,000.00 BAMABLA where do you get such kind of money just to corrupt someone whew

  6. There is nothing wrong with the meeting if you know what happens in any criminal case proceedings. The police were wrong, it could also be that the police are infact corrupt and working for Mohan. It just shows how stupid our police force is in Zambia. They are so daft they can’t even think carefully what the implications are. The IG is an *****, I wonder where RB found him. Judge Phiri is a no nonsense gentleman of law and we will see stuff coming out of this if there is anything dodgy. So please stop politicising what the DPP’s office was doing; otherwise you will just embarrass yourself. This is law and justice process at play, not politics.

  7. It seems no one is exercising calm in this court. So far, confusion is regning. Why are all the lawmen jittery? Is law a passport to commit crime? There is something very wrong with this borrowed judicial system. Lawyers have been taking the populous for a ride. maybe we can have an alternative judicial system.

  8. If you do not know what goes on in any crinimal or civil case, better keep quite. There is nothing sinister about this meeting. It is a trial procedure everywhere that allows both partes not to take each other by surprise once in the courtroom. For your own informattion, they even exhange documents. That is why the judge has called the IG. There is more than what meets the eye to this case. Remember, these lawyers represented FTJ. Apparently, they are being harrased because they are defending Mathani who MMD believes is going to bankroll PF. For now, let us just wait for the outcome.

  9. It is impropert to meet at night, at a law firm which is not involved, and at a time when sensitive evidence is being given. This just proves that Mohan (who is also a criminal) is telling the truth. Bring “the boys” to testify and then paneme bola iza wamila tu!

  10. #20, you have no evidence to support your assumptions. First of all, find out whether there a specific place or time when these guys should be meeting instead of just shooting in the dark.

  11. It’s amazing and amusing to note that we have some ‘elite’ Zambians who are ignorant about court procedures. There was nothing unusual for the State Advocates to have a meeting at whatever time or wherever. All what mohan alleged can’t be taken as absolute truth. The action by the police was not only unproffesional but also a pervasion of justice. Bloggers U may wish 2 recall that this the same mohan who had conived with some corrupt police officer to help him escape from lawful custody. What would stop a reasonable person from suspecting that what happened yesterday was an act to disrupt the proceedings in order to let mohan elude justice? My advice to fellow Zambians is that we ought to be sober-minded and objective when commenting on serious issues.

  12. # 22. Thank you for reminding us of Mohan’s past deeds. For the bloggers’ information, I am neither supporting the lawyers nor Mohan. I am stand is purely on court procedures.


  14. Simeza has been killing people since chiluba era. the guy is an educated mafia. chiluba paid him billions to be free and indians are always at his office to secure an aquital! I like simeza… a lozi with some sense ! Go Sims go go gog gog gog gog gog gog gog gog gog gog gog gog gog gog gog gog goig gog gog

  15. Katoloshi iwe, dont sound all educated. We are all educated so do not script us in what we want to say. “My advice to fellow Zambians is that we ought to be sober-minded and objective when commenting on serious issues.” Who do you think you are?

  16. This has never happened before. Zambia is playing with fire. Why should armed police go for lawyers? We have never heard of a lawyer staging a gunfight with police so what justifies such styupid actions? Since the media was muzzled lawyers have been the only hope for freedom of speech. Now the state wants to silence them. This is just like Shariah law. Let lawyers operate freely. Lawyers dont fix cases. If the judge cannot see through lies then he should not be a judge

  17. What will happen is that Mohan will be convicted for murder. Most of the evidence he is giving just shows that he actively took part in the murder of Itowala. As to Simeza’s involvement, let us wait and see – It could be a case for another day.

  18. #28 the issue is not whether or not one is educated, but being sober-minded whem making some comments. I’m live 2 the fact that even the so-called highly educated, like #28, can choose to be ignorant on obvious issues. It is childish 4 #28 to be concerned with who I am, instead of discussing real issues. It is chaps like #28 who claim 2 be highly educated but their education does not add any value to discussions on LT, better still 2 the nation.

  19. 31, good and sober. We should have more of you and less of people who believe that whatever gets into their ears is the truth.

  20. ……..And whatever they read or see in the headlines. Reminds me of my grandmother who used to think that whatever was said by the voice on the radio was gospel truth….. similarly some people seem to think that whatever they read in the newspapers was written by God, especially if the paper says what they want to hear.

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