Chief Mukuni Munokalya of the Toka Leya people of Southern Province has said the PF/UPND Pact has merely confused Zambians more than trying to serve the purpose it was founded upon.
Chief Mukuni said in Lusaka yesterday that it was difficult for any ordinary Zambian to clearly understand what the pact was up to except the leaders in it and that it was difficult to know if they were serious.
“I do not understand the pact, only the people in it know and it’s just confusing the people of this country. Outsiders cannot follow what is going on. We Zambians, do not know if they are serious or serving any purpose,” he said.
The chief expressed happiness at the decision by the various political party leaders to sit down and denounce political violence.
The violence witnessed mainly during by-elections did nothing for the ordinary Zambians except that it traumatised them.
The chief said the move by candidates contesting the Chilanga by-elections to denounce violence was the first step to good politics in Zambia and hoped the pronouncements would not end there but spread to the whole country.
“Besides, this violence is being championed by parties hoping to intimidate voters during by-elections so that their opponents stay away, but we have a general election coming, they will not be able to transport violent people to all constituencies,” the Chief said.
Zambians could not be cheated anymore and that any party or group that would not have a good manifesto might as well forget about making the next Government.
Dude you are the one confused,not Zambian,speak for your self….victim of akashinda abeni
You are very right my chief…they are just confusing us.
Right data wrong source
The post detroyed pact. you can see how they cover sata. does it mean HH is not campaigning…? this is what they are ennoying the other group terrible,,you must know that without HHH as a candidate, there will be no pact, let sata wins alone not with UPND. they have already calculated…
Am a Tonga from his kingdom. AI confirm that my Chief has no influence on us his subjects. We are not confused about the PACT. Perhaps the maxim is correct when it states that “confusion confuses the confused”. Chief, say the PACT is confusing “you” and not “People”
#3…ha ha ha ha ha ha ,ati wrong source
Indeed its is confusing.Up to now,they havent reconciled the manifestos,dont know who will be President and the members dont know if the Pact exists or is a myth.They are in limbo.
#4 why do you people ignore reality . Dont be so selfish , the pact is the solution to the current political crisis and people like Kizito should not be preoccupied on who stands in 2011 unless you want MMD to continue ruling Zambia for the 50 yrs. Mind you some people are only interested in removing the current Govt from power and not on cheap and tribal conotations that some may attach to the pact. Ijwe Mukuni is very right and its high time leaders of the pact counsel their followers to stop this nosense.
#4 why do you people ignore reality . Dont be so selfish , the pact is the solution to the current political crisis and people like Kizito should not be preoccupied on who stands in 2011 unless you want MMD to continue ruling Zambia for the next 50 yrs. Mind you some people are only interested in removing the current Govt from power and not on cheap and tribal conotations that some may attach to the pact. Ijwe Mukuni is very right and its high time leaders of the pact counsel their followers to stop this nosense.
you can talk about the the pact this time it only exists between sata and his vuvuzela mmembe. HH is now treated like an orphan look todays post its all about sata who is in mpulungu but HH who is busy in the neighborhood total blackout.
Aka ka sick Chief, you should be happy for MMD if the pact is confused the MMD will have a better chance.
The mere fact that the two parties in the PACT finally agreed not to compete against each other in the Chilanga and Mpulungu by-elections demonstrates, to any objective observer, their commitement to the PACT.
But to the already confused, well, they will get even more confused.
Watch chief mukuni in china ” WHEN CHINA MET AFRICA” then you will understand why he is confused about the pact. HH for president.
MMD cadre,shut the **** up!
Confused chief indeed.MMD have thoroughly confused him.
# 15 walasa.
# 10 the post does not decide the president for Zambia. It is the Zambians who vote. So ignore them many people do not mind what comes out in the media. Zambians are shaper .UMUNTU PA ZED alisalapuka. When ever did they get it write for president not a single time.wapaya munzi.
9#. it is people like you who is so useless. you are failing to know that pact can not work because HH and SATA both want to be president…In 1964 they agreed to allow kaunda who was from north to lead. this time allow some one from south to lead not other way round..!!!SATA knows this very well because he was part of it..remember, am not a tonga, am a bemba by tribe from chiengi where kalumba comes from. we must allows others also,, thats is the only way this pact will work. From what am seeing people are hating us because of wants to be presidents, this is affecting future bemba presidents.. so sata should humbly allow HH to lead since he said he is ready to be a vice president, otherwise there will be no pact, no matter what you say….!!! you can not trust sata..!!
Uyu mwana PACT kubuta bebele. Ni madimbiko. Why wash your dirty linen in public??
I know this chief very well. He is eating with RB, He should not waste our time. He knows it very well that his friend RB is in trouble. REMEMBER HIS TRIP TO ZIMBABWE with RB! Doesnt that ring a bell!
The day the Litunga will speak his mind Zambia will definitely shake! Apart from the Litunga all the traditional rulers are cheap. They are controlled and easily bought by the govt. Remember during the Luena by elections the Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE) summoned all the political parties and told them off over the unpalatable language they were using in their campaigns. I am yet to hear this kind of thing in other traditional jurisdictions!
UPND/PF ignore this chief. He is a detractor in the middle of 2 very important by-elections. We the privilledged know what you are doing in the back ground. You have a great strategy which will make the Mukunis, Lady Gaga and the rest of the MMD cadres faint. Even within the pact there have been detractors and they are being handled very maturely. Wait and see, wina azalila!
A chief with an empty head. I also come from his chiefdom and truly the man lacks influence among his subjects. Whom is he trying to appease by giving out such statements ? The man is a failure and he cannot hoodwink anybody. Which people is he refering ? Chief Mukuni, you are shame to us no wonder a debate is already on that you should just be removed from the thrown.
yes confused you are since that incidence of Victoria falls when diving. Sad that you are still confused such that now the PACT is confusing you more.
Please guys spare this chief..
This One should be, Chief Victoria Falls. because of rich history with chief Mukuni.
What is confusing pact is the Post for being biased to HH. No HH no pact.
For all those who know me, just wanted to say that i am not the kizito in #4. said and done, what happened to the principle that chiefs were non partisan?
On ““I do not understand the pact, only the people in it know and it’s just confusing the people of this country. Outsiders cannot follow what is going on. We Zambians, do not know if they are serious or serving any purpose,” he [Chief Mukuni] said” I am glad that Mukuni has come to his senses by telling the people in this world that he is not privy to matters of the PACT. This is better that what the fake PACT spokespersons like Vice President of Zambia George Kunda say about the PACT when they clearly do not understand the PACT.
I hope that we all who are spectators will let the PACT leader HH to do things well as other PACT members help HH to make sure that Zambia sees a change of GRZ Administration next yr.
Be blest all.
Matt 6:33 But seek y first the kingdom of God…
The bungee jumping chief!!!!:d
Chief you are myopic to have confusion in your head overtime worsters. Pact can not work due to sidelining HH.
#29 you know this chief. CHIEF BAKER.
its hh who is confussing pipo.le me tell u pipo why hh joined the pact.he thought that mr sata would be dead b4 2011 election,so that he could take over the a matter of fact,he is the one with his mp`s who wanted to bring the degree clause in the constitution after seeing that mr.sata is not dying anytime soon.again they lost that battle,so thas why the man hh doesnt know what to do anymore.he can`y match sata thas 4 sure
The blacking out of HH by some sections of the media during this chilanga by election is deeply regrettable. I know HH is busy with his men on the ground and now in this race to manda hill wish both the UPND and MMD good luck and God bless
right on ba chief ba dala
Is it still there, I mean the Pact? The supporters helped kill it. How can they leave the choice of president of the Pact to the so called leadership, as they say on the so called ground ” ….Sata and HH know who will be leader and they will announce at the appropriate time…” Be enlightened guys, followers choose leaders, not the other way round. The burden was too much for Sata and HH, they were blind and lost, and their supporters were nowhere near to guide them! Now Pact is past tense, all because of its blind and unimaginative supporters.
Why hasnt the Post Newspapers been covering HH. Is he also not on the ground. Why should they go all the way to Mpulungu and doctor Sata’s campaign crowd even when the post knows that sata will tumble with a landslide. The Post killed the Pact Period and they keep dismembering it thinking that HH will cow away. Shame on MMEMBE