Monday, March 17, 2025

MMD haunted by Chibombamilimo dismisal – AVAP


The late Mpulungu Member of Parliament Lameck Chibombamilimo

The Anti Voter Apathy project (AVAP) Executive Director, Bonnie Tembo has warned that the words that were uttered in the speech that republican president, Rupiah Banda used when he fired former mpulungu member of parliament, Lameck Chibombamilimo from the position of deputy energy minister, will haunt the MMD.

Mr. Tembo has observed that the MMD has a slim chances of scooping the Mpulungu by-election because the fact that Mr. Chibombamilimo was unceremoniously fired from president Banda’s cabinet, is still fresh on the minds of the people.

Mr. Tembo said the PF’s decision to use a recorded speech of what president Banda when he fired Mr. Chibombamilimo as a campaign strategy against them, would have a negative impact on the MMD’s performance.

He ,however, registered a general complaint of participating political parties’ failure to uphold the electoral code of conduct.

The AVAP Director accused the ruling party of using a lot of government vehicles in their party campaigns and failing to draw a line on party and governments business lines.

Mr. Tembo oted that Mpulungu people seem geared and ready for the poll day.
[ QFM ]


  1. hehe We know it that MMD will lose the two seats.

    MMD is left with a shell only…Its a dead rulling party. What a paradox really.

  2. AlaBee said he would follow Chibombajob wherever he would go. I now no why AlaBee is condemning the use by the opposition the name of Chibombajob. Wapya kapala.

  3. As if that was not enough,,,he told off the donors,,,revenge is a B.itch

    MMD has a lot of good and wise people,but they are all made to look bad because of this I.diot

  4. Yes, RB was right when he said he will follow Chibombamilion even in his grave. Today the MMD and RB are burried in a political grave.They have followed the late. May their soul rest in peace. We shall mourn their death in Chilanga and Mpulunga then attend their pegatory in 2011

  5. Is it wrong to discipline a member of the party? didnt Sata single handedly expell the 22 MP’s, suspend GBM, Eric Chanda, etc.? what was wrong with MMD expelling Cibombamilimo?

  6. Ladies and Gentlemen, Be very careful, do not support Sata, He is a dictator. He is now using the tape in desperation to get to statehouse. As long as he does not sort out the problem with his 22 MPs, he is finished. He will never see State House. The Late Mwanawasa told him that he would never be president of Zambia, Finish.

  7. Sata is using archaic campaign tactics. People should vote for MMD because it has performed. I agree with 9 and 10 above.

  8. 9 and 10 muli mbushi sana. Ivestors are shooting your own people are you are ndwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. Wake up zambians show the *****s MMD enough is enough.

  9. #12 Mwine Pabo, you are very right.

    As for you Dangerman, AKA Zulu, I will not waste my time arguing with you because the wise say “Never argue with a foo.l”. If I dignify your warped insinuations and innuendos against Sata with a response, it would be the lowest level of fooli.shness one can stoop to.

    Continue with your hopeless, unworkable smear campaign of falsely accusing Sata of “Crimes committed in the 1960s”, which you have up to date failed to prove, and your unsubstantiated allegations regarding issues surrounding homosexuality.

    So I will leave you to your unrealistic wishes

  10. Journey man Rupiah Banda is a failure period. How do you allow thr so called investors to shoot your own people and you defend them the following day. Is that how a company’s management responds to workers grieviences. Rupiah is out of touch because he is always out of the country and “runs” the country by remote control. If you say there is development in Zambia, get sick and go to the UTH

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