First Republican President Dr Kenneth Kaunda has appealed to Zambians regardless of their political affiliation to continue maintaining peace and stability which the country has enjoyed for the past 46years.
Dr Kaunda said there is need for Zambians to continue maintaining peace and stability in the nation for development to take place.
He said this during the 46th independence Celebrations held at the Lusaka show grounds today.
The 46th Independence was celebrated under the theme “Consolidating our independence through food security.”
The First Republican President noted that it is important for Zambians to embrace each other and following God’s commandment of loving one’s neighbor as oneself.
Dr Kaunda stressed that if the commandment is followed, the country will continuously enjoy genuine peace, adding that where commandments are not followed there will be destruction and death.
And Opposition United Liberal Party (ULP) has condemned opposition Patriotic Front (PF) and the United Party for National Development (UPND) who have kept on shunning national functions such as independence celebrations.
He said the absence of PF and UPND leaders, Michael Sata and Hakainde Hichilema from the independence celebrations at the show grounds today was manifest of personal differences and acrimony with the ruling Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD).[/pullquote]
ULP Secretary General, Langton Sichone, said independence celebrations should transcend all political differences because it was about liberation from colonialism.
Mr. Sichone said in an interview with ZANIS during independence celebrations in the Show Grounds today that such functions should be used as a platform to reconcile from all differences.
“Basically all freedoms, be it social, economic, cultural and political are anchored on independence because it reminds us about our struggle,” he said.
He said the absence of PF and UPND leaders, Michael Sata and Hakainde Hichilema from the independence celebrations at the show grounds today was manifest of personal differences and acrimony with the ruling Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD).
He expressed surprise that even Mr. Sata, who was once in the MMD, has chosen not to attend the national functions such as independence.
Mr. Sichone said all political parties contesting the October 25 Chilanga and Mpulungu by-elections should have attended the independence celebration functions to show their support for unity among political parties.
He said lack of coming together on state functions were contributing to the violence that takes place in some constituencies during by-elections because the public see nothing but enmity among political parties.
Mr. Sichone has since cautioned youths against emulating such leaders because they were not exhibiting the spirit of co-existence amid differences in political affiliations.
“Young men and women must not be led into believing that this celebration is about enmity but rather look at it positively and help the country to inculcate the spirit of responsibility,” he said.
He said Zambian youths should also be given an opportunity to be in leadership of Zambia without political biasness,” he said.
This year’s independence was being celebrated under the theme “Consolidating our independence through food security”.
Super Ken needs a good tailor for his suits!
But KK must also realise what happened in Nigeria a few weeks ago; after 46years what have we seen Zambia has gone back wards 46years from development , and is now ranked one of the poorest in Africa just what a shame and where to next
Ba tata ba KK age is just taking its cause, the man has seen years he has started folding up no one lives forever, mind most of his friends have gone
Thanks bo ndate.
I dream of Zambia being called ‘ZAMBEZILAND’
by the mere mention of the name it feels the power of what the mighty Zambezi river with its tributaries does and can do for our land. Shall we honour the prosperity that lies in this name ZAMBEZI.
People of motherland have your say and bondate KK …
KK lives on Ever strong and looking good.Thanks 4 fighting our indpendence not also 4geting freedom heros like Kapwepwe and Nkumbula
On “Dr Kaunda said there is need for Zambians to continue maintaining peace and stability in the nation for development to take place” please KK make sure you help us resolve the Barotseland agreement thing as soon as possible even with a proposal to make Zambia a Federal State as opposed to the UNITARY state that you and the British created in 1964.
As for HH of the mighty UPND’s failure to show up for the Showgrounds celebrations organised by Mr President RB Banda, I commend him and his UPND Team since they had a serious task of concluding campaigns in the Chilanga Constituency.
I hope all Zambians who really need economic independence will now focus all their energies towards supporting HH for Zambian President in 2011.
Have a blessed day all.
Matt 6:33 But seek…
KK looks in good health,he is an example of moderation in everything.By comparison chiluba looks pale he is an example of excess in everything.what with his rolex watches and gold chains.Does he think that he can slow down time if he wears a $20,000 watch in a country were people still earn $5.00 a day,and live for ever.The bible says to whom a lot is given a lot will be asked,he will be asked to give up his ill gotten gains on his deathbed.