Tuesday, March 18, 2025

RB’s govt has eroded fight against graft – HH


UPND president Hakainde Hichilema (Right)

United Party for National Development (UPND) president, Hakainde Hichilema has charged that President,Rupiah Banda’s government has eroded the nation’s political will to fight against graft.

In his message on Zambia’s 46th independence anniversary, Mr. Hichilema explained that the removal of the abuse of office clause from the ACC act, the dissolution of the task force and the refusal to register the London high court judgment in the country symbolizes the end to a once upon genuine commitment to fighting corruption.

He said his acts represent a clear signal that the current government intends to promote and perpetuate plunder of national resources through the abuse of public office.

Meanwhile, Mr. Hichilema has also challenged government to re-instate the windfall tax on mines to allow the general citizenry share in the down turn and up-turn of the mineral prices.

He said that the mining industry which constitutes a larger sector of the economy is still not contributing as much in taxes to the nation’s revenue basket.

Mr. Hichilema also noteed that there are serious challenges in the nation’s crop marketing process that need to be addressed with urgency in order to allow the country’s economy financially benefit from it and remain food secure.

[ QFM ]


  1. RB is stealing before 2011 chase. He wants to fill his 4 pokets but he should know that he shall enter chimbokaila.

  2. thats so true ..we need able bodied youngmen like you to take us to a greater height!!viva HH..chilanga na Mpulungu we gettin..

  3. This man from the left is Hivie Hamududu Mweengwa member of parliament. What is wrong to be black..!! SATA has promised to give their independence if he is elected as president of zambia. This old man is so foolish…!!!!! He is black just SATA. Ask your grandfather why is so black..?

  4. I disagree with HH. He cannot just be making empty criticisms. What about the UPND and PF MPs who failed to turn up at Parliament and vote against removal of this act. Why are you not castigating those bl00dy my MPs of yours because only 34 showed up on that appointed day. Why did you fail to show leadership by rallying your MPs and whipping them to Parliament to ensure the act did not pass. Useless politicians we have in Zambia who lie to us that they can only help Zambia by being in State House. Tell the people the truth you useless HH and friend Sata. Thats why I am hoping either NAREP or CDP replace these wasted politicians.

  5. #2 Bemba ignorance.Like most of you, you dont focus on the real issues but like to put down others.get real for once in your lifes.

  6. #7 you are so misguided, i will not even try tto educate you, its not your fault but your forefathers comprehenssion of life

  7. and u # 10 is a hoodwinked and simple fellow. You are a UPND cadre who is bent on giving praises to certified failures. How many times do you want HH to fail to win the Presidency of Zambia before you realise he is a pathetic failure? Even Sata started his party from nothing to become the largest party in Zambia. HH inherited a strong and bigger party today it is a club. At which point do you realise that HH has no leadership capacity…when hell freezes over?

  8. Corruption has become a professional in this government, cadres forming militias, foreigners shooting natives and ministers enjoying public resources the president making allowances on each trips, every metre from state house means allowances. No drugs in hospitals, every zambian has a complaint to make.

  9. #11, unlike u, i admit to being a simple fellow.however am not a UPND cadre and encourage individuals to aspire to whatever they want in life.I can see you trying to convince urself about sata.as i stated inittially,focus on facts,PF is not the largest party and sata is not presidencial material.keep ur PF mentality to urself,PF is full of dimwits like u.UPND has educated minds and alot to offer,unlike sata who speaks from his ass, like urself.hell will freeze as HH will be prsident 2011.sata like u, thinks only inside the box,which lies, steal, confuse etc.can u comprehend my points,u bemba lowlife

  10. My dear “Simple Mike”. Lovely that you have admitted how simple-minded you are as I had correctly assumed, Now for your information (1) I am not Bemba, and (2) I do not particularly support any party and therefore I am not a cadre. You see simpletons like you Mike, have a habit of “group think”- that’s what makes you an ideal cadre for a political non-starter like HH. You cannot think independently, that is why even when it is necessary to correct a person like HH, you would rather kneel and say HH cannot be wrong. UPND, PF and MMD are all party to the clause being removed as they had a chance to stop it by Parliamentary vote- but some nincompoop MPs did not show up to vote because thier leaders did notmobilise and cajole them in voting against it.. RB did not sign an Executive…

  11. contd…RB did not sign an Executive Order. In fact the bill is still coming up for a third reading it’s not even law yet. Unfortunately Simple Mike, HH lacks political character and vision. I am sure the late great Mazoka would have shown political character in this case by cajoling the UPND MPs to go to Parliament that day and vote against this bill. Both HH and Sata failed to show leadership by simply waiting around for a chance to criticise as they are doing now. What has HH said that any sensible LT blogger has already said here? But to your simple mind this silly criticism from HH is to you so epic when might as well join us on this blog. HH’s political character is like your simple mind; a very plain white sheet of paper. Enjoy your day Mike- no hard feelings arguing sharpens…

  12. On “In his [UPND elected president HH’s] message on Zambia’s 46th independence anniversary, Mr. [Hakainde] Hichilema explained that the removal of the abuse of office clause from the ACC act, the dissolution of the task force and the refusal to register the London high court judgment in the country symbolizes the [President RB Banda MMD GRZ Administration’s] end to a once upon genuine commitment to fighting corruption [by late President of Zambia Levy P. Mwanawasa’s MMD GRZ Administration],” I like the position of the UPND president HH’s new approach to politicking in his effort to become Zambian President in 2011 and beyond.

    I therefore wish the mighty UPND every success in the winning of by-elections slated for tomorrow 25th October 2011 as I hope MMD loses in Chilanga…

  13. #14,if you are not bemba, then you have the bemba mentality.I have my own business hence capable of makin rationale decisions.i can take constructive critism just wonderin if u can.i wont waste my time with a fool like u, i blame ur forefathers.

  14. “I have my own business hence capable of making rationale decisions”. Simple Mike what are you,10 years old? First you wanted to invoke tribalism, now you are just ranting like a frustrated child. Obviously some things are way over your head Go play Simple Mike, arguing with you will be like me bringing a nuclear weapon to a fist fight.

  15. The removal of the abuse office offence is not meant to save RB as such ,most of our MPs have chewed NCC money….and it is most likely that the incoming President may infact demand these these guys refund the state.This NCC was forced on the masses that is why we have reaped the wind.

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