Monday, March 17, 2025

MMD attacks Kakoma


The United Party for National Development (UPND) has charged that the MMD has developed a phobia towards the opposition political parties.
The UPND spokesperson Charles Kakoma who was alleged attacked by MMD cadres at one of the polling stations in Lusaka West, in the Chilanga constituency.

Mr. Kakoma was attacked as he went around the polling stations to check on the voting process that ended this evening Chilanga.

Mr. Kakoma confirmed that he has manhandled by alleged MMD cadre with no apparent reason.

He expressed worry at the conduct of the MMD and has urged law enforcement agencies to be extra alert on the conduct of the political party cadres to avoid break out of violence.

And Mr. Kakoma has called for the arrest of the MMD’s Chilanga candidate Keith Mukata over the bouncing of the check.

A concerned Chilanga resident on Friday faxed a copy to Qfm of a K15 million cheque no.801388 on a ZANACO cheque leaf lodged on 30th September 2010 drawn on AKM Legal practitioners which was returned unpaid.

But Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD0) candidate in the Chilanga parliamentary by-elections Keith Mukata has denied bouncing a K15 million cheque.

Mr. Mukata has challenged those that are spreading information that he bounced the cheque to report to relevant authorities.

However Mr. Kakoma said that Mr. Mukata should be arrested and not given special treatment.
[ QFM ]


  1. What do u mean for no reason. They attacked u for one reason or another, it can t be for no reason. Keith is well organised than u Kakoma, when u are drunk u are always seen sleeping in public places like Parliament Motel counter at the bar, Rapsodys etc, surely if MMD wants to sort u out there better ways as u ve made yourself open for assult. Lets go Keith, Manda Hill here we come!!!!!!!

  2. ya awe wat time is ba madamu coming home? kale since we made love bane. lelo its on. we are doing the fooku nyo nyo. i ve bin gym lelo aand i feel great bane, ushe mwalikwata ama gym mu zambia? its good to be here bane.

  3. Those of you who thought Keith could beat Capt Moono,you must be mad.
    Anyway,I have news for you,Justice has been done.Capt Moono has been given what fully belongs to him.
    He has defeated this useless play boy called Keith.
    Now Keith must be arrested for bouncing 15M ch en for wife battering .

  4. charles kakoma look after your sick wife instead of getting drunk foolishly blacking out in public places. indeed if MMD want to sought you out its very easy but you not worth wasting a pellet on better use it on a duiker

  5. On “The UPND spokesperson Charles Kakoma who was alleged attacked by MMD cadres at one of the polling stations in Lusaka West, in the Chilanga constituency… Kakoma was attacked as he went around the polling stations to check on the voting process that ended this evening Chilanga” this is a very unfortunate and sad development. I hope the Police will begin to do their job seriously and take the MMD cadres to task.

    Shame on Mr President RB Banda for not taking action against his MMD unruly cadres who are very violent and always threatening Zambians with violence.

    As for the UPND’s nice election campaign and win in Chilanga, please UPND Team keep it up.
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.

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