Monday, March 17, 2025

The Weekend in Pictures



President Banda about to cut the Independence day cake


First republican President Kenneth Kaunda dancing during Independence Day celebrations


A former freedom fighter in prayer during Independence Day celebrations - Copy


Some former freedom fighters following proceedings during Independence Day celebrations in Lusaka


Former Prime Minister Grey Zulu during Independence Day celebrations in Lusaka


First Lady Thandiwe Banda in a special dress for the Independence celebrations


First Lady Thandiwe Banda during independence Day celebrations


The Zambezi cultural dance troupe in action


An unidentified baby girl captured when she was trying to get to the VIP desk to get a clear view of dances during Independence Day celebrations


The Botswana National dance troupe entertain guests


The Kualmba dance troupe entertain guests


MMD cadres showing their dancing skills


National Democratic focus president Ben Mwila captured during the Independence Day celebrations


Former Agriculture Minister Mundia Sikatana brandishes the ruling MMD party symbol during Independence Day celebrations


President Rupiah Banda and National Restoration Party leader Cozmo Mumba


President Banda dancing to gospel music with the United Church of Zambia choir


A member of the Zambezi Source Cultural dance troupe performing a Luvale dance


Former vice president Enock Kavindele dancing to Luvale music


Former Inspector General of Police Ehpraim Mateyo joins drummers in entertaining guests


Presidents Banda, Mutharika, Mugabe, First Lady Calista Mutharika and Minister of Transport and Works Mr. Sidik Mia during the official launch of the Nsanje world inland port


Presidents Banda, Mutharika & Mugabe cut the ribbon to officially launch the Nsanje world inland port


Ministry of Health Permanent Secretary Dr. Peter Mwaba presents the trophy and K500, 000 prize money to Best nursing student Petronella Sokauta .This was during the 20th Graduation Ceremony of Lewanika School of Nursing in Mongu


Western Province Permanent Secretary Seth Muleya and Ministry of Health Permanent Secretary Dr. Peter Mwaba pose for a photo with nurses in Mongu


  1. interesting. now i cant wait to see independence celebrations in various parts of the world. Zambians, have you not sent the photos yet?

  2. Why do African presidents want to stay in power forever?
    This obsession with their portraits on chitenge material should stop now!
    This is ridiculous!

  3. Pic.# 10,, There’s no such thing as a National Dance Troupe in Botswana. Ba LT, you could’ve given the name of the group than embarrass yourselves.

  4. Pic 5-Nice to see bwana Grey Zulu again and pic 6 that dress looks too big for Thandi.Otherwise nice pics…indeed Zambia ni ziko lamutendele zo-ona.

  5. Pic#4 those freedom fighters that made this day possible don’t look well taken care of by a nation who should be proud of them.They were given a less prominent seating area with many empty & cheaper chairs compared to that of Grey Zulu.They have that dejected,glum and unhappy look on their faces because others who never fought for independence reap alot more fruits from the independence they fought so hard for.Shame.

  6. Nice Independence Day pictures.

    The Freedom fighter in pic#3 really looks mighty young, given the fact that the Freedom Struggle took place some 50 years ago! Not even a single strand of grey hair on his head… ine nadabwa!

    #9 That’s our future: we have a duty to ensure that this little girl and others in her generation grow up to live in a country much better than the one we know today.

  7. #22, the way the guy in the middle is looking at that nurse as if he is saying kuti ‘nakafula aka’ given a chance kapapa noku papa lol

  8. Tandiwe’s outfit is so cheap looking. The hat is fine but the dress is horrendous! Her makeup total contrast with her outfit. Enjoy now with your husband, 2011 you are back ku Farm!

  9. This was MMD independence or country of Zambia independence?? Kuzikonda ba.chimbwi aba, mwanya this is your last celebration in that style. Thandiwe you would have been much amazing in a chitenje attire, muzipunzila in those trips you make – check Mrs Goodluck, Mrs Kikwete, even our former first ladies: Betty K, Vera T, Maureen M, they were amazine and befitting the title. Look at that far.t mutarika, whats the point wearing your face chitenjes with your wife? Koma eeeh! Look at the so-called presidents, nkote zeka zeka, without much to be proud of. My best pic is the baby wearing the msisi, she is cutest.

  10. Nice blend of pics. I dig the one KK is dancing chikokoshi lol, Thandi’s hat looks great. I suppose the dress was the independence theme. nothing more to it than that..

  11. Pictures 3,4 and even 5 true heroes the reason why we can blog on LT. Picture 9 is that child simply adorable and a face from heaven as the Lord Jesus stated.

  12. Nice pics, I like them all!!

    Thandi’s dress is a “SPECIAL” dress!! So says the caption. I take it, it was specification made for the occasion—INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATIONS. Can’t you people see that it reflects our National colors (FLAG)?

    So quit judging before you fully understand the real intentions or meaning of the First Lady’s costume. Ama Zambian, yeah, we like to judge others so much even when it is not necessary. The first lady looks fabulous for the occasion. I like her skin complexion too. She looks more natural than the JARIBU (Sp) tortured faces of some former first ladies I have seen.

    GO THANDI! I don’t completely agree with certain things you engage in, but you seem to be a proud Zambian in those colors. Never mind the naysayers!!

  13. I know the man in photo #3 very well, he is not a former Freedom Fighter as far as I know, I wonder why he was given a medal. Nice photos, happy belated 46th Anniversary to you all.

  14. #24. it is animal skins only. Bastwana ati palibe, they are only great on drinking. no wonder their women like makwerekwere men.

  15. Awe kwena ba Thandi bena ni fontini,she just looks like a peacock
    We are all proud to be zambians but iyi yeve yachita over

  16. Thandi ‘s dress color is O.K. Its is the dress design that attracks the Fashion police. Send it to prison , to the chief warden at Chinbokaila.I hope she got matching underwear, Not !

  17. Gone are the days when we used to celebrate independence in style at schools with chocolate milk and a bun and we will sing and play the whole day.

  18. Pic. 9 is my best pick. Independence Day Celebrations have been reduced to a time when MMD cadres & their sympathisers go & feast with their President. It’s no longer a national event. The real meaning of this special day has been lost. So, RB was in Malawi again. Just when did he jump on the plane?

  19. eish ba Thandi’s outfit explains it all, for sure ni fontini big time. How could she have looked at herself in the mirror and thought it fine to go outside looking so terrible. Awe sure bati sebanya. It is already embarrasing enough we have a first lady almost young enough to be the presidents granddaughter, at least if she was stylish there would be a reason ba RB looked at her. makes one wonder.

  20. Grey Zulu waz never Prime Minister but Party Secretary General. Independence iz now just celebrated at State House mostly by cadrez and kandilez. Gone are the dayz when there would be pomp and splendor for the whole week at schoolz and a grand finale at Nchanga, Nkana, Shinde, Kafubu stadiumz to mention but a few.

  21. A proper traditional dress would have been better than this colonial dress!

    I understand the designer trying to be different, but don’t understand how Thandiwe was convinced to wear this!

  22. 46yrs now and people are still sleeping on the floor mattresses in the UTH, how long should it take to improve the health sector? I pity those enrolled nurses qualifying now, they will just be chola boys and girls where ever they go. No countries will need any of them in these days, in Botswana where most of Zambian nurses worked at one time, is not employing any more, the western world is even worse, there are cuts all over. So the only thing is to be at home and get 800 thousand kwacha which is almost $120 a month just imagine. Its sad, after 46yrs of independence, you still have the same old issues to solve. Other Governments will soon cut the foreign aid to some of the african states, ours not spared, pantu we are used to look up to others to provide when we are not doing much.

  23. my good men and women,pliz give thandiwe a break!!i feel so bad for her,i mean she rarely gets comliments.pliz mwe bantu sometimes just pretend u r not seeing her.are u going to criticise her untill she leaves state house?yes,she has a bad sense of fashion but dont you think she deserves a break?

  24. It is sad that of all the money Banda is taking from the treasury he still can’t afford to dress his wife better than that? What do you expect any way from people with no class? I supposed this is proof that all the money in the world cannot buy class.

  25. Picture No. 9 is the best. This little cutie looked so beautiful in her traditional attire. As for Thandiwe please don’t blame her for her dressing, she is married to an old man. I like her complexion though, she is not like some of the (FBI) Former Black Individual first ladies we have had with their bleached skins.

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