Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Am sorry, Kabimba tells LAZ


Patriotic Front (PF) secretary general Wytner Kabimba has apologised to the Law Association of Zambia (LAZ) and the judiciary for his remarks that the bench has been compromised.

According to a statement issued yesterday by judiciary public relations officer Terry Musonda, Mr Kabimba unreservedly apologised in a letter addressed to the LAZ honorary secretary.

Mr Kabimba, who is a lawyer was quoted as having said that every institution in the country had been compromised by the MMD including the judiciary.
[pullquote]“I would like to state that I have during the period of my legal practice enjoyed an amiable relationship with the bench at both personal and official levels. I still cherish this relationship not only as an individual but as a professional as well,” reads Mr Kabimba’s letter in part.[/pullquote]
Mr Musonda said that Mr Kabimba had tendered an unreserved apology letter to both the Zambian bench and the Law Association of Zambia concerning the remarks.

“I would like to state that I have during the period of my legal practice enjoyed an amiable relationship with the bench at both personal and official levels. I still cherish this relationship not only as an individual but as a professional as well,” reads Mr Kabimba’s letter in part.

The apology letter further stated that the article in question seemed to have promoted the view that he (Mr Kabimba) was disrespectful to the judiciary as a legal practitioner.

Mr Musonda said the Judiciary of Zambia remained committed to its mission of providing effective and efficient administration of justice accessible to all people in Zambia.
[ Times of Zambia ]


  1. This 2 ngwee lawyer for the District Council turned politician..we have not forgotten the illegal sale for a council house to a foreigner Rogder V Lee in Lubu Road..we shall prosecute this Summer I mean this Wynter

  2. It takes a lot for a person to apologise! The point is—when in doubt be remorseful, regardless of whether the mistake was serious or unavoidable (like RB and his mwenye friend!). This is a common trap that many of us fall into in both our business and personal lives. And it takes a lot!
    About 20 years ago, I went to Chipata to visit a friend who had just returned from studying in Russia. Whilst walking home, a white woman driving a 4X4 splashed water on us. I was livid and my friend said he knew where she lived and when we got to the house, she wasn’t there and the husband came out to the door. As we narrated what happened, his wife drove in and when she saw us, she said “I am sorry!” All the anger dissipated and we accepted wholeheartedly!
    This man has apologised, please don’t fault…

  3. winter kabimba a lawyer who has never won a case. we know him when he was town clerk at LCC and sata was district governor thats how their friendship started. sharing council houses

  4. It takes a courageous man to make an apology.These are tenets that are lucking in our society today.If a person injures others,it is just in order for him to apologise.This thing of not accepting apology has resulted in a lot of people being adamant to apologise.The whole fabric of society has gone to the dogs.It takes a lot of arrogance and puffness for one to apologise even when he knows deep down his heart that he has injured a lot of people.We need leaders who will be apologetic when they are wrong and not being arrogant.Winter has done well to render apology to the judiciary. At the end of the day its his reputation as a lawyer which would have been on stake.As a society we should learn to apologise and accept apology for the sake a new generation of leaders who are coming.

  5. #6 chitumbuwa
    Winter should think before he utters anything next time.This is the greatest tenet of all tenets of a great man.

  6. # 7 am not disputing that, all I am saying is that let’s incorporate values that our children will learn in our leadership.For instance,myself,am a youth who is aspiring to be a national leader in the years to come.What lessons am I learning from a current crop of leadership that will be a yardstick in my leadership style? As youths,we are ingesting fruits of arrogance and unforgiveness from these leaders that we have.I believe when a leader does a good thing he or she is setting a precedent for the prospective leadership.The current crop of leadership is not an inspiration from young generation like us.I do not learn anything from a leader who steals my tax payers money and he goes in the streets and start insulting me. I anticipate that person to apologise to me for his misdeamenour.

  7. #7 VJ Rigger- Tha is the problem na mafi ya MMD. Somebody apologises, you still attack him. Educated and civilised people live for one another. If one goes wrong and says sorry, they accept and reconcile with that one. Your hatred will not take this country any where.

  8. Thank you No. 10 Deja Vu I am sure the Rigger has heard the point instead of being defensive about a matter which closed. And he (Winter) might even make more mistakes and he is allowed to to do so! Who are we to say no! Not even Benny Hinn who had divorced his wife of 30 years!

  9. #10 Deja Vu
    Please spare us your usual derogatory tantrums.I know you to be synonymous with insults.I guess you ve taken after your low life Satan, and I bet you did not think before posting, just like your nemesis winter.

  10. Please, Lusaka Times, It’s ” I’m sorry” not “Am sorry”!!!! What journalism schools did you go to? How embarrassing!!!!

  11. It’s gud that the judiciary has publicised Wynter’s appology letter to the judiciary. I hoped that Wynter, instead of just writing to LAZ and judiciary, would go to media houses to publicly appologise not only to LAZ and judiciary but also to Zambians who were misled by his careless utterances.

  12. What he stated was the truth and it clearly hows a lack of spine for him to be made to swallow his own words in such a manner. He should have stood his ground and presented numerous cases that clearly show that indeed the judiciary in this country is compromised by “Kansundila pa Chigurumuthu Kakolwe”. This way, I will never listen to what this pompous for nothing little prat ever has to say about anything.

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