Tuesday, March 18, 2025

MMD retains Mpulungu seat


MMD cadres brandish the party symbol

The Ruling MMD has retained the Mpulungu parliamentary seat in yesterday’s tightly contested by-elections.
Returning officer Charles Nyirongo declared the MMD candidate Given Mung’omba as the duly elected Member of Parliament for Mpulungu at about 11:20 hours after polling 5,003 votes.

PF’s Freedom Sikazwe came second with 4,419 votes and in a distant third place was National Restoration Party’s Alex Mwazya who polled 331 votes.

UNIP’s Germanico Simusokwe came fourth with 112 votes while Alliance for Democracy and Development candidate Chilowela Sinyangwe came last with a paltry 62 votes.

The Mpulungu seat fell vacant following the death of former Member of Parliament Lameck Chibombamilimo.

And SACCORD information officer Obby Chibuluma has described the elections as free and fair despite most voters not knowing how to vote.

He told QFM from Mpulungu that the outcome of the elections reflects the will of the people of Mpulungu.

Mr Chibuluma has since called for increased voter education.

Mr Chibuluma says as a result of some people not knowing how to vote, electoral officers were made to assist people who couldn’t read by showing them were to mark.

He has since called on the Electoral Commission of Zambia to engage various stakeholders in ensuring that there is adequate voter registration ahead of the 2011 elections.

Mr Chibuluma has further commended the Patriotic Front for conducting themselves in peaceful manner even after knowing that there candidate was losing.

And the ruling MMD has scooped the Lwingishi Ward local government by-election in Mansa District.

MMD candidate Kaole Kasuba polled 1,170 votes, beating his two rivals the PF candidate Maggie Makasa who got 864 votes and UNIP candidate Josephine Kunda who had 42 votes.

The returning officer Christopher Mumba declared Kasuba as the duly elected winner around 23.30 last night, following the by-election held yesterday.

Mr. Mumba described the polls as free and fair as there were no complaints brought to his office by any political party so far.

He told ZANIS that the turn out in the Lwingishi by-election was impressive, as people were queuing to vote as early as 05.00 hours at most of the polling stations.

He said over 2000 voters in Lwingishi turned out, compared to 700 who turned up in Myulu Ward.

Mr. Mumba said it was the hope of all the stakeholders that the people in the Lwingishi and the other wards in Mansa would turnout in large numbers to exercise their right to vote in the 2011 general elections.

The Lwingishi Ward local government seat fell vacant after MMD Councillor David Kambikiya resigned on personal grounds.

It becomes the third local government seat that the MMD has won in a roll this year through by-elections.

Mid this year, the MMD emerged winner in Myulu Ward in Mansa District and Lufubu Ward of Kawambwa District, where similar elections were conducted.



  1. Well, with all the red cards, they have managed to sneak away with something. PF shall not relent or tire, its coming strong.

  2. Let the battle for the pact presidency begin. Is the old snake losing the power of its venom? Wonder how long it will take the sore losers to play their broken record about rigging yet again?

  3. Ba Pact ku ya bebele. This is a clear win and a clear signal to the PF and the Pact as a whole that they can no longer bank on Northern Province as a stronghold. We are regaining popularity in all previously opposition strongholds and come 2011 we are sweeping through with a WIDE MARGIN, Pact or no pact.

  4. Pf this is a great lesson for you who have always concentarted in urban areas. Zambia is big. Viva pact anyway…not all is lost

  5. he he he he! ati PF is stronger in northern province. mwalachimona bane! this is just the begining. Only HH will make sense as PACT president.

  6. Last time I posed a question these by-elections in Mpulungu. I asked who then was better between MMD and PF. The reason I asked this was while MMD focus and an issue based, development based campaign, PF focused all its energy on character assassination and even shamelessly brought in the late Lameck Chibombamilimo’s name in PF’s dirty politics.

    I was then chastised by PF bloggers here on LT.

    “RB and his cadres like #1 are not smart thinkers. They use their brains economically. Their failure to understand that Zambians are tired of their political rhetoric will always cost them electrol victory.” – Red Card-Free at Last

  7. Mambwes and Lungus are very dull people who will never wake up. Mpulungu is the least developed district in zed and you then vote for the thieves MMD. Bushe bukacha lilali uko. Chilemba no mulembwe fyalimonaula. Some body tells you he built kasama mbala road that was done by kaunda by Gogefar for those who where not there. The hobour he wants to giv it his friends and sons. Don;t forget that you are putting us in problems who are in town. In your case u can even eat chinyonge or mutununu but not in town things are rough. 2011 wake up if u want development. Very soon we shall start chasing you when u come to kasama mwemafontini mweeeeeeeee.

  8. I travelled through Mbala,Nakonde,Part of Isoka’s rural palces of this districts and saw the suffering on people’s faces and the road network is too bad I can assure Zambians, this was upto yesterday night and wonder now how MMD has managed to pull through when they have neglected the people that vote for them

    I want to assure the nation that MMD is only manipulating the people is villages at the expense of rural and urban development…Mpulungu was paid FRA maize money quickly before any other place like Mbala which is meters away from Mpulungu

  9. “Until 2011, theirs will be to nurse bruises from electrol defeat at the hands of the PACT. They could have done themselves a favour by refraining RB to fly to Mpulungu becouse his presence their is nothing but a disastor and detrimental to any hope of their extenct MMD.” – Red Card-Free at Last

    “Mr. Capitalist – 3 E’s steering economic growth. Its sad that learned people like you have put PERSONAL gains before the masses. You must be un educated man but is being oiled/kept by MMD hence your impaired judgement on matters affecting our country.” – Motsepe

    “Are we a Kantemba nation where there is no proper planning? Please do not just support because RB is filling your stomach.” – Deja vu

  10. “No. 7 Mr. Capitalist – 3 E’s steering economic growth says:
    Did you read this statement form your preaident before condeming N0. 4?
    That is why we have stopped taking you seriously as a blogger and consider you as MMD paid mercenery on LT.”
    – Her Ladyship

    “fi capitalist and bootlicker-43 and 46, even changing shifts here as though they were doing/saying worthy things, get your suitcases ready, with or without your so called development, kuyabele.” – Justice

    Capitalist :-w ..******* chawiso na MMD suport yobe. whats is it these punks are benefiting us except burning our hearts down? You know what? I wish I could track you down, and you can regret the very first day you became an MMD cadre, Rupiahs son or whoever you are.” – Umwana Wa Mubemba

  11. I like that song they always play on ZNBC… bwezani, bwezani banda, osataya na nthawi bwezani banda…..

  12. I feel for the Post on-line.They are at pains as to which one should be headline(MMD beats PFin Mpulungu or UPND scoops Chilanga).They cant choose either cos they had invested wrongly in PF and anticipating major victory in Mpulungu.Alas,the opposite happened and they had/have no option but to maintain yesterdays’sensational headline while awaiting the official conceding by PF.

  13. Am beginig to think PF is not as popular in northern province and luapula as initially PF has stated. We need to wake up and put HH as pact president. Amazing that PF has lost all elections at MP, Ward level in northern. This is extremely agonising for them. I have always told people to ignore the Post. They have never gotten things right. Recall last time I said the Post has never given Zambia a President.

  14. I tried to get a prediction last night from Paul the Octopus about who was gonna win only to be told that he died last night at the ripe old age of 2.5.
    Anyway, congratulations to both UPND and MMD for their wins. Wonder what the PF vuvuzela has to say about that!?

  15. This by-election in Mpulungu has been very telling. It has revealed that people are not interested in character assassination. The electorate are more interested in issues and developmental programs the election candidates plan for the constituency once elected. It has also revealed that people are looking for credible leadership to represent them in parliament and not a vuvuzela.

    Despite the media blackout, the “under 5” has managed to scoop Chilanga whilst the PF with their vuvuzela has failed to capture Mpulungu. Dirty politics cannot take you anywhere and this election in particular was so dirty due to the fact that PF brought in the late Lameck Chibombamilimo’s name into it which was the lowest PF could go. It was unacceptable to do this.

  16. Away from politics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Reggae musician Gregory Isaacs died yesterday at his London home. He was 59 and had been suffering from lung cancer.

  17. #10 It is language like yours that prevents us from voting for you. If you are not so dull yourself and you want our votes then show some humility and maybe we might even think of voting for your Bemba pretender Sata who is actually Bisa.

  18. The action by PF begged the question, “What cant PF do to make sure they get into power”. This hunger for power by PF is making them do highly unethical things and the people have shown them that issues tramps character assassination.

    The sooner PF wakes up to the fact that people want to hear issues and not character assassination, the better for our young democracy. This by-election has tought PF-SATA/M’membe a huge lesson that issue based campaigns tramp character assassination no matter how you cosmetically make it seem like the PF has a huge following.

    Hopefully in the future, we shall see cleaner issue based campaigns from the PF. This has been a huge humble pie for them and the UPND winning Chilanga is the whip cream on that humble pie.

  19. The Mambwe/Namwanga, and Lungu speaking people of Northern province have outrightly led the way in rejecting Sata’s homosexuality crusade and his abuse of late Chibombamilimo. Shame to telesphore Mpundu, Frank Bwalya and Fred Mmembe for their folked tongues of hatred and lies against RB and Hichilema. I’m glad though that the over abused Catholic Church under Mpundu is now on redemption under the wise and visionary sober leadership of Cardinal Medardo Mazombwe. Democracy has won let issue based politics take precedence while Sata, Mmembe and Bwalya continue with their crusade of Homosexuality.

  20. The vuvuzela is unfortynately out of touch with reality. So sad that a paper can not carry out proper intelligent baseebana ba Post. Hats of on HH you have surely single handedly won Chilanga. mwabomba ba president. Congrats.

  21. #19 Lameck’s name during Mpulungu campign was justified by PF. Unless you tend to forget History. It was MMD that claimed Lameck as there own in death. Meanwhile in Life RB had shamelesly fired him as deputy minister in the sun at state house and vowed to expell him from MMD (which they did by the way) and also RB promised to ffollow him & inish him off in his constituency. So PF was right to remind the pipo in Mpuilungu how cruel RB was.

  22. #19 Lameck’s name during Mpulungu campign was justified by PF. Unless you tend to forget History. It was MMD that claimed Lameck as there own in death. Meanwhile in Life RB had shamelesly fired him as deputy minister in the sun at state house and vowed to expell him from MMD (which they did by the way) and also RB promised to follow him & finish him off in his constituency. So PF was right to remind the pipo in Mpuilungu how cruel RB was.

  23. The Luapula base has all gone off PF. Calling it a Sata stronghold is the worst knee-jerk reactionary thought one can ever hold under these trajectories. I wonder where and which national constituency Sata can call his base. Copperbelt rural will never vote Sata while the metro across the country will turn into swing votes if not just spoilers.

  24. The boat has sunk on lake Tanganyika on the banks of Mpulungu before it even set sail because it was being led by an old man man with rotten teeth with multiple personality disorder hence his tendency to say one thing today and complete opposite the next.

  25. Pf guys remember that people in zambia a now more mature than before, you can insult in the media and they will take you that way and then punish you on the day of judgement and thats day of elections. Pf is losing ground, watch this pace, many people in Zambia are realising that we need credible people who can move the economy to higher levels. This time around they do not want to make a mistake of noise making where the louder you shout the more support. This has proved that rallies nowadays do not speak volumes in terms of votes, it’s what you say to the people. I hope pf will not be haunted by their words of pushing HH around like a doormat, because there can be a danger here if HH will decide to pact with Milupi, then pf and MMD will share in their strongholds, this makes HH…

  26. The Luapula base has all gone off PF unholy hands. Calling it a Sata stronghold is the worst knee-jerk reactionary thought one can ever hold under these trajectories. I wonder where and which national constituency Sata can call his base. Copperbelt rural will never vote Sata while the metro across the country will turn into swing votes if not just spoilers. Henceforth HH should emulate the ruling MMD in charging against PF in all frontier against the later’s myth of having a strong hold. PF has no strong hold. Luapula has been restored to MMD so is northern in transition. HH would gain substantially if he went offensively against Sata with issue based focused campaign around the country.

  27. Congrats MMD. This victory is much bigger and more significant than the loss in Chilanga.
    So the PF crowds in the Post headlines mean nothing bushe? It happened in 2006, 2008 and will always happen. Some free advice ba PF bloggers: listen to advice, starting with that from Capitalist – 3Es. Yours is a party that is sinking, unless you change tact. The Post is no pillar to lean against when you have no issues to offer the people. If anything, Mmembe is a disadvantage for any serious party, ask how HH. The Post is a serious contradiction of itself and people not fools.

  28. These unfolding scenarios complicates Sata/ Mmembe Horse-Rider thoughtless campaign of attrition against HH. The tables in the situation room have turned and negotiators can’t be the usual ones of lower comprehension.

  29. Since professional journalist like Masautso Phiri, late Mwape and such let the post and Mmembe took it under siege as a tabloid, anyone supported by Mmembe has never won elections in Zambia unless he jumps on the winner in the final. Zambians are very rational conservative people. They have no passion for mmembe’s spirits of incorrigible hatred, unpatriotism, homosexual crusades, lies and unprofessionalism in quest for economic gain through blackmailing. If anything to redeem himself, Sata must fire all his vuvuzelas of lower comprehension from Mmembe, Kabimba, Bwalya to Telesphore Mpunda disowned by the pope. His dependence on foreigners like paul Duff the ex-Ku Klux Klan anti black power impi is haunting Sata.

  30. If PF can loose in their claimed strong holds like northern province and mansa in luapula. Then pact has to evaluate their plans or mmd is winning 2011.

  31. Mr. Capitalist – 3 E’s steering economic growth
    Nice scoops from the archives.But the sad thing is that, shameless Pact cadres will never remove their buried heads from the sand to feel the aura of reality.

  32. If anything to redeem himself, Sata must fire all his vuvuzelas of lower comprehension from Mmembe, Kabimba, Bwalya to Telesphore Mpunda disowned by the pope. His dependence on foreigners like paul Duff the ex-Ku Klux Klan anti black power impi is haunting Sata.

  33. Zambians dont want gays. So the gay party PF can sack my explicit. Sata can continue his gay meetings wit donors while we bring real Zambian values to the table and win elections, including the big one next year.

  34. Senior Citizen please don’t bring in issues you can not substantiate! Are you suggesting Sata is a homosexual or even Mmembe or Bwalya? Please be magnanimous and concede where you lose (as in Chilanga) and we shall congratulate you where you succeed (as in Mpulungu). We are not going anywhere as you win some and lose some! More important congratulations to MMD and not you punk!

  35. sata faterless bwalya membe were camped in mpulungu for one week. by the way Mmembe is a member of the PF inner cirle attends all meetings of strategy. MMD has also won a ward election in lundazi and mansa. HH has done a good job dispite being snubbed by both private and public media. mmembe should just declare the post as mouth piece for sata and pf or call it vuvuzela

  36. capt cosmos moono has got back his seat which he lost to magande by a whisker. chilanga is closer to mazabuka and kafue but we wont take it away from upnd job well done you are way ahead of useless and sunken ubwato

  37. Please, please Mr. Sata and Dr. Scott, go rural!! These guys will dribble you again in rural areas. Start rallys now! It is not too late. In rural areas abantu are still behind. Let the spirit of urban Zambia that knows how useless this GRZ has been touch the rural areas too. Otherwise, we may have a similar rude awakening! Banda has nothing to offer except MARCOPOLO and VASCOdaBANDA. We cannot have that for the next 5 years.

  38. Hear Hear,its UPND that has won the Chilanga seat not Pact.Congrats to MMD & UPND.Post failures(PF) should seriously do an intropection & geneuinely assess themselves if their party has grown in popularity or its just the usual vuvuzela noise.UPND has demostrated even with media blackout that it has the capacity to trounce MMD.UPND is the only party growing in popularity not even MMD.MMD are more freightened of UPND than PF.

  39. What a victory for MMD in Mpulugu,bt the biggest victory is in chilanga.HH single handedly won the sit.I say so bcos The snake had his all weather friend PF vuvuzela Post supporting him,RB had ZNBC/DIALY MAIL/TIMES OF ZAMBIA bt poor HH had nothing.
    Hats off HH.

  40. These bye-elections were a referendum against Sata’s vision for a homosexual oriented Government he is proscribing to. That has been outrightly rejected and the most honorable he ought to do is quit politics and concentrate on his beastiality and homosexual crusades two services that will sustain him funding from the International Lesbian and Gay Association a world wide network of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered groups working together for the human like the LGBTI and ILGA. Mmembe misled him and now he has ruined his political career. No way no how will the ebale leadership of Cardinal Mazombwe allow the catholic church become an appendage of PF in beastiality causes again.

  41. Us Lungus, Namwangas, Mambwes, Nyihas, Wiwas, Wandyas, Lambyas, Tambos and Yombes can not vote for PF after the GBM scandal in Kasama period! My advice to Sata is that if you want to win elections then dont insult people. If you had got rid of that obese piece of lard GBM after his utterances during the Kasama by-election, then maybe you would have had a chance. Why should we vote for you after you throw a.mavi in our faces? Dont forget that you need us more than we need you. Together we are the majority in Northern province and I suggest that you would do well to always remember that fact.

  42. Ba Sata na Post yabo ba chenjele nayo. People are not dull anymore, we all know who the Post are. This paper has totally changed from what it used to be in the olden days. Not everything read in the Post newsaper is taken serious in any case Post is just making Sata unpopular.

  43. Another waste of resources and a drain on national treasury.The by-elections would have cost the nation k20billion.We just have almost a month before we go for general elections.Mind you,the time these people are going to be in parliament is so short.They will go away with gratuity on a silver platter.This will cost us another k400,000,000 each chosen parliamentirian.Another drain in government resources. This money would have gone in procuring drugs for the poor who are busy voting thinking they will have a change.Are the members of parliament chosen going to make a difference in one month remaining?This is a million question to answer.We are just sending them to parliament to go and sleep.The time they have is too short to do tangible thing.Otherwise,its just to reserve sits for parties.

  44. The head of satan is bruised under our feet!!! Awe twatotela sana. We thank God because He is delivering us from walking into satans cave where he intends to strike at will. The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet Zambia. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you beloved country as written in romans 16:20

  45. What is the hapiness all about. UPND and MMD cadres are you one? Really you fear PF .
    PF has lost by 400 votes which is so small margin that calls for you MMD to worry. Sure a gonvt with all its machinery just plucks a win? PF is ever stronger and come 2011 Mpulungu will be taken by PF.

    MMD bootlickers be worried coz your party’s strength in Mpulungu is dwidling at a very high rate. Just imagin the difference…Mmm guys worry dont hide in an unknown hapiness when your party is dying evry day.

    And this shows that PF is great coz it has made inroads in mpulungu. Only those who have no eyes and whose brains a blinded by bumlicking cant see it.

  46. MMD should now see that their real opponent is UPND. In three consecutive parliamentary bye-elections UPND has snatched three seats formerly belonging to MMD. And all these are outside Southern Province!

  47. Senior citizen and all Mwadya Mweka Dady sympathersisers shouldnt celerbrate the Mpulungu result.The MMD can boast of beating the PF in Mpulungu but should get worried that they are losing grip on the constituency, going by the winning margins that are getting smaller. In 2006 the difference between the ruling candidate and PF results was a massive 13,748 while in 2010 this margin has reduced to just 584. The huge jump in PF’s popularity could triple in 2011, especially if the Pact remains intact. The fact that the MMD has lost four (?) Parliamentary seats since President Rupiah Banda got into power should worry the ruling party ahead of the 2011 election. The so called rural vote that has been critical to the survival of MMD is surly going to the opposition.

  48. These bye-elections have revealed that voting trends in the country may be changing. Its the party that will read the situation correctly that will stay afloat.

  49. #54,, u are right..I dont see why this MMD bootlickers can celebrate a win by such a margin & moreover Mpulungu was MMD seat..if anything, the margin loss has tremendously reduced as compared to previous elections..it calls for a proper re-evaluation of MMD itself and an inroad for PF..the 584 difference maybe was from those electorates they were showing where to mark and a calls for a great deal of worry for MMD..2011 won’t be as easy!! NO need to celebrate!!!! Viva PF..!!!

  50. #56 Your sour grapes are blinding you from the fact that the winning margin by PF in Chifubu was also very small with MMD making headway so what exactly are you crying about? If people really want to be ruled by a mad satanist with dictatorial tendencies then why did they not vote for him? In the meantime, there is the little issue of the pact presidency. Your mad man has never won a seat from MMD in a by-election, whereas HH has won several outside of his stronghold, who then should the pact leader be? It is your right to back a dying horse as it is also ours never to want to see chisata at state house.

  51. This is NOT a landslide victory ba MMD please. Let wait and see what happened during voting. As reported:
    “Mr Chibuluma says as a result of some people not knowing how to vote, electoral officers were made to assist people who couldn’t read by showing them were to mark.”
    Rigging is the way to show those who cannot vote, how to vote!!

  52. # 56,

    Yours are misnomers of a strait jacket cadre missing political trajectories. Sata claims northern province to be his strongest base a no go territory for all his opponents yet with the entire fanatical catholic extremists sect led by Pharisees such as Telesphore Mpundu, Bwalya, Sam Mulafulafu’s caritas, Paul Duff, Mmembe, and his gays tabloid armed with a menu of insults, hatred, sin, lies, homosexual rights and unpatriotism without national issues of value, the base has cracked. Don’t even mention Luapula where Sata has continued leaking ever since he insulted them them.If know Zambian politics you should understand that Mpulungu is the most strategic seat in Zambian liberal democracy. This i can debate if you have any clue of campaign and election management and why i say so.

  53. Mambwes cant support a Bemba lead party. They have inferiority complex and always compete with Bembas. So Northern Province is not 100% PF.

  54. :((:((:(( The MMD never wins clean.They have again rigged looking at a number of irregularities surfacing. those are just a tip of an icerberg.

  55. #64 Was wondering when the rigging allegations would start. As have already said before, we wont vote for Sata because of the stance he took over GBM finish! He was short sighted then, not thinking that he might want votes from the same people he was busy insulting.#63 If we had an inferiority complex, we would vote for those that insult us in this case we have shown you our true colours. If you think Bembas alone can give the presidency to Sata, then try it and see and then afterwards we can talk about inferiority and superiority complexes. It is about time that certain people acknowledged that Northern province is not only for them and that every vote counts so dont tukana other people but show them umuchinzi.

  56. Whether we vote or we do not vote economic change will never come to this country.I feel those who do not vote have democratic right to do so and they should not be looked down upon.I feel countries which have strong constitutions are the ones which should force thier citizens to vote.Ours is a country which is full of retrogressive ideas.We put in power people who will not add value to our democratic dispension.We have continued voting but no change has come forth in terms of individual independence. I feel its a sheer waste of time and energy voting as a nation.Let’s do away with frivolous casting of vote just to enrich other people who will not bring change whatsoever.

  57. PF did not want to talk about the winning margin in Chifubu which was slashed by MMD. Now it seems it is the number one subject on their lips. Why cant these people just lose graciously? Anyway, you now have a battle with the under 5. If you think he will now just sengelela uko and let Sata be pact president then you are in for a shock. Congrats UPND for Chilanga and Congrats MMD for Mpulungu!

  58. Zambia is cursed. I cannot believe this, with all the nonsense all over the country and still these rural dwellers cannot reason. Politics of Chibuku and Buka buka fish. The people that lived in Rome during the Roman empire2000 years ago were better off than 90% of Zambians. This is a country where 90% of the people is the so called capital city shits in pit latrines when the simple sewer system was up and running in the ancient roman empire thousands of years ago.

  59. #68 Yes Zambia must be very cursed indeed. If only Sata was given 90 days, all those pit latrines in Lusaka would disappear. You are very right, I would prefer to live in ancient Rome, where many people were slaves who were not allowed to vote and people were fed to lions for sport and the majority of people did not in fact have access to sanitation.

  60. Namisengela mwebena Mpulungu, you’ve truly taught the PF/post/fatherless frank bwalya Pact a lesson. These chaps went on rampage to scandalise RB at the expense of explaining to the electorates how they intend to deliver development to Mpulungu. Some bloggers may wonder why Mpulungu by election has sparked excitement, well wonder no more, this is a victory 4 all Zambians who abhore homosexuality. How on earth can one choose to partner with a gay and hope to win an election? It’s high time 4 H. H. to keep distance from filthy policies – homosexuality advocacy.

  61. Definitely the atmosphere on the ground is changing afterall politics is dynamic. Well done UPND on winning chilanga. It is interesting though that out of a possible 26,000 plus voters only about 6000 voted. 2011 will indeed be interesting it’s all about who can energise their base! Satan has been bound and will not terrorise the north as he thought. How parties select their campaign teams and which parliamentary and local government candidates the select is critical. The performance of the economy, the HH/Sata dynamic, other candidates who will definitely jump into the ring come 2011 are all determinats in making the next election a crucial one for Zambia and all involved. It is definitely time for level headedness and real leadership, vision and divine forsight. Zambia shall be free

  62. If Michael Sata loses the 2011 presidential elections, let him not cry foul. He has been beaten straight and clean right in his own backyard.

  63. UPND there is nothing to boast about. PF was second in 2006 in chilanga and was the one to have filled a candidate in chilanga but coz of your crying like a baby PF gave you the seat. Now see how stupid you can be? Next time PF will not give you any seat in Lusaka.

    And never think that the under five HH will take the PACT presidency ..never will it happen. There is no where in the world where a small party takes the residency ..nope. So just keep on day dreaming.

    Coming to the MMD , you guys are so shameless, your party is dying day and night and yet you are deceiving RB that MMD is growing. Are blind to reality hee!! 400 vote margin.

    Just mourn for your selves coz come 2011 MMD will have only 20 MPs. MMD is dead guys!!!!!

  64. Kambongolo @ 75: We understand your frastration but please stick to facts. Plse check the ECZ 2006 Parliamentary elections results:

    MAGANDE Ng’andu P. MMD 6,485
    MOONO Cosmas C. UPND, FDD, UNIP (UDA) 6,070
    KAMANGA Priscilla PF 4,428
    MUYOBA Henry N. Lt. Col. Independent 792
    ZIBA John Z. RP 307
    Total 18,082

  65. Iyee mwe bantu, what else can happen in Mpulungu sure (shuuwa)?
    “Mr Chibuluma says as a result of some people not knowing how to vote, electoral officers were made to assist people who couldn’t read by showing them were to mark”.

  66. # 75 your frustration has reduced your reasoning to almost zero. PF has lost in their supposed strong hold of northern province. By yesterday none of us thought this was possible! If you are a true PF fan this should worry you big time. Instead of spewing trash you should try to investigate why PF has lost where they thought victory was certain.

  67. #75 Seems chamubabani bad ba mudala. If Sata is supposed to be the next president and MMD is not popular, he should have scooped Mpulungu easily. Also, those who say UPND only won in Chilanga because PF supporters voted for the UPND candidate, surely the same applies in Mpulungu? Did the UPND voters in Mpulungu not vote for PF? If not, then why not?

  68. 75# kambongolo stick to the reality of the fact..!!! zambia has a different political landscape than other country in the world. so you think sata will be pact candidate, you better hear from sata himself, he will tell you that young man, it is not easy unless I contest as PF, I will be candidate not with UPND. how do you put some body who is loosing in numbers at the expence of someone winning…Mpulungu was last nile on the confin for your warload…!!! Good luck..!! As his vice Guy Scot pointed out that if you loose elections, it will be difficult for people to trust you to lead the pact when UPND lost to Luena at least not to MMD but to the owner of the seat…!!!!

  69. #75 Kambongolo..”but coz of your crying like a baby PF gave you the seat.” Clearly, that’s an insult to UPND. It may not be a bad idea for you to start showing some civility by respecting other parties. See how your “Almighty” PF has been lambasted and whipped in Mpulungu! And I am told the “bwato” capsized.

  70. How come it took an extra 12 hours to count votes and determine the winner in Mpulungu as compaired to Chilanga. Thats where the rigging took place. If someone does not know how to vote, you nullify his or her vote and do not show them where to cross. How many such voters where shown how to do it out of interest. ECZ should have that number.

  71. #82 Please change the record – mwaluza tyala! Nthawi zonse nikudandaula mukaluza. People in Mpulungu were not going to vote for Sata after he endorsed GBM’s tribalism. His short-sightedness, prevented him from thinking that he might need the votes of the same people he was rubbishing. Now he looks like the fool he is and the under five is winning. In case you dont know, Mpulungu is a vast rural constituency. Lets not try and pin the blame on the PF loss on rigging because Sata simply lost like he will come 2011.

    MPULUNGU 96 in 2008


  73. In any election there can only be one winner, congratulations PF/UPND pact for winning the chilanga constituency and congratulations MMD for the Mpulungu constituency. To
    PF and MMD you did your best and people have spoken, just work on your weaknesses and move on.


    MPULUNGU 096 Mpulungu
    CHIBOMBAMILIMO Lameck K. MMD 14,617
    CHILESHE Dominic UPND, FDD, UNIP (UDA) 1,323
    SIULAPWA Collins C. PF 869
    NANYANGWE Joyce APC 467

  75. if the Pact are serious about winning next year then HH must be the Pact Presidential candidate not the big buffoon called sata. our people in north east zambia will never accept sata so he will only get votes in kasama and surrounding areas. luapula has rejected him as he has failed to win any election there. copperbelt is evenly distributed and lusaka now is between mmd and upnd. southern is upnd, northwestern shall be shared and western will fall in line behind MMD with milupi as an alliance partner

  76. People get the sort of leadership that they deserve. As the people of Mpulung have voted for MMD in there limited wisdom then it is no wonder than teh district still remains so underdeveloped and will continue to lag behind and wallow in poverty. It is just a pity that through their unwise voting they might just perpetuate the stay of the MMD in power and drag the rest of the country down the same path of self destruction as themselves

  77. Mpulungu??? You will continue eating your kapenta, lwenu ilo. You think bwezani is going forward, do you understand what his name means? Backwards, no progress, Lots wife, non-believers etc etc :o:o:o

  78. Better be an under five and win election than an over five losing in claimed home ground. HH we thank you i cant be surprised that pf supporters want to claim victory out of your effort in chilanga, shame!

  79. non bemba majority you are right wikolo. this sata thinks we are fools to accept such insults from that fat chap GBM who without sinyangwe, happy wells and other mambwe’s and namwanga’s would not be where he is today. we pickjed from the streets of kasama cleaned him up and then he insults. Northeastern Zambia from Muchinga mountains to Lake tanganyika and through to kaputa and luwingu will NEVER VOTE FOR PF, NEVER

  80. if you look closely at that picture in post online, it looks doctored!! headline lelo has failed to change mu post online. PF has been hit hard they dont even know what to say, hahaha beaten clean hands down. Chi RB has even congratulated UPND and continuing to work hard, off to chipata. bwezani RB bwezani banda o=imwe bantu ba zambia

  81. #93 What you are saying is very true. I am sick and tired of people forgetting the true make up of Northern province – it is not Bembaland and the sooner that those wanting votes from us realise that the better for them. Why should we vote for people that think we are inferior to them? Even when they want us to vote for them, they insult us like the stupid blogger at #10 and yet they are the first ones to call everybody else tribalist. As long as PF does not apologise for GBM’s utterances, then they shall continue to lose in that part of Zambia.


  83. Congulatulations PF for mantaining your suppoters. you have not lost any, instead you have even gained.Keep on the good fight, HH is reducing MMD dominance in western, southern and western provinces which makes it extremly easy for you to win next yr.You are on the right truck.Looking at the way things are going, dont even think of the pact, PF will win next yr even without the pact. MMD is no more in western because of Milupi, HH and BRE, and HH will split southern and N/ western. Viva PF!!!
    In our own analysis as PF we have improved in Mpulungu.this is simple mathematics!!! keep it up!!!

  84. The predominantly anti-PF bloggers seem to be so excited over the PF’s loss to the MMD in the Mpulungu by-election that they have taken leave of their analytical abilities. An objective analysis of the results of the 2006 tripartite and the 2010 by-election actually reveals that the PF has made tremendous and significant inroads in an area previously perceived to be an MMD stronghold.
    Here are the facts based on ECZ records. In 2006, Lameck Chibombamilimo had 14,617 whilst Collins Siulapwa of the PF had a paltry 869 votes. Between the two of them, this amounted to a total of 15,486 total votes. Of this, MMD had 94.4% compared to the PF’s 5.6%. In the 2010 by-election, again just comparing the MMD and the PF, the total votes for the two was 9,422. Of these votes, Given Mung’omba has…

  85. Of these votes, Given Mung’omba has 5,003 (or 53.1% of the total votes; Freedom Sikazwe has 4,419 (or 46.9% of the total votes).

    A comparison of the percentage gains between 2006 and 2010 shows clearly and unequivocally that MMD has suffered a significant 41.3% decline in votes obtained (53.1% (2010) – 94.4% (2006)). In contrast, the PF has significantly improved the number of votes obtained by 41.3% (46.9% (2010) – 5.6% (2006)).

    Let the facts speak for themselves!

  86. #99 Can you also conduct breakdown of the recent Chifubu by-election which was won by PF and how those votes compare to the results in 2006?

  87. #99 Indeed we would appreciate if you conducted a similar analysis on all parties and past elections. Such intelligent blogging is mind opening. You are very intelligent, kindly do one as #100 has said on Chifubu.

  88. no matter what maths you do, PF are the biggest losers in this whole election. sata is a big liar and a reall buffoon who does respect people. even dead people. he did it with levy and he has done it again with lameck.

  89. It would also be helpful to examine what role voter turn out plays in by-elections results as it tends to be lower than in the general election. Another way of analysing the voting pattern is to see whether or not the losing party is more or less likely to retake a seat lost in a by- election in a general election as is usually the case in UK elections.

  90. It’s mind boggling for “intelligent” bloggers to insinuate that Mpulungu was a PF stronghold when the reality is that it was an MMD seat held by late member of parliament Lameck Chibombamilimo, my former workmate in Chipata, where he was Perm Sec.

    Have we thrown away our brains in the excitement of celebrating the retaking of what was ours???

  91. #66 Chitumbuwa. I tortaly agree with u. People have been voting since 1964 but we see the poor getting poorer, only those whole are voted in power get richer. I fail to understand what these comrades (MMD/UPND/PF/etc cadres) sing about. whether PF/MMD wins, the poor people of Mpulungu will remain poor just like their relatives in Chilanga and other parts of the country. I personaly dont think Cap Mono or Mung’omba will improv livng conditions of people in their respective consistences.

    I stand to be corrected!

  92. #99 Max Mbizo, I think you are a PF cadre and despite dissing MMD cadres’s analytical skills, I think your skills are also flawed and blinded by partisan politics. Interesting that you decided to lock on to 2006 elections. Why did you ignore the 2008 in your analytical model because looking at 2008 ( see comment #84 above) and 2010 shows that MMD actually improved and MMD should have a reason to be happy while PF should have reason to be concerned. I hope you are not trying to energise your base with falsehood. That is a sure slow way to die. We need a stronger opposition to MMD.

  93. Non-Bemba majority of Northern province and ECZ:

    Here is some additional analysis as requested.

    Of the total 18,784 total votes cast in the Chifubu election in 2006 for the PF and MMD, Victor Konie of the MMD had 7,969 votes (or 42.4%) whilst PF’s Benson Bwalya had 10,815 (or 57.6%). In the 2010 by-election, the total votes cast for the PF and MMD was 11,515. Out of this, PF’s Susan Kawandami obtained 6,976 votes (or 60.6%); the MMD’s Frank Ng’ambi obtained 4,539 (or 39.4%).

  94. These results clearly show that between 2006 and 2010, the PF maintained its control over Chifubu and even registered a marginal improvement of 3% (.i.e. 60.6% (2010) – 57.6% (2006)). In comparison, during the same period, the MMD’s share of the total votes declined by 3% (39.4% (2010) – 42.4% (2006)).

    If you take the Chifubu and Mpulungu results together, it seems evident that the PF has maintained its control in its stronghold of Chifubu and made significant inroads in Mpulungu. Going by these statistics, it is also evident that the MMD has experienced some slippage in its support base in these two areas.

  95. Non-Bemba majority of Northern province…LoL, you have serious issues there. Please continue dissecting the northern province for us, it is most educative. So who are sata’s bembas up there? You might just find that there are no bemba people in northern after all. If only different tribes had different skin colour…life would be so much easier…just saying.

  96. iam not a bemba but use of such term (non bembas) is uncivilised, debate isues at hand it seems you have problem with tribalism only people think on tribal lines judges issues basing on that.

  97. #95 & #93 Non-Bemba Majority of Northern Province: “What you are saying is very true. I am sick and tired of people forgetting the true make up of Northern province – it is not Bembaland….”

    It’s amazing how ignorant people can be even about their own county, much less the demographics of that country. I lived in Northern Province among the Mambwe people in the late 1970s. They are wonderful people with an outstanding culture. Among my best friends are Namwangas, also very wonderful people. We never get to talk about all these great and outstanding tribes of Northern Province. Our lazy minds are only inclined to associate Northern Province with the Bembas and the negative aspects of Bemba culture. Thanks for an educative contribution.

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