Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Mpulungu seat a gate way to Northern – RB


President Rupiah Banda

President Rupiah Banda is elated that the MMD has retained the Mpulungu Parliamentary seat and it has given his party a gate way to the Northern Province.

Mr Banda, however said its sad that the MMD has lost the Chilanga Parliamentary by-election to the UPND.

Mr Banda has congratulated the UPND for scooping the seat.

Meanwhile, the President said he does not regret the expulsion of former Chilanga MP Ng’andu Magande from the MMD, as the party still has many MPs.

Mr Banda was speaking to journalists at Lusaka’s City Airport shortly before he left for Eastern Province.

The President has flown to Chipata to commission newly constructed houses for police officers.

And President Banda said lack of accommodation is a cross-cutting problem.

The President pledged government’s commitment to address the shortage of housing in the country.

He said he is happy that efforts to end the accommodation crisis among police officers are bearing fruits.

Mr Banda is accompanied by first Lady Thandiwe, Home Affairs Minister Mkhondo Lungu and other senior government officials.
[ ZNBC ]


  1. You have shown that, you can effectively complete what your predecessor left, something FJT failed to do but Levy did by completing the SAP.

  2. You old gallivanter, MMD have not gained one seat, they have in fact lost one seat in Manda Hill! Although, you have one UNIP MP to compensate, I wonder what he tells his constituency or he doesn’t even bother going there (RB goes for him)! You must start flying on commercial flights so that you can use the airmiles next year after October! You wouldn’t have to pay for your flights then!

  3. Mr Banda is accompanied by first Lady Thandiwe! He doesn’t want to be done a ‘Mugabe’!
    Robert Mugabe’s despised wife had an affair with his top banker

  4. Mambwes cant support a Bemba lead party. They have inferiority complex and always compete with Bembas. So Northern Province is not 100% PF.

  5. Mr small brain indeed.u are congratulating yourself after losing chilanga seat with large margin.and in mpulungu u are only winning in villages.in town centre u losed ask your self.we know u and your ECZ.2011 if the pact will be there,u are back 2your farm.

  6. Those house for the police aretoo small for a family. I wonder why police officers are not respected in zambia. I have seen those toilets size police houses built for the police like those in the colonial days. as president i would feel ashamed to commission such tiny things. better left to the officer commanding than waste tax payers money flying around……..

  7. When you lose,just congratulate the winner.The voters have said it.Remember that MMD WAS COMPETING AGAINST THE PACT AND CATHOLIC PRIEST FATHER BWALYA’S CHANGE ZAMBIA OR DIE NGO.Iam not sure who was red caded between RB and Michael sata!
    As for Chilanga seat,This seat changes between MMD and UPND AT FIVE YEAR INTERVALS.WATCH OUT FOR 2011.IT WILL GO BACK TO MMD AS PER CUSTOM.

  8. Where is sata. Has he released any statement after his knock out punch by MMD. I guess he is very shocked, he does not know was has stung him. I guess he is preparing an exit speech from active politics. Bamulasa ya red sata mwami bazungu.

  9. What is wrong with the president of Zambia travelling around Zambia? Please commission more development projects mr President we are behind you and congratulations for your victory in Mpulungu.

  10. # 15 there is everything wrong especially if he is wasting too much of our hard earned tax money. This chipata project is too minute for the whole president to travel-delegation lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Rubbish Bin is not thinking properly. How can he say that when he knows very well that Mpulungu was their seat? looking at the results, the PF has actually performed very well compared to the last elections.

  12. Heey RB first I say enjoy your flight but remember that planes fall down when they are much misused like you have done sir.

    Second, Mpulungu was your seat and you have just plucked it from PF, so you must be sad that your win is not landslide sir. You should mourn as to why people are always losing trust and faith in your MMD.

    Third, I praise you for taking ka girl otherwise baka kwafwa like the Mugabe way.

    Lastly chase away the thug william Banda.

    Thank you sir.

  13. “Mr Chibuluma says as a result of some people not knowing how to vote, electoral officers were made to assist people who couldn’t read by showing them were to mark”.

    Iyee mwe bantu, what else did you expect from Mpulungu sure (shuuwa)? How can people who can’t even read or write be allowed to vote sure?

  14. What does His Sense.less mean when he says Mpulungu is a gateway to Northern Province? Mpulungu was an MMD seat which you have just retained, but, equally, look out, the margins are too small ka.

  15. Am sure if the late octopus paul was to predict the elections he wud have gone for RB and PF wu have called for his grilling by now.

  16. Gateway to nowhere I say. Dont be deluded, dream on. The margin is a fraction to be excitement for, maybe they rigged!!!!

  17. Mmembe. Patson, shame on you!!!!! today u have not even updated the postonline news because Mpulungu has gone to MMD your PF lost anso ba mmd ba mudribller pf the one you support. You can’t believe the turn of events tamukwete namaka ya kubomba lelo Shame on u!!!

  18. The mmd win in Mpulungu, is not landslide for them to be very happy about. If you look at the difference, its very mininal 584 votes and we are told that some people, could not even read or identify the symbols of their partys and were being helped to vote and that practice gives room for rigging and this shows that Pf really put up a fight against the mmd. As for RB the lose in Chilanga should even worry mmd so much. A human body is made up of various parts, if you loose a leg or an eye you can’t say it’s okey I have many body parts remaining.It means you are no longer the same as you were before.A paltry 584 votes is not much to celebrate about considering the fact that this is mmd strong hold. As for Pf continue fighting you have not lost anything but have gained new members.

  19. #29 kapoma kabaso….

    Thats the point I am feeding these useless MMD bootlickers. How can you celebrate a very very minimal win given that its your strong hold? This is the time for MMD to mourn uncontrollably for in principle losing to PF. PF has gained new members and come 2011 the seat will be scooped by PF.

    If I were RB I would call for an emergency meeting but knowing that he enjoys the sky he cant…he is gone into the sky again.

    Get it from me you MMD thugs, in 2011 MMD will win only 20 seats….get it right MMD boot lickers. This is the time to reflect on where you will be working coz you will have no jobs in the dispora. Start washing plates in advance men and women.

    This is a free advice to you Senior citizen, Veteran, Mwata, MMD chief boot licker.

  20. #8 PF Carde with Red Card says:
    “Mambwes cant support a Bemba lead party. They have inferiority complex and always compete with Bembas. So Northern Province is not 100% PF”.

    Not all Northern Province is Bemba and not all enjoy Mr. Michael Sata’s insults. The other tribes in Northern Province are just as skeptical about Mr. Sata as are tribes elsewhere in Zambia. The challenge is for the PF to repackage him well so he can sell. Unfortunately, you cannot teach an old dog new tricks. Mr. Sata’s political stardom could be on the wane. I wish him the best of luck in 2011.

    Your reference to the Mambwe people as: “having inferiority complex” is part of the Bemba superiority complex. Bembas think they are better than anybody else who is not Bemba. Is this an incurable disease?

  21. In the 2006 parliamentary elections Chibombamilimo got 14,600 voes and the PF candidate got a paltry 800 (yes eight hundred votes only)! compare the difference then and today. this surely tells you that the PACT is getting stronger and stronger..give credit to where it is due

  22. You chaps why trouble yoselves, just ask vera and she will be in a position to give a better analysis of how the erections went, one was pointing to the south and the oher to the east period, and they found the kapunda, period.

  23. I went into hiding for fear of kaponyas, well now am back and mwalaimwenako, becoz i am the political engineer. This zambia is under my control and therefore i decide who gets what and not. I decided to give upnd chilanga becoz they came and begged before me just like their counterparts mmd. PF never did so they will see how leathal i am, yu think i am kafupi for nothing. I will even remove the vendors desk at my spacious home in kabulonga, mwanya nokunya.

  24. I thought for once it’s a picture of a dinosur coming out of my computer screen. Only to realise it’s a face Thandi plays with. Yaaak!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ba LT remove the face on this story, please my kids running away!!!

  25. Like I said yesterday, the victory does not change anything because Mambwes, Inamwanga’s, Lungus and Tabwas cannot vote for Bemba/Bisa. So this man does not even take time to study the voting patterns in the country that he is supposed to be leading.

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