Tuesday, March 18, 2025

People in Mansa appeal for extention of Green Registration cards issuance period


SOME people in Kawambwa District have urged the Electoral Commission of Zambia to consider increasing the number of days for the issuance of Green National Registration Cards (NRCs).

Speaking to the ZANIS publicity team in Sub-Chief Kabanda’s area at the weekend, some people complained that they did not obtain NRCs during the first round of the mobile issuance of the cards.

One of the complainants identified as Nelson Mumba said, the extra two days given for the issuance NRCs in the area were not enough because many people were not captured during the first 90 days.

Mr. Mumba of Kafwimba Village appealed to the ECZ to consider increasing the number of days to four or more, if many people were to be issued with NRCs and register as voters.

And another Villager, Crusade Chama of Tea Estate also appealed to the ECZ to increase the number of days to at least one week.

Mr. Chama said the Tea Estate area was densely populated, adding that many youths did not obtain NRCs in the initial exercise.

He proposed the continuation of the mobile issuance of NRCs up to mid next year, in order for many people to register as voters.

And Idah Kaunda of Kabonde Village in Sub-Chief Kabanda’s area said the NRCs that were issued to people in the area were not good as they had very small faces that took time to identify.

Mrs. Kaunda said the one who was taking photographs did not do a good job as the images were too small for easy identification.

And Acting District Registrar, Lazarous Phiri said the number of days at each centre will depend on the turnout of the people in a particular area.


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