Tuesday, March 18, 2025

ZAIN to outsource call centre and back office services


Zain has announced plans to outsource call centre and back office services.

Bharti Airtel which owns and operates the Zain brand in 16 AFRICAN countries says it will soon conclude the deal with IBM Tech Mahindra and Spanco which will run the customer services for Bharti Airtel.

A statement issued by the firm says the deal will allow its 40 million mobile customers to enjoy world class customer services.

The statements says IBM Tech Mahindra and Spanco will introduce quality best practices based on their experiences of working with international organisations in the telecommunications, banking, finance, insurance and retail sectors.

The firm says this will also lead to the development of the nascent African Business Process Outsourcing sector which promises to deliver economic growth to many countries across the continent.



  1. This is the absurdity of reporting in Zambia. You write a story like this without saying what the gimplications of such a move is on the Zain Employees in Zambia or Africa. Simply regurtitating news without analyzing it

  2. where are they out sourcing the services to,so we can compare prices. I bet it ill be there own country,job creation there not in zambia.This is MMDs idea of development.wake up people,I hope the opposition poilitical parties make a meal of this as people will lose their jobs.

  3. How can you conclude from the above statement that it means job losses for Zambia? They actually might come to Zambia if it makes business sense. If they do come to Zambia, you will be the same ones talking about infestors and tunthemba jobs.

  4. #7, whats your comprehension of outsourcing, you must be bemba, so thick like your forefathers.Do you think the MMD can position the country to get other jobs from other countries.MMD is full of dimwits with your sort of reasoning.keep quiet if you dont have anything sensible o contribute

  5. If and only if IBM will be based in zambia then it will be a good move for the country and the economy.Zambian can do alot better than some of this customer service we get from India and other countries and it will also be alot cheaper to manage call centers in zambia.

  6. #9,zambians speak better english as well,however MMD don t understand the concept of positioning.they understand being begging, try to imagine these dimwits negociating on anything,they always get burnt.its yes sir to everything

  7. Government should not allow these “INFESTORS” to dictate the value of shares held by Zain Zambia, if their plan is to outsource jobs to India, leaving Zambians without jobs.

    Investors should have an obligation to create local skills and talents and not outsource jobs to their countries of original in the guise of improved service.


  8. #7, unless you have been to the four walls of school then outsourcing is such a big word for you. In order to hem in huge profits, these organisations opt to employ cheaper labour especially that from Indian. Service will be better than that currently being offered locally. The argument though is many of our locals will go without security of a job. Severence pays are a song, job market non existant. Its only in Zambia!

  9. correction..
    …obligation to create local skills and talents

    to read
    …obligation to develop local skills and talents ….

  10. the call centre will be in India where there’s cheap labour. customer service in India is not world class although many international organizations like HP have their customer services there. HP has also the worse customer or technical service because of rerouting calls to India. That’s why I’ll never buy an HP computer again. In short, the article means loss of jobs for Zambia. This is what happens when the govt trusts in foreign companies than encouraging the improvements of local companies. Next, Zamtel will have a call centre in Uganda or Libya. Mark my words.

  11. More jobs for Indians! Typical of ba mwenye. Zambians grace yourselves, I guarantee you that you will not ba able to hear a single word of English! Most U.S and European countries are also running call centres here, its cheaper. Albeit Indians here will be paid half wnat Zambians are getting! Increasing profit margin.

  12. #8 Mike chikala! Bemba finshi has some manners koswe whateva yo tribe,respect yo elders,wud like it if i called yo parents thick headed.Kolwe we mbushi we.Amatole ukufota

  13. a quote from a indian web site “About 4,000 employees who currently handle Zain’s customer care operations in Africa will move to the rolls of these three companies. The partners will set up operations in each market which will sustain and build skills, capabilities and resources,”

  14. I guess this is bad news for the ‘customer care executives’. But the way ZNBC has framed it, you would think this was the best thing to happen to the Zain call centre!

  15. i am also wondering how this can be good for Zambian and Zambians.GRZ make intelligent investments that not only benefit their pockets or their so called “Economy picking up” but unemployed Zambians too. India, china, etc are clearly doing that

  16. This is cut-throat capitalism.Any capitalist(foward looking) scholar would praise this move by Bharti which is entirely a practice of the 3Es.A PF loser would look at the short term(loss of a paltry number of Jobs), than look at the long term(expansion of operations through savings from the outsourcing – which will create more jobs).
    This is the principle of BPO-Business Process Outsourcing.

  17. #18, seems like i have hit a raw nerve. my parents are not thick headed unlike your parents who are grade 1 drop outs.I was taught valuable principles which work world wide unlike you who was taughtt to steal.keep ur ignorance to yourselves.i wont respect anyone with no respect for other humans and i will not come down to ur level of thinking,however remember i hail from a culture in zambia that is physically and mentally superior, the tongas.we have been teaching and feeding u thieves . #25,please explain to me how you think this will benefit zambia unless ur comprehension of outsourcing is to lie, cheat and steal, which is a culture for a certain ttribe which perhaps you come from hence the misconception.

  18. #25,what do u do for a living, are you defending the concept of privatisation or the MMD s way of doing business.Look at china, they have a closed market and they are growin and look at fools like you openning ur market like a b i t c h.shame on your thinking, however it is not your fault but your forefathers

  19. @#28 mike,stop embarasin tongas ,you have shown yo dark buttocks 4 thinkin therz a superior tribe,if we tongas are better than others why is this nation stil in a pathetic state,dont tel me there no tongas in leadership,if thats the case consider us the most inferior of the 72 tribes.U seem educated its a pity u missed the whole point of education,be humble my friend or else u will die a bitter man.Respect is 2way if u call bembas thickheaded then what do you call the mad tonga man picking trash in the gabbage pits?Superior?Apologise young man.

  20. #30 NEGRO PLEEaZE
    Good you pumped sense in this no good riff raff.But I bet he will not take the valuable advice due to his kokai upbringing.

  21. #30 NEGRO PLEEaZE
    The term “Negro” is now widely considered to be obsolete, and it is not commonly used.you are not tonga, if you are, then you shouldnt be. VJ Rigger i feel sorry for you, or perhaps your forefathers hehehehe

  22. Quite simply, outsourcing delivers results. It’s a proven tool in improving business performance and transforming customer services.by the way its not only the customer service that will be outsourced but other depts such as IT and technical now imagine these guys working for IBM one the guys in world of IT and the sought of experties it has,they will be to exposed to high tech infrastracture and an oportunity for them to learn more.of course there demerits but look at on a brighter side.

  23. Lets differ if we must, bu we sink when we include forefathers. There should be no room in Zambia for tribal wars. We are one Zambia, many tribes, but one nation.

  24. Lets differ if we must, but we sink when we include forefathers. There should be no room in Zambia for tribal wars. We are one Zambia, many tribes, but one nation.

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