Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Judge who is more popular — HH


UPND vice president Richard Kapita (R)

UPND president Hakainde Hichilema yesterday said the people of Zambia should now judge who is more popular in the pact between UPND and PF following the victory in Chilanga Constituency.

Mr Hichilema was responding to sentiments by the PF leadership that UPND holds a smaller number of seats in Parliament compared with PF and should accept the junior position of vice-presidency in the pact.

Mr Hichilema said while some leaders in the pact had stated that UPND was smaller, the people of Zambia had spoken through the vote in Chilanga Constituency parliamentary by-election.

“Our position as UPND is that the people of Zambia should judge whether we are small or not like the people have Chilanga Constituency have done. We will not engage in a popularity contest with our colleagues in PF,” Mr Hichilema said.

He said UPND would operate on the understanding that partnership was based on equal weight of trust and mutual respect as opposed to antagonism based on power struggle.

The PF, through its vice-president Guy Scott claimed in an analysis recently that UPND should hold a small stake in the pact formed last year because it lacked numbers in Parliament in comparison with PF.

Mr Hichilema said the PF put up a good performance in Mpulungu and was confident that the seat would go to the pact next year.

He said the pact should fight hard to ensure that it wion the presidency next year so that it could rule Zambia instead of competing for superior positions in the pact.

Mr Hichilema said UPND worked hard to ensure that its candidate Cosmas Moono emerged victorious by holding door-to-door campaigns before it started public rallies.

Asked why his party shunned the Newsmakers Forum which is organised by their allies, the Press Freedom Committee of the Post newspapers, Mr Hichilema said they resolved never to participate in public discussion programmes where the MMD was featuring to avoid violence.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. These comments is the end of the pact. I thought HH was smart enough to keep quite and let their convention decide. He will b called an under 5 shortly. Wheres Mohan these jerks HH and Sata r boring !!

  2. Booooooooom!!!, Another bomb dropped in the PACT camp. Or Should I say the elections results dropped the bomb and this is just the after shock? Let me and get some popcorns, as I await the PF cadre response. Its going to get ugly people. Just watch and enjoy.

  3. And the comedy show continues. This is the beginning of season 2. **Quickly goes to grab a bag of popcorn**

  4. I have often wondered how UPND benefited from the Pack. Well deserved victory in Chilanga. It’s about time all the major parties in Zambia started dealing with the bread and butter issues affecting every Zambian.

  5. Chaps never learn, soon there will be an uproar in the media btn upnd and pact on issues of popularity when neither of them has formed govt.

  6. I like HH comments that PF put up a brave fight in Mpulungu. Thats is what should be said by all PACT members as we celebrate the Pact – UPND winning Chilanga. Of course PF members also backed them there. Well Done UPND. let us not dwell on popularistic contest. This should be about kicking MMD in the teeth and out of power and improving Zambians way of living throught the PACT. I have time and agian said I admire HH. Keep up the good work, u need PF juat as much as PF needs UPND. No need for any of the two pact members to grow big headed. They will be NO By-election for presidency if NyamaSoya wins. We shall be left cursing ourselves.

  7. Before you comment please read the article not just the heading because its grossly misleading. HH chose his words very carefully and did not say mighty uond is popular than PF. Mwatolapofye ubwafufu bamimbumunda bashinka manyela.

  8. MMD Chief Bootlicker & Mr. Capitalist you will need some beer too to go along with those popcorns. Some beef jerky wouldn’t be bad either. (^_~)

  9. This is an indirect blast by HH to Sata and his PF henchmen who have been saying he aint popular and deserves to be deputy.Very diplomatic indeed but still a good blast to PF without causing much offence especially that they are still licking the wounds of the beatings in Mpulungu by-elections while their Vuvuzela has gone underground pondering another comeback of sensationalism.

  10. We need the opposition to come together and get MMD out…I will never belong to any political party or be cadre as others are but will speak for my only motherland Zambia.

    it is sad to have people in govt that have lost direction at the expense of poor Zambians who really suffer, at times when I go round Zambia I feel like crying, even in Mpulungu were the ruling party won-it is really a sad story and I wondered how they won–it was all out of manipulating people,taking advantage of their hunger..this I do not speak from without but from what I have seen and any honest Zambian would agree with me


  11. HH Mr. president lets go it alone we can beat this oldmen hands down..get brave make the announcement then we can campaign freely…come on now STOP BEING A COW…ARD

  12. Hehe …sure HH if you are really popular why did you cry like a babe when PF wanted to context Chilanga? Thats why we say you are under five in view of the bahaviour you are displaying right now.

    If you wanted to acknowledge PF great performance in Mpulungu why didnt you just do that than first shooting PF and then at the end you praise PF?

    This is how under fives behave man. PF left Chilanga for UPND for the sake of the PACT but what coming out from both UPND caders and their leaders is that they have nothing to do with PF, and the loss of PF in Mpulungu is their joy. Sure….then I can say there is no PACT to talk about.

    Just go it alone ..PF alone and UPND alone, and MMD alone so that we can see in 2011 who is a third largest party in Zambia. This is what is being potrayed.

  13. Mr Under 5, please for once talk l;ike an over 35, In your victory put in the PF factor, with the PF in the elections MMD wins the seat period, with PF in the elections, PF wins and MMD loses.
    Reverse the same in Mpulungu, without PF but UPND in, MMD wins by landslide pants down.
    Those are the realities, there is no gauging who is more popular.
    In any case we all know that the biggest tribe in Chilanga is actually Tonga, ngayo makani badaala

  14. Tribal facts are:

    1. Even PF could have won Chilanga assuming UPND didn’t stand.
    2. Mpulungu was the hard one and UPND could have performed much worse. Note that PF doesn’t do very well in non-Bemba speaking territories of the Northern Province.
    3. UPND could have also taken Chifubu assuming PF didn’t stand.
    4. PF could have lost miserably in Luena.

    As long as we don’t promote the one Zambia one Nation motto we’ll be doomed to tribes and tribal voting. All of our leaders today are talking tribal politics and it’s not helping.

  15. HH this is why you should go it alone. You have the ability to change the politcal and economic landscape of the land. I will vote for you in 2010 and if we lose i will do the same in 2016.

  16. On ““Our position as UPND is that the people of Zambia should judge whether we are small or not like the people have Chilanga Constituency have done… [the mighty UPND Group] will not engage in a popularity contest with our colleagues in PF,” Mr [2011 presidential candidate Sunny Hakainde] Hichilema [SHH] said” this is a very clear and good message to PF and the POST Fudge of serpentine Sata MC that the UPND has now entered a PACT with the Zambia people in their soliciting for votes to form GRZ Administration in 2011.

    The sooner PF realises that their bad public relation in the recent past has helped Zambian people embrace [S]HH (ni zii) while rejecting the insulting serpentine Sata MC in by-elections, the better for Mr Sata MC’s future of moving out of credit…

  17. upnd is more popular dispite the total media blackout. Ba Kapita pliz change your jacket. HH you didnt go for the news makers forum bcos mmembe and HH are now oil and water. HH tone down on your attacks on MMD bcos thats your lifeline. you have no future with PF and MMembe

  18. HH is a more competent candidate for the PACT. He should be sidelined by Mmembe and PF; democracy should prevail and the PACT electoral college should decide who should lead the PACT. Sata is a brainless TWAT and will plunge Zambia backwards by decades should he be elected into office.

  19. @#19 Neo Patriot I couldnt agree with u more.Ecxellent and highly intelectual analysis.
    HH has a point here.This issue started with Guy Scott’s Post article about PF being the more popular party after UPND lost Luena.So i think its well and good that PF lost in Mpulungu at least they learnt one lesson that u can have multitudes attend your rallies but if only a quarter are registered voters and the rest are so-tambe-ko-ni-free then forget about winning.Also urban voters are more enlightened than rural voters who hve a laid back attitude of “the little i have is enough”.

  20. He said the pact should fight hard to ensure that it win the presidency next year so that it could rule Zambia instead of competing for superior positions in the pact.

    Mr Hichilema said UPND worked hard to ensure that its candidate Cosmas Moono emerged victorious by holding door-to-door campaigns before it started public rallies.These were the words from HH,pliz do not read things in abstract coz you will be mis-lead okay.i am very disapointed in some of you myopic Zambians,Shame on you!

  21. Why dont most people understand the logic of the bondage between UPND and PF? The assumption is that it would be cost effective and prudent for the two never to compete against each other in any constituency during the the 2011 general election. Otherwise MMD is still very intact countrywide for your information.There is a likelihood that PF and UPND individually can perform worse than 2006. VIVA PACT

  22. So my point above is that both parties must now come to the table on equal footing seeing that they compliment eachother.Without the other’s support, they can forget about winning the coming general elections if they decide to split and go it alone.The time to cement the PACT has come.Lets go for convention and choose our candidate;mind u candidacy for president of the pact should be open to all for democratic purposes.The 50+1 system can be used so that if u have more than 10 candidates, the top two go for a rerun.Please PF/UPND, the time organise is now.Lets do this!.

  23. How could mpulungu be a hard one for PF if it is their strong hold. Try a by-election in southern province and see how UPND will traunce the opponents. PF lost hands down and i wonder where their strong hold is. UPND even won at council level in a council by-election in eastern province.PF said the same thing in chifubu by-election that they won without the help of UPND. PF kaponyas should learn to respect your fellow pact members.

  24. What baffles me is how myopic pact supporters are. If by any chance they actually unite and get behind one leader simply to get MMD out, what happens to the governance of the country when it comes to actually running the government? You can paper over all the cracks simply to win an election but running a country is not a walk in Munda Wanga. Also, like PF has learnt to its cost, dont take the voters for granted. If they think that the pact is just a trojan horse to allow certain individuals to get to state house, then they simply wont vote for it. Funny how is not behind Sata and his latest rigging allegations. If the pact was united, surely HH should be supporting Sata, and why didn’t the two parties campaign jointly in both constituencies in order to cement the relationship?


  26. Read and understand HH is not fighting PF. He is refering to some people in the pact both UPND and PF. Clear statement but alas other trying to put words in his mouth. HH is intelligent watch the space.

  27. Can a president-less Pact rule Zambia? Where do you start from given that the electoral rules demand a presidential candidate by name and not a party or Pact?

  28. The two parties went into this election as a Pact with each member representing the other in the two constituencies. What this means is that the Pact won in Chilanga and lost in Mpulungu. To attribute success or failure to each party will be misleading since PF supporters voted for UPND and vice versa in chilanga and mpulungu respectively.

  29. HH is the man for economcal development,,,fellow Zambians jealous down the man mean serious business in politics and therefore we must wholeheartdly support him,,,VIVA HH…VIVA ,,,VIVA HH,,VIVA,,,MAY GOD BE WITH US ALL,.

  30. I really agree with #31, because this goes beyond winning or taking MMD out of power, i feel this pact can really bring alot of problems in terms of power sharing, i think as zambians we should carefully look at the pack and see where it can take us

  31. @ Kagwizi # 30 The Pact lost in Mpulungu becoz the Post is deceiving the PF with the crowd which just goes to be entertained by speakers. May word of advise to the (UPND – PF PACT) is that ‘the forest though looks thick, when one approaches it, one sees that each tree is on it’s own’ so dont be deceived by the crowd.

  32. Yes oh yes,,the man is right….Mr SATA has lost in his own home…Northern province…his relatives have rejected him,,,,who are we to give him the presidency,,,VIVA HHHHHHHHHHHHHH

  33. have u guys ever thought of how the country will be run after the pact wins the 2011 elections? if they can fight over who can be president what more sharing of the task, ministries, and the general conutry demands? dont you think zambia is better off woithout a Pact because i see a civil war if the pact wins…

  34. Cant believe this! The noble HH has fallen into the trap of cheap politicking and arrogance that has been the ethos of PF. The presidency issue will kill the pact. Say goodbye to the Pact. HH I”m very disappointed in you. You are a naughty boy and you need a good whipping to come back to your senses.

  35. I am under the impression that UPND got about 3702 votes and still won in chilenga, on the other side the PF got 4419 and lost with the little knowledge I have about popularity I am sure PF is more popular than UPND going by the number of votes they got and to make matters worse 3/4 of voters in chilenga are PF and what popularity is this fool called HH talking about

  36. BAD TITLE BY LT when you read what HH says in the article above he does not say that UPND is more popular. What he says that its up to the people to make the judgment as to whether UPND is a small party.and he does NOT want to get into the politics of who’s popular than who. Whats important he highlights is that the PACT stays together & win the presidency next year.
    One thing people must learn to accept is defeat all the PACT represented by PF in Mpulungu was to acknowledge that they lost the election. And see how those figures will add up for next years presidential election. Yes for sure there was electoral malpractice which could have disadvantaged them.But acceptance must be there despite these evils. There is no way always people should be complaining about their votes being…

  37. #39 Please dont say Sata is our relative. Us Zambians from the North-East of the country dont want him. We have always rejected him and vowed to reject him yet again after his support for GBM when he said Kasama is for Bembas only. Now us Mambwes, Lungus, Lambyas, Wandyas, Nyihas, Wiwas, Tambos, Yombes and Namwangas feel that our votes are for non-Bembas only. What goes around comes around.

  38. In response to 31,The constitution of Zambia is a document whose Acts can be ammended to suit the prevailing environment. When parliament sits does it only look at new laws without amending existing and non-performing pieces of legislation? The issue is that there has never been the best political party in the country. For Zambia to move at a fast pace of development we do not need to keep any party wamuyayaya.Let MMD be in the opposition now and later bounce back in 2016 if the othe guys cant perform.

  39. cont…being stolen. sometimes people must concede defeat. Then go back to the drawing board to plan for next year there is still lots of room for improvement. The other is both parties must acknowledge that they can only win the election as a PACT and not assume that any of them can go it alone and win. That’s a dream. They BOTH need each other…UPND memembers and sympathisers should not now start thinking that just because the Chilanga seat has been won by a UPND candidate therefore they will win the presidential election alone. THAT is wishful thinking. Thinking like that is a fallacy. HASTY GENERALISATION. This is like a mock exam preparing for the finals coming up next year in 2011 about this time. If the PACT work together they will change the future of Zambian Politics if they win


  41. Times of Zambia is deliberately trying to misrepresent what HH said,at no time did he mention anything about popularity,guy is too smart for such cheap talk.

  42. I wonder who Sata was trying to call in todays post picture.His Norwegian Homo friends I guess,trying to calm them down, for the debt he owes them after the loss.

  43. The story was written by a newspaper with an agenda against the pact. It has put words in to HH’s mouth. This is really sad Zambian journalism is completely with the dogs at present because Zambians can never be afforded objective news in the current environment. The government must be sued by right thinking citizens for fueling polarised reporting aNd therefore denying its citizens information

  44. On “Mr Hichilema said the PF put up a good performance in Mpulungu and was confident that the seat would go to the pact next year… the pact should fight hard to ensure that it wion the presidency next year so that it could rule Zambia instead of competing for superior positions in the pact” this is what real national leaders are supposed to convey to the general public and I have been hoping to read a message of congrats from PF to the UPND Group of the PACT on the UPND’s win in Chilanga but alas PF is confounded in its loss in Mpulungu such that they are failing to do what is expect.

    In shame PF is now trying to petition its clear loss in Mpulungu since it is always claiming that MMD rigs elections when PF has time and again failed to provide proof of such.


  45. Trigo@43 – Even if HH did not say as much, you should learn to read between the lines as any respectable analyst would. HH is actually saying he is more popular though I don’t know on what basis since the PF did not field a candidate in Chilanga and I believe they gave their support to the UPND as per their pact deal. I reckon even if the cadidate had been from PF, MMD would have still lost.

  46. Mr Under five it is just 2 premature for you to start claiming the Mr.popular title.It is not anybody`s secret that if it was Pf in Chilanga not UPND the results could still have gone the pacts way.There is basically no MMD in the line of rail except in rural areas where pipo vote because of being offered some food items ,typical of the Mpulungu situation.Viva pact.

  47. Suprising that there more people (registered voters) in Mpulungu than Chilanga.I hope there were no GMO voters in Mpulungu going by trend of vote counting and reporting. VIVA Pact

  48. It is good that the by-elections have finished. We can now go back to watching my favourite sport -UPND and PF back-biting. Seems HH has thrown the first punch which is a bit unfair as the old man is still on the ropes after his defeat in Mpulungu. Anyway, I await to see which punch the old man will use on the under- five next.

  49. Like i hav always said to those that blog on hot issues,upnd has got members and cadres who are power hungry.according to my understandin of hh’s comments,its up to us as zambians to judge,there4 we can judge either way on whos popular.forinstance,tke upnd and mmd contested mpulungu,who wud u think wud hav won or pf/mmd in chilanga?pact is pact but the only bad thing is upnd seems to be power hungry.read more below

  50. I say let PF and UPND hold a convention and vote for a leader. Let democracy start there before we go to national polls.

  51. Truely the people of Mpulungu HAVE SPOKEN and have loudly said NOT SATA FOR THE PRESIDENCY…HIS ONW RELATIVES HAVE REJECTED SATA…so don’t force matters here pls THE POST YOU HAVE LOST IT AGAIN,,,

  52. #41, could you please change your pseudo name, the current one is blasphemous. You could change the upper cased ‘G’ to a lower case ‘g’, that would still be okay because there are many gods but one God the creator and sustainer of the earth, seas and universe. He inhabits the third heavens and rules over the affairs of His creation, to Him alone belongs that name ‘God.’


  54. Tribal politics is Zambia’s fate. Mr. Hakainde Hichilema, himself a brain child of tribal politics, has all the merits of becoming Zambia’s next Republican President. Unfortunately, he is not Bemba. It will call for a miracle for the PF leadership to concede the Pact Presidency to him. And if he does succeed at that, then indeed, he is a master politician. At this stage, it remains only a hurdle for him to surmount. Should he fail, he would only have drunk from the same cistern he had caused others to drink the probable fate of their own political careers. The truth is that, in tribal politics, people tend to vote for their own, notwithstanding their own’s inferiority in character and talent. In this case MCS is such a one, and most likely to carry the day at the expense of HH.

  55. Iam tired of these MMD crooks,,,,nanaka….nipelefye uderfive,,,,the young man knows the rulal politics more than I do…maiche…HH pls take the PACT presidency,,,,VIVA HHHHHHHHHHH


  57. Chi No. 44 you have exposed yourself as a tribalist with deep hatred for Bembas. Chikaaalha chobe. no wander you will always remain backwards. Are you still bitter that our great Bemba warriors conquard and satisfied your women.

  58. So if u say to those that say hh is a wise man,let him for the sake of zambia lend the presidency of the pact to sata,so that all this noise about who will b president disappears we eliminate mmd,otherwise,going it alone for both parties,2011 wud mean doomed again.can the two candidates head to the cries of the pipo.sata sign an agreement with hh then depart the presidency as a hero like madiba.viva pact viva zambia.


  60. The PACT leaders should not allow themselves to be mislead by hot headed Zambians with either ethnic attitude or self serving cadre motives. Right now PF should congratulate captain Moono for scooping the Chilanga seat, thank the people of Chilanga and encourage the MP to be a good representative of the PACT. Secondly instead of PF being bitter and wasting time in court petitions, send a team of intelligent political brains and diagnose what they missed in Mpulungu. If it is because the PF said some hateful things in Kasama, apologise and at the same time thank the people who voted for PF. It is time to mend fences in the PACT. Let’s not allow political oppotunists to misled the PACT, we the Zambians asked you to form this PACT and we still believe it can give us the BEST GOVERMENT.

  61. HH pliz PF is by far more popular than you dont be deceived that u would have won in mpulungu,PFdid much better than u would have done especially that it was am MMD seat already.Am suprised at the bloggers who are busy makin it a big deal is if it was a PF seat lost,remember hw i.d.i.o.t.s were busy celebrating after a bye elections on the copper belt(i think it was chifubu) that MMD is closing the gap.As for chilanga we all know that magande never won it fair in the first place.So PF is more popular than UPND thats a fact,though loosing a bye election.

  62. Which-ever way one may look at this statement, one thing for sure is that its a cheap shot at the PF camp,but again Zambians can not judge the popularity of the party based on a one off by-election,its absurd…people in urban arears want change,in whatever form it may be as long as its not MMD
    As far as popularity is concerned,PF is still and will always be popular simples!!!

    Im a swing voter by the way, anything but MMD


  64. The fact is that the pact is moribund. If Sata had won in Mpulungu, then the two camps would be claiming that they are more popular than the other. Now HH has won in Chilanga and he is claiming the pact presidency. Sata will not concede which means that the circus will continue. The pact is dead and the in-fighting we see is like two bald men fighting for a comb. Meanwhile RB is campaigning already putting things in place for another bumper harvest which will bring down the price of mealie meal in time for the elections.

  65. The popularity of a party is determined by recent elections or opinion polls. Since oppinion polls in Zambia are unreliable the best measure of popularity are bye lelections or local elections.From the results of recent elections UPND has performed better than PF. A day in politics is a very long time so you can not continue claiming to be more popular based on results of elections held 5 years ago. As long as this is clear to PF sympathisers the pact can work otherwise UPND is better off going it alone or working MMD after next years elections if they don’t win.

  66. I suggest that PF and UPND hold a convention to choose a leader manje so… otherwise at the rate we are going no opposition party will unseat MMD. They will continue ma tours so chabe until doomsday. meanwhile ise ma lower ranks njala pa khomo!!


  68. Let PF and UPND go it alone people. No need of a PACT now. Let us see who is a smallest party in Zambia next year 2011.

    PF can you please withdraw from this useless PACT so that we can see who is a bigger party between PF and UPND.

    Ba under five (HH) is boasting for winning Chilanga which we gave him after crying like a babe. Next time dont listen to him (under five HH) even if he cries. Just go it alone so that UPND remains a choma party. Finito dudes!!!!!!

  69. Number 44 uli mbwa ya muntu. No wonder you chaps mambwe, namwanga, lambya and those small small tribes in northern will never develop. Ubututu no bucushi ebulenga fyonse ifi. When we rule bemba we shall ensure we deport you to Tanzania, Malawi, Rwanda and all those countries around. Wake up ba kabwa imwe.

  70. Can the PACT give us a shadow cabinet? By the way i havent heard Mpombo comment so far!! Magande is equally quiet. What about Masebo?

  71. #87 Nembwa ya muntu will never vote for people like you. Which means that you will never ever have the chance of ruling Zambia. If you think it is ok for an MP to say that only Bembas should be MPs in Kasama and then expect me to vote for you then you are in for a rude awakening. Without us, Sata has no chance in hell of winning the presidency so who has more to lose? Who are you to say who is Zambian? Typical PF solution, you want people to vote for you but then you threaten them with deportation? How to win friends and influence people PF style!

  72. H H dont be shallow minded. You are not popular. PF did not field a candidate in Chilanga. So all PF members voted for UPND since they cannot vote for MMD.

  73. You guy you think HH will be one day president of Zambia? nope ! He shall remain the president of choma party finito. He always comes no 3 in general elctions..always no 3. Thats his number even if PF did not context, Malupi would come second then under five HH. This is because UPND caders are power hungry but lack support of the majority Zambians. This is what is called argony guys.

    Under five Hichilema Hakainde will ever remain the choma party president..finito dudes. hehe!!!!

  74. #44. I beg to differ with you. Iam a pure bred Namwanga and I support Sata. The problem with our grouping is that we take time to change. Even when UNIP came on the scene we remained in ANC. It was only because Kaunda overstayed that we voted for MMD. What has the RB govt done for us? Look at the Mbala/Nakonde road, are you proud of it? Look at the Great North Road from Serenje to Nakonde,can you say we are beinbg looked after by this govt? Maybe you are Mambwe or Lungu and this govt is making roads in your areas.
    Please count on yourselves only. Do not include people from Isoka and Nakonde.

  75. #89=Non-Bemba majority of Northern province

    which country is your flag?are you sure you not a mental patient working in a coal mine?seems you have serious injuries to your barin.Go back home and get treatment dude.

  76. Let us go guys…its ok coz there is no PACT. Let us chat and discuss who is popular now. The one who is always third or the one whom they steal votes from? It took 2 days for the MMD to find the 30 000 votes by which RB won the 2008 elections. By how many votes was under five HH down…more than 400 000 votes. It is just 2 years now since it happened. So who is popular?

    Let us go on UPND insipid caders. If your plan is to hijack the presidency like you did to Nawakwi, you are mistaken guys it will not happen. Just go it alone guys …a choma party will remain a choma party. Finito dudes…hehe!!!!

  77. #92 I dont expect a pf kaponya like you to understand the point I am trying to make. If you think like your friend #87 that it is ok to insult people and then ask them to vote for you then that is your problem not mine as it will be the person you support who wont get to state house. A little humility would go a long way, and it is the same lack of humility that has been causing problems with the people you are supposed to be in a pact with. As long as Sata is round, you can forget winning in certain constituencies in Northern province. The sooner you learn that, instead insulting the better for you.

  78. # 94= Bemba majority of Northern province

    Now I have confirmed you are a serious retarded junk.I can’t even make sense of your flag,it would have given me an idea as to why you have become a psychaitry case study in what ever that country is.Now free advise.Start thinking of being repatriated to Zambia before everyone notices your condition.


  80. #96 = SATA IS A BIG LIAR

    You are so ugly that your mother regreted why she never aborted you even when she had a feeling looked ugly even inside her womb.

  81. Kambongolo..# 93 dokey as your name suggets!! Sata is in his evening and should humble himself if at all he dreams of becoming a president one day, which i doubt!!!!!!!!.HH is not in a hurry and can easily help Sata achieve that if he treats UPND as an equal partner…On the other hand HH is still young, he will contest in 2016,2022,2030 until he wins..

  82. #87 #89 #92 #94 #96 – what is going on guys??? You are killing each other over politicians who do not even appreciate the sacrifices you are making. Stop it! The problem here is that Hakendeke Hichilema leader of UPND in stead of being mature, he has gone out to show his immaturity by challenging Sata. How can you say you are in a PACT like that? I was hoping that HH and Sata would prove my predictions wrong, but alas my suspicions are being slowly proven right, that the PACT is not serious and these guys are just folling around with Zambians. Ther is no hope in hell now for the PACT, HH or Sata winning elections in 2011. And for both Sata and HH it will betheir last ever chance, because after 2011 we will see other parties emerging on the scene…

  83. Even if you bloggers exchange insults…it will not solve anything but for all peace loving Zambians with hearts of human beings to come together and rescue ourselves from MMD government….brothers and sisters people are suffering in rural areas..if you took them a thousand Kwacha today for free you become their hero and they will do as you request and that is what happened in Mpulungu it has nothing to do with a people’s voice nothing at all but cadres will never believe this becouse of their selfish ambitions. I am not a politician neither do I affiliate to any party but will never keep quite on injustice despite who does it…..

  84. Guys i know victory is sweet and defeat is very bitter. what the PF is going through together with its allies the POST is a period of mourning and gnashing of teeth. try to understand that in their sorrowful mood tables will be turned, people will be insulted and blame game will be intensified. it is a passing phase. afterwards there will be a postmoterm and sanity will prevail. for now allow the victors to cerebrate and the vanquished to mourn. amen.

  85. 2011 will be bitter to swallow RB will remain President and SATA and HH will continue languishing…well For HH it will be the 3rd time failed and shikulu 4th sad indeed.

  86. #Kambongolo and John Bull, please spare us your ignorance, if you are myopic then leave us who are enlightened to judge and analyse issues. Your bias attidute towards HH makes some his supporters to love him more because we do not follow blindly and can think on our own, hence when someone says I will put money in your pocket we would ask how? as we know that for someone to put money in your pocket it means you the owner of the pocket cannot do it and thats laziness.
    In 2006, pf had a candidate in Chilanga but failed to surpass Cap Moono and Magande, he never even managed to get half of what Moono got in that election. Actually cap. Moono won that election if not for MMD rigging, Magande was just declared dully elected in may 2008 after a court ruling. Pf is not a factor in Chilanga.

  87. North Eastern Zambia, this makes interesting readings! You guys why are you excluding your selves from bembas?

  88. Actually pf disavantaged UPND as they wanted it to lose so that they could calim Sata’s popularity in the area. So all pf supporters voted for MMD but still UPND managed to pull through, MMD +PF could not defeat upnd. Viva upnd for your good strategy, even if you were not covered in the media you managed to win those who have access to it. If pf is popular in Chilanga the way it’s members claim, then why they have never won a single seat their since the formation of the party in 2000.
    People in Chilanga are divided into two, some are working class and majority are farmers, therefore, what can Sata tell these people, the same story of money in your pocket without explaining to them how it will come about. Pf blind followers spare us your ignorance please.


  90. I dont think HH said those words. Knowing the Times of Zambia, they are just out to dent the PACT. Yes personally, I would want HH to lead the PACT. I am a Bemba, but to put Sata as Head will just make the Tongas to pull out. We Bembas wont mind even if HH is Tonga we will accept him. What we need is unity to help kick out POLIO MMD.

  91. I think this statement is f.o.o.lish and just shows how shallow and under 5 HH is. We all know that all the villages in Chilanga rural are full of Tongas and its only in dermographics like these where HH can create traction. Can he explain to us why he fell in Luena, the land of his own cousins, to an individual devoid of any party support structure? As for Sata’s loss in Mpulungu, the lumpen should just lick his wounds in silence not “ukula lilalila ci muchembele chonse suwa kwati ni ka Under 5”.


  93. #108
    KANGWAA – PF have always lost in Mambwe, Lungu and Inamwanga Land.Just check your records- there no PF MPs in Mbala, Lunte,Mporokoso, Mpulungu,Nakonde etc. Sata has got MPs through out Bemba/Bisa Northern Province.

  94. Bauzeni Ngozi,,,,your thinking is upside down,,youngman to heal with your SATANISM,,,,GAYMAN..The fact is SATA HAS BEEN FORSAKEN BY HIS RELATIVES IN NORTHERN PROVINCE,,,THE PEOPLE THERE HAVE SPOKEN,,,SATA ZWAAAA

  95. Deja Vu…….trueth hates…be realistic young PF carder,,,go school..don’t thinc SATA is your small god..we have been leaving without your cruel SATA…HE IS A DICTATOR OLD MAN WHO WILL NEVER RULE ZAMBIA….

  96. Some people are so blind indeed. Upnd has shown that it is getting very popular going by recent bye-elections conducted in North-western province. Within a year it has managed to grab 3 seats from MMD and pf has failed to grab a single one only the ones they were re-contesting like Kasama and Chifubu which means their popularity is constant or not growing. UPND has managed to win Solwezi, Mufumbwe and now Chilanga and as we are talking now all North-westerners are now behind upnd. PF was given contest Chitanmbo in central province last year but lost to MMD, so for MMD pf is no longer a factor because they have never grabed a seat from them the way upnd is scaring them. No wonder MMD causes violence when competing with upnd because they know it is a big factor to them.

  97. Both UPND and PF are tribal parties and none will be willing to relinquish the top slot to the other. In a tribal party, the top slot is always reserved for a member of the tribe. A case in point was when Mazoka died – another Tonga had to take over the top slot. A tribal party doesn’t care who takes the lower slots because only the guy at the top ends-up going to plot one. And when he finally does, he will have the power to switch things around and reward members of his tribe.

    If either PF or UPND were democratic, the top slot would have seen changes. But this doesn’t happen, otherwise, it would defeat the purpose of the tribal party’s existence. Their predicament is that neither of them can make it alone. The pact entails one party relinquishing the top slot to the other!

  98. You people who are commenting negatively please read the article. LT is there to mislead those that are too lazy to read through the article. Let us not kill each other. we need each other whether PF or UPND.


  100. #Kangwaa lean to read and understand points, I meant there were two parties working against UPND and those are pf and MMD but still UPND of HH managed to win both parties. PF wanted UPND to lose Chilanga at all cost so that they can celebrate the way they did in Luena.

  101. I know the priority for a lot of people seems to get MMD out. The question then becomes is a marriage of convenience going to work? I think the formation of the pact as desirable as it seemed at the time of conception was wrong because what it has achieved is the creation of one body that the MMD can attack. So as far as the MMD is concerned all the efforts can be targeted at splitting the pact but if these were separate bodies then they would need to split their resources in attacking the 2 main parties with the uncertainity of where to concentrate the attack. I would be happier if the 2 parties concentrated on themselves, win the majority in parliament and then use the majority in parliament on governance issues. The pact seems to create more division than unity, do we need to reflect?

  102. Dudes lets not tear ourselves apart..lets focus on our commom enemy number one -MMD all want the dude is saying is that the partnership should be based on mutual trust and on equal footing.
    Its like you own a company and your relationship wit supplier is based on antagonism on prices-Do you the company can excel?Hell NO.
    PF and his vuvuzela should learn to respect thier partners afterlo if the pact does work and MMD win in 2011,it will be a big blow to Sata….HH will have little to lose as he still stand a chance for the nxt 4 coming election but wat abt bashikulu?He will have probably lost all teeth in month ha ha ha ha….

  103. Ignorance & shortsightedness are bliss!! recently PF won Chifubu, but didn’t use this to flog their partner in the pact, they have recently reached agreement not to compete in by-elections; good for UPND to have won in Chilanga, however if the words attributed to them by the press are true, then its really sad, becoz what then they don’t seem to realise, is setting a precedence where each partner in the pact will have to aim to get a higher number of MP’s in the next gen. election in order to have leverage over the other party, which may result in them competeing in certain constiuencies, becoz I can’t see them sharing the constuencies equally – this is the 2nd big issue to be tackled, share constuencies, the 1st being pact candidate. Resolve this b4 2011 !!!!

  104. Personally I don’t see how this pact issue is going to work going by the mistrust between the two. PF is conniving with the Post to undermine UPND and potray them as a junior partner of no significancy so that they can force Sata to be the Pact leader. Sata is also on record as saying PF is more important than the Pact, in other words he is saying the Pact is answerable to PF. How can that be? In mathematical terms a subset can never be bigger than a whole set. This is the PF logic which does not make sense. The way forward is for both parties to contest elections as individual entities and consider working together after the elections. That is the only way we can have a true reflection of who is more popular. UPND must also consider working with MMD after the elections …..

  105. On “Mr Hichilema said UPND worked hard to ensure that its candidate Cosmas Moono emerged victorious by holding door-to-door campaigns before it started public rallies.[.. And] Asked why his party shunned the Newsmakers Forum which is organised by their allies, the Press Freedom Committee of the Post newspapers, Mr Hichilema said they resolved never to participate in public discussion programmes where the MMD was featuring to avoid violence” it is good that the mighty UPND Team decided to go for door-to-door campaigns and public rallies as opposed to inflating fudged popularity in the Post Fudge vuvuzela for serpentine Sata MC.

    Thus, continue working hard mighty UPND in convincing Zambian voters on a person-to-person basis in selling your manifesto.

    Be blest o…

  106. ..cont from #127.
    If PF and UPND stand as individual entities we are going to have a hang parliament with no party(this includes MMD) with an absolute majority. This will force whoever will emerge as president to seek dialogue with the opposition to help him govern. That is the only way we will kill the arrogancy which is characteristic of Zambian politics since the head of state will be forced to listen to opposing views and rule by concession. Even RB will rule differently if forced in such a situation because his opposition partners will demand that he stops doing the things that make him unpopular like frequent travelling as condition for their support. That will be the winning formular for Zambia, it will stop all this tribal mudslinging which is characteristic of Zambian politics.

  107. Heey guys…you are worried? I will work hard to destroy the PACT. What I want is proof between UPND and PF which is the third largest party. There is no PACT any more ..let under five HH and his choma party go it alone, PF alone and MMD alone as well. Let us see who is going to come no 3?

    Dont worry guys, you are saying HH is young yes he is but he is also growing old. If you think under five HH can scoop 2016 elections, dears you are day dreaming, just check the game RB is playing, RB is trying to groom some important person to take over, if that person takes over, there will be nothing left for under 5 HH with his choma party.

    Guys this is what you wanted, as PF we have been so quiety, never have we insulted HH on this blog and you UPND have taken as for granted, NO PACT NOW.

  108. I think the way forward for Zambia is not to concentrate on President really but ensure a more balanced Parliament where opposition has more seats than ruling party. This will help control situation in the Country. But whoever becomes president with majority mps on his side will cause repetition of misery.

  109. 96 SATA IS A BIG LIAR

    I agree with you.

    We Bemba’s are one of the laziest people in Zambia. If you look at Southern & Eastern these places are very productive areas in farming. The only productive part of Northern Province is Mbala & Isoka East ( Muyombe). Yet, its one the biggest province in Zambia.

    As they say people that talk too much are the laziest.

  110. Zed Patriot.
    I need to confess that I have always found your contributions intelligent, analytical and devoid of the arrogance and ignorance of tribalism I find in some of the comments. I concur with you that this should be the way foward, as you have pointed out right correctly, no checks and balances are in place with the presidency controlling the legislature especially with the lack of independence of our MPs. So both PF and UNPD need to sell themselves to the full and let the negotiations start after the results. Otherwise you are just creating a single entity to be easily split by the MMD. Power is supposedly sweet and MMD will throw everything to split you. Some of the comments on this blog just confirm the lack of progress in our country. Tribalism is, ignorant and does not feed>

  111. #132 sugadaddy,,
    Yes man I am mad I dont mind. The reality is that you UPND have taken PF suporters on this blog for granted. Day in and day out you insult mr Sata, so its now 50-50, we shall also hit back against the Under five HH. Under five HH will die from frustartion coz he will be the fist person in the world to die as a party president who never even entered paliament or cabinet office. Under five is the one will mostly regret having destroyed the PACT. Sata has been in cabinet and parliament so he has less to lose as compared to the under five HH.

    Let us go guys…its time to talk about the useless PACT. Let each party go it alone now. PF alone, UPND alone and MMD alone so we see who is the third political party.

    I am here to destroy the PACT just like Senior citizen. hehe

  112. Zed Patriot
    I disagree with you on one point though….. I would not want UPND to be in alliance with MMD. I suppose there are loads of decent people within MMD but why do they seem to agree with some of the issues that are wrong?? Probably that is one of the big weaknesses of our so called democracy ,that it does not give independence of thought within the party and the MPs, if this was the case then probably.
    In encouraging UPND to be in the same bed with MMD we are intimating nothing is wrong and that as long as HH has a future of being president then it will be ok. Zambia needs to be independent, economic and poverty independence. Leaders who work for people not for ones pockets. The arrogance, you vote for us we will give you development… God who owns the money?? Zambians not MMD.

  113. In 2011 if the leading political players remain the same, RB first, HH respectable second, Sata distant third. Of course I assume, and correctly so, that there is and there will never be Pact.

  114. To people calling Sata and HH names for leading ‘tribal’ parties. A president can be elected from a ‘non-tribal’ party and yet form a tribal government. This to some extent is true of MMD today. Just look at the current composition of cabinet and senior positions in government. On the other hand you can have a president from a ‘tribal’ party who can form a balanced government. I think we will begin to make progress as Zambians if we begin to judge people mainly on the basis of what they can achieve.

  115. Any body calling some one above teenage age (over 16 or even 18) an under five has a big problem considering the person we are tlking about is about the same age as the Obama`s, Camerons and other leaders in the developed countries. Just goes to show the intelligence of the kind of people who embrance these non issue terms. If I was HH, i would be glad to be an “under five” having achieved so much, by the time I am grown up , I will achieve much more. Start thinking big, your tribalism wont feed you, Zambia needs to develop as a whole. “Grow grow up” and what is nauseating is that some of these comments come from people who should know better, have experience of democracy and should be taking the discussions to a higher level. Zambians of all tribes are suffering.. liberate them.

  116. its a comedy of errors my brother. HH has come to his senses and is now behaving as the normal intelligent, well educated young zambian man he is rather than a bigoted violent chap he has been ever since he joined the serpent cobra sata

  117. You divissive people, advocating for the ending of the PACT are campaigning for the rotten MMD. And guess what? If your MMD returns to power in 2011, the Chinese will finish us with their GRZ sponsored guns.

    So let us get the PACT in and save our nation!

  118. This is a request to those who really care for Zambia and I am not asking for the cadres and those who have to do it from the point of keeping their livelihood. I have to admit I have may can be controlled preferences but these are not solid so I am open to persuasion and I have a few people I can persuade. Why should we vote PF, UPND, MMD, ADD,? How does it gain us? What is going to be differente in Education? Medicine? Wages? Respect at Work? what are going to be the Employment levels?What % of our economy is going to be owned by Zambians? what part of our economy or land is going to be brought back to us? when is every 20 houses in urban area going to have Water? can my child have an egg that was promised by KK 46 years ago? do you still have KK`s dream for all Zambians?

  119. #Kamwendo, do not forget that Chifubu was pf seat, pf never grabed that seat from MMD or any other party, instead they just retained their seat. Since 2006 election, pf has not grabed any seat from the ruling party the way these UPND have done, they have so far gotten 3 seats from the ruling MMD party and you know it is not easy to grab a seat from the ruling party because they have GRZ machinery.
    So #Kamwendo if you do not know what we mean by upnd or HH becoming stronger then you better ask because ignorance will not take you anywhere.

  120. HH does not need to join MMD for him to get somewhere because MMD is full of people who are not trusted. Miners are being shot at but the minister of mines and his president are praising Chinese, Shame. The only solution is for HH to merger with Charles Milupi and the two of them can win in 2011. Milupi cannot join the pact because of Sata, the man has a bad mouth. Since HH is already popular in these three provinces, which are southern, North-western and parts of central and even parts of Western because he is has two members of parliament in western, hence the coming in of Milupi will mean the whole province will be for them. This will mean HH and Milupi will win 4 provinces while Banda and Sata will share the remaining 3 provinces because Lusaka and Copperbelt are for everyone.

  121. It is interesting to read postings from some bloggers who are castigating Sata but at the same time end by saying viva Pact. you are dreaming!! If you dont like sata,dont talk about the pact and just say viva HH or UPND period. Who are you trying to fo.ol?? just a friendly warning, watch out. sata is an achiever and will remain so. dont take him for a ride, He will give you a big suprise.If you want him to give up presidence to HH, dont insult him, be friendly to him and reason with him otherwise you are fighting a loosing battle!!! You TRIBALISTS!!!!!

  122. HH and Milupi can beat the old people and sent them to the farm to cultivate. If HH and Milupi can come together whereby HH to be president and Milupi vice-president Zambia can be a better place to live in, because I know these guys can make a better combination in terms of integrity. These two guys cannot easily be pushed by the Chinese. Let us give chance to a Tonga and a Lozi, then you guys will believe that you are really governed, no corruption only hardworking. I know the lazy ones will complain but that is the truth. Viva HH, Viva Milupi. All well meaning zambians will agree with me that HH and Milupi are the best for zambia at the moment, They should just bury their differences for the good of zambia.

  123. #114 KANGWAA- You are very static person. If you have not history in your life, then it will be difficult for to follow what other bloggers are doing. Recounting history as it is is not a sign that some is member of the party in question. If one writes about Hitler and his Nazi Germany does it mean to you that one is a Nazi? Whether you like it or not what I stated is the truth. All you need is to to Zambian Elections . com and you will up date your facts.

  124. Do not put words in HH’s mouth. Having read his comments, i salute him for being so wise and carefull in choosing his words. VIVA PACT.

  125. The truth exists and people don’t want to hear the truth. The sum of a whole is bigger than the sum of its individual components, in this regard when 2 political parties join forces, they create a more powerful force that both parties start to enjoy. The aspect of arguing as to who contributes more than the other is a negative pointer, reason being that each of the 2 parties relies on the other for votes. the fact that the 2 came together means, its not a fight either of them can win on their own and so there is need to respect one another and appreciate no matter how little the other party contributes. If that truth is hard to bear for both the parties, then let them go solo and none of them will win 2011 elections

  126. One Swallow does not a summer make. If there is one lesson HH needs to learn and learn very quickly, it is that id does not pay to be cocky in politics. Everything one says is remembered.

  127. How does HH reach the incredible conclusion that the “people of Zambia” have spoke through their vote in Chilanga? Is Chilanga representative of the people Zambia? Now I agree he is a novice at this game!!

  128. #155 you are right and i agree with you. No constituency is representative of the country votes. It was well expected that Chilanga would go to UPND and there was nothing unusual with the results. In the same vein one would have thought that PF would win the Mpulungu seat but that wasnt the case. The 2 leaders of the party should map a strategic plan to carry the PACT to victory come 2011, but if that is not done but continue passing funny statements in the media, then only one party will drive home comfortably

  129. 44.!! am afraid with your reasoning..!! you must understand politics.. Dont just write here in this colums. People were telling me that some of the PF supporters are not educated,, why are you failing to know simple maths. If at a given time, you are 20 people. 2 candidates stands one is kizito and the other is you. The other group has 300. In our group you beat me by 15 votes to 5 and other group on which you are not competing lost even though he got 140 votes. Can you say let him go to parliament because you got 15 votes, please it is not too late to do evening classes to understand just few lines. Dont be like SATA with two degrees but failing to show any one….shut up…!!!!

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