Tuesday, March 18, 2025

The Mwape Peer Awards Inaugural Event Winners


Ms. Mbumwae Suba-Smith talking to Rabson Lungu of Texas after winning the Community Leadership Award (picture by Professor Mwizenge Tembo)

The Mwape Peer Awards conferred seven winners with awards of excellence at its inaugural event held at the Holiday Inn Capitol Hotel in Washington, DC, USA on the evening of October 23, 2010. The seven Zambian recipients came from North America and Africa. Dr. Evans Phiri was the Master of Ceremony at the event.

The winners were selected by the Selection Committee of Peers (experts) in their respective fields from a number of nominees in various categories. The following are the winners for the 2010 Mwape Peer Awards:

1. Community Leadership Award: Ms. Mbumwae Suba-Smith of New York is the founder of the Subayo Foundation, which is dedicated to empowerment of women and children in Africa, focusing on projects in Ghana, Ivory Coast, Benin and Zambia. She continues to work with orphans in Zambia and helping Zambian women form cooperatives and health clinics. Her Foundation also has sponsored two students in Zambia, one at a Trades College in Livingstone and the other, at the University of Zambia—both graduated in 2010. In spite of her full time childcare business and her Foundation work, Ms. Suba-Smith works tirelessly to promote her Zambian culture. As a volunteer, every year during Black History Month, she leads Zambian music/dance workshops in NYC public schools, and in April of 2010, taught two Zambian dance workshops at Brooklyn Academy of Music in NYC.

2. Law Award: Professor Kenneth Kaoma Mwenda, PhD, LLD of Washington DC is a Senior Counsel, Legal Vice-President at the World Bank in Washington DC USA. A Rhodes Scholar, Prof. Kenneth K. Mwenda, also holds concurrently the position of Extraordinary Professor of Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria, South Africa. Prior to joining the World Bank, Prof. Mwenda served as an academic at one of the top eight (8) British universities, the University of Warwick. His World Bank and pre-World Bank experience spans across many countries around the world. He is the author of 23 scholarly books in the fields of international and comparative corporate law and financial services regulation, including international economic law and higher education pertaining to legal studies. His scholarly publications are widely cited. And his journal articles appear in many leading academic journals worldwide. Prof. Mwenda sits on the Editorial Boards of several academic and professional journals, including the Journal of International Banking Regulation (UK) and the African Finance Journal (South Africa). And he has earned several biographical listings

3. Leadership Award: Mr. Chisanga Puta-Chekwe of Ontario, Canada is a Deputy Minister in Ontario Ministry of Citizenship & Women Issues in Canada. Being appointed a Deputy Minister is a big achievement. Chisanga is not only the first Zambian to hold that position he is simply the first African in that position. The job of Deputy Minister is equivalent to Permanent Secretary in the British System. This is a great achievement, because it means that he has been judged as a person with professional competency in the Canadian civil service. For this he received the Leadership award.

ames and Ruth Mwape after dancing the night out (picture by Professor Mwizenge Tembo)

4. Medicine Award: Dr. Moono Ernest Munsanje of Botswana is a physician who works for Center for Disease Control in Gaborone in Botswana. He prescribes use of anti-retro viral drugs.?He treats HIV/AIDS patients and offers counseling services. HIV and AIDS has robbed Africa of its young people. Dr. Munsanje received the award for the work he continues to do to fight further spread of the disease by counseling patients, encouraging use of condoms, and use of anti-retrovirals. People with HIV are now living longer productive lives.

5. Music Award: Chisanga G. Katongo, aka CRI$I$ of Zambia is an innovative musician who has just been elected as ‘Publicity Secretary’ to Zambia Association of Musicians. He is also running his own record company which he is using to promote fellow musicians. He has also helped in the campaign against Human Trafficking by recording a song that speaks against this new form of slavery. He released the first Hip-Hop album in Zambia.

6. Professional Award: Musonda Lemba, PhD of Zambia. Dr. Lemba was awarded the Professional Award not only because he was the first to qualify as a Demographer but more importantly he teaches 400 plus students per year on average. Teaching research to all School of Humanities and Social Sciences students for more than 20 years. Everyone who has graduated with a humanities and social sciences degree obtained in the last twenty years has been taught by Dr. Lemba. Some of his former students are Professors worldwide.

7. Rising Star Award: Mrs. Lelemba Phiri of South Africa is the Regional Fixed Assets Manager for a large international oil company. She is also a financial educator, social entrepreneur, keynote speaker and writer. She is the co-founder of the Sandras and Lelemba Institute (SLI) that is dedicated to research, education and supporting individuals, organizations and communities in their pursuit of growth.

“The Mwape Peer Awards will continue to go from strength to strength as symbols of excellence and inspiring those who are raising standards to ensure Zambians around the world are recognized for their contributions to our communities”, said Ruth Mwape, awards co-founder.

Prof. Kenneth Mwenda in his acceptance speech, said, “It’s important for us Africans to know that the only time people will respect you, is when we can respect ourselves. For me this award, the Mwape Peer Award, I will cherish it because it’s not a Political Award but a people’s award, it comes from the community, from the people’s hearts.”

Ms. Suba-Smith gave a superb performance of traditional Lozi dances while Prof. Mwizenge Tembo of Bridgewater College in Virginia did the drumming and told a Tumbuka folk tale from his village in Lundazi. James and Ruth Mwape stayed in the background with Dr. Evans Phiri in charge of most of the program. Music entertainment was provided by Connecticut based Edward Mwelwa aka DJ Eddy Eddy of Yeka Yeka Entertainments.Dr. Kozhi Sydney Makai of Houston, Texas gave out his best-selling book, “BORN Beating the Odds” to all attendees.

The awards ceremony were originally slated to be held at the Zambian Embassy in Washington DC but were moved to Holiday Inn Capitol Hotel. The second annual “Mwape Awards Ceremony” will be held August 2011 either in New York City, Dallas, Texas or London, UK. The Awards will start accepting nominations in January 2011, please watch out for specific dates and information on Mwape.com.


  1. James Mwape seems to be a journey of self glorification which I guess he is entitled to. His website does showcase Zambian talent but like most attention w*h*o*r*e*s, he tries to insert himself in other people’s success. In my opinion, James exaggerates his own accomplishments … non wrong with a little self promotion but James has gone overboard.

  2. To be honest i don’t understand why these people associate themselves to Zambia anymore because they have given up their Zambian citizenship (Mwape for one). I wonder if anything is done in their respective migrated states to empower or help young Zambians or they just simply glorify the already rich, well Educated and already settled Zambian.

  3. Where is the world of Sport here? there are so many Zambians and former Zambians that have contributed effectively in the area of Sport, both in academia and on the pitch. Can some one get the Mwape award from the sports world please.

  4. Wisi Boyi & Moderator,

    Jealous is your biggest liability actually its a spirit of wishcraft trapping you to doom. What is wrong for a a zambian in the diaspora to initiate a process of honoring fellow Zambians when world over people are honoring each other? You are the kind of people with inferiority complex who only look forward to being honored by muzzungus.

  5. wisi boyi, complement mwape for what he is doing although there’re more zambians who’ve achieve a lot in life who’re not on his list. At least we know a few more zambians in the diaspora because of his list. self glory can be seen everywhere. congrats to the winners and good luck to mwape dot come & peer group awards.

  6. no.3 any one has the right to choose were they want to live so you have no right to say they have given up on being zambians this is a free world

  7. Ruth and James – this is good. We have a lot of Zambians world-over who have excelled in their fields who need recognition!! Mwabombeni bane!!

  8. Can the Zambian government pick a que from this and stopped honouring just freedom fighters or a few Generals who have never fought a war in their life…? Mwape has done well in his limits and if self glory be the order of some so be it…but well done

  9. #8 Yes everyone has got a choice of choosing where they want to live but lol its definitely “not a free world”. Just living in a foreign county and being a citizen of that country are two different things. My other point is these well Educated Zambian people abroad, do they help uplift other Zambians when it comes to guidance and advice on careers, migration laws, etc? (and not the financial aspect that every Zambian thinks the other Zambian wants from them). I don’t have beef with Mwape, just questions

  10. Some of you have got chikoto’s on your throat making you bitter, it’s like someone poured ma lemons, with viwawasha on your throat they way you are mean mugging . If what the man does doesn’t interest you why even open your mouth to show us how small your brain is. Some of you zambians back home are just sour mouthed because you are seeing evidence of zambians doing well abroad while you occupy yourselves with lies of how zambians suffer abroad. You need therapy and that daddy zemus song ‘chibaba’ to cure your jealousy mayne!!!

  11. The awards are a good idea. Not sure his name should be part of it – why not just the ‘peer’ awards or named after some of Zambians land marks or something, but then maybe, he can name them whatever he wishes.

  12. # 1-3, Arrest your spirit of jealous it is eating you and stealing your blessing. Learn to appreciate the initiatives of other that add value to the country through original ideas in the community. I applaud the Mwapes and all their friends in these selfless initiatives of recognizing fellow Zambians around the Globe. This Peer awards initiative they have started is a recommendable symbol of Zambian excellence, dignity and unity which must be supported my all well meaning Zambians free from envy. I have visited their site and have had the privilege of looking at their just published Who’s Who book among Zambians. Their works are noble and deserving support. Jealous and copy cat will not take us anywhere until we start recognizing each other with sense of self worth.

    Bravo the Mwapes

  13. I think we should all be thankful, appreciative, and congratulate all those people who have initiated this award and those who won the awards. Although most of these people do not leave in Zambia, they have worked so hard to earn all these degrees and help other fellow Zambian. Recognizing people’s achievements encourages other fellow Zambians to work hard and give them that sense of gratitude. There is a saying that says “you can be anybody if you work hard” Being jealous of your fellow Zambians is not an answer. Look at a list of these people who received the awards and be proud to be a Zambian.

    I say “Congratulations to all the recipients and Keep it up”.
    Bravo to the Mwape family. Hope next year’s awards will be bigger.

  14. To Dr Ernest Munsanje I say keep it up man. I remember you with ZCCM mufulira two hospitals malcom and Ronald Ross. The sky is the limit. I thought you are now back pa zed only to read still in Botswana.

  15. Thumbs up to Ruth & James for coming up with this great initiative, & to the haters; continue being haters & it will take you nowhere! There are so many foundations named after people’s name & they’re doing great things for their own people & country & why not Zambian. Just a simple google search will give you so many foundations with actual pipo’s names!!! Lol
    What makes one a Zambian? I am an American born to Zambian parents & I still consider myself a Zambian & will do anything to promote Zambia as well as America.
    To Ruth & James, keep up with the good work & congratulations to all the winners, see you next year!

  16. # 5, read my post again, I never said that there is anything wrong with the awards. I merely pointed out that he has a hidden agenda in his dealings. I have no reason to be jealous of him or the awards. I think that the jealous card is overplayed by Zambians. According to Zambians, disagreeing with someone is because someone is jealous, come on. I stand by what I said and an example is the name of the awards themselves … why not have a generic name like ” Zambian Diaspora Achievement Awards”? Why insert his name in it other than to draw attention to himself? It probably does not much matter what I say because there is a lot of emotional debating on here … so, call it jealous all you want but I stand by my comment.

  17. Wisi Boyi & Moderator, u really comfirm what my folks say about Zambia that “What is crimpling Zambia is jealous of its own pipo”! Here are good Zambians regardless of their citizenship are doing a honorable thing & instead of encouraging them u’re tearing them down. Until Zambian starts to appreciate other pipo’s accomplishment, it will remain the way it is. Just like Titi, am an american born to Zambian parents that makes me an American-Zambian and am proud of both countries!
    To Ruth & James, thank you for your great work & continue showcasing the pipo who are doing great things in their respective fields. U make me proud to be called a Zambian

  18. Common on guys stop playing silly, awards are named after individuals who’ve distiguished themselves in one way or the other. Please can somebody tell me what this Mr Mwape has done to name his awards after himself, to some of us who dont him he’s just making a mickey out of himself. Now stop vilifying those who’ve questioned these awards because they are not as stu.pid as some of you. I can not just wake up one day book a hall at Holiday inn and splash out Msana wanzili Awards on unsuspecting honourable and distiguished people without being questioned. We’ve got brains so dont just come up with silly stuff and think we’ll just accept and look away.

  19. Katie Katie, what is crippling Zambia is not one Zambian commenting on the impropriety of self promotion under the guise of promoting others. At the end of the day, all this is a difference in perception, right or wrong, this is not why Zambia is crippled. Zambia is crippled because Zambians are docile people who are used to getting things handed to them on a silver platter and they are abused by the likes of Chiluba and RB. A lot of the Zambians on the mwape list could have achieved the same level of excellence ( some actually did and left) in Zambia but buffoons like RB make it impossible for professionals to flourish in Zambia. Like I said, this jealous card is overplayed as a diversionary tactic by people who do not want to be questioned.

  20. On the contrary we are being taken advantage of because we are passive nation that accept anything without asking questions. Right now we are being recolonised by China because we think pessimism and asking reasonable questions is jealous and negativity. In my field we dont take anything on face value.

  21. # 22, I am right up there with you. This notion that questioning the rationale behind things is because one is jealous is what leads to Zambians accepting mediocrity in political leadership as well as all areas of human endeavor.

  22. I am very pleased with this activity. Nothing is better than to be recognised by your very own people for what work and achievments you have accomplished. Making your own People pround is a rewarding experience. I have always known that black African People have the skills and talents to turn their situation around and James you have just further proved that this is indeed factual. The next task is to get those diasporians to lead up initiatives that will help Zambia and other African Nations take their rightful places along side the other great powers of the world. The curtain will open unto African yet once again as it was in the distance past and hopefully Africa will shine big and bright as she is capable of doing. Thanks James Mwape.

  23. To Ruth & James, you make me a proud Zambian. Pipo are saying you’re just promoting educated pipo & your name. From reading the article I don’t know what education Lelemba Phiri, Chisanga Katongo, Chisanga Pute-Chekwe & Ms Suba-Smith has, but they won because of ther great work and accomplishment. And for using your name, why not! we’ve so many awards named after pipo who founded them. It is really sad that some pipo who rather see “Gates Foundation or award” etc rather than a Zambian name award”
    Plz, keep on with the good work & I’ll support your work next year. And to all the winners, congratulations, you deserve to be recognized.

  24. So if he promotes himself why does it bother you? If he was such an insignificant person as you imply why pay so much mind to him. The fact that you are making an issue out of a none issue speaks volumes. If he chooses to name his awards Mwape awards and that bothers you then that in itself speaks volumes. If you don’t like what the man does simply ignore him and live your life it’s not like it will affect you adversely.

  25. Wisi boyi
    DO you see why its easy for China to sell half sewn shirts in Zambia? Maybe the article should have started with a brief bio of Mr Mwape.

  26. Credit should go to James and Ruth. A lot of people who are not personally known to them, apart from through the internet, were involved. James runs one of the three “Zambian” blogtalk radio stations.

  27. Am sorry i will not partake in this nonsense of being goody goody. America is developed because her leaders dont just accept stuff without thinking through and there you are enjoying their sweat while you push mediocrity down our throats.

  28. Kwandangala
    Now you’re talking unlike the other ‘nice’ people. Please tell us more about this gentleman and we’ll shut up.

  29. Number 31 , no one asked you to partake oin anything it’s not like if you don’t support him then he will fail. He has people that support him and frankly you are a none entity to him. If you don’t care so much or don’t want to partake then why you are poking your nose in his business asking for more information and posting several posts about him.

  30. # 30, so if a lot of people were involved, why are we singling him out for the name of the awards. Here is the statement from the article “James and Ruth Mwape stayed in the background with Dr. Evans Phiri in charge of most of the program”. Why was it necessary to include that statement? By the way, I have read enough on his website to know that this story has James written all over it. The statement that he was in th background while Dr Evans Phiri was in charge is meant to make himself seem like he is sharing the credit. Look, at the end of the day, this thing has very little impact on my life but it is in the public domain so I elected to comment.

  31. All I am saying is that he can promote himself all he wants but to please be open about it. I have no problem with the awards or the people awarded who actually deserve more than these awards. What I have a problem with is someone hiding behind the awards or website to self glorify.

  32. I wouldn’t be surprised if this Dr Evans Phiri they are putting in front isnt even a proper Dr, maybe trained at a katemba Pentecostal college housed somewhere in a derelict building in Dallas.

  33. # 20 Wisi Boyi & 22 msana wanzili ,
    Like many sober minds here have put it with sanctity, Wisi Boyi and msana wanzili are evidently trapped with envy, bitterness and all trademarks of narcissistic communism that hates the core spirit of independent minds and exceptionism. There is absolutely nothing wrong in a Diaspora based Zambian family to initiate a community based project of recognizing fellow Zambian achievers around the Globe which the two Wisi Boyi and msana wanzili have lamentably failed to come up with over the 46 years of our uhuru. To the two I say you have over exposed your degree of envy to the point where others may easily deduce with facts basis of your jealous and identity crisis. Just stomach it or as usual copy them in struggle for originality again.

  34. Wisi Boyi & msana wanzili ,

    You’re making yourselves fools.The sooner you arrest your spirit of envy the better.
    In your unconcealed yet overspilling internal strife, sober up and look at the name etymologies of other foundations and associations among those in America. Many carry the names of their founders who hold the vision and concept. We see Individuals, families, businesses and even other foundations creating permanent marks under their names among them are the Gates Foundation, Rockefeller foundation, DeWitt and Lila Wallace, Paul Allen, the Pew Charitable Trusts named after the Pew family estate in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, and many such. The spirit of American individualism has had no narcissistic hurdles as yours because beyond a name, is the spirit of common good.

  35. To James, Ruth and all their peers i salute and advise you to stay focused on the common good initiative of fostering a Zambian spirit of excellence. Your initiative will over time help to inspire young and old Zambians in areas of excellence. Failures will always be with envious minds who overtime in self shame may even mimick but fail because theirs lack originality.

    Bravo for this initiative!

  36. Msana, # 37 is a moron typically ignored on this forum. No one responds to him because he is a mentally challenged individual who rants and picks up buzz words and phrases and in order to sound intelligent. It is a badge of honor to be insulted by him.

  37. Wisi Boyi,

    Awe tata mwaimonesha mweka ubupuba bwenu nema jealous ashakwata meaning. Be a man enough to approach Mwape and explain your ground of jealous. Its not surprising that even initiatives like LT mwalifilwa but insulting the owners. Where is your potential kanshi? It is good the entire thread has rejected and exposed your jealous. just tell us what the Mwape have done to you that they should not freely initiate Zambian based projects. Start your own and par them. Mobilize resources, friends and ideas for a venue anywhere in the world instead of vainly belaboring with your Pull Hill Down syndrome. Looking at the names recognized their, i don’t just see why you are dying of jealous.

  38. #39 Veteran
    You’re having laugh mate, are you? You shameless to give examples of Bill Gates foundation, Rockfeller foundation etc, Mr Mwape isnt in the same league as these people for you to mention them. I wouldnt have had a problem if it were for example Bishop John Mambo awards because i know him, he’s been a champion in what he does but for this man we know zero about him.. Dont insult us but shame us by telling us what this guy has done for the awards to be named after him. BTW we are commenting because its now in public domain.

  39. OMG, msana wanzili & Wisi Boyi have just shown us their hatred/jealous as they keep on lamenting, they would rather see a white person’s name out there than their own fellow Zambian. Ruth & James, they will always be pipo against you no matter what you do bad or good, but always look at the bright side; most of the pipo on this forum are standing with u, that means u’re doing a great job. Let the haters continue doing what the do best, hating while what you’ve started grows into a household name & put Zambia on the map, Lol
    I rest here & will not come back to comment & May the Good Lord bless u all!

  40. msana wanzili,

    I will not share in the jealous of Wisi Boyi against Zambians in the Diaspora who hates those that have earned foreign citizenship and will soon be enjoying dual citizenship RB administration has approved. Saffice to say, foundations, trusts, and associations like entrepreneurial initiatives are founded on the vision, concept and usually resources of the founder big or small a fact you should stomach. In America they say, “put your money where your mouth is”. In a none communist Zambia and America, Mwape has every right to put his money, vision and concept on anything of his pleassure and name choice. Anyone is free to do so. There are many foundations i can list here started by private citizens in their small capacity which you think they were born big as you seem to.

  41. From his own statements here Wisi Boyi hates Zambians that have earned foreign citizenship and will soon be enjoying dual citizenship RB administration has approved. Get over it and find your own way in the diaspora.If you wish professional Zambians stay their diaspora course without status when their jobs and businesses offer the opportunity of permanent residency and dual citizenship change, tough luck to you. You will die of jealous and bitterness because these people as patriotic Zambians with Zambian interest at heart.


  42. Wisi Boyi am tired too, would imagine putting that award on the CV. You would kill interviewers with laughter because its named after a nobody.
    I gave an example of Bishop Mambo, is he a white man? If i was given Kenneth Kaunda or Mwanakatwe award i would gladly accept it and put on my CV because i would be able to explain on the interview. Try to put Mwape Award on the CV and see if you’ll be shortlisted.

  43. Pipo, pipo pipo, sometimes a child is born & dies the same minute, & for some reason the parents starts a foundation in that child’s name & start doing great things thro’ the foundation. I don’t know about Zambia but here in the US it is very common and I’ve attended and supported such foundations. Ruth & James ‘re just harding working ordinary pipo doing great things esp’ this initiative, let us support them. I wouldn’t be surprise if msana wanzili & Wisi Boyi knows the Mwapes personally & 4 some reasons only known to themselves hates them. I really give Ruth & James the thumbs up bcoz as a child of immigrants I know first hand what my parents went thro.
    I stand with the real wise pipo in support of the Mwapes as we watch their work & this foundation b’come a household name…

  44. #17 I join you to congratulate my younger brother Dr Moono Ernest Munsanje for winning these awards. Saving peoples lives is a gift of god. We should recognize peoples achievements in Zambia too, annually. Maybe we can learn something from Mwape awards. To those that criticise the awards I say get over it and do your own. We should congratulate James and Ruth for undertaking this huge task. It is not easy. Let us see something positive in the event rather than endless criticism.

  45. Good accomplish Mwape and Ruth i will be coming to new jersey any time from now and i hope to see you, we just talk on the phone buti hope thistime we will meet in new jersey.

  46. The problem is the lack of passion to uplift the less privileged but only associated and praise the already privileged. E.g as a Christian what good does it do to only preach the word of God to Christians only when these plenty of unchristian souls that need saving. Otherwise good job Mwape

  47. I think msana wanzili and Wisi Boyi have a point. All the people praising Mwape are either friends or know them. This blog is a public domain and it is only wise to bring up something which most of us understand. We are not disputing their achievemnets but it will only be good for us if we knew what work these Mwapes have done. But unfortunately some of us dont know them and we are obliged to ask questions as their story has been published in public.

  48. Roger that #54. And why do zambians have this mentality that if you disagree with or question someone/something then you are feeling jealous?!! No wonder some of you take whatever mmembe writes in the post as gospel truth. Learn to analyse and get facts, people; dont just be ignorant YES men/women; use the brain God gave you. I have no problem with the Mwapes for naming an award after themselves, but dont just assume that all of us know who they are and so we shud congratulate them. Here in Zed we dont know them, maybe that was Msana and Wisi’s bone of contention. Surely if LT wrote about YABA Awards, Im sure most of you with brains would have questions floating in your heads. That said, big up to the mwapes (conceited as it may be to name an award after oneself)

  49. Congratulations are in order for this wonderful initiative. May God continue to guide you and bless you richly in your endeavours. My hope and prayer is that our leaders will take a leaf at such initiative and start honouring ordinary Zambians.

  50. To anything good there`s always support and criticism. But the latter should be checked as to what is motivating it. James Mwape Peer Award is there to appreciate Zambians who have made it in their expertise when nobody was or is doing it. Why don`t we see this coming from Zambians? And is it wrong for anybody to do it? James came up with a brilliant idea to honor men and women from the mother-land. All those accusing him are just up to no good. Let us embrace this and see to it that it grows and gets attention from our government. Nobody will do this for us. Someone must initiate it. That`s what James has done. James you are the men man. Don`t get discouraged or forced to relent. Expect support and criticism for these two are cousins. This is just the beginning.The best is yet to come.

  51. Msana wanzili and Wisi boy,

    How ignorant can you guys get! Just took a look at the UNZA Graduation book. There are awards like
    Ng’andu Magande Prize for the best graduating student in Agricultural Economics, the Brighton Haang’andu Foundation Award for the best graduating B.Ed male student, the Stanley Musokota Memorial Prize for the best third year student in Veterinary Anatomy, etc, etc.

    What matters is not the name of the award but the motive, goodwill and the spirit underlying the award.

  52. How ignorant can you guys get! Just take a look at the UNZA Graduation book. There are awards like
    Ng’andu Magande Prize for the best graduating student in Agricultural Economics, the Brighton Haang’andu Foundation Award for the best graduating B.Ed male student, the Stanley Musokota Memorial Prize for the best third year student in Veterinary Anatomy, etc, etc.

    What matters is not the name of the award but the motive, goodwill and the spirit underlying the award.

  53. Great initiative worth public solidarity. I put my last dollar on this where need arise. Congratulations abena Mwape. Chitala say you what with your smear of Wisi Wisi?

  54. It is incredible that people especially some Zambian would use their education and tittles after theirs names to enhance their fame and notoriety. Please use your education to help others. Most people on the mwape website are academic megalomaniacs.

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  59. Mr James Mwape, the family and other such organisers,I salute you. Each year is better than the past . Please continue the great work. Thumbs up! GOD grant you the best. I have been off fb since 2012. I am on LinkedIn. Take care

  60. @ Professor Mwizenge Tembo;congratulations over the recent publications being used in Zambian schools. I will be doing my Masters soon. I have now moved from NGOs to GRZ;now 2 years in BOMA LTD PLC ???;vamu mutu wanga chabe.Help us end child marriages in Central Province

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