President Rupiah Banda has supported the arrest of members of the Barotse Freedom Movement.
M.r Banda said people who resort to violence to champion any cause deserve to be arrested and that those with concerns on the Barotse issue should seek dialogue instead of instigating violence.
The President also said he does not understand why some individuals are panicking over the Barotse issue.
He was speaking to journalists at Lusaka’s City Airport before flying to Chipata to commission houses for police officers Tuesday.
In another development, Mr Banda has maintained that critics of his trips are wrong.
He reiterated that as a chief executive officer of the country he will not relent to inspect projects across the country.
[ ZNBC ]
The best our brothers in western province should do is to unite with the opposition and vote out MMD rather than waste time on this BFM.It is a non stater,the era for such things is gone!! Countries all over the world are fighting for unity rather than division! Europe has united, South American Countries are uniting etc.This BRE should be done way with because to me it does not make sence but rather just make western povince to lack behind in terms of development.
Why do people attack things they do not fully understand..this bemba ignorance syndrome never seems to to surprise me enough…the people of western province were an independent state even before zambia got its independence in come it never surprises you that western province is the only province in zambia with all forms of governmental ranks and acknowledged by other states in europe and africa ..people should not rush to judge isssues they dont not fully understand…this mainly applies to some names of one province (nothern and to some extent copperbelt) who really think that they are the voices of zambia. Lozis are well educated people and it doesnt mean that if western province separates from zambia then all lozi must come back home..its not like that,people can work anywher
Tread very carefully Sir.
thats why even today, we have zambians working in europe,asia,america and other african countries..lets stop this nosense of trying to be prejudgemental about things we dont know..instead we should put our government to tast to explain what the lozis are demanding…thats will be uniting to the country instead of mnister of works and supply travelling to eastern province to commisin houses for police men,let the president stay behind and explain to our nation why the lozi need their back…ask what has gone wrong in the agreement between zambia and barotse establishement..thank you
Western province will never cease to be part of Zambia no matter what! BFM should have been clever to fight this just after 1964 and not 2010! Please if you are tired with the MMD just vote them out period! Or better yet, just burry your small heads in the sand! If I was presiddent of Zambia I would allow Western Province to run itself without govt. support and see where they will get resources! The only province in Zambia which can survive by itself is copperbelt and southern! copper and farming!!! Every other province just make zambia’s economy bad! Why do we have NW, Luapula, CEntral, western, etc? just dusty people with no future!!!!!
# 2 exterminator…I have learned quite a lot about this agreement from the various bloggers on this site and i think u can fill in some gaps , coz u seem like u know a lot about it ……….I’d like to ask you this :
I understand that the Barotste territory did retain a degree of self autonomy in the years immediately following independence . Is it the same kind of autonomy being enjoyed now ? If not , what is it that has been done consitutionally over the years to have changed this ?
After all , it was a binding agreement was it not?
The issue now is the current draft constitution which seems to have not taken note of such important matters as these ..that the people of western province had to riot..however,i do not support the violence but is it a crime to fight for what is mine?
#6, you ignorance is evident even to strangers…you seem not to understand matters which drive an economy..every province in a country is important coz even land itself is an estate and it somehow drives the economy of state/country. Lets be critical in finding out what can help instead of rushing to being sacarstic..
THE Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE) has urged the National Constitutional Conference (NCC) to recognise the 1964 Barotse Agreement as the one that has formed Zambia as a unitary State.The Ngambela said article 4 (5) was targeted at the Barotseland because it was the only region that had unequivocal right to establish a regional government.
“It should be emphasised that this right preceded the birth of the republic of Zambia and is therefore, not bestowed on Barotseland by Zambia,” he said.
I think the best way is to let the people of Western province to conduct a referendum to decide whether they want to belong to one Zambia or not. If they will say we want to be on our own, then let them be and then we put up a wall fence and a border, and this will mean serving a lot of resources because at the moment that province really is a liability to zambia. We can really save on electricity, no load sheding, mind you we only have one source of power in zambia and thats Kariba dam in SP. If Western can pull out of zambia then their consuption will be channelled to Mwense district, what a benefit for Zambia country men.
I really wonder what they will be eating, maybe their staple food Casava, this province does not even have a milling company this time and age when all milling companies are owned by individuals. This province is the most difficult to invest in, for you to set up a company you have to go through the bureaucracy of asking the Indunas who will have to get approval from that so called Litunga. My dear bloggers who would want to go through that when other provinces are open for investment, hence the poverty. If you want to see poverty at it’s best go to western province, the people and their leaders are so rigid in nature.
This province is the least populated in zambia though poor, Lozis themselves run away from the poverty and never step a foot in that God forsaken land again. Most of them are on the Copperbelt and Southern province thats where they are busy fundraising for Kuomboka every year in five star hotels while their people are wallowing in poverty, feeding on mangos. I really do not understand the mentality of Lozis to be honest, especially the way they set their priorities. Instead of holding a fundraising dinnner dance at a residential area where they can spend little and channel other resources for the poor, they would rather go for a five Star hotel where they spend Billions, anyway there is no five star hotel in Western province so thats a chance for them to see one in our developed areas.
The problem with people from western province is no matter how educated one might be, they will always behave like villagers. wake up!! This barotse thing is a non stater.#2 Which country in Europe acknowledge barotseland… ah ah ah ah ah ah!!! it is only the toothless queen!! if barotseland was independent before independence how come it not independent this time ah ah ah ah ah ah ah…I wonder what type of a country Barotse land would be,shoprite wanted to build in town you threw them into the bush..primitive kind of managing affairs. Go on with your baroste thing!! wish you good luck!!!
# 11, Chomba. Kwena wa balasa aba Lozi, thats very true. You made my day, Lol.
ubufontini fi kaufela,u are indeed a liability to zambia,atase u r even forgeting what u plunged zambia into in the early 20th century…u had nothing but worthless sand yet u sold our land to the pigs…we are now wondering what u are up to,muletontonkanya there is more to devpt than zebra-painting a boat.ala…
I sense a lot of jelousy & animosity toward our Lozi bretheren. Lozis are the smartest & most inteligent tribe in Zambia. You will note most intellects & technocrats in Zambia & overseas are Lozi. Lozis are often called triabalists because they are true to their roots regardless of their status or education. The so called poverty in W. Province is proud Lozi heritage, keeping it real and not selling out trying to be westernized. A word of caution, be proud of your roots & be humble. Amutahe kwabulozi mutocha litapi(come to Barotse Land and eat some fish). Long Live to our Mulena, our royal King, His majesty and our beloved Indunas. All you Zambians are our subjects, bow down to our King. One Love!!!!!
The rioting is as a result of poor leadership by MMD/RB. These guys are too stubborn.
#16 Deja Vu
Ulota fye RB na MMD iwe ka.Even when it is clear that western province is in a self destruction mode,you still find a way of blaming GRZ.
Exterminator what do Bembas have to do with the BRE issue.. typical of Lozi ash holes who always blame Bembas for the primitivity. We in Bemba land have welcomed many Lozi who have settled in as retirees and farmers without being victimised even though they still see us as the enemy even in our own land. Baffikalla you dont appreciate our hospitality.
In addition, RB is not Bemba and should not be blamed. Lizard eating Zombies.
Lol #15…you sound like you are talking about animals in a zoo. What is “…the smartest & most intelligent tribe in Zambia…”? It would make sense if you said…white folks are the smartest and most intelligent race on earth… because with them, you can site a world apart difference. No? As it is, we all be third world and wallowing in serious poverty, with our education, in ALL provinces. Lozi land is a terrific place and deserves better. All that water and sand, that place could have been our holiday province, our very own sun city.
Arrest them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ladies and gentlemen, let us not focus this issue on tribal lines. This is purely a political issue and should be taken as such. Its time Lozis and “Bembas” (Northen and Luapula) made peace. As “Bemba” (Luapulese), I stayed in the heart of western province (Namushakende) for 10 years and the hospitality was 100% from my Lozi colleagues. Of course, once in a while I was called “Munyukunyuku, Mushioli”,but that was done in a very social manner as a way of interacting with me and mine . What I am saying here is that the reality on the ground is very different from what is pataining on the wider scale, I mean the political scale. Its the Politicians that want to create and widen the gap between the people of Western province and those of Northern and Luapula provinces. YES WE CAN LIVE…
**** all the bembaz in da world, u suck mafakaz, RB surprisingly yo so called cops were also in involved in da Balotse fracas, it showz how dull diz zambian fellaz are……even in da intelligence da support fo free Balotse is burning like fire…its gud dat yo prime minister RB has called for dialogue than violence, we don like violence but if u force we ll surely show our true colours…Viva Mulena wa ma lozi….Viva Moreba and BFM,Forever BRE and Long live to Balotseland….
Western Province was never a state before 1964. The B.R.E. however had ambitions of making the place a state based under false pretenses.
The first fact about Western Province is that the Lozi speaking groups except for the Nkoya tribe and others who do not identify themselves as Lozi, are not the only tribe in Western Province. This fact alone questions the legitimacy of the BRE in some districts within Western Province.
The second fact is that, Britain, who gave the BRE the protectorate status that the Barotse agreement is meant to stand on, had no right to be in that part of the Country to give out any status to anybody simply because they were foreigners.
Today, BRE’s authority is limited to some parts of Mongu district only. BA is based on lies that is why it is illegal.
Are you insinuating that Zed is a monarchy under Litunga and RB as his Prime Minister.Is what you are insinuating the contents of the agreement?
NO- 23 Thanx for your summery. I have lived in Mongu and done business there. Your words are true.
# Mwanamwambwa. Why are you insulting Bembas? Your Litunga is quite about this nonsense because he knows the truth. So go and insult your Litunga and RB. Are Bembas in charge of Zambia? # Chomba 9-10 Well said.
Cow Fellaz…dont cease to amaze…
I think the president with the help of his advisors, if he has any, must seriously start planning to address national issues in his office at state house. He only finds time to talk to the nation at
airports,departing/arriving and only does so following reporters’ questions. We have noticed that the only communique issued by him from state house is via Dickson Jere and it’s always about his next departure to somewhere. Serious national issues are being trivialised and swept aside. Where is the direction, Mr President?
Bembas are not Zambian, you are all Congolese, you all go back to DRC and hang with your Zairian crooked brothers. Leave our peace loving Zambia alone before we deport you. You have so many insecurities particularly against “strong blooded Lozis” Your inferiority complex and ignorance is consistant with your Zairian roots, we have been kind enough to let you chaps within the borders of Zambia so behave yourselves before we start deporting you. You bembas are always trouble makers trying to steer tribalism & instability, look how your country of origin DRC is such a basket case. We dont need your small mindedness opinions, just go underground and dig our copper you economic sla$e$. Be thankful we have allowed you to be refugees in our dear Zambia this long. I have survelance & tabs on…
Many Zambians are so dwarfted that they can not even imagine why the successive governments have tried all they can to down play the Barotse issue. Despite ranking high on the corruption index Zambians we must seek to be smart and recognize our foundation. We Lozis are saying let’s discuss this issue once and for all. No need to intimidate innocent citizens or criminalize anyone. By the way, left alone the Barotse economy has a potential to have a per capita income three times more than that of Zambia in less than ten years. No need for Copperbelt and other places as some you fear. The Barotseland Agreement is a litmus test on Kaunda’s wisdom and is better resolved before he becomes too old.
Whatever!! I’m a proud, intelligent and sussessful Lozi man. If that makes you hate me, go stuff yourself! I don’t give a damn what you think of me. I don’t even know you exist. I have nothing against you and I don’t care about your achievements or failures. As a fellow Zambian, I wouldn’t leave you suffering and pass you by without helping you. However, don’t be s’t’u’p’i’d’.
In this world,fools are many good thing about academic discussion is the ability to stick to the topic of discussion..see how many have diverged the topic to becoming sarcastic and talking about development…its total blindness for one to talk about developemnt in zambia ..its a country with no planning at all and pludged in total poverty…how can we have an equivalence of $1 = to k5 000 the that 4 digits equivalence..lets not be that proud when our country zambia is the worst in SADC region in terms of development..cities like lusaka with more 4 dirty-compounds..kalingalinga,kanyama,mtedere,misisi and regular outbreaks of cholera and poor road net work..and you call this development???please spare me the pain of my childhood..lets grow up and talk about things which mat
No.33 please go back to school and learn abit of History before you open your smelly Ash hole. What makes you fakaz more Zambian than Bembas. Lozis originally come from the Luba/ Lunda kingoms of Congo/Angola before the Kololos of Sebitwane from South Africa conquared you sorry ashe holes. Yes Bembas are from Kola in Congo and proud of our ancestry unlike you mixed blood villagers. Why do you hate us so much?
No. 37. Are you not the one who started calling Bembaz names when the story has nothing to do with Bembaz but problems in your own land. You blamed RB and called us names. So shut your fooking ash lo. But on the other hand lets talk about constructive things other than showing our ignorance and hatred towards each other.
No: 33 what the fak is wrong with you? Why are you picking us? Are we the ones who brought those Barotse problems on you? You surely need to go back to school and not just school but elementary school so that you learn true History of the country and its inhabitants….you hate Bembas because they are assertive….Bembas have come to Mongu taught you their language, fakd your women and employed you to catch fish in your own yard…Yaaaba! Ukushishita Ba makaka!
:((:((@ 26…u toking abt RB n Litunga….RB for northern Rhodesia, Litunga 4da mighty Balotseland, without da recognition of BA64 and da people of Balotseland thres no zambia @ all..dats de meaning. @#28,30,31…go rot n hell shatos!!!! KK istill alive n bfore he dies lets table da issue and resolve this once and fo all….i say ****!! cz u useless chaps!! evrytym lozi hz don this has done that….anyway hu invted u to b our spokspersons….ahh? Bakc off!! Back off!!! bfore u reduced to yo short man in da world full of bukohs……I don give a dam watcha say abt me, am hurt cz i know wat ma people in Libonda, sitong’u, mukola, sifuti iteko nalikolo, namweti, nawinda..are going and u there toking nosence….hung yaself bitch niggaz…..Viva Balotseland…
Fusake chi 40 mwana wambwa we mbwa we. I hope RB teaches you a lesson not to fuk with the state.
@# 36,37,38,39…..u know wat???? stop posting yo rubbish….u da one blame 4da da hetrage cz of yo ignorance, learn to accept da facts of life and u live longer failure to which will have no choice but see u off da universe.this is our ball so back off asholes!!!
Mapuli Yobe Mwana Mwambwa!
#5BFM is Just FULL of SAND says: , my brother you are embarrassing us with your ignorance. why do you get worked up with matters that dont concern you? BFM and the 1964 agreement is a barotseland business for people of western province who are affected by the government engineered poverty. as for the sand you keep refering to, dont know of countries that are in the dersert withount any river flowing through them and yet are far much richaer than zambia, such as libya,? you see we lozis do not want to be part of this corrupt and immoral one zambia one nation nonsense any more, and if you together with your fellow lozi haters think barotseland is full of sand and can not survive on its own as a nation, why do you let that be our problem to sort out as lozis? we lozis are dertermined to figh
fight for our separation from your one zambia one nation nonsense and we shall not be detered by any level un researched and ignorant criticism from people like you. if you dont like it you can go to hell, masipa…………………..
SANKARA DE KUNTA says: you ***** watch your language, no one invite you to comment on matters that concern barotseland, dont think you cant be found in that hole you are hidding. bfm is our business stay out of it and find some thing usefull to do with your time before you curse yourself with matters that dont concern you masipa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No: 46 MUNTU PA MUNTU Why is this Exterminator and Mwanabwamba bringing the Bembas who absolutely have nothing to do with the discussion? Read Theirs posting…This is simply put..retaliation for the stupid dragging of the Bembas in this.
advice to my fellow lozis, let us not engange in un necessary debates and aguements with these detracters, as we plan on how we proceed from here on this very important quest, let us create linkages, so that we find an appropriate forum where we can descus, share ideas and information regarding this very important and historical quest. what we lozis want is to create a nation where our children and the the generations to come after us can compete for political, economical, social, spiritual and religious opportunities equally. a nation where people will not be judged according to their tribe but according to their character. in this country there is a belief among the lozi haters that a lozi should never be a president why? should it be about one being a lozi or about character?
@#43SANKARA what eva u call yo self….why popin yo nose n other people’s bussiness, lozi haters what has sand in balotseland gat to du wit u, go tell mum to suck ya mapuli wat eva u call them sanganu wena nja yeola mulilo….masila amina kaufela…!!!!!!!
my brother mwanamwambwa and exteminator, please let us avoid dragging any tribe or person in this matter because that bring confussion which is detering us from concetrating on the actual matter at hand. let us avoid anything that might destract us from concetrating on this important issue. i must say i value your patriotism to your mother land. lets continue to fight untill we get what we want. viva barotseland viva bfm. i love you all lozi brothers
cwale, sichabi sa bulozi, luka kopana cwani, kuli lifumane nzila mwaku swalisanela ni bfm?
@50.muntu pa muntu, thats right honestly but they pushing us n da corner,we told them to back off on da debate,,,,,,,i gat u man.stopped fo sho!!!….luv u all balotse people..we stand fo wat belongs to da land, we aint scared no mata da intimidations….Viva BFM…Viva BRE…
Internet Commitee …..Bana basilozi sina mwabulelezi muntu, luli kimuhato wo munde hahulu, am suggestn that ….luna baba ambola fa net lukone kufoming’a ka commitee kuli lukopane once n a while and chart da way forwad….haluyemeni ni mooreba ni BFM kona fokuyemi bulozi…Viva Marotse.
Poho yensu :What eva u call yo self….why popin yo nose n other people’s bussiness?I am not a lozi hater…Look at what your own compartriots Exterminator and Mwanawambwa have been writing. What have Bembas got to do with the Barotse problems? NOW HERE IS YOUR VERBATIM :what has sand in balotseland gat to du wit u, go tell mum to suck ya mapuli wat eva u call them sanganu wena nja yeola mulilo….masila amina kaufela…!!!!!!! [ARE YOU NORMAL YOU SAYING THAT YOUR MOTHER SHOULD COME AND SUCK MY MAPULI?]
A Good leader inspect projects and a bad leader criticizes always……………………. Go RB Go 2011 is yours at a silver pulata…………………….! Zilile Ngoma za kwasu kuumawa
Poho yensu :What eva u call yo self….why popin yo nose n other people’s bussiness?I am not a lozi hater…Look at what your own compartriots Exterminator and Mwanawambwa have been writing. What have Bembas got to do with the Barotse problems? NOW HERE IS YOUR VERBATIM :what has sand in balotseland gat to du wit u, go tell mum to suck ya mapuli wat eva u call them sanganu wena nja yeola mulilo….masila amina kaufela…!!!!!!! [ARE YOU NORMAL YOU SAYING THAT YOUR MOTHER SHOULD COME AND SUCK MY MAPULI?
I simply fail to understand why the Lozi bloggers are insulting Bembas for their failed attempt for a seprate state. You started it and we are only responding accordingly. If you want we can go on insulting each other of which at the end of the day no one will win. So please show some humility and apologise.
Personally I believe there should be a referendum on this Barotse issue and we must respect the outcome of the vote. If all of the people in Barotseland vote for secession from Zambia, why shouldn’t it be granted to them? They have made it clear through years of nagging on this Barotse thing that they want a separate identity away from Zambia. Why don’t you at least put this issue to a vote? We can’t force them to keep residing in a country they detest with such unbridled passion.
They have singled out fweba Bemba as the outlet to vent their anger. I assure you that once they get out of Zambia, the spirit of hatred that currently permeates this nation will vanish with them. It’s not a nice feeling to know somebody hates your guts for no apparent reason.
If they feel they have a…
If they feel they have a legitimate claim to Barotseland, they should go ahead and fight for it using legal structures and with their claims as the educated elite, achieving success should be a piece of cake. But no, they select a peaceful but extremely smart tribe light years away from them as the target to express their frustration. If it isn’t “Bembas are thieves”or “they hate us” then it is “Bembas don’t speak our language”. But it’s common knowledge that the majority of Bemba’s don’t speak other languages as well, not only Lozi. Also it’s pure baloney and malicious to claim that all Bembas are thieves, because not to long ago certain very prominent Lozi elite were in the news that read like James Bond thrillers for drug dealing. But may be that’s construed as not stealing, it has to…
my barotsean brothers and sisters, na ni fa face book, mwendi lwakona kukopanela fatani’. mulana mulimu a tonolofaze bulozi. bulozi buyoyange. bana bahesu musike mwazwafa, ndwa ye ki ndwa ye butokwa, yelu lukela kulwana kufita mafelelezo ya ten’i. luna lubana ba bulozi, ba basabi sesichokonya, lilumba ze sachiwi ki kau yasalulati walutaza. makando alati boiyi. bulozi buyoyanga, i love all my barotsean brothers and sisters, the lord is with us………
#23 Litile. He is very uncivilized. He was born foolish.
why arrest them if you think they are mad?get to know what they want and discusss..
Some of these Lozi bloggers or if many have never been to Western province to see the poverty we are talking about, if they are intelligent and smart enough the way they claim, why can’t one of them open a company or just for wood processing since there is a lot of timber in that province. Most companies in Northern province are owned by native Northerners, because we believe in taking development to where you come from. I am here working hard but atleast I bought a farm in my own area Mbala. I briefly lived in two Lozi infested areas of Southern province of Mazabuka and Livingstone, they are expanding city poverty by building slums in Zambia compound of Mazabuka and Malota Compound of Livingstone because Tongas and Tokaleyas like decent lives of space in farms and nice villages.
I am not sure if the negative comments against the baBemba people are from proper ba Lozi, most of whom I ve known and befriended during my lifetime. My family is a mixed breed of Zambians of a wide array of names such as Mweemba, Mutinta, Mulenga, Sililo etc – a perfect and civilised family.
Let it be noted that any discussion on the BRE, if there will be one, will be an issue for the country to debate and hence all tribes will have to contribute and agree. It is with this in mind that I would like to call upon all my dear Zambian brothers and sisters to tone down with the tribal derogatory remarks and look more to unity and progress.
There is only one Zambia for all Zambians and should be guarded jealously.
Banabahesu, argue not with people who consider you inferior. BRE has made it clear, we work according to the law and are law abiding citizens. These crooks have swallowed so many hooks over the years. Our learned friends gave them one last hook which thay swallowed deep into their intestines, over constitution drafting. Soon we draw them into international courts. Lozis wherever you are please stop arguing with anyone, but know that Barotseland needs your support materially and financially. Our learned colleagues are soon to take an important step to shame these thugs including their father Kaunda. Remember, Kaunda asked what kushowelela was, but now privately he does it. He has hooked himself and his wisdom at test. No intimidation no criminalization, let there be a fair game.