Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Health Minister dismisses global fund report on heatlh


Health Minister Kapembwa Simbao

Health minister, Kapembwa Simbao has described as scandalous the global fund report that highlights both the public and private institutions in the country as having misapplied resources meant for the provision of quality health services.

Mr. Simbao said that the Zambian government is being marginalized in the report.He told QFM that the government did not at any point misapply any resources and is being implicated in this matter because the country is the one on the begging end.

He said that the resources were released as per requirement but the workers are the ones who misapplied the fund and government should not be the one to blame.

Mr. Simbao said that in other countries, governments did indeed squander resources but r Zambia particularly never touched that money.

The recent global fund audit report has cited the ministry of health as not possessing the capacity to handle the global fund money.



  1. Kapoko and crew really messed up as they were stealing money intended for the poor. I just pray that an amicable solution can be found so that the people that really need the medication can still be able to access it.

  2. Iwe Simbao, you should not be fullish. The ministry of health falls under the government so who do you expect to take the blame?

    In the mean time you remove the “Abuse of Office Clause” as an offence so that you steal as much as possible.

    Lets hope no further funds are released by the donors until the government starts acting on the Auditor General’s Report”.

    Ba pompwe imwe.

  3. Thieves. Up to Now civil Sevants not paid due to the last By-elections. MMD channeled resources there and Hikaumba does not talk on behalf of workers. Thieves Thieves Thieves.

  4. It is even more embarrassing that this chap can respond to a serious report like that. It’s only workers who misapplied the funds…but whose workers??? Honestly is this best calibre we have in this country?? He is supposed to be an educated fellow, but as they say he probably bribed his way through to the end of his degree. Twakumwenamo Simbao. We know now that you don’t have the mettle!

  5. you see pipo! this all shit has to be blamed on the government of the day in all angles, because they have not put up measures to ensure that this does not happen. if you drink can you advice someone to stop drinking?? so if you are a kawalala?? the government does nothing to recommendations by the auditor general, so what do you expect??

  6. …”the resources were released as per requirement but the workers are the ones who misapplied the fund and government should not be the one to blame”…Bwana minister, you’re showing very poor form. GRZ can’t absolve itself from the looting at the Ministry of Health. It is most unfortunate that an intelligent person such as yourself can be lobotomized to such an extent that you’re defending the indefensible.

  7. Mr Simbao, The workers who stole the money are government employees and hence should be held accountable under “the principle of vicarious liability”.

    And by the way, what has happened to the workers you accuse of being THIEVES? What action has the ministry taken and how many have been prosecuted?

    How can a minister have the audacity to even claim that the funds were not stolen but the “workers are the ones who misapplied the funds”?

    Can only happen in Zambia.

  8. Take responsibility and put in place corrective measures. This is the most ridiculous explaination I have ever heard. Remember, the buck stops at Vasco Da Banda’s govt

  9. I thought global fund was housing, not healthy. Because all what the guys working with global fund projects is constructing their own houses.

  10. ***** minister, he does not acknowledge that the government employed those who misapplied the funds in questions. We have too many dull minister in this current governmnet who cant analysis issues at hands. Its better to be quiet than to make defensive remarks. The truth is that the country is being ruled by criminals.

  11. At times Simbao it’s better to be quiet. Government is made up of the people, and these people mandated to look after the health sector stole money intended to improve the lives of the less privileged. The long and short of it Government misappropriated money! Someone has to take responsibility and that some is you Mr Minister.

  12. I regarded Mr Simbao in high esteem, but I am now disappointed with his statement. If the statement attributed to him is true, the man must resign for exposing his stupidity and foolishness!

  13. MMD are thieves who steal in the night, steal in the morning and steal in the afternoon. This is the money Rupiah is using to be flying around. – Bembas say; Isabi pakubola lyambila kumutwe. Kapoko just took advantage after seeing his bosses stealing.

  14. The minister was also implicated in the kapoko saga, so what does he mean when he says the government did not misapply any resources? Is the issue still in court or have the culprits been released? It can only happen in Zed!!! shame on you.

  15. Simbao has exhibited a very deeply entrenched problem of how Zambian politicians view government. To him government starts and ends with cabinet, ministers, and their deputies. Every body outside this establishment is not part of government. This is why he thinks its not the responsibility of government to hold civil servants accountable.

  16. Mr Simbao,we expect you to act professionally.You have been given a critical ministry not that you should act like a baby.When you children were pilfering and robbing government of it’s essential resources you were supposed to act.It’s quite queer of you to cry foul to the neighbour who was assisting you.The neighbour expected you to use his hard earned resources prudent but you became imprudent.You have started cry to the same neighbour that your grandfather(president)was insulting.The grandfather said that you can stand on your own minus the neighbour’s help.We,as helpless citizens,we also expect you to stand on your own of course at our own peril.Grandfather does not bother because he will go to SA for knee massage.With us,we will continue dying in drugless clinics.Mortually is our…

  17. Simbao you childish to make such a comment. In western developed countries, the personal incharge of that organisation/ ministry accepts responsibility and in many cases steps down to allow someone to carry on. Thats why responsibility and accountability are paramount to good governance.

  18. This is unbelievable coming from a full Minister of a government! The report is right. There is no way right-thinking people can continue giving their money to an outfit managed by this sort.

  19. Husband says to wife: “Your bum looks like a braai stand”. Wife gets offended and goes to sleep. At night the husband politely asks: “Sweetie, don’t you feel like making love? Wife says: “Do you expect me to light the braai stand just for a small piece of sausage? “Honesty is the first chapter in the book of Wisdom”.

  20. Hon Simbao, I suggest that you remind them about the measures which government has put in place to eradicate those weaknesses. Those measures were agreed with the donors including global fund. If the donors did not agree, they should have said so during your face to face meetings. Giving statements behind other people’s backs in the media without letting the other side give his other side of the story is cheap (but typical of some donors). It is actually unWestern but they always apply different standards on beggers anyway.

  21. Zambian minisers are dull period. How do you say the governement can not be held accountable if workers squander resources, You guys must start thinking before you go and make a speach.

  22. These are the educated leading a government. Personally, I have not seen any positive or shall I say objective link between education and decision making for a government minister. May be, just may be Hon Mutati. He says positive things though what he says could be 10% orite,m and 90% politically correct. Ba “some of us” keep insulting our Kaponya president Sata because we know that he has been the president on 2 occasions; and you are scared that when he assumes power your kingdoms will fall apart. Tukalingana one day.


  24. When my tabloid first write abt these scandals, u simbao and yr minions were in the forefront to deny the report. Nizako. Jst go to the village and become the headman. You jst die of heart attack. Banadwa kale and the report is true

  25. Simbao then resign, arrest the workers or disband the auditor general, its very foolish in this country to have such useless leaders in power. The workers who employed them, Then the permanent secretary should be answerable. stealing in government is a chain abuse of office removed freedom of stealing legalized. Only idi amin rule can end this mess.

  26. Kaili mwachosa na law which keeps thieving taxpayers’ money in check. So keep on abusing and making fooooolish excuses, imwe vipubbba, machimbwiii eka eka mu MMD.

  27. When bwezani loses the 2011 elections, buttlicker ministers and all those that have acquired wealth that dont match their earnings, collect them take them to chunga cemetary to dig their own graves, what happens after that is anyone’s guess. But spare bwezani it’d be nice for him to see how a government is run.

  28. He’s also lost the plot like the other dogs, does he realise that safe keeping of assets is one of his responsibilities as the head of M.O.H? His and his PS’s failure to safeguard donated money means his goverment has failed and the buck stops at RB. If it were in a private company he would have been looking for another job as we speak. Sometime these Ministers should just keep quiet if they got nothing to say, he’s just an embarrassment to the all world.

  29. I am disappointed with the minister of health, the govt are the people, and the people in the ministry of health stole the money. Do ministers in Zambia ever resign, this minister should go? I bet he does not even inspect the hospitals?

  30. It is sad to note that Zambians continue to vote for the incompetent MMD govt. When are we going to wake?
    Stupid Simbao should know that those thiefing workers are controlled by his banana govt.

  31. This would be a resigning statement in the west. How can any enlightened minister make such a crass statement? It shows that we have a government that is made up of people who do not understand what their responsibilities are. You will note that Veteran, Senior Citizen and the entires mouth pieces of this incompetent government are conspicuous by their silence.

  32. Did i hear something from MMD bum lickers!!! NOPE
    to them this is just fine,perfect statement from the Minister,,,,we just hate mmd dont we :-w

  33. Talk about taking stupidity to a new level….You have got it now from a Minister……A civil servant can not run a business while working fulltime without stealing TIME from his employer or being engaged in deals with his employer like Kapoko. Zambia is finished…..At this rate, Somali will look better than Zambia very soon….My heart bleeds to see bafikala stealing in broad daylight, while the masses suffer.

  34. We mwana washinka umunani, awe teine minwe! (son, how can you finish all the relish? No, it is not me, its the fingers!)

  35. whatever a government employee does, they do it on behalf of government. When it is said that the Zambian government is corrupt, it simply means the people that represent government (those that hold offices in government) are corrupt. So, the Zambian Government did missapply donor money.

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