Thursday, March 13, 2025

Sports Council Report: Kalusha Executive Illegal


Kalusha Bwalya’s co-opted executive is looking very isolated after the National Sports Council of Zambia (NSCZ) sub-committee led by Max Sichula report was released today.

Sichula’s report to the NSCZ said the co-opted  Faz executive committee is illegal and an interim executive looks into the affairs of Football House.

NSCZ spokesman Smart Mwitwa said at a press briefing in Lusaka today that the Sichula inquiry had found that Kalusha’s executive ceased to exist after the resignation of the three committee members including Faz vice president Emmanuel Munaile.

Mwitwa added that Fifa should direct Faz into holding an extraordinary council meeting in line with the football governing bodys’ statues.

Mwitwa said: “The argument that the executive committee has eleven members inclusive of the two ex-officios and that therefore there were seven executive committee members remaining after the resignations of the four does not cure the lack of a quorum.

“From the fore-going the findings of the sub-committee, is that the resignations of the four members of Faz rendered the executive committee dysfunctional. In other words the Faz executive dissolved itself.

“The sub committee recommends as follows: That Fifa prevails upon its affiliate, Faz, to convene an extra ordinary council meeting to enable councilors resolve differences in Faz as per article 26.2 (iv).

“In the alternative, Fifa consider invoking the provisions of article 7 (12) (1) of Fifa statutes which provide for the establishment of a normalization committee for a specific period of time.

“You have to appreciate that the NSCZ has got a vested interest in the administration of football. And we also know the Fifa statutes.

“We do not want to bring any antagonism that is why Fifa is very particular about third party interference and we recognize that, hence the board saw it fit that we leave this matter to FIFA who superintends over Faz.”


  1. ba kalusha, bamudala ala tekeni mbola pashi- you are just too fast, talking, walking, eating- ne tweno nayo mwalibako bad- so, what is the way forward mwe bantu? ala Faz, has joined politics too- soon it will be called FAZ’S PEOPLE PARTY.

  2. Sometimes it does not hurt to swalllow one’s pride; I know its a very hard ask because I think I also have that weakness and actually am feeling hypocritical to be advising you thus. But you can do it and you know what?, you will be glad that you did it. so go for it ba Kalu

  3. It seems like a correct interpretation. What is the position of the ex-officios? What does the FAZ constitution say about their role in forming a quorum?

  4. Kalusha just has to do the right thing by calling for that meeting how sturborn can a person be, it is like he just wants Fifa to suspend zambia he will never walk the streets of lusaka if that happens!

  5. @ chilombo you talk shit. What the **** are you talking about? You are the same pipo who support someone bcoz they can lie you or just know how to talk shit. What’s happening in FAZ will happen in Zambia once you dull pipo vote for Satan cobra. We can’t run away from the fact the Kalusha was a great player but that doesn’t make a good president to run FAZ. You can be a good minister but that doesn’t mean you can be a good president. Pipo voted kalusha bcoz of been great Kalu not that he was capable to run the association. Vote for satan & when he treat you like dogs don’t complain. Kalusha keep on stealing bcoz Zambian pipo love a thief. Running FAZ on correspondence…..always in South Africa

  6. Pomposity and thugary is root cause of all this r.u.b.b.i.s.h! Kalu is extremly arrogant and adamant. Gone are his hey day, he has FAZ big time. Kick him out and let him go to RSA. We have capable guys to run FAZ, WHY BEHAVE LIKE MUGABE, KALILO?

  7. The final nail in the Kalusha administration. Thank you SCZ.
    While I acknoledge and appreciate Kalusha’s succees on the pitch, he has been a lamentable failure off the pitch. He failed as coach and now as FAZ president.
    He just needs to understand that he has no idea how to run football affairs of the country.
    He has been dribbled on this one!!!

  8. Its only common sense if the executive does not form a quorum you call for a an extra ordinary meeting, where a decision will be made to call for a General Election. You do not appoint new members in the committee.

  9. @#5Chama How does Sata come in the limelight here. Concentrate on the topic at hand it seems you have a bone to chew with Sata. Know that you only have a vote to deny Sata other vote are secrete. Each one has a right to vote for his only favorite whether it be a f.o.o.l. The fact you should know is that Sata commands a largest opposition in the country its the game of politics, demand and supply. If I am looking for rotten tomatoes no one has a right to stop me from buying them because that’s what I want.FAZ and Sata are two different stories here. Go and Hang if you think and bury your head in the sand that Sata has no support.

  10. Ba Kalu what is your official Zambian address? Is it Pamodzi Hotel. Foreign based players in Ghana & Nigeria have built historical/Monumental structures in their countries. Why have you moved the Kalusha Bwalya Foundation from Woodlands to Jesmondine? Is it Kongole?

  11. #5 Chama something:
    1. you dont seem to take time to read or analyse things before commenting
    2. like#9 fide said; you have shown a tendency to stray from the subject
    Back to chilombo’s comment; notice how he has consciously avoided being judgemental but acknowleged the human weakness of refusing to swallow one’s pride which I must say ba Kalu is labouring under. I think Chilombo’s approach was to validate this weakness and encourage him to go for it; as in listening and taking up the good advise which is contained in the report from NCZ. get it?

  12. One cannot but notice the high tone of fear of Big Brother on the part of the NSCZ. Why should NSCZ appeal to FIFA to dissolve FAZ not the FAZ Councillors who elected FAZ and legitimately retain the constitutional right and power to remove Kalu and his team? People, people, people, for how long shall we delay singing the song that will trigger the dance of liberty?

  13. @’fide i think you have a problem in your mind & you go to see the doctor. Only a mad person can buy rotten tomatoes & eat em. Pipo won’t advice him/her if realize that the person is mad knowing that mad pipo like you can eat their shit. # 11 you are kicking your friend # 9 ‘fide. Yes this topic is about kalusha but the way right now kalusha is taking FAZ will be the same once satan goes to plot #1. Go on & vote for fools but stop complaining. Look @ Zimbabwe pipo are suffering bcoz of one fool. Like you ‘fide said no one can stop you to eat rotten tomatoes bcoz you are a fool.

  14. omg chama fimo fimo! whats with all the insults? arguments are won through thoughtful respectful arguments. i agree with #11’s take on this. believe it or not, i think you are right about this sata nonsense, but do you know how he lost the mpulungu seat? by resorting to using foul and derogatory language, strangely the stance which you seem to be embracing whole heartedly. are you for or against sata?

  15. @chilombo I will take your advice no more foul language but tell what you call some who can eat rotten tomatoes sick in mind! I call a spade a spade. When ministers steal & after five years when their term finishes they start telling that the reason your country hasn’t developed bcoz of one person the president. I will never buy that. Wise pipo resign if their senior can’t take advice. Munaile did a wise move by leaving the kalusha administration just like what mwanawasa did when he was in Chiluba administration. I will support Satan if for once he can take some blame from Chiluba’s Administration.

  16. Guyz, the topic is about Faz not sata. Kalu seem to be sturbon indeed. Advice him to put his popularity in a vote again

  17. @#15 Chama its you who have a problem in your mind because you don’t understand democracy no wonder you resolve to foul language. If you are an economists you would have understood what i meant by rotten tomatoes. Sometimes mad people think better than normal people like you. If majority of voters want Sata to go to plot one who are you to stop them? You brought a complete different topic on the forum is that not madness?Grow up!

  18. Satan the Bible says deceives the whole world and leads them astray. This is similar to Sata’s deceptions. He has deceived the Copperbelt, Lusaka, Luapula and has even gained ground in Mpulungu by getting people to belive the President Banda used tax payers money to come to Mpulungu to campaign. Also that he hated Chibombamilimo. How can those +4000 people fail to reason and try to find sense in what he was saying? These people have blindly followed SataN to their detriment. They have been led astray. Honestly one would expect the urban dwellers to vote wisely, unfortunately they lead themselves to the abbys. That’s what has happened with Kalu at FAZ. People did not want to question his Leadership abilities instead it was ni ba Bwalya fye. That’s what you chose so live with it.

  19. I can safely say that rural people are wiser than Urban dwellers. They have been saving the nation of Zambia from catastroph. They are able to judge for themselves that what they hear from SataN is not reality but illusions. Honestly if you want to hear wisdom you will hear it from the rural folk and that wisdom has stood the test of time. Academic knowledge going hand in hand with wisdom can establish a person.
    We have a lot of ignorant people in Urban areas purporting to be enlightend yet are on the high way to hell with SataN as their Leader. Thier ignorance is emphasised and highlightened by insults and the lemming effect.

  20. What a compliment to Chama from Moses Lupunga. Every Dad rejoices to see for the first time his son’s testicles. It emphasises the fact the his son is normal. The mother too is happy because she knows that at the right time those testicles will bring her some grand children after her son has impregnanted his wife. Part of the motivation for a man to establish himself comes from the testicles. Without them this world would not have advanced as it has done. So thanks be to God for the testicles because in them lies the “gun powder” for advancement.

  21. @ Ba Moses lupunga don’t just rush to insults atleast tell us your points why you are supporting kalusha & Satan. Tell us why you want kalusha to continue been a president or why you want satan to be in plot 1. Like I always say you pipo like liars. When Satan tells you that he wants pipo to have money in their pockets without telling how he will do that. Kalusha on the other hand tells you that if you give another term chipolopolo will win Africa cup without paying players enough money. Stupid pipo support blindly & only fools like you Moses lupunga! Maybe your dad benefit from by sucking Satan’s dick!

  22. I am all for a Kalusha led FAZ. We have never had such a good FAZ president, so there you go all you PHD’s take that and stop ruining your own country by being such haters

  23. I am fully behind number 22. and I am fully behind Kalusha Bwalya, the pride of our Nation. Is it not enought that FIFA back him? Besides FIFA wont even accept a letter from the NSCZ as this is noo the correct protocol Correspondence needs to go through FAZ. Why cant these issues be sorted out through communication one on one instead of through the media. The NSCZ are amateurs and should focus on Sports Development and not sport that is autonomously run!!!!

  24. Kalusha: No more business class travel, No frequent flyer miles, No allowances, No Pamodzi Hotel accommodation (when someone is paying- you want the best!), No attending lucrative FIF, CAF and SADCC meetings (where hefty allowances are paid by FIFA, No President of a small foot-balling nation giving instructions, appointments, (even asking players to give president something before they play), No living in RSA and directing football by remote control! The question is who would want to lose all these benefits?

    Certainly not this nouveau riche from humble beginnings!

  25. @ Ndaba what are you saying it’s like you don’t what you are talking communication & media goes together & saying that NSCZ should focus on developing sport if FAZ is not running well then they should step in so that football can develop which is part of sport

  26. whatever you chaps are bluffing against Kalu will not work. All this is because the Post dont want him. Stand firm and let all those poking their noses go to hell and hang. Long live Kalu

  27. NSCZ Sichula my tribe’s mate you are a let down. Why write a letter to FIFA which you know will be put in trash can by the Secretary without reaching the Sepp Joseph Blatter. Shame on you. Viva Kalu

  28. no.30 there is nothing wrong with max sichula he was only appointed to head that commette to find out what was going on at faz house it is not his job to write to fifa all he did was hand the report to Nscz, which school did you go to things at are in a bad state your kalusha has failed no management skills

  29. Please Help me…. I hear people want Kalusha Bwalya Out, What has he done?? Those for/or against Kalu’s stay, will you kindly tell us why he has to go/ or has to stay. In have heard he has to go, because he is a dictator, because of hasn’t shown them the Super-sport Contract etc. but none of these things have been substantiated. FAZ wrote to FIFA, after the other members resigned, FIFA is happy with what happened, it then gave direction to everyone. Those who are disgruntled. The options are:
    1. Wait for the next elections(2012)
    2. Wait for the AGM
    3. 2/3 members write to FAZ to request Emergency Meeting. FAZ has not received any letter from any member of the Association to that effect. Who is fooling who, here…

  30. @ Ba chalochesu are you Ba tubulu coz it seems Ba tubulu are just supporting fellow tulubus even when they know that their brother have stolen or not good. We are tired of these tubulus. Chiluba, kalusha, katele & shi Satan. These tulubus only know how to steal.

  31. 24 Bongo, you are the same people who claimed the Zambian economy flourished under the kleptomaniac Kafupi Chiluba when actually the nearest comparable u have to an economy is Zaire, where technically there is NONE. Now here you go once again, claiming you have never seen such a good FAZ President in Kalusha & yet his executive has resigned en-mass leaving the remnants of his beleaguered goons quorum-less, illegal but still trying like hell to cling on to power, from South Africa, by the skin of his teeth. No wonder, you also support Banda, a largely absent president, while the nation is falling apart in Barotseland, & he, & you, seem to think its just a storm in a tea cup. Samuel Kanyon Doe said the same thing about Taylor’s invasion, until Yommie Johnson slaughtered him. Be warned.

  32. 4, I agree with you, it seems Kalusha’s aim is to have Zambia suspended by FIFA. I am not a soccer fan but if this happens, he should know it will become very dangerous for him to ever set foot in Zambia. We all know he is Sepp Blatter’s chola-boy, the man even attended his second wedding in South Africa. We are watching, if you get us suspended, we will find a way of getting even with you.

  33. Come on everybody, let’s face it, arrogant Kalusha Bwalya has outlived his usefulfness. Why the hell does he feel so indispensable? He’s just one former player that played for Zambia and never delivered a cup. Kick him out number 10 – Dennis Liwewe would say. Iwe KaKalu, leave that seat for others man. Don’t you know the word resign?

  34. chi colour Kalu nasebana zoona. His end will be disastrous very soon. He will be chucked out like a dog!! No management skills & complete failure!! Kakabolala ako!!

  35. Tubulus are so stubborn. You can’t advise em due to the fact that they think know everything. Today’s post foolish kalusha & Satan talking about by-elections in area where their rebels are mps without realizing that those election will cost tax payers money. Kalusha also saying that NSCZ has no authority to write to FIFA forgetting that his association gets some fund from NSCZ

  36. Can somebody plse furnish us with the letter FAZ wrote to FIFA cause it’s only right that we read in order to be in a better position to understand fully what has been said or directed by FIFA. While we are at it friends lets stop the rot of F*** etcs pleeeeeeeeease!

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