By Elias Munshya wa Munshya
Business Values for our Time is an over 300 paged book authored by consultant and entrepreneur Chibamba Kanyama. It has four parts spread across twenty-one chapters. Part one of the book focuses on Zambian tribal cultures as well as Indian and Jewish cultural ethics. In part two, the book deals with mainly mechanics and dynamics of investments, loans, borrowing culture and most interestingly chapter nine deals with the question of managing relatives. In part three, the book takes the stories of various Zambian entrepreneurs and derives various theories and values that have made them successful. In part four, Mr. Kanyama discusses various issues to do with attributes and culture for the business entrepreneur.
This book has generated a lot of discussion and controversy in academic as well as business and cultural circles. Following the advice of the author himself when answering some of his critics, I waited patiently to acquire a copy of my own which I could read and verify for myself whether the criticism levelled against the book are fair or not. I ordered the book through www.ibuy.co.zm, and after a total payment of about $57.00 my book was couriered to me.
The Book’s Virtues
This book has undoubtedly several virtues.
First it is a very personal book. Mr. Kanyama takes his personal, professional and even family life to teach and illustrate important business principles and values that are so critical to the success of the entrepreneurial spirit among Zambians. It is these personal stories, and illustrations that make the book so clearly relevant to all. The reader would see himself in the stories about credit, loans and the everyday struggles of having to finance small-scale to medium scale business.
Second this book is motivational. While Mr. Kanyama has rightly and frankly lambasted some bad-for-business qualities such as laziness, after reading this book you get motivated to begin working on your dreams. In his own words he says, “I want all those who have gone through the pages of this book to start making those critical decisions in their lives. I urge everyone to investigate and assess the various business opportunities that are before them.” This is exactly how I felt when I finished reading this monumental work.
Third, this book as its name suggests is truly loaded with business wisdom. By addressing issues of loans and how they can affect business, Mr. Kanyama pinpoints an important element which confronts most businesses and most of our people today. In this book, Mr. Kanyama teaches the role, the dangers and indeed the blessing of borrowing. He goes into principles of how one can assess his business financial needs and the needed due diligence necessary before approaching a lender for credit.
Fourth, this book is great in that it translates what business students learn in class into everyday language. Mr. Kanyama takes some of the language he used from years of study in economics and corporate finance and translates them into everyday language that ordinary folks may understand. In this book, principles of finance, entrepreneurship, and to some extent corporate accountability are given their needed bridge into the hearts and minds of ordinary folks.
Fifth, the book goes against the current in the sense that it identifies and attacks some elements within African culture that make us perpetually dependent and poor. He aptly addresses matters of extended families and how an unbridled cultural desire to please all family members may be bad for good business. Mr. Kanyama mentions how many businesses in Zambia have failed simply because of excessive and perpetual dependency from extended family structures.
Sixth, the book is also biographical in nature. In addition to its discussion of Mr. Chibamba Kanyama’s own family background, the book also mentions the likes of Mr. Bwalya Chiti, Mr. David Nama, Mr. Costain Chilala, and many other Zambian entrepreneurs. The stories of all these people show the effect that values of integrity, foresight, vision, courage and resilience have on success. There is nothing that is as inspiring as reading about the everyday struggles and triumphs of successful people. Generally in Zambia, very few successful people write about their stories. There is a dearth of biography in our country. And as such, a book such as this one helps to fill that gap.
The Book’s Controversies
Notwithstanding these virtues that Mr. Chibamba Kanyama’s book has, it is rather unfortunate that it equally contains controversial notions. These controversies do have the potential to make an otherwise good book seem flawed. I must confess that in its entirety, this is a good book and every Zambian should buy and read it, but it does contain some concepts that are not only erroneous but also prejudiced. Most of these controversial ideas are found in Part One of the book. I wish these controversies were small or minimal, but unfortunately they are not. As such, my suggestion to Mr. Chibamba Kanyama is that he removes these controversial passages from the future editions of this great book.
These controversies have unfortunately become the mainstay of various book reviews. This has created unnecessary distractions from the most important aspects that Mr. Kanyama may have intended for this book.
Part one is essentially, a part of the book where Mr. Chibamba Kanyama has gone to take some cultural characteristics of various cultures in order to derive out of these cultures principles and ethics of business. The part has four chapters: the first chapter deals with what Mr. Kanyama calls a focus on Zambian culture, whereas chapter two deals with Indian business values and influence, in chapter three he then addresses what he calls the “levers of Jewish Success”. Chapter four, a personal family story of Kanyama’s is good and it is here that his book should have started from.
I must now then turn to these ideas and try to, as much as possible, give reasons why Part One of “Business Values for Our Time” is flawed and why it should be removed from the future editions.
Chapter one of the book focussing on Zambian tribes, assumes that there are 73 tribes which can be narrowed down to seven tribes. This is simply not the case at all. The many Zambian tribes cannot be narrowed down to seven tribes. The seven languages on radio were not done to narrow down the tribes to seven. It was more of a political decision than clear cultural or tribal considerations. Further, it is equally inaccurate to portray that some Zambian tribes are offshoots of some bigger tribes. Mr. Kanyama may have needed to shed further light on this point. What he writes here is tantamount to assuming that because much of Luapula for example is Bemba speaking, the Luapulans are therefore offshoots of the Bemba tribe. This is just like thinking that the Scots, the Irish and the Welsh are the offshoots of the English simply because they use the English language. But why should this matter? It matters because it is this seed of thought that Mr. Kanyama uses to classify, categorize and then label the tribes. Additionally, already in a book about business values and entrepreneurship the reader gets bogged down into rebutting these inaccuracies instead of focussing on important business principles. Chapters one to three are unnecessary distractions.
The book, in both Chapter One and Chapter Two, makes several claims based on prejudice. For example, when discussing the Bembas Mr. Kanyama claims that the Bembas are risk takers by nature who are good at networking skills and pro-activity. The difficulty here is that these qualities attributed to the Bembas could be equally attributed to some other individuals in Zambia. Additionally, without clear controlled studies of how many people and how many tribes have invested in the stock market it is wild for Mr. Kanyama to claim that “the Bemba have eagerly participated in the stock market, and most of them have offshore investments”. Where did he get this information?
He also claims that the Tongas are the most accommodating peoples simply because most white farmers have settled in Southern Province more than any other province. I thought most white farmers could have settled in Southern Province due to several other factors such as availability of water, good climate, fertile soils and proximity to Lusaka. About the Lozis, he labels them as a people who “exert a lot of authority with margins of domination and superiority”. According to him, they are proud and do demean other cultures and tribes. Really?
On the Ngonis, he labels them as fair, tenacious and trustworthy peoples. He makes a quite wild insinuation that once you enter into a business with a Ngoni, you do not need to spend money on contracts, because they are trustworthy people. The best way to approach these matters is not to attribute such moral qualities to a tribe but to mention that there are some among the Ngonis that are trustworthy just as there are some that are villains. Trustworthiness is a personal quality and not a tribal quality. Further he paints the Ngonis as fair people in the way they treat their neighbours. Mr. Kanyama even attempts to use history to boulder this fact. But historically, it is clear that as settlers the Ngonis were not benevolent people sharing resources with their neighbours. When they marched from the Zulu empire to modern day Zambia and Tanzania the Ngonis were not in thoughtful business negotiations, they were about war! And the ChiKunda peoples received the brunt of their brutality.
After going on, making all these unsubstantiated prejudicial claims he reserves the bitterest analysis for the Luvales. I must mention here that when the North-westerners met in Solwezi a few months ago and derided Chibamba Kanyama, I could see the reason why. He links the Luvale tribe with witchcraft and even ritual murders. He claims that, “ritual murders are always associated with business interests of either Asian or Luvale entrepreneurs.” I am again forced to ask the question, where did Mr. Kanyama get the “always” from? Additionally, he paints the Luvales as people lacking academic sophistication. Granted that he praises them as a people with “cultural values of honesty, integrity, love and hard work”, the damage has already been done by his prejudiced view of a people.
On the Indians in chapter two, he praises their hard work and family commitments. But he nevertheless finds opportunity to paint them as flouters of labour regulations and even tax evaders. Immediately following this observation he then puts a disclaimer and says, while tax evasion should not be generalized as descriptive of all Indians it is nevertheless the way they are perceived by the government. It is not right to paint a people in that light. Mr. Kanyama should have been more discerning and sensitive to a people. There are several prejudices and innuendos that fly by in society, but once you publish them, they are given the force of authority. In this case regardless of the moral ineptitude of Indian businesses, publishing such innuendos as fact is not fair.
I am unhappy that in reviewing Mr. Chibamba Kanyama’s book I have spent a lot of time, critiquing the detriments of Part One. This should have been avoided. Mr. Kanyama should see that this Part One has had a very negative effective on his otherwise great book. He should not have included it in the book in the first place. It is demeaning, outlandish and prejudicial to say the least. As such, Mr. Kanyama’s book should start at page 43. Everything before page 43 does not help bolster his arguments for Business Values for our Time. Except for what lies from page 1 to page 43, I greatly recommend the rest of the book to all Zambians.
With all due respect to the author – what business has he run? And how much is its annual turn-over?
Fortunately this critique (albeit with many psoitive aspects) is the opinion of the author of the article therefore it does not necessarily mean we all feel as he does about pages 1 – 43! Well done Mr. Kanyama and you didn’t have to have run a successful business to author the great book just as medicals were not taught by medical doctors at primary or secondary school.
On the point of Indians being tax evaders, yes Kanyama 101% correct. Unless you’ve worked with Indians, you would think this MMD bumlicker is saying the truth. They are cunning thieves who’ve actually contributed to bringing corruption to the level it is at at the moment.
the author puts across a well thought out analysis- chibamba is delving on myths as fact and has gone overboard with his generalisations- what a shame to an otherwise good effort!
Munshya wa Munshya,
Bravo for this excellent book review with a break from the usual Zambian emotional imbalance. I also salute our brother Chibamba Kanyama for his time selflessly invested in motivating all Zambians into success. I have no reason to believe that he is not a jackal of all trades to avoid the error of denting his good book with regrettable elements of stereotypes and prejudice unintentionally filling up pages 1-43 of his book. If anything, according to your balanced articulate review such a book should be of great value to students and our national entrepreneurial spirit. I personally support any initiative that fosters entrepreneurship.
What kind of economics is this where one makes a lot of claims from nowhere? Let him learn 2 base his arguments on research or facts & not dreamz or unsubstantiated theoriez. Economics unlike other social sciences is about data or figures or scientific analysis & not mere stories. Nowonda Econometrics is a must do course 4 Economists otherwize if one did not do it, the result = empty or mere stories most of the time.
Actually I am very passionate about entrepreneurship. The challenge of imparting knowledge of building businesses from scratch, negotiating deals and investing in other people’s business thrills me and applaud those that impart it on others. But even as an experienced entrepreneur, I still look up to my mentors for guidance and inspiration which Chibamba has proved to many in a vacuum.
Chibamba knows that there is a vacuum or inadequacy in the area of entrepreneurship motivation. Until we all step forward and start imparting knowledge as a leverage to help the national entrepreneurial spirit and also help others make critical decisions that will affect their businesses positively, Chibamba is the voice erroneous or not. All of us our goal should be to help others outstand mechanics of effectiveness in their businesses while maintaining internal balance, where their thoughts, feelings, actions, and skills are all working together to create the entrepreneurial lifestyle they desire towards greater success. Like Mushya has put it, I we are better just advising kanyama broaden consultancy before throwing a book to the public.
Chibamba has done what the we economists have failed to do. Lets give credit to Chibamba for what he has done. The Pull Him Dowm syndrome will not help u. If you think he has failed to show the virture u wanted do it and we shall leave ur ideas. Congrats Chibamba u are one in a million
Congrats to Chibamba 4 his practical approach of enterprenuerhip. it seems to be a good book except like the author has rightly put it let him remove those chapters where he makes serious unfounded claims on tribal ethnicity & others in chapters 1 & 2. Otherwise errors of omission & commission accepted.
Chibamba Kanyama aya sana.. uku sabaila ni chila bushiku, ala sanguka kapoli ni nomba linefye apa!!
My question is why is the book so expensive? The many people who are his target audience for this book would have to decide whether to buy a bag of millie meal or the book.The former would definitely win.
Going by this book review, it appears to me that the book is well written! You don’t need to agree with everything in a book. If a book can keep your interest beyond the 1st,2nd,3rd etc chapters then I guess it’s interesting to read!
I must indeed buy this book.Then can i also make my own assessment.Bravo Chibamba.
No 13 i agree with you Kadobi
This Chibamba boy, i wonder if he even helps his own mother. We are not whites/ western kind of living. Relatives are all over and help if u can. I shall not follow yr shall and useless rants on relatives. Wat type of an elder are u?
Great book Mr. Kanyama. I really do not see any problem about chapter 1-3 about this book. In as a much as there was no research done on the ethinical groupings he touched on, i take my hats off for waht he did. All what the man was or trying to do is look at ourselves and see the latent power that is in us to develop oursevles and the Zambia. Like Kavindele said, we out not be mad about the book but rather learn to improve on the weaknesses the books highlighted. I can urge all to get a copy.
Is chibamba an economist? He really wants a job in govt hence uku sabaila. Ifya ku lemba lemba yaku. And why is he working @ ZB? Why isnt he running his own firm by now? Trying to make a quick buck through his workshops are they even value adding to the zambian?
Bravo Chibamba, Well done for this wonderfull book which i bought first time. Only take heed to positive critisism because it will bulid you AND not negative critisism because some people are debating BUT have never read tha book. personally i have attended most of your motivational talks here in Ndola where i stay as well as in Kitwe. You are excellent. people shouldnt doubt you because first, you are an educated Economict (Degree and Masters) . You theorise are also backed up with experienced input from seasoned business men like Chilala, Friday Ndlovu and others.
Now here is the catch. Who says CHIBAMBA is not a business man. Isnt he a consultant? isnt he running some motivational workshops? hasnt he produced a book? hasnt he gotten a loan? WAKE UP CRITICS, BE REALISTIC.i rest my case
This is a great book,i bet of the people complaining have never seen the book but criticise the book based on tarven talk or using a political mind.
any person with average basic analytic skills will atest that the book is a best seller by zambian standards.Congrats to Chibamba,no need to remove any passage,its just the PHD syndrome Zambians are born with
This is a good book if read with a business mind and less a political mind. The discussion on tribes is very useful as we know the strengths and weaknesses of atleast those that are covered in there. I found the entire book useful and I have highlighters all the way except the last bit on testimonies, there the author did not do justice. But overall the book is good and let us discuss things related to our tribes there is nothing wrong with being bemba, soli, kunda or whatever else.
What people dont understand and need to understand is that us business people need to be motivated most of the time. Hence we need inputs from such people as Chibamba. You need inspiration and positive thoughts to achieve our goal. Yes God will help in giving us FAITH but above all to have a drive we need motivation in order to overcome obstacles. Thru chibamba i was able to reach out to Friday Ndlovu, Bwalya Chiti ETC by reading this book. Without this book, i would not have read or known what the minds of these great people think. Three chapters shouldnt take away this great piece of work.
Lets have positive critism but outway it with encouragement, That way, This man may not give up but get more inspiration to write more. KEEP IT UP CHIBAMBA .I rest my case
Great book review. As one whose job is promoting entrepreneurship this appears to be a welcome book. Based on this reviwew there maybe need for someone to do research on entreprenurial culture in Zambia.
Guys just give praise where it is due. Chibamba has done great job for writing this book. All professors of economics, business do they have companies? No they dont, but they give knowledge to business owners. This is what chibamba has done as well.
However I agree with the reviewer that since his assumptions are not research facts, he should remove them or he can conduct some research on these assumptions so that they become facts. Otherwise I recommend him for the job well done.
#26 at best whoever does anthropogical research will come out with perception results which might not be ver different with CKs perceptions. Can the reviewer also right a book I thought that is what most reviewers do, they are also writers.
How much is the book?
In the Land of the Blind the One Eyed Man Is King!. It’s like a Bembaman teaching a MuTonga about the intricacies of fornication/adultery, or a Tonga teaching a Bemba tricks of plunder. … it is tantamount to an act that is a precursor to failure. Chibamba is not even an economist, he did economics as a minor in his journalism degree so cannot profess to be an expert in economics whence the glaring inefficiencies in his forked reasoning. And about tribal stereotypes, I wonder what he is up to because only recently, he claimed Zambia will never have a Tonga president, and being Tonga himself, one wonders which agenda he is peddling.
Chibamba, suits well to motivate Grade 12 and other school going children. However, its hard for him to motivate employed youths like us because we really dont see anything special in him beyond us. I mean what business does he run?
Which company is he managing?
how much is he worth?
Kanyama is simply a motivational speaker and not an enterprenuer as he normally like to put himself.
He is not a business GURU or Tycoon. he is just an average income Zambian. Apart from his house in Avondale, what else can he boast about? NOTHING.
#30, maybe he has a good herd of cattle where he comes from, so it might not only be the avondale house.
Good book Chibamba, and please accept criticism where its genuine!
Well done chibamba.We need more Zambians to come up with such kind of work,instead of just condemning like #30 and 29
Mr Nostradamus you sound like someone who is close to Chibamba and as such may be envying the guy for being just like you but drawing more attention than you (through his hard woork I must say) Pull Him Down comes from those who cant imagine that the guy they went with to school has achieved more than them! Or the neighbour’s son has a Benz while your entire family is walking through the dust of Lusaka. Criticise Chibamba constructively.
Most people want to know what biz Chibamba has run, for him to be giving advice. This question should be applied to future aspiring national leaders too no? What countries/organizations have they run before stepping up to the plate to be national president? You see how ridiculous it is to stand on that precedence….you don’t have to run a bleeding University to be able to teach or run a hospital in order to heal. Get over your high and mighty seats and read, appreciate/ critique the book. What book have you written for you to criticizes. Its easy to say what is bad about someone else’s work. lets see yours!!
This is a good and helpful book, base on the review, and I will definately buy it. I like the critique by Elias Munshya wa Munshya though I think what Chibamba said about Zambian tribal grouping is a well known fact. If anything Chibamba was being diplomatic, for instance instead of just saying the bembas are risk takers he should have gone further to illustrate that stealing and corruption are part of risk taking(on top of participating on the stock market), that the Ngonis are not only fair, tenacious and trustworthy peoples but have been known to be very ‘loyal muzungu anikonde’ type of people, that the tongas are not just accommodating people but docile and venarable, that the lozis are mean, luvales are willing to do any type of job to make money.
Have difficulties calling chibamba an Enterpreneur, if he was, why is he working instead of running his own firm. uku sabaila na boasting trying to make a name. What success can he boast about or show us? He is fond of generalising too. Nway he suits well to motivate teenagers and children. Even his perfomance is not up to scratch, always bootlicking is bosses and praising them in newspapers instead of working hard for what he is paid to do.
Un4tunately am somehow disappointed at his review. Its sad how one can focus so much on the negative. How do you just do an in-depth review on 40 something pages of a book that is over 300 pages? Why doesn’t Munshya go in-depth to discuss the other positive chapters which can help build the minds of many? On his analysis, whether Chibamba’s thoughts on Zambian tribes is factual or mythical, Its common sense & these are things we live with daily. We don’t need documented research to know how bembas, Lozis or Indians generally behave & that isn’t prejudice unless if Chibamba said these are inbuilt tribal traits. Its also funny how people are accusing chibamba for saying negative things about tribes when in fact he is praising them. However all chibamba tried to do was encourage us to…
The book should have centered it’s objective on business values for entrepreneurship only without any such unnecessary talk about tribe.Next edition try to widely consult or involve people like ZDA Windu Matoka, 4th Dimension Kennedy Musonda and Dennis Wood Just to name but a few.Never the less Chibamba thanks for your effort.
learn frm other tribes. Wen he says Bemba’s are risk takers, that didn’t mean lozi’s dnt take risk, that’s just wat is general about bemba’s( you can judge for yourself).
There is a difference between riches and wealth. This difference is what distinguishes a businessman and an entrepreneur. I get the impression that this book assumes all businessmen are entrepreneurs, which is not correct. The book, is in my view, a fair attempt at motivating business people and or those intending to be businessmen and women. I believe that Zambia has yet to produce an entrepreneur in the real sense of the word.
The last thing this boy should have include tribal aspect in his discourse. For the Luvale, i shudder really because the most known place for witchcraft is kwa mununga and that far away from NW. In part, chapters after the first one, he jotts staff well. In contravesy, mentioning that NW luck academic sophistication kills me in my blood. People like Kavindele,kanganja,kalala,Sievu just to mention hotcakes from down there. I wish he mentioned that Bembas are generally crooks like we have seen in the last 20yrs of there rule of this beautiful country. I agree that Lozi’s like authority & superiority. In short all these natural virtues a human being posseses and this is subjective. Deluding zambians in this way ant so wise for this guy we have head on top of his voice many a time. PEACE.
Am yet to read the book so i cant say much. All i can say is congradulations to Chibamba for taking time out to write a book which is going to help a lot of pipo who are business minded. Pipo will owez critisiz coz thats what most zambians do we are good at bringing each other down and any1 doing something to better themselves and otherwise will owez be blamed coz pipo owez want to see every1 be a failured like that. Not every succfull person needs to run there own business infact even being a consultant is actually a business coz chibamba in toking to pipo is actully paid and thats a business on its on. koma zambians the minds are backwards mwe. Full of tok yet the majority have never even written a book. Man this is a backward way of thinking.
ELIAS MUNSHYA WA MUNSHYA – How refreshing to once in a while read something of substance. Punchy and robust review, without the meaningless mumbo-jumbo diarrhoea that I have read about the book. Very solid articulation as well. Brilliant! Thank you for making my day! You make me feel proud to be Zambian!!
I really agree with Munshya`s reviews. This is Great book review and look forward to reading Mr. Chibamba`s book.
I must say am dissapointed at most comments here. They lack objectivity. Munshya has done a good. Job though I must say its a bit misplaced. Have you bothered to check with Chibamba his intentions on the tribes? Emmanuel Mwamba( chiluba’s press aide) wrote a similar review and people like kavindile made degratory remarks on chibamba. After he(mwamba) chated with chibamba and the book main editor(a Dr.Banda), he confessed that he had misundertood Chibamba. This was live on ZNBC 2. Am very sure that most people commenting here have not even read the book and are commenting becoz they just don’t like chibamba. You just can’t face the fact that someone from ZNBC can be so influencial becoz his a journalist.shame. Those saying he can’t comment on bizness issues becoz he does have a…
Those saying he can’t comment on bizness issues becoz he does have a bizmess, cmon guys that’s so lame. Do you know how many big local businessmen and instituitions consult with Chibamba?? Are they stupid to pick him? His position at ZB and ZSIC is and was not a small one. Wouldn’t u be advised by a someone who makes key descions at ZSIC or ZB? U must be joking guys. The company he works for is a big bizness and depends on him to remain profitable. Let’s stop been petty guys. Have you guys even read Capitalist Nigger? Chibamba chapter on our tribes is nothing compared to wat Dr. Onyean wrote on black people(whuch sadly was true). As for Munshya please also do a review on the other chapters and let’s see if what he wrote was bad. God bless Zambia
For those who only want to be advised…
To those who only want to be advised by ‘real’ entrprenuers, I doubt if you will ever will coz those guys are too busy for you even to write a book or a simple column in the post. All the best with that anyway. For the rest of us we will hear frm CK on how to run our tuma ntembas. God bless you
The analyst looks intelligent.I like his analysis.Manje listen,Mr.Chibamba happens to be those luck people in the world.He seemed to have excelled from ZNBC to other levels of good fortunes.Thats his luck in life,and so are his thoughts in life.However,other folks dont have it that way….its hurdle after hurdle and so are their thoughts.It is not just good for Mr.Kanyama to use the book and attack tribes who might not have chance to defend themselves.Issues should have been separated,personalities should have not been mixed with business issues in his book.
Let us not get trapped in the tribe circus, the book is good! Our Asian friends ( in Zambia) are indeed hardworking ” but they like money so much that they regard the issue of paying tax as a drain!
# 46 Hmm! Zambian Breweries depends on Chibamba to remain profitable????? I wonder what the MD of ZB would say about this? Quite interesting revelation.
#50. That’s not literally. Wat I mean is that,him bn a key descision maker like other directors is responsible for the success or failure of the company.that’s just common sense
The book sounds to offer a theoretical stepping stone to running a sucessful business. But sometimes theory is detarched from reality.For example I know Kabamba Chinyama is a born again christian but when it came to his bread and butter he left ZISC and joined Zambia Breweries without consideration to intergirity of his faith and ethics.He finds it okey to earn a living from a comapny whose core business is beer production and we all know the effect of beer on human health and moral conduct not ignoring the bible teachings about beer. by the way i also drink beer just questioning those preaching what they cant practice.
It is such armchair critics of the Chibamba, Sichinga and Mpondela type that this country can do without.
#46, what portfolio does Chibamba oversee at ZB? Isn`t it public relation (corporate affairs)?
Chibamba is a fairly good enough person whose fairly good success is getting to his head a little bit. Take it easy boss, let’s not look down on others when ours works. There is potential in everyman, lets embrace each other, support n educate. A wise man is he who gives the same reception to his tribesman from the village as to the BOZ governor Caleb. Good job Munshya, balanced and intelligent review. One note for Chibamba, don’t forget your humility, check it as you check your engine oil.
There is abit of trueth in kanyama book on tribes. Bembaz are thieves and you have to think twice if you have employ them in accounts or procurement dept
The review simply tells us that Chibamba has collected societal prejudices into his business idea publication Not too bad for creativity, but means nothing at all.
It seems many more people will buy CK’s book to see what he said about the tribes, anymore than bzness, which is a pit, but a smart move on the part of CK because the book is likely to sell more copies…….which means more profit for him from the book.
Having read the book, my view is that the bit on the tribes is nothing more than a storm in a tea-cup which should not detract from the essence of the book. Frankly, this far in Zambia’s history we should have had more books written in this area than the usual ‘favourite’ politics and religion. Congrats to CK. He can talk as well as write. The majority know only how to criticse…..and that’s the easiest thing to do on earth!
I’m sure there are no questions asked when CK pays his tithe and offering on the basis of his job at ZB!
Donald Trump and his friend (in his book ‘Think Big’) agreed to define ‘luck’ as simply resilient hard work coupled with the ability to positively time one’s gut feelings. Could it be that that’s the tool CK has used all along?
Someone said Sievu is Luvale, please stop refering to what you do not know. Sievu (corporate affairs for zambia Sugar company) is Tonga and tokaleya to be particular from Livingstone. I know him he was my lecturer at ZICAS. The Man is Tonga Bull.
This review was very long winded. Book reviews are supposed to be straight forward and to the point. I suggest the author reads famous book reviews in famed newspapers like the New York Times for guidance. As for the book, he has freedom of speech but if he is to market his book as fact he should have supporting evidence for his claims and theories like his own research instead of just relying on generalisations that have been passed down from generation to generation. Some of his observations may be true but citation is necessary. Im glad Zambian authors are being published more. Kudos to them!
We are not saying that what CK has written is useless. What we are saying is that this review is a well balanced one. There was no need for CK to dwell on tribal character labels as if they define these tribes. I’m not Bemba myself but to charcaterise all my Bemba friends and extended family members as ‘opportunistic’ is not fair. Not all Lozis are domineering, otherwise if they were then spousal abuse cases would have been worst in Western Province. One can say that for every tribe in our lovely country. The flaw in CK’s book is to argue that one is born a Bemba, Luvale, Ngoni or Tonga. NO! Everyone is born just a human being and then is socialised. So a baby with Northern Province genes could still be a Tonga by socialisation. That is the point the reviewer is making!!
I liken life to day and night. No matter how things sparkle in the day when darkness comes they become hidden. My point is Chibamba has done what most of the armchair bloggers have failed to do. But hes should also understand that not all will praise him. Some people see things from the light point of view while others look at things from the darkness point of view. I personally recommend Chibamba for his progressive ideas.
are u blind or just s.t.u.p.i.d,mr munshya wrote a considerable amount of words praising the work then split his review by giving flaws within the book.Thats what a good critic does,if theres more criticism than acclaim then the writer knows how he will move next time.Munyas review is bias free in my opinion.I dont think i ll buy this book but munya has given me a clear picture of wat its about.gud review.And y are pipo on kanyamas case which of u haters has a house not rented or inheritd in avondale or workd 4 top companys in zambia:zsic,znbc,zb.Always pullin pipo down because u have no ambition.Buy a life,kanyama can aford 1 already.
are u blind or just s.t.u.p.i.d,mr munshya wrote a considerable amount of words praising the work then split his review by giving flaws within the book.Thats what a good critic does,if theres more criticism than acclaim then the writer knows how he will move next time.Munyas review is bias free in my opinion.I dont think i ll buy this book but munya has given me a clear picture of wat its about.gud review.And y are pipo on kanyamas case which of u haters has a house not rented or inheritd in avondale or workd 4 top companys in zambia:zsic,znbc,zb.Always pullin pipo down because u have no ambition.Buy a life,kanyama can aford 1 already.
Im just reading Chibamba’s book. Surely it is a great piece of work. Congrats Chibamba & God bless you
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