Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Govt will regret NCZ privatization-ZUFIAW


The Zambia Union for Financial and Allied Workers (ZUFIAW) has charged that government will regret the privatization of Nitrogen Chemicals of Zambia (NCZ).

Egyptian Ambassador Salah El Sadek recently revealed intentions of a certain Egyptian company that is interested in giving government a private hand in running the NCZ.

The named company is said to have already submitted a proposal to the Zambia Development Agency (ZDA) for the takeover of NCZ.

And the National Union of Commercial and Industrial Workers (NUCIW) president Seth Paradza has called on the government to hasten the privatization of Nitrogen Chemicals of Zambia (NCZ).

However, ZUFIAW president, Cephus Mukuka said that government should finance the plant to start running without any private help.

Mr. Mukuka said that government has the capacity to finance the NCZ but lacks political will to keep the company within the hands of Zambians.

He wondered why the ruling MMD government has constantly opted to sale off national property even when it could revamp the institutions and keep it as a public business.

He said that privatizing the NCZ at this moment will only result in a lot of joblessness and lawlessness in the country.

Mr. Mukuka has,therefore, advised government to focus on rebuilding the chemical plant rather than privatising it.
[ QFM ]


  1. Privitasation is the only way to go for industries Zambians have failed to run. The days of having “prestige factories” is long gone. This also goes for higher education – there is need to commercialise university education but provide loans for students who cannot afford the fees.

  2. #1,ur faculties and reasoning is distorted, my friend or perhaps you are one of these dimwits who believe everythey are told.look and analyse the chinese market, everything is govt owned and yet the country is thriving.Privatisaton is a concept the benefits a few.stop lick asses and talk sense

  3. #3 Govt has no business running business. Invoking the Chinese example is wrong because that is a very different model – no human rights — slave labor, iron fisted management, no union representation — it is different. Successful economies the world over are in private hands.

  4. If the govt is not interested in running NCZ let it be given to the farmers who can contribute money by buying shares. It is farmers whose interests are at stake. We should try something good for Zambians instead of dishing out companies to foreigners.

  5. # 4. That is a sweeping statement. Can you define what a successful economy is? Governments everywhere do have interests in business and do own part or entire stocks in some businesses. CDC which owns stock in some Zambian (and elsewhere) companies is a British parastatal. The bailout you hear of in the US was nationalisation of failed companies and banks. It is not a given that privatised companies will always succeed. The China success example cannot be dismissed on account of human rights (politically motivated) because companies from the west are also participating in that economy.

  6. #6, many thks for clarifying tha poin o #4,its because of such dimwits that zambia finds itself in such a bad posiion.#4 you should do your research, developed countries are now renationalising.and why can they sell it to zambians

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