Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Don’t be adamant, Kalu advised


PETITIONERS calling for the emergency council meeting (ECM) have advised troubled FAZ president Kalusha Bwalya not to be adamant as aggrieved members have the right to call for such a meeting.

And petitioners have charged that there was no FAZ executive committee in place because it dissolved itself following the resignation of the four executive members saying the best would be to follow the recommendations of the Sports Council of Zambia (SCZ).

Reacting to Kalusha who has remained resolute saying various issues raised by FAZ affiliated members will only be tabled at the March 2011 ordinary annual general meeting, Amakumbi Stars proprietor Simataa Simataa said an ECM would be held whether Kalusha wants it or not as long as the two thirds was reached.

Simataa accused the Kalusha led executive committee of not disclosing the initial number of registered member clubs.

He alleged that a ploy has been unearthed in which the current executive committee was giving provisional membership to clubs in a bid to counter the petition for an ECM.

The former FAZ chief said it was difficult to circulate two thirds of the membership because the association has not fully disclosed the total number of clubs.

Simataa said only the AGM had the powers to approve registration of new members.

He said all the tactics being used by Kalusha have been unearthed and the best thing was for the FAZ chief to step down and join the long list of honourable former presidents because a new president would be voted into office when the ECM was convened.

Simataa, who could not disclose when the petition would be handed to FAZ general secretary George Kasengele, said the petition has gained momentum and would soon be given to the secretariat.

He said it was sad that Kalusha has failed to avail contents of the letter he wrote to FIFA saying the letter must have been misleading thus fear to make it public adding that FIFA has given the members the chance to call for ECM provided two thirds of the majority was reached.

“We are on course and nothing shall stop us from calling for the ECM even if Kalusha does not attend we have the powers to call for a meeting and even usher into office a new president. So let Mr Bwalya join the other former leaders because the resignation of the four executive committee members rendered the executive dissolved. The new president should be able to get advise from him and other former presidents that include Simataa Simataa,” he said.

Simataa said Kalusha was a role model and many people look up to him and the best he could do was to uphold the rule of law as provided in the constitution unless the statutes both in FAZ and FIFA constitutions were not important to the 1988 African footballer of the year.

He said the petitioners are aware of the dealings Kalusha was having on the Copperbelt and North-Western Provinces where he was demanding for a list of attendance when the meetings were not FAZ official meetings.

Simataa said even the suspensions slapped on Nkosi Warriors chairperson Keith Mwewa and Alex Mambwe of Medical Stars were just a ploy to intimidate petitioners in their cause to call for an ECM.

“We hope Football House would not be flooded by police officers when we take our petition there or we shall use one of the police teams to take on our behalf and we do not know which authority Kalusha is speaking on because his group dissolved itself following those resignations and this is why we are calling for this ECM,” he said.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. Kalu is being arrogant, he thinks FAZ and his personal business are one. Lets open a criminal investigation in the Supersport and Nike contracts and check where the proceeds from these contracts are going. This is what you will find;

    1.0 Payments to lawyers in SA
    2.0 Payments to marketing agents in SA – Watch this one, if you know who has been masqurading as a FIFA agent selling local players .


  3. It seems to me that FAZ is now in Kalu’s pocket. Its sad that this boy Kalu can even insult the NSCZ the Sports miniter & Sports PS by saying they have no authority over him but only FIFA! Shame bane this has never happened before in Zambia where the government who are major stakeholders are insulted in broad-day light!! Kalu stinks & is a big let down!!!! His end is nearing & will be disastrous!

  4. 13 out of 16 premiership teams have threatened not to play the remaining fixtures untill this illegal FAZ is sorted out.
    Kalu,this is not where you use feet but your brain.Do the honest thing & become a full time player agent which you are secretely

  5. No, iwe Kalu. don’t you know that Zambia is a soveregn nation, and we have our own rules, you are employed by FAZ which is a property of GRZ and under NSCZ. So dn’t be a fool by thinking FIFA will defend you even when you have failed. You have become bighead and you do not want to listen. The costitution is straight foward but why don’t you follow it? Why shoul you always be the only one to decide, remember that you are not alone and you ca not work alone. Too sad you are becoming a bad egg. hmmphh….

  6. @ # 2 mulongoti every Zambian by now knows that kalusha is so stubborn. Don’t just comment for the sake of putting your rubbish statements. It’s not only simata who have noticed that your kalusha can’t perform well as an administrator as he was performing as a player.

  7. If one knows that he/she has got nothing to hide why fear to call for a meeting? This is the only way to come out clean! Today NSCZ cant say anything about football without ba Kalu running to FIFA. Honestly, have we lost our morals? The FIFA reply published but meanwhile the one to FIFA suddenly becomes confidential. When time is up its up! You can’t turn back the hands of time just have the meeting and be cleared to shame the devil as the saying goes.

  8. Iwe kaKalu, why can’t you resign and pave way for better strategists? Who the hell do you think you still are – a mini angel?? Do you want to be shamefully kicked out like your cousin Kafupi Titus? I thought a bit of exposure in Europe civilised you a bit. What’s wrong with you Bembas?

  9. The problem with Zambians is that we like complaining and not acting for the change. Remember how Mulonga was sidelined by many and now it is Kalu. Hey let him enjoy his sweat in peace. I dont even know what the other guys where thinking by resigning. Surely, i dont think we have a VJ at football house to manipulate the votes at the end of the term. Now what are we solving? There is nothing apart from being cowards barking from a distance.

  10. I dont kno y this chi RB govt.is treating this fool kalu with kid gloves….just stop funding the national team and lets see what happens,besdides what have the fools won despite getting our hard earned cash!

  11. Arrogant is more appropriate for the heading LT!!

    #14 there is nothing wrong with Bembas, we just happen to be proactive, hence no surprise that from such a proactive group, you will find a proportion who may just qualify to be bad eggs, majority though are good folks, as george Bush would put it!!!

  12. Ba kalu, ala FAZ te kantemba ba mudala, mwi la konkelesha amano ya ka FTJ aya koselela fye uku mona fyonse fye ati “tuntemba!” FAZ is a respectable body governed by a constitution! To be in management one needs managerial skills & some business knowledge to run such a national institution involved with international affairs – a bit of night school, might just be the little light at the end of your dark tunnel!!

  13. Why is Kalu so scared? He is behaving like a politician. Has FAZ become a source of livelihood for Kalu for him to be scared of lossing his position? If the majority of the members say they dont want you, give up and move on with life man!

  14. Iwe KaKalu, I used to hold you in high esteem and thought you were great but not any longer. Why can’t you be the the gentleman you once were and say enough is enough? Is FAZ to you the end of life? If you left now your credibility may still hold and you may scoop something even better internationally. Your poster was in my bedroom but now I’ve moved it to my garage.Resign Iwe.

  15. Don’t be jelouse of Great Kalu bane.This man has put Zambia on the world map as far as soccer is concerned. I think kalijo chabe kalipo apa.

  16. He tried to coach Zambia national team and head faz, people complained.He resigned the post of coach you are still complaining.Give Kalu a break please.George Kunda has two positions no one has complained, has if there not enough qualified people to head the justice ministry in Zambia.Kalu is among the most patriotic Zambians we have today.

  17. ba kalu, just be civil and resign like your colleague Simaata has advised. As most of the Zambians have noticed, you are not cut out to head the football association, maybe as a scout..

  18. Sad to see and hear stupid and useless comments from all you dull ignorant people like simata simata the quiter haunting the Great Kalu from day one to this day,you just hate the guy for nothing shame on you all.see what Kalu has done for the legue sponsorship not to mention deals,friendlies for the national team despite the big witch behind him Shaaaaaaame you bastards…Kalu don’t give in till your term is over FIFA is very behind you,just because you can organize those ghetto Xmas tournament you think it’s the same with Faz please give me a break,Kasunga,munaile and sichula
    you’re a let down wish you keep your traps shut for life.

  19. gentlemen,lets not forget the good times that Kalu has brought to this country.It was almost over after the Gabon crush,but for Kalu.Please Simata Simata,take heart,your time will come if ever you anger to become FAZ President.What Has Kalusha Bwalya Done to you hippocrites.We have never had the kind of deals we have today,dstv and for sure FAZ today has more money than ever before.Leave the guy alone.


  20. KaKalu is losing the name and credibility he built as Ba Kalu. Now he’s behaving like some dull power obsessed disgruntled politician. Does this guy have a wife or genuine friends that can put some sense in his footballer’s head? We are fed up of the nonsense. How can one guy bring inactivity to the county’s beloved sport? FAZ is not Kalu and Kalu is not FAZ.

  21. Time to leave Great kalu, what goes up does always come down. Sad thing is that your leadership could not afford hosting at least Africa Cup in Zambia. Let New ideas get in to FAZ has been too much of Kalu and teddy Mulonga. they are not the only Zambians. Other people can try as well. No offence but best time to exit super Kalu.

  22. I remember after that disaster a lot of people were talking of quitting international soccer. This man, Great Kalu, maintained that the show must go on! How many times did we sit at Humanism Hill and wait for Kalu to score in the dying minutes? Now these minions wish to demonize him and remove him from an elected position using the back door. He may not be perfect as an administrator but his record based on the resources available in FAZ is quite good. Leave this man to do his job and take your CVs elsewhere where they need troublemakers. Kalu, keep on scoring with the white ladies too :)

  23. It does not mean that because he scored galls in the dying minutes then he plunder faz with impunity. You are the minion who cant distinguish between thuggery and decency. Do you think that tax payers money can go to feed one Kalu because of the goals he scored which never even took us anywur? what achievements for the country did he register apart from personal glory? If you have nothing sensible to say, shut the hell up. Like it or not, the guys is in hot soup because of arrogance. He is a total failure and an embarrasement to the zambians for his midiocre calibre. Let him just quit and go to live in SA with his gold digger wife period.

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