Tuesday, March 18, 2025

The KCM response to the pollution of the Kafue river



Konkola Copper Mines confirms that there was a leak in one of its age-old Preg tanks, at the Tailings Leach Plant (TLP) at Nchanga in Chingola at the weekend, some of which seeped into the Kafue River.

Immediate steps were taken to correct the situation by taking the suspect leach solution tank off line and applying lime to neutralise the acid and spillage. The Environmental Council of Zambia (ECZ) was also notified and the Council sent a team of experts to investigate the incident.

Since the incident, KCM, the water supply company Mulonga and the ECZ have been working tirelessly to ensure that the situation is brought to normal as soon as possible and water supply restored to the affected communities of Chingola. The company regrets the inconvenience this situation has caused to the residents of Chingola.

KCM continues to invest in modernising its operations to increase recoveries, efficiency and to ensure that its operations do not do any harm to the environment by employing the latest technology in new plants, such as the New Nchanga smelter and the new concentrator at Konkola.

At the TLP itself, work has been going on to replace the four aging mild-steel rubber-lined tanks with new ones. One of the four largest tanks has already been replaced at a cost of $1.5million, while work is progressing to replace a second one. The new tanks are made of stainless steel which can more competently withstand the acidic duty to which they are permanently applied.

Additionally, in the next few weeks, KCM expects to commission a $7.5 million reinforced Tailings pipeline which is made of special high-resistant material, in a programme to replace the traditional mild-steel rubber-lined lines that have suffered a number of failures in the past.


  1. That’s it? That’s it? No apology whatsoever…you just CONFIRM polluting Zambia? The audacity of these investors. This crap would not fly anywhere in developed countries. And this ECZ what is it there for? Just to record pollutions…My God Zambians are taken as jokers everday. Chi RB zoona you accepting this???????

  2. #1 I agree with you , whoever wrote this press statement needs to go back to the school of PR. There is no remorse or apology in this statement. It is full of pomposity and arrogance and just because they have the money to show off how they will spend it here and there , they sound like they have the right to pollute Kafue river. All that talk of we are spending this and that should have been left out of this press statement. They should have focused on apologizing rather their showing us how deep their pockets are

    This is very disgusting coming from KCM. With the high copper prices and all the money you make , you can even hire a decent PR person. Shame on ya.

  3. Well well I just want to commend KCM for coming out clean and informing the ECZ immediately this happened.

    I have read the statement and true there is no statement of apology or regret and I understand the outrage of those that have commented.

    However, we just need to get the full story before we jump on our attack horse. This statement has gone through journalists hands and of late these journalists have become suspect and I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that they have just discarded the apology section of this statement. KCM is a big and responsible organization to ignore issuing an apology after admitting guilt. I will wait for the report from Government media tomorrow to get the full load before I can jump to conclusion

  4. Imwe bakolwe tulenya amafi yakaba kumenshi mwatu nwishe mu chingola,am visiting the toilet 5 to six times because of u.Somebody needs to pay me

  5. Look at the difference in leadership and responsibility…. B.P paid through their BA!!S when they literally did the same thing in the US…. but in my dearest Zambia K.C.M will not be made to pay victims of the spillage full compensation costs.. Drinking water to for 2 major towns has been polluted for crying out loud.!!. not to mention marine life

  6. #1 and # 3 you have hit the nail on the head. This is unbelievable that govt has not yet said a word. I was reading the other press release by the new party CDP on this same site which is quite educative. That is the way politicians should think for Zambia to move forward. I am telling you these old politicians have nothing to offer they are dying soon anyway and do not care what will happen the next 10 years. I have hope in MMD that has surely diminished with each day. You would expect either PF, UPND or the MMD to have come up with a mature and strong response as this same CDP. But that is unfortunately not the case. Zambia was definitely sold is my conclusion if we can take such nonsense.

  7. Instead of apologising u talk about stupid latest technology. Can u believe such crap? Zo ona nipa zed! Whats wrong with us kanshi? We r so docile to say the least. Obama never slept til they sorted out the BP issue now us….iye! Obviously balifumapo!

  8. mwandi number 5 wisakamana in solidarity naifwe bachingola bakitwe nabo belenyafye ngaifwe.you zedians why do you expect too much from these investors even more from government

  9. why has it taken us so long to respond – see how unprepared we re for disasters? yangu abana zed now people like kalu bwalya can you develop sure imwe – no common sense.

  10. My post of 1/11/2010.
    “What has The Post got to do with Siakalima’s correct statement that Zambia is a failing state?? He is very right because those in leadership are busy scheming how to rip off the nation’s resources through bogus state visits. They have also legislated to removed the Abuse of office Clause in the ACC act to “protect” their theft and you argue that the country is far from failing. How myopic???
    I REPEAT, You MMD dimwits, Stop pursuing The Post over fake tax “nkongoles” just because they are daily exposing your inadequacies. Direct you energies at going after KCM who are ripping the country off in Billions of US Dollars, besides engaging in environmentally poor mining methods which have the potential to exterminate entire populations in and around their mining areas.

  11. This is stupidity of the highest order. Preg Leach Solution tanks need to be bunded in the first place, such that when leaks occur, the solution is contained. KCM is lying about in the statement, I feel sorry for Jacqueline Kabeta. This kind of stupidity and mediocre leadership from HUMPTY DUMPTY and RED LIPS leaves much to be desired. 2011 Kuya bebela, don’t kubeba

  12. The press release does address the long term effects and extent of the pollution except that the tailing material seeped into the Kafue River. and somthing has been done to remove the pollutant. This is OBVIOUSLY a positive spin TACTIC by KCM.

    We need more answers including the ECZ reaction which indicate their ability and clout over such matters as the custodian of Zambian Environement .

  13. NyamaSoya allowed them to pollute so that they save money to donate to his campaign. Thats why he is quite and Red Lips George Kunda is also not saying anything. F.U.C.K Zed govt., WEe the masses are being taken for a ride. What about the deaths as a result??? They are not talking about them?

  14. Take a leaf from the Niger Delta who know how to sort the oil companies that have polluted their rivers and looted their oil.

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