Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Fans Turned Away At Sunset Stadium


Football fans thinking that the Super Division boycott was all just a soap opera being played out on the back pages where hit by reality at Sunset stadium today where Zanaco were scheduled to face Green Buffaloes.

The fans soon discovered that it was not a laughing matter when they found no teams warming up just before kickoff at the stadium.

Furthermore, no match officials turned up as the Referees Association of Zambia also threw its weight behind the call for Kalusha Bwalya to hold an emergency council meeting.

The no-show has left Faz in an embarrassing situation after Football House insisted in the buildup to this rescheduled Week 20 game that Zanaco and Buffaloes would defy the Super Division boycott and play today.


  1. I should just invest in Zambian football – there seems to be a lot of money tobe made and an opportunity for a millionaire, like me, to make even more millions!

  2. There is always strength in unity. Keep it up Zambians on this issue, lets shame fifa and Kalu. Govt stop interfering in the running of football in the country by giving faz money from our taxes.

  3. No. 3 – Chibaka cha UPND – I’m actually a woman! A very wealthy woman. If there is all this wrangling in FAZ – surely there must be alot of money to be made, that’s why I wish to invest in Zambian football. Otherwise – why would grown up men be wasting energy if there was no money in Zambian football?

  4. Multi millionaire you are right. These pipo are not just there to development football as per say but to stealing every money government gives em & money from contracts. My advise to kalusha just resign it’s time up. Just like the meaning of your name you have tried but pipo are tired of your leadership so don’t force em. This situation is like boyfriend/ girlfriend relationship if a girl is not interested in a guy nothing will change her mind not even money but for kalusha didn’t experience that situation as football was his love relationship!

  5. All criminals have regrouped around those who support indiscipline and corruption. What Kalu is trying to do is to bring sanity and dscipline in the football association which has been rocked by huge scandals, disorganisation and indiscipline for many years since Teddy Mlonga era. Zambians are used to be treated like babies even when they know too well that they are wrong. There is nothing wrong with Kalu by meting out disciplinary measures on the erring executive members. I am religiously behing this great son of the nation Kalu.

  6. my friend there is everything wrong with Kalusha people can not just resign in Zambia you wait issues will come out and you take note that he is taking on learnd lawyers – he stands to lose this fight no two ways about it period!

  7. This is utter ridiculous behaviour from the football fans and club officials . I dont know why anyone would celebrate the wrangle going in Faz. but what I know is Kalu is not Faz and football should continue in Zambia. Boycotting by clubs and referees will not solve anything. I am sure Kalu knows exactly what he is doing otherwise he could have resigned a long time ago. This is why the government have not taken any stance. I am sure we all know that RB is a patron and a big cash supporter of Faz . He would have stepped in a long time if he too thought there’s a big problem. The honorable minister of sport who in most cases quick to instruct investigations in various sports associations has not taken a stance either. CAF has kept quite too. So it’s just some individuals who hate great…

  8. # 9 If i was going to say anything probably will write exactly all what you have already written,boycott games for what,we had worse wrangles in Faz than this before but no games were boycotted people can hate for real,Kalu don’t step down we want to see them take to the street and stone cars then you can forthe sake of peoples souls.pleeeeeeeeeease Kalu lock all the doors at Football house and fly back to SA they miss you on supersport international wednesday friendlies is coming soon.

  9. I also wonder why they all calling for the emergency meeting, and discuss what? Call for elections or AGM? What does the Faz constitution say about this then which am sure Kalu is following. Come on people!!!!!

  10. Whether you like him, he is going just like third term didn’t work for chiluba. Tell him it just a matter of time. You can force pipo to love you or buy to love. Your days are numbered kalusha

  11. # 9 & 10 (same person) & # 11 The minister of sports & NSCZ have ruled that this stu-pid kalu shud call for the emergency council meeting coz current FAZ is illegal okay? Kalusha will soon kiss the dust. How do u ko friends from the street & ko them FAZ executive? Failed as coach & now failed as administrator. Yo future is doomed ka chi color

  12. Kalu Brought this upon himself. He is busy parading on supersport channel analysing South African & Euro games instead of offering leadership in Zambia. he spends most of his time in South Africa, He signed contracts on behalf of Zambia (FAZ) with Nike & Supersport whose contents are nopt known and used his companies as negotiators who were paid a lot of money for this service. FAZ with it’s lawyer committee member Kasolo & other board members could have done or with engagement of other lawyers transparently. No one in the executive is privy to the contract. Kalu comes here when in trouble. He ended up even in NWprovince to gather support. Time is UP!!!

  13. It’s amazing to see a person’s popularity move from Great Kalu to Great Galu. He should learn to read the situations and act mature, he wants until the Dogs join the boycott as well. Our so called “leaders” have no sense of responsibility.

  14. People of Zed take a look around Africa all associations are bickering no trees standing next to each other will always clash. Even when we bring another executive the drama will continue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please it is human to differ?

  15. It is amazing how we like hero woshipping in Zambia. We should learn to differentiate between Kalu the player and Kalu the administrator. One was great, the other sucks a.s.s! If almost half your Executive resigns, including your vice president,then there is a problem with you. How does he intend to form a quorum to appoint people to the vacant positions? FAZ is in a constitutional crisis and the only way to resolve it is to call for a General Meeting. If what he is doing is right, surely the GM will clear him.

    The nation should not suffer because one person has such a huge ego it can wrap itself around the equator

  16. Kalu should just flee to South Africa. Why should he continue embarassing himself? Our negative perceptions of Bembas are just been confirmed. For this reason we do not want a Bemba president for many years to come. While there are few good things Chiluba did, the evil thing he brought and encouraged is tribalism.

  17. Kanshi what is in FAZ , is it a conduit for money laudering or what? This association is funded by taxpayers why is it being run like a political party…defectors,rebel this or that! Some officials resigned with the intention of bringing confusion! One way out of this mess if the FAZ consitution allows, is to call for early elections and all the characters in the current committee including those who recently resigned must not be allowed to stand!

  18. Kalu should just flee before we lay charges of misconduct against him. This will include amoung other things, the shady deals we have been hearing about at FAZ.

  19. Mulonga called for an ECM during his time when the councilors wanted to impeach him. After deliberations he was endosed to cnontinue. Though I have liked Lusha as a player, on this issue especially that it boarders on the constitution, he should not be stuborn. A leader must have a following in this case Kalu has lost it. Just save your face, call for the meeting now

  20. The big difficult is that apart from the issue of legality or illegality of the FAZ executive, there seem to be no other issues. Surely it cannot be true that the contracts with Supersport and Nike are only known by Kalu. The Sports Ministry should be having copies. I recall there was a lot of dust raised over the Mayuka sale similar to the current one. NSCZ, bo Simataa and Mukoka at the Post and many others cried foul that the player sale had been wrongly handled by Kalu BUT when FIFA later ruled that the Mayuka sale was OK, all simply went dead quiet and never said sorry for having mislead the nation for many months. Is history repeating itself.

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