THE Non-Governmental Co-ordinating Council (NGOCC) says it is disappointed with Patriotic Front (PF) Kasama Central member of Parliament Geoffrey Mwamba’s wife, Chama, who has withdrawn her assault case against her husband.
NGOCC executive director Engwase Mwale said in an interview in Lusaka on Tuesday that Mrs Mwamba’s decision is disappointing because the women movement expected the parliamentarian’s wife to lead as an example.
Mrs Mwale was commenting on the Lusaka Magistrates Court’s decision to stay the assault proceeding against Mr Mwamba and discharge the MP.
On Tuesday, chief resident magistrate Charles Kafunda stayed the assault proceedings against Mr Mwamba after Mrs Mwamba informed the court that she wanted the case to be withdrawn because her husband has apologised.
“As NGOCC, we are obviously very disappointed with the turn of events in Mrs Mwamba’s assault case. We expected Mrs Mwamba to lead as an example to punish men who abuse women,” she said.
Mrs Mwale said Mrs Mwamba’s decision is a drawback in the fight against gender-based violence (GBV), which the women’s movement has been spearheading for a long time.
She said NGOCC respects the court’s decision but that the move by Mrs Mwamba will give perpetrators who abuse women reasons to mistreat their spouses.
She said Mrs Mwamba should have gone ahead with trial because this is not the first time she was allegedly being assaulted by her spouse.
Mrs Mwale said this is more reason the women movement are pushing for the GBV legislation to deter violators of women rights.
She said once the Bill is in place, it will safeguard the livelihood of women who are at the centre-stage of abuse from their spouses.
Mrs Mwale urged all parliamentarians to support the GBV legislation because it is only through such legislations that women rights will be promoted.
She said GBV still remains a challenge which calls for every Zambian’s support.
Mrs Mwale said the women’s movement is advocating legislation on GBV because it is mindful that access to justice for women is important.
On Tuesday, Mr Kafunda stayed the assault proceeding against Mr Mwamba but warned the parliamentarian against abusing his wife because doing so will compel the court to recall the matter if she complains.
This is in a case in which Mr Mwamba, 51, businessman and politician of house number 10 Roan Road, Kabulonga, Lusaka was Charged with one count of assault occasioning actual bodily harm contrary to Section 248 Chapter 87 of the Laws of Zambia.
Particulars of the offence are that Mr Mwamba, on September 5, 2010, in Lusaka, allegedly assaulted his wife, Chama.
Mr Kafunda said in his ruling that Mr Mwamba should not engage in physical and verbal abuses of his wife or engage in any acts of violence.
[Zambia Daily Mail]
Well, I rarely comment on such personal issues , which are matters of the heart because such things are very complicated. It is even easier to get a Ph.D than deal with these love matters. They all make us mortal human beings look f o o l i s h in one form or another. Madam, it is your marriage and your man whom you have lived with for years and who are we to judge you. Even those NGOCC women thinking you are f o o l i s h don’t have the right to decide for you. Love is a personal issue. I would not be surprised if even these NGOCC women are professional divorcees , with some onto their 5th marriage. Just be care madam who you take advise from.
Imwe GBM’s wife cant leave him…have u seen his house? Wifey is sitting on gold…u want want to leave at NGOCC? mufuna azole Top society lotion? smh…
These divorced/single mothers wanted chama to join their loneliness?There is nothing sweeter than marriage ba NGOCC.
Mrs Mwamba, it’s your right to reconcile with that fat piece of lard! However, next time he clobbers the living $hit out of you, kindly suffer in silence and your brothers should’nt even dare come running to press to complain. Once a savage, always a savage. This fat deformed madumbo has been clobbering you for ages and even insults you in front of your kids and grand kids, so I guess you’re used to it. He makes up for the clobbering by splashing cash on you but just keep in mind that next time he might just kill you; then what? Perhaps a 5 star funeral in a stretch hummer at the new Leopards Hill Memorial Park. Big Pipe laments…!
I conqure with 1, 2 & 3 most of these women instigating for tough actions against abuse of wives are themselves not married making it very difficult to understand their motives. Ba JK balimba ati “icupo nibabili abantu sure, ubutatu ena nikabolala.” Careful Mrs Mwamba you cant pick spilt milk. I for one I like your decision to withdraw the case unless you really want a divorce. Chi GBM chipuba chenu mwebene mayo, keep well. I can only pray that God touches your man to see that you are not ment for punches but to be loved. NGOCC leave the couple alone, there are alot of serious national issues to wear your energies out, concentrate on them…….
if I was to write an article on this I would title it ” NGOCC disappoint The Eye”.
Unfortunately Chama represents the majority of Zambian women. Abused in marriages till death do them part.
For some twisted reason they would rather be miserable and married than independent and fulfilled.
As a proud five-time divorcee with a string of children with different fathers and as someone who now survives by leading my own NGO against men, I must say today is a sad day for use divorcees! We were hoping Chama was going to join us and bring some of her millions to our NGOs after divorcing chi GBM.
Hahahaha sadly the woman is as wise as she can be i guess and has disappointed most women who could not hold 2 their God-given marriages.
Well next time am sure u will bag a billionaires wife who will fund u.
Leave her alone, this is her marriage. You want her to join the ‘lonely-hearts club’?
For some twisted reason, Nubian Princess, you’d rather be independent and fulfilled by being screwed by a hundred different men and spread AIDS than be married to one man, is that correct?
Bana GBM, learn to leave bedroom issues at home, for thirty years you have been keeping bedroom beatings and other issues a secret. who encouraged you to go NGOs and police?. I can assure you NGOs and kabonde’s crew wont marry you once GBM fires you. A lot of wives/husbands are clobbered everyday but they never rush to NGOs and Police, they just go to hospitals, tells lies and get treated and back for apologies and reconciliation and marriage continues. Now you have embarrassed yourself, fat albert and children. kuleni mu chimpompo!
she knows with all the fat around GBM’s heart and his blood vessels lined with colestrol sooner than later the guy will suffer a heart attack so the cash is hers. He doesnt screw her bcos his dick has gone into the fat stomach so she gets chewed elsewhere. GBM chidumbo maliketi kapompa saladi hhe hhe hhe hhe
mwandi mama sunga ichupo. those are just miserable women who want you to join them while thy try to snatch your hubby, every marriage has hiccups, its just unfortunate that yours got the media.
Firstly I would not like a divorcee or a single NGO person to consel me. Marriage is mariage, there is no where it says in mariage you will never fight, things just happen. What is important is love, if we really love each other, we should reason and apologise to each other when things go sour.
You divorcees at NGOCC, please leave Mrs Mwamba alone, she does not want to join your lonely lives…shaaa, mulekwatako ne nsoni bane.
NGOCC most of them are not married and hence the disappointment. Mrs Mwamba please continue with your DRUM. These things of love are difficult to comprehend; a drum in hand is better than the ka tiny in the bush. Afterall GBM has no HIV AIDS virus. NGOCC should be happy that these love birds of 3 decades are have reconciled. Why should we bedevil them as if we have not sinned in one way or another. Plse Mrs Mwamba forward with the Drum
Let us encourage reconciliation and help to bulid a society worth it’s sort. What kind of society are these NGOs looking for which are full of brocken marriages. And these are the elderly women we have to direct young ladies in our society. Where as we donot encourage GBV, Discouraging pipo from forgiving is just as bad as violence itself.
INGWASE MWALE and your NGOCC,let your friend protect her marriage which some of you have failed to proteect.Note that they have been married for years and it wont be in the interest of their children and grand children Shame on you chaps for encouranging broken marriages instead of the opposite.Sometimes we have been slapped by our wives but we dont rush to the police,courts or prostitute NGOS.Tell me how many divorces you are supporting and are leaving better than mrs chama mwamba.
wa ndepula man!
“GBM chidumbo maliketi kapompa saladi hhe hhe hhe hhe ”
ha ha h…….Ba LT blogger mwalitumpa sana……..
Ba GBM naimwe muleke ukuma abakashi…mukule. next time mummu mukachikakishe mwandini.
“GBM chidumbo maliketi kapompa saladi hhe hhe hhe hhe ” @#12 Alejandro…??
ha ha h…….Ba LT blogger mwalitumpa sana……..
Ba GBM naimwe muleke ukuma abakashi…mukule. next time mummy mukachikakishe mwandini.
These people despite these challenges have been married for a long time and it would have been very sad if they did not reconcile…..it is this gift of reconciliation which has eluded most homes hence the high divorce rates
For once I agree with #1. Matters of the heart are so difficult to deal with. I just hope GBM behaves and realizes women are suppose 2 b valued and treasured. Violence is never the answer
NGOCC- There is a DC in SP who battered his wife worse than GBM, why not comment on that too. As some one has said here you want her to join you in your solitude lives.
OK too much attack on the NGOCC, can those in Zambia Help is set the record straight . Fill in the blanks of the EXEC. I know the Director. Somebody help with the rest.
1. NAME: Engwase Mwale TITLE: Executive Director MARRIED: Yes, MARRIED X 1
2. NAME: Kotutu Chimuka, TITLE: Programme Manager, MARRIED: ____, MARRIED X ____
3. NAME: Juliet C. Zulu, TITLE: Finance Manager, MARRIED:____, MARRIED X ____
4. NAME: Julian Belemu, TITLE: Grant Manager, MARRIED:____, MARRIED X ____
5. NAME: Nasilele Mukelabai, TITLE: Admin Officer, MARRIED:____, MARRIED X ____
6. NAME: Leah Mitaba, TITLE: Communication & Advocacy Coordinator, MARRIED:____, MARRIED X ____
7. NAME: Petronella Isiteketo, TITLE: Accounts Officer ACBF, MARRIED:____, MARRIED X ____
#1 for once in a long time you have made a positive comment on the blogg. Those women in NGOCC who are disappointed with the reconciliatory action taken by the Mwamba couple are themselves not married. How else can one explain their shallow understanding and lack of respect for marriage if they are claiming that they were disappointed with the couple’s reconciliation! They should be taken to Alangizi so that they are taught the principles, fundamentals and framework of the institution of marriage.
With all the comments above I understand why Zambia is a third world country. It is highly acceptable in our society to be marginalized and enslaved.
The British came and did their thing and now the Chinese because your brains are clogged with ignorance and you shoot down any Zambia who comes up with solutions for the greater good. Thats why RB is coming back next year, you all deserve him.
This chidumbo maliketi kapompa saladi must attend anger management sessions. This is what NGOCC must encourage. But again mwebantu can this Fat Albert really throw strong punches without collapsing?
Ba LT balafilufyana…bloggers read the writting on GBM’s photo…!!!!! Beleka tuchite doubt the contents of the entire story.
#26 Nubian Princess
Stop ranting about our third world status. #10Professional Divorcee,is still waiting for your answer.
ala Bana bandi bonse ukufuma fye pa nambala one ukunshita nouli pamulu wandi,mwalanda bwino sana. No need for to comment. Ushumfwa pa finono…..
INGWASE MWALE why do you want your friend to dovorce? muleke umunobe alenjoya kwacha yaba GBM. Naiwi Chi Madumbo chi GBM uleke fighting otherwise bakakukakisha. if anything you should spend more time at the GYM to help with your excess fat and temper.
Chama tachenjelafye, chikapompa saladi ngachati chikume kulabutukafye waya ku room uku noku, two rooms nisnshi chanaka na fight yapwa. But reconcilliantion is the best, well done. GBM stop beating your wife, waumfwa!!!!!!!!!
NGOCC chaps are very stu-pid 4 real. How on earth do u expect a properly & i mean properly married woman with 5 children 2 jail her husband coz of a mere & normal quarrel in a home? Were u going 2 take care of her & the children or u wanted her 2 lose her husband so one of u divorcees cud have a chance 2 snatch her husband? Mrs Mwamba u are so beautiful just keep yo nice & successful husband & ignore these use-less & good 4 nothing husband snatchers called NGOCC or whatever they ko themselves.
NGOCC chaps are very stu-pid 4 real. How on earth do u expect a properly & i mean properly married woman with 5 children 2 jail her husband coz of a mere & normal quarrel in a home? Were u going 2 take care of her & the children or u wanted her 2 lose her husband so one of u divorcees cud have a chance 2 snatch her husband? Mrs Mwamba u are so beautiful just keep yo nice & successful husband & ignore these use-less & good 4 nothing husband snatchers called NGOCC or whatever they ko themselves. To hell with NGOCC
Nubian princess is right! we like the slave mentality. only mrs GBM can decide what she wants,if its the beating then have fun.
aya mafi yena…
This couple looks good. Jelous mpansi!
I am sure she was ordered to accompany him to the independence function or else she will get battered again! Its just how they operate as man and wife. After 3 decades, they must be doing something right…
From now on her name has been changed to Chama Clobbered
Its gud 2 know tht at times cheif bootlicker cn reason properly.how cn anyone b disapointd wth a wifey reconcilin wth hr hubby?let the 2 love birds b.u heard Gbm,chama also beat Gbm.its life,deal wth it.
32 years is not a joke some of you can barely keep a relationship two weeks!! You fight, yes maybe not so violently, but you still make up. Its not about money, living with someone long they become more than a part of you. she probably even knew nga na landa ifi nefi balanguma. Ba mayo bana Mwamba muleikala umutende neshilu lyenu. He is yours.
marriage problems are difficult matters for outsiders to comment about so leave Chama alone
NGOCC did not understand the issue of apology under which our Zambian cultures are based their disappointment towards Mrs.Mwamba’s dicission prove to me that their fight for women’s rights is not only meant to protect marriages but destroy them forever and promote prostituttion. What kind of mothers are the NGOCC who do not even respect the principle of harmony under which the rural communities created Insaka ? Shame on them.Can anyone please inform us about how many women in NGOCC are single mothers and Why?
I really respected this organisation but now i wonder what they really are following there disappointment on a God Given Heart’s Forginess and Love for her children and marriage.SHAME on NGOCC,Shame -shame -shame
Assault is an offence in Zambian regardless of marital status. If this offence is civil, then the plaintiff can withdraw legal action against the assailant at any time. However, if it is a criminal offence, the assailant should face the courts regardless of what the wife thinks. The MP committed an offence against a Zambia citizen who needs protection by the law. In this case where the accussed is an MP, the punishment should have been severe as he should have known better.
Why do you like poping your nose in other people’s affairs! They know how they have been getting on. Why do you want to twist their thinking as if you are part of their marriage! Waste your time on political issues, marriage is between two people.
#32 cyberstar at run from one room to another then GBM is tired hhe hhe hhe hhe hhe LOL
Good milile…. She is scared of poverty!!
NGOCC cant you reconcile marriges.But courts are doing so.
MMD Chief Bootlicker
I didn’t know you are such an intelligent and forthright mind. For the first time, you have spoken very sensible words, full of wisdom. Marriage is indeed very personal, private and has been scientifically proven to be the highest determinant of individual happiness in humans, besides enjoyable work, associations, (religion and friendships) and set objectives fulfilment.
I bow my head to you.
Again, instead of critically and objectively assessing the issue, male chauvinism and misplaced egos have taken centre stage. Because most of you males are not on the ‘receiving end’ and have primitive conceptions about the female gender, you are dismissive of the power dynamics that underlie a lot of marriages. Its not a wealth issue, or whether members of the NGOCC are married or not. Thats sinking to a new low. You are justifying the subjugation of the woman – even to the extent of turning a blind eye to the infliction of not only bodily harm, but long lasting psychological scars and loss of dignity. Being in a marriage has no bearing to any claims of immunity in the clear commission of a crime. You blog for progress in other areas of human endeavour everyday, but still fail humanity.