Wednesday, March 19, 2025

RB happy with road devepments


President Rupiah Banda (l)
President Rupiah Banda (l)

President Rupiah Banda says he is happy that government has once more successfully delivered a good road for the people of Southern Province.

Since 2008, President Banda’s administration has managed to upgrade and pave close to four hundred and fifty kilometres of roads across the country.

Among the road projects which have been launched are the Mutanda – Chavuma, Chipata – Mfuwe and Choma – Chitongo roads.

Others are Kasama – Luwingu, Senanga – Sesheke, Luansobe – Mpongwe and Chipata – Lundazi roads.

Infrastructure development is key on President Banda’s government agenda.

On Friday Mr.Banda is expected to commission the Zimba-Livingstone road.

The road has been undergoing a major upgrade and resurfacing in the last one year.

According to a statement released to ZNBC by Special Assistant to the President for Press and Public Relations, Dickson Jere, President Banda will leave for Livingstone Friday morning.

The road is an important trade link between Zambia and other countries in the Southern African region.

The first thirty kilometre stretch was completed in October last year, at a cost of one hundred and twenty-one billion kwacha.

President Banda will commission the remaining stretch of the forty two Kilometre road financed by the European Union and resurfaced by a Chinese firm at a cost of thirty-five million Euros.


  1. Distant Drums,

    # 1-5 are in a shock therapy at RB’s spirited action oriented leadership. They cannot believe it that the Head of state and Command-in Chief of the Zambian armed forces His Excellency RB has ignored opposition insults instead he is tenaciously delivering tangible development on infrastructure of roads, schools, hospitals and economic prosperity for all hardworking entreprising Zambians.

  2. Look #9 the corruption in this administration is not hard to see and it will only be time before the some well connected relatives/people r exposed for cutting dirty deals. The infrastructural development by itself is a great thing. No county can develop without it. It’s problematic if there is overpricing and leakage of funds which the taxpayer will ultimately pay.

  3. #10, “…….the corruption in this administration is not hard to see and it will only be time before the some well connected relatives/people r exposed for cutting dirty deals.”

    This is the usual story of some people seeing what others cannot see. They see but cannot give the evidence, they have never given evidence despite forever promising that “it will only be time……”. Like monkeys they will jump to the next story without producing any evidence on the previous allegations. This is typical of tired and worn out Sataist hallucinations. They see dirty deals everywhere because that is what they want to do when they get into power. Since they started these Sataist lies are now as long as the circumference of the earth. Who wouldn’t be bored?

  4. Well-done RB for compliting projects started by Levy’s. You can go ahead and put a placard on top of the one Levy mounted for the same projects commencement. Well done and u have my support on these projects which you are finishing.

  5. 400 kilometers?and you call that development!only Zambian mentality merits mediocrity…no wonder Chinese illiterates can skirt our laws!!!!!!

  6. Job well done RB. Please now take a drive from Serenje to Nakonde and then Mbala. You will surely enjoy the smooth road and the nice potholes. Very shallow that even a marco polo bus has to leave the road because it is very even and smooth like the Livingstone/Zimba road or the one being made from Chipata to Mfuwe.

  7. Liar, you cheated on TVZ that the Luanshya Masangano Road had been done. I passed throught last Saturday and found it is still the same.

  8. Insoni buntu all the roads in Zambia are pathetic, twalimonapo imisebo ataaaaa just say something logical as if you’re not a president.
    Infrastructure development which?Infrastructure development??????????????? infact we don’t have proper Infrastructures in Zambia ——-YOU NEED RED CARDS BAMWANSAKABINGA IMWE BASHETANI!!!!!

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