Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Zain’s newly-introduced 3G routers welcomed


SOME information communication technology (ICT) stakeholders have commended Zain Zambia for introducing third generation (3G) routers on the market saying the speed is amazing.

A router is an electronic device that interconnects two or more computer networks, and selectively interchanges packets of data between them.

Each data packet contains address information that a router can use to determine if the source and destination are on the same network, or if the data packet must be transferred from one network to another.

An internet user Chilufya Musosha said the 3G network is fast and deserves to be on the market.

“I have tested it and the speed is crazy! I am not sure if there is an internet service provider who can offer individual users such speeds for such a charge in Zambia.

“If any user has any auto down-loader programme such as anti-virus and windows updates, they will be shocked at how quickly they exhaust bandwidth but the router gives a breath of fresh air!” he said.

Mr Musosha, who is also an e-Brain member, said this on the e-brain group discussion in Lusaka yesterday.

Another member, Paul Muwowo, said Zain has introduced a 3G wireless router on the market which is going at K855,000 with bundles that range from 1 gigabyte (Gb) at K125,000 to 10Gb at K745,000.

Mr Musosha said the router has four ports and a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) fixed at 10 clients.

“With this cost and if the speeds are really as they say at a minimum of 512 Kilo-bits per second, this could help internet access in rural areas because 1.5 gigabyte of data via VSAT is K1,000,000,” he said.

Another user Lee Muzala perceives a huge boom and a greater improvement in terms of access in rural areas and in urban areas.

Mr Muzala, however, said most ISPs rates are still way too high.

“Just the cost of having a wireless installation done at your home or office, will knock you back approximately K5million (costs of equipment and setup), which some ISPs will claim the equipment is theirs,” he said.

He said with the 3G rates of 1 Gb and 10 Gb by Zain, he hopes to see an improvement on the part of ISPs including Microlink, Zamnet, iConnect/Africonnect and others.

He said costs of bandwidth, service, coverage and setup fees should also be reduced by ISPs.

Another user, Richard Mwanza, who is also Zambia Information Communication Technology Authority deputy chief executive officer, said the network is great though in some parts of the country such as Mongu the speeds are still very poor.

[Zambia Daily Mail]


  1. I am a member of the e-brain forum. I must have missed this one. The figures show are eye catching but one would have to taste the pudding.

  2. # 3 where do you live? 3G was launched way back, what has been introduced is a router, even the ordinary Zain modem are 3G enabled

  3. That’s some good news out there in terms of communication. Hopefully, soon rather than later, I would love to see mother Zambia become one of the most convenient countries on the continent. Slowly but surely, we will get there. Transportation too should be looked into seriously.

  4. Rip off! They need to reduce on the bandwidth costs. My provider charges me the equivalent of K653,000 for 200Gb, and if I go over the limit my connection is slowed down to 256kbps!

  5. #8, some of these services are not meant for villagers, & what does Zain have to do with govt’s failures? uletontonkanya not just talking ma rubbish!

  6. Ati 3G latest….. Gov and the service providers must learn to move with time. the rest of the world has been on 4G for a while now.

  7. :(( Ubututu pa Zed no wonder ‘Ala B’ eats masuku on your heads! How in the world can u get wide eyed for getting in the loop almost 10years after a product was launched?! Networks are using 4G and some 5G technology elo imwe ati 3G is amazing…..ufontini

    ” I moan for my country! “


  9. So was this so hard for Zamtel to do? They make it sound like they just found Gold. A lot of things in Zambia are not there not because of money or infrastructure, having clueless leadership who don’t understand the importance of technology.

  10. # 21 in 16 you said outsourcing of the call centre, that was my question, i.e the correlation between that and the introdution of the 3G routers?

  11. Though it’s a bit late this is good news. Can the Zambia Diaspora Business Group or Amaka Abwingi consider introducing an TT/Telecomms investment product? I am sure a lot of Zambians would be interested in risking their money in such investments and, who knows, maybe one day we might buy back Zamtel.

  12. Egypt is at 3.75 GB with Etisalaat network and Vodafone is at 3.50G Soon it will be 4G. Pazed thats when we areccrawling with 3G, Kusalila bati

  13. LTE,4G is undergoing tests by many service providers,though they are developers of handsets such as sumsang manufacturing some,it’s not mature enough to try in a market like zain……………what is the e-brain society,where do they meet?

  14. A router for more than £100, that is crazy!!! It is usually free…. 10 GIG for more £100. That is development?? I do not get it!!!

  15. Jamaicans have their kinsmen they call coconuts-they are balck on the outside yet want to be more than white on the inside just because they live outside jamaica. Zain should be appluded for bringing 3G to our 3rd world Zambia not laughed at and ridiculed. It seems we Africans have kandolos-African looking on the out side yet inside white, were they forgot were they were born and how there birth place was, only comparing it to the white mans lands were they live. Shame on you.

  16. thats why they are called developing countries…we gotta give some props to Zain for introducing 3G router tech…people are comparing countries like ours which is still developing to developed countries..thats what I call failure to reason…they think they are smart by being wherever they are and forget where they come from but they are the your homework B4 you open you beak sukerz!

  17. Guys. In what wrld r u in. 3g is 4rm b4. And let me tel u mtn has oso 3.5 g. And its faster dan zain on phones. Best jst buy a blackberry n start browsin 4 nly 60000pin.

  18. Guys. In what wrld r u in. 3g is 4rm b4. And let me tel u mtn has oso 3.5 g. And its faster dan zain on phones. Best jst buy a blackberry n start browsin 4 nly zambians b careful. And if u compare wif other countries, ours is too expensive.e.g. India, same airtel. Internet browsing 4 a mnth is nly 10pin. Can u compare?

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