Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Zambia ranked among Top 10 in doing business


Zambia ranks among the top 10 countries worldwide that have improved the ease of doing business for local firms in the past year according to the annual Doing Business Report for 2011 whose theme is ‘Making a Difference for Entrepreneurs’ released by World Bank and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) today.This was according to a press release made available to Lusakatimes by Ben Kangwa First Secretary (Press) at the Zambian Embassy in Washington DC.

The report says Zambia, Rwanda and Cape Verde were among the top 10 economies worldwide that have moved up for the past year. Rwanda moved up 12 places in the global rankings, while Cape Verde and Zambia rose 10 and eight spots, respectively. Ghana led the world in making it easier for businesses to obtain credit and Malawi led in improving contract enforcement.

Zambia, a top 10 performer eliminated its minimum capital requirement, computerized customs declarations and introduced an electronic case management system in courts

The report says for the third time in a row, Mauritius ranks highest in Sub Saharan Africa on the overall regulatory ease of doing business for local firms Globally. It ranks 20th among 183 economies.

The eighth yearly report tracks business reforms globally and observes that 27 economies in Sub Saharan Africa in the past year have implemented 49 regulatory reforms to improve their business environment.

During the release of the report, Janamitra Devan, the Vice President for Financial and Private Sector Development at the World Bank Group said many African economies made it easier to import and export, a trend driven in part by regional trade integration efforts.

He added that such developments were another reminder that regulatory cooperation between economies pays off. Mr. Janamitra Devan also said that about 30 percent of global trade facilitation reforms in the past year took place in Sub Saran Africa.


  1. this is no mean achievement it takes planning strategy seriousness and love for the country on the part of govt. well this will not augur well to certain readership of lusaka times. this is coming from world bank and not bwinjifumu road or pf school of economy with chancellor mike chilu sata and mmembe as vice chancellor. over to you armchair critics who are blind to reality

  2. Before you start celebrating, start cleaning up the filth in Lusaka and in other towns. another survey says that Zambia is among the dirtiest, filthiest nation in the world. With so much corruptionon how to get even a passport, I doubt the validity of this report.I will rejoice when the poor will have 3 meals a day.

  3. Chanbeshi the road to everyone having three meals a day ( this is probably only achieved in a few countris like denmark , the UK) is a long route that requires many actions. one action is to improve the ease of doing business

  4. #2 chambeshi australia on a shoe string budget. can you affrod three square meals yourself I doubt. Like #3 positiveist pa zed says hunger is everywhere worse in USA but to ease hunger you need to improve the issue of doing business. if you are lazy you will starve to death especially in USA

  5. #2&3 there are still many road blocks to doing business in zambia. It’s easy for the Chinese and may be this survey was conducted among them. Try doing business as aZambia it’s very hard and it takes the courageous. did you read story of zambian building good hotel by the kafue river in kitwe? #3 I can afford 3 meals a day. tryi getting a passort, a reg or try going into ZNCB or Barclays etc, it is a nightmare. try getting a document which needs only 5 to 15 minutes in a zambian office,it is a headache

  6. The US has many homeless people on the streets surving on alms and in public shelters. Go to Boston, New York, Baltimore, Washington DC, California to Ohio and Maryland to mention but a few. Many poor people sleep under some bridges with some using their old cars as homes daily begging for a dollar. Poverty is everywhere except that the way it is miligated and exposed matters to a nation.I know not of a paradise on earth may be in utopian socialist societies.

  7. Aaron Levenstein once said ” statistics are like bikinis, what they reveal is suggestive and what they conceal is vital”. Bloggers are advised to read the full report @ doing business dot org. It would appear there is a sudden desire to win praise by some, by deliberately twisting facts. Since when did Zambia become a top ten economy? Yes, it is among the ten economies that improved their ranking but top ten economy? My foot!!!

  8. Yes chambeshi there are many roadblocka and Government is doing well to address them.
    This survey is comprehensively conducted and no its not done among the chinese . Why should the chinese succeed where you fail??
    . I do busnies as a Zambian and yes uts hard but i reccoment improvements and courage ofcouse, this world is not nice to cowards.
    so please learn to appreciate and make a positive contribution

  9. I do busnies as a Zambian and yes its hard but i reccomend improvements and want more .
    Of course it takes courage to do busniess ofcouse, this world is not nice to cowards.
    so please learn to appreciate and make a positive contribution

  10. Good News. Looking forward coming back to invest. Keep it up Zambians!!! Hope MMD thugs are not thinking it is RB who has created this Environment. At the moment Zambia can run even without a president!!

  11. # Chambeshi posed a very good question about a business man in Kitwe building a multi billion kwacha hotel and all of you supporting that ‘Report’ are avoiding to comment. Lets be real, at times some of you comment as if you live or talk about a different Zambia we dont know. The report may be based of foreigners coming to do business in Zambia. The government of Zambia has NEVER helped Zambians in doing their business so that they can favourably compete with foreigners especially the Chinese.

  12. And then some frustrated MP says Zambia is a failed state.Positivists pa Zed,thats the spirit my bro.For real,this world is not for cowards waiting for more money into their pockets.

  13. There are hundreds of thousands of Zambians doing well in bussiness. You have to adapt and go back to roots and not try to compare Zambia to the 1st world were cleaning battocks was normal for you. Zambia is a 3rd world country, if UK , US and other abroad nationals are enjoying Zambia, that says alot. Unless you have had plastic surgery ,Just take off your western mask and enjoy the real Zambia.

  14. I am perfectly a Zambia born and bled here in ZED! I have however, had opportunities to travel widely and have been to all continents. I haven’t seen a single country where there is no poverty of some kind. To some extent I believe that those living in poverty make the choice to live like that because of their own attitudes! Every Zambian has the chance to lift himself/herself out of poverty regardless of the circumstances they may be in. The Govt’s job is to make it easy for you to do what you want to do in terms of business and this is what this report is saying. no body is saying Zambia is among the top ten economies!!! some of you bloggers make me wonder how you got your qualification to do whatever you are doing, was it leakage? please if you don’t understand the topic at shut up!

  15. Senior Citizen, those comments you made yesterday regarding nurses that are refusing to treat patients because presumably they the patients voted for the MMD, I suggest you send them to the President Rupiya Banda. Because it is very dangerous to have such nurses both in the public and private sectors.
    Suprisingly that article has been removed from this website.

  16. Why cant we celebrate some positive news for once?#9 Nobody said Zambia was a top ten economy in the world. No country in Africa is a top ten economy in the world, what the report said was ‘Zambia ranks among the top 10 countries worldwide that have improved the ease of doing business for local firms in the past year according to the annual Doing Business Report for 2011 whose theme is ‘Making a Difference for Entrepreneurs’ released by World Bank and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) today’. Maybe you should read articles more carefully before posting sour diatribes against the progress being made in your country.

  17. #17. This article in not about being born Zambian and neither is it about poverty. All these attributes have nothing to do with the topic at hand. # 19 Sour diatribes????

  18. Motsepe #14 this world is not fair so dont expect manna , it wont come. Even in the developed world not everyone can own a car despite their GDP being so high.
    Wherever you go they will have and have nots. Yes some pipocant afford to build a hotel some cant even afford shoes whereever you go. As for the chinese, they are really taking advantage of this globalisation and I admire them. They are here to stay and all that we can do is watch the way we engage them> the bottom line here is lets celebrate these positive developments and work all the areas where we are hace chalenges

  19. #Postitivist pa ZEd . We dont WANT free things. We as local businessmen need mechanisms to assist us as Zambians so that we are not disadvantaged by these Chinese. No were have l indicated that all must be equal. The topic is about Zambia being in the top ten countries where one whould prefer to do business but as mention earlier our government is NOT SUPPORTING us as local business people. The good example is the business man in Kitwe building a hotel along Kafue river. He has been asking our GOV for some rebates on the materials he is buying for the project as it is requires massive capital injection but NO one is interested. I dont know what type business you do but most GENUINE business people dont rate our business environment highly. We complain because we love our country.

  20. senior citizen, homeless people in USA actually beg for a quarter(25 cents) not a dollar. keep educating these illiterates

  21. This blogg is full of retards… need COLLATERAL to do business, where do u expect the masses in Zed living on less than a dollar a day will get that..? Yes its easy now for Indians and Chinesse who have Capital and some form of Collateral to do business

  22. Only Chambeshi & Motsepe have made sense. You can’t have be in top 10 when your own nationals are not given an equal playing field with foreigners in terms of taxes for doing business. Why have you Alejandro and Postitivists given a proper comment to Chambishi and Motsepe about the plight of the Kitwe business building a hotel which will benefit Zambia in term of forex for a long time.

  23. Hahahahahaha…………….This is a joke right? What business does Ben kangwa own in Zambia? Those World Bank & IFC economics can never run any business.
    I hope this is not another fake claim like that of Dickson Jere on TI.Zambia is one of the most expensive countries to do business,everybody who has run a business in Zambia & elsewhere will attest to this

  24. All you bumlickers are outside the country so just keep quiet. Obviously we take such kind of news with a pinch of salt especially that it’s coming from Senior Citizen oops! Ben Kangwa. I’ve tried to check on both world Bank and IFC websites just make sure he’s not lying as usual but drawn a blank. I’ve written an email to World Bank public relations for verification, fingers crossed they reply in good time before this thread is retired because i intend to paste it on here.

  25. BaFikala let me tell you as i run a number of businesses pa Zed. ask any genuine businessman in Zambia and will attest to the fact that its fu-cking so hard to do business in zambia than any where else in the world except war torn countries like Afghanistan, somalia and the like failed states. this ranking is shit and fake , i hope Dickson Jere has no dirty hand in this cooked-up shit report.

  26. # 29, way to go! Let’s confirm. If it is true this fact is only for foreigners. It is very difficult for Zambians to do business.# 26 I am in 100% agreement with you! The Chinese and Zambians with US$s find Zambia to be a wonderful haven to exploit supernormal profits. Further look at the way the mobile service providers have been jumping into this country, make money and jump out by selling, evading tax and all sundry! We need to develop our own local enbling environment, we need pronouncements of inflation being single digit, being matched with reduction in bank interest rates for short to medium term loans. We need our banks to lend on the basis of bankable business plans and management teams. We need certain areas of business such as rearing chickens to be left to Zambians.

  27. I hope the kitwe businessman is not depending on tax rebates to finish his hotel.Why did’nt he build a motel or Lodge if he does’nt have ka ngwee?Poor planning lol.

  28. Imagine! Airfares from Joburg to Lusaka are cheaper than taxes and fees. Airline fuel in zed is very expensive than other countries in the region including Zim. Travelling by air from one town to another is beyond reach of many Zambian businessmen. Internet access is very expensive. I could go on and on. did the survey look at some of these issues? The report is an election ploy.

  29. It’s far easier for foreigners to do business in Zambia than resident zambians. Theres a documentary on youtube about chinese in Zambia and they way the govt was bending over backwards to accomodate the chinese was mind boggling.A resident zambian is treated like a second class citizen in comparison with foreigners.

  30. Of all the countries we are better than (less than 20), only 3 have never been at war. Surely, after 20 years of the current misrule, its time for a change!

  31. This year’s report marks the 20th anniversary of the use of the Human Development Index.
    Progress hasn’t been uniform, though, and a few countries have even slid backward. Three – Zimbabwe, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Zambia – have worsened in the 20-year period, while in the former Soviet Union, health has regressed. The main causes of the slippage tend to be conflict, AIDS and economic and political mismanagement.
    The sub-Sahara African nations of Congo, Zambia and Zimbabwe ranked even lower on the main index than they did in 1970.

  32. splaka,

    Prepare enough medication for your cardiovascular arrest-BP unless you are another one in denial and now like Sata throwing scorn at Fr.Bwalya for announcing the death of a pact, Everything points to a reality that MMD and RB are continuing in power past 2011 elections. We have no opposition in this country to fall on. We are better off mourning the death of the pact and moving on with life. Any chance at the exit of MMD from power you and i must form our own party and drive change crusade. HH and Sata are not going to compromise on any ground because they are bother power hungry myopic egoistic heads chasing a self serving agenda.

  33. Bad roads, poor manpower, expensive fuel, expensive internet, terrible govt offices and beaurocracy, high taxes etc etc, of course if youre a foregn mining giant then you pay no tax, so i dont agree with this report, as someone put it earlier just an election ploy.

  34. You silly people give praise where praise due. This is very good news for Zambia. See where you have been. Things can only get better. Look around in Africa. Things are as as dire everywhere. Do not get cheated by these Politicians that they can improve your lives. They just want to get elected so as theyget near the dosh so that they can help themselves. Keep with what you have at the moment. The trouble with most Africans is that they believe that there are fellow Africans out there who will come and make their lives better. It has been about 50 years since the first Africans became INDEPENDENT. No African leader as yet taken most of his people out of poverty. You have copper but you cannot run the mines yourselves. If you could you would. Make stuff that you can sell abroad.

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