Zanaco and Green Buffaloes have been docked three points by Faz for the two teams failure to play Wednesday’s rescheduled Super Division Week 20 game in Lusaka.
This follows the two teams decision to join the boycott by Super Division teams until Kalusha Bwalya’s beleaguered administration calls for a Faz emergency council meeting.
Meanwhile, 14 Super Division teams have vowed to continue with their boycott of games heading into Saturdays penultimate Week 29 games.
However Nkana, who have not endorsed the boycott, have traveled to Lusaka hoping to get three free points off host Buffaloes who are maintaining their stance to stay away from all Super Division games.
Nkana , together with Nchanga Rangers and Konkola Blades have distanced themselves from the boycott.
Well Done People’s team Nkhana for reasoning and knowing the schemes of these petitioners
Former ZCCM teams umwenso.
Whether you take points from team galu you are going & for Copperbelt team you pipo are stupid supporting a loser.
#2 Nkana does nor represent all former ZCCM teams. If anything its the only formeZCCM team that has not endorsed the boycott.
I hope they join in too. We need an effective football admin team in place not aba bena Kalu or sorry Galu
what is Nkana trying to prove? This f.o.o.l.i.s.hness at it’s best they are letting down all the other clubs who want things fixed at Faz
Zambian football is bigger than kalusha and those clowns at football house. Its time for kalu and his team to go. Kalu just because nenani is you friend and RB likes football makes you untouchable. this issue will now include even all soccer loving zambians to remove you from football house. You have failed and docking points from GBFC and Zanaco is the begining of your end. YOU GET
All supporters of GBFC and Zanaco please fight with your club to fix thing at football house, if you meet kalusha and his clowns in the streets beat them up!
Lets go copperbelt boys thats the way to go, go Nkana go free 3 points are alot.
BOLA Yabipa pa FAZ – What happened to Kalu’s campaign slogan ” Eyes on the ball” looks like the eyes shifted paid more attention to the deals, personals interests, players contracts etc. Maybe Kalu should have stuck to his slogan. He is at the point where he feels like he steering the Titanic ship..well he might as well jump out while he could.
Ba zimandola what are you insane???????? work together,this is why we will never develop in zambia,tilekelezana !!!! then point fingers, SHAME BA CB!
Well done Nkana! This is the most irresponsible decision in the history of Zambian football I have ever seen! Kalu, keep getting points from all these indisciplined chaps and in the end it will be them to suffer for sowing anarchy in the game. Everyone who is wise today must know that Soccer in Zambia is low not because of Kalu but we do not have the same caliber of players we had during Kalu’s time! We have no Gibby, Big Michael Chabala, Kelvin, Jericho, Dominic Mutale, JJ etc! Now they think it is Kalu just like the Commonwealth team was knocked out because we do not have quality participants. Of course the other part is GRZ’s failure to develop infrastructure.
Kalampa for life.Good decision and certainly will be given 3 points in default.Kalu continue cracking the whip!!!!!!!!!!!
Amazing the amount of ignorance exhibited by some of these anti progressive bloggers. First of all the Fam constitution is clear and Kalu has no authority whatsoever at football house following Munaile s resignation. Get yourselves a copy of the FAZ constitution maybe you will minimize making uninformed comments. Just because Kalu is literally in bed with FIFA does not mean he is untouchable at home. He has failed lamentable as an administrator as he did as coach. There is a reason companies ask applicants pa nkhani ya experience and formal education, maybe the FAZl constitution should have a degree clause. He will find himself in self imposed exile should his girl influence FIFA to ban us for any nonsensical reasons. VIVA BOYCOTT. ..ABASH Kalu and his arrogance
p.s LT invest
P.s LT invest in spell check software “REBALS”……really?
ba Nkana muli fipuba atase what are u trying to prove u foo-ls?
Nkana are putting their tails between their legs to survive relegation – a far cry from the Red Devils of yesteryear — what a shame these. The Constitution has been breached – rescue the Constitution you cowards.
Am sure this whole thing wil end sadly. Jst let Kalu finish his term.
Let us just do it the Kenyan way. The Govt should just move in and end these jokes. To hell with FIFA! This nonsense has made Zambian football rock bottom, and we have started to dig.
Awe Ba Nkana you are right! Football is played on the pitch. Abena Kalu just call for this emergency meeting. If you have nothing to hide you should act transparently and democratically. It is only people with things to hide (like Mugabe Kim Jong Il etc ) who cant face their electorate. Zambian football needs to go forward and it can only do so if people meet to discuss their problems.
The government cant move in because Rupiah is a friend of Kalu
By docking points Kalu has started a fire He can not put out. I only hope there will be no mass demonstration by soccer fans.At this rate that seems to be the next route to go.
well done nkana
If this loss of points by ZANACO and GBFC standz, the two teamz may withdraw from the league and consequently all the gamez they have played will not count. Imagine the circus that will follow.
Nkana you are a disappointment. Infact your rightful place is Division 1. You mean you can’t reason and just want free points at the expense of your friends? Its a shame for you to act like this, your days are numbered, infact you have been winning and drawing games of late under Linos Makwaza using charms. One day those charms will stop working and we will see where you will be. I know you are less educated but we under estimated your f.o.o.l.ishness and greedy.
#11 & 12, u are not soccer fans but bunch of F.O.O.L.S, jst concetrate on rugby. Galu is the one who is indiscipline, selfish and arrogant. Nkana, shame on u, u are scared that u will be fined and u have no where to get that cash coz u depend on individual pockets “COWARDS” thats the word that can define Nkana.
Whether the call to boycott soccer is wrong or right, Nkana should never have gone as scabs, black legs!!! Unity in PL teams should have one voice, shame on you Nkana. In-fact, the Nkana of old were the first to rebel, no wonder you are now divIsion 1 material, SCABS!!!!!!!!
Ba Kalu don’t bring Kafupi’s idea in Football house.Zambian’s are educated now. If u done sumthing wrong man be smart and come out clearn. Bring Bonnita has a Couch for the Zambian team from Italy. To please Italian’s because ur wife is from Italy. What a shame u gathered 4 urself. Man be brave.
ONLY the shameless Nkana F.C Secretary and Chairperson are championing the agender of the dissolved FAZ Executive.
Many Nkana suppoters do not buy the dissolved FAZ’s unbecoming acts.
well done nkana … this anarchy can not be allowed to continue
Zambia will be thrown out of FIFA for sure. And what entertainment we will remain with? Government is boring, athletics are malnourished, I just hope the Chinese will do some kind of shooting so we can have something to discuss.
The worst thing is this the last month of the season, So much effort has been worsted by the in-born Zambian spirit of hating any one who has some success. All those good players now are domed, no one will come to buy players. S%&pid *****s!
Nkana you are really devils. Shame on you.
#11 I’m on your side.Let’s think objectively or FIFA will take action.We always cry about the sell and transfer of players do will really have good agents in Zambia
Shame…shame …shame Zed The leve of development is low.To solve current problems has taken months.If we say Kalu failed as a coach , check the majority of current players where in Kalu’s squared
cant believe how Kalu has become Galu. Abena Zed too much hate, poverty too much ilaleta ulupato. Great Kalu has been the only winner in Zambia, he might not be the best administrator but boycotting much is ver stupid why cant they wait for next elections and vote him out?
Ba KASEKO, is this the leadership you learnt from ZUFIAW. No wonder you kept on betraying Barclays employees. You are at it again betraying soccer lovers. I thought revolution was supposed to come from CB. Ban Nkana, you are big disappointment. Division one for sure is home for you guys.
Kalampa, that is the way to go. Football must be played with or without Kalusha. You have shown that your interest is in football on the pitch and not in the boardroom. Go Nkana Go.
Zambian football is in the doldrums precisely because football on the copperbelt has died. Let kalusha revive CB football and let Nkana who are more glorious than any Lusaka team follow the master of football. Lusaka tin-pot footballers think they can run football with Zanaco Buffaloes and other such trash teams. This emergency council being called by over ambitious Shimata Shimata can only be called if all teams in the league sign to call for it. Devil Devil continue turning up for matches. After all FIFA says it wont interfere so Great Kalu will rule forever!
just withdraw ka kalu diplomatic passport for a start so that he doesnt have it easy to get a visa cuz his now a problem to our foot adminstration.three of the co pted member has withdraw only chileshi who cant even just ready consistitution is foolishly holding on to his illegal appointment.
Thats why nkan is going to division one…thats were they belong..Hopeless!!
Boycotting games is like giving chloroquine for a fracture. The patient will not recover with your treatment.The proverbial barking up the wrong tree.! !
# 15 and # 16 let it be known that Nkana have already comfortably survived relegation with games to spare. They are just wise enough to realise that boycotting games is actually the wrong remedy for a problem which we all acknowledge exists. There is a laid down procedure for petitioning which , thankfully, will now be followed. FAZ must call for that meeting but the league must also conclude so that the deadline for submitting our 3 representatives ( which CAF will NOT CHANGE ! ! ) is met. Already ZANACO have to play 8 games before the 27th November deadline. Impossible task.. so they will definitely not represent us next year.
cut it guyz! Nkana this Nkana that! its a world of democracy! even in politics there should be those in oposition. Dont just follow the wind. Nkana are not afraid of relegation, they are already safe. Why should Nkana executive join the protest if they dont agree just like FIFA has observed! Zambians, are we all lawyers who want to prove that we understand the statutes of FAZ? how many of us have read the entire FAZ constitution? all we hear is somebody quoting sections of it and thats all we get to know and react.