Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Mutafu Dumps Faz Co-Opted Post


From four to one, that’s how many co-opted, members in Kalusha Bwalya troubled executive remain by Friday afternoon after a third new member quit.
Forest Rangers Kelvin Mutafu joined his Ndola compatriot Happie Munkondya to resign on November 5.
Mutafu also cited the constitutionality of the Faz executive committee following the National Sports Council of Zambia (NSCZ) subcommittee findings that it was unconstitutional to co-opt four new members.
Mutafu, Munkondya and Patrick Kangwa’s decision to leave Kalusha’s beleaguered executive committee leave the Faz president with only one co-opted member.
Mining Rangers boss Elijah “Shenko” Chileshe is now the sole co-opted member.
The trios’ departure of the three co-opted member’s departure raising questions about the legitimacy of Kalusha’s beleaguered executive.
The remaining elected Faz executive committee members are vice president Bonny Mwamelo, Macha Chilemena, Lenny Nkhuwa and Keagan Chipango.
The quartet that resigned are Pivoty Simwamza, Violet Bwalya, Henschel Chitembeya and ex-Faz vice president Emmanuel Munaile.


  1. Mr Kalusha, tell us how much is involved in the supersport deal and we will forget the rest. Just tell us how much you chewed and thats it. What a greed boy!

  2. Ok Mr. Kalusha, how about the Nike deal? The problem with Kalu is that he chews alone. Erick Mwanza reminds me of Richard Sakala. Yaping, yaping, yaping!!!Mr. Mwanza, Kalusha is about to flee. He is a thief! He has been chewing money paid for friedly game, sponsorship deals, Tv deals mention it. From the looks of things, Macha Chilemena, Erick Mwanza, Kasengele and the other remainder contempt to fly as delegation leaders once in a while and that is where their ambitions end. For Great Galu, his ambitions are international. Underground player agent etc. Eish!!!

  3. Ok Mr. Kalusha, how about the Nike deal? The problem with Great Galu is that he chews alone. Erick Mwanza reminds me of Richard Sakala-Yaping,yaping,yaping!!! Mr. Mwanza, Kalusha is about to flee. He is a thief! He is running to SA. He has been chewing money paid for friendly games, sponsoship deals, Tv deals mention it. From the looks of things, Marcha Chilemena aka Kadansa, Kasengele,Erick Mwanza and the other FAZ remainder are just content to fly around as delegations leaders making a ka 100 dollar here and there,. That is where their ambitions end. As for Great Galu, his ambitions are international. Underground player agent etc. Eish!!!.

  4. Kalusha not even prayers can serve you now all your friends have stepped down which part don’t you understand? Please you do need your head examined you are a source of worry now- hold that meeting now before we come for you i’m very up set now some one hold me!

  5. Like I said it’s just a matter of time galu your days are numbered. You will be removed like a dog from that position…..

  6. # 7 You are right, because this guy is so stubborn for nothing his name be changed from Kalu to Galu…You have made my day

  7. Gring gring: alo, is this K
    Kasengele: Ya its me, bola yabipaka
    Kalu: Ninshi abena
    K: I told you this morning ati Happie nachita resign , nomba mutafu aya nao
    Kalu:Yaaa bola yabipa nomba, but u long as we have abena RB naba Fifa behind us mwisakamana
    K: By the way ba kalu,we have canned ba Zanaco naba Buffaloes 2 points each for not playing ilya game as you said
    Kalu: Very good K, Then just between you and me, I spoke to Joe Blatter this morning pa Fifa, he said we can still co-opt more people, so let me know if you know anyone?
    K: That’s good news bena Kalu, I will make sure I watch your back here and by the way dont forget ka share kandi from supersport deal
    Kalu: That’s rite “DONT UKUBEKA” bena Marcha nabena Eric and thanks for keeping the fans and press off my…

  8. FIFA has contributed to the problems FAZ is having now. FIFA advised Kalusha wrongly. Is it becoz Kalusha supported the old guy Blatter during his previous re-election? Kalusha is really a disappointment — he is really behaving like a politician. Is there something that Kalusha is hidding —-some deals????????? Why cant Kalusha emulate Charles Musnda —- Charles is living a dignified life.

  9. #13 FIFA has maintained the same ruling in all countries including Zambia. This has nothing o do with FIFA advising Kalu wrongly. I dont really think Kalu is hiding anything. The ministry of sports have copies of any deals Faz has engaged in including contracts with super sports, Nike etc. You were the first people who applauded Kalu when Charles decided not to continue playing for Zambia after Gabon disaster. You went on to praise him further when he become the coach and later vice president of FAZ and comdemned other former players for not giving back to Zambian soccer. Now tables are turned and Charles Musonda is good person and that Kalu should emulate him. Which way is a right way.

  10. #14 I hear You. Thats the problem with ”Z” easily forget and rush to condemn. Go Kalu don t stop show them up to the end

  11. The soccer fraternity has only created a constitutional quagmire in this saga. The critics of Kalu are not adhering to the FAZ constitution on how to remove their Executive by submitting individual petitions to meet the two thirds majority required for the matter to be tabled at the next AGM which is only a few months away. On the other hand poor Kalu is now rendered incapable of running FAZ, but the options offered by the affiliates are unconstitutional. What is wrong with aggrieved affiliates waiting the remaining few months before the AGM? At that AGM they could even push through an amendment to clear the mud water which that constitution has shown itself to be? Whether it is the poiltical scene, soccer, NGOs etc it is the same – WHY DON’T WE HAVE PATIENCE?

  12. # 14,asks” why dont we have patience”. well,its because people we trusted have disappointed us.what patience can you have when even deals to move players abroad,overseas is now done by the faz president? tell me? moses katumbi of tp mazembe attested to this fact i.e on the emmanuel mbola saga. the same happened with emanuel mayuka` s transfer to isreal.we are not going to be fed on kalusha` s past groly like #14 and 15 want us to do. nooo! even mariages break when things go beyond control. a person who is initially a darling can become a devil if he doesnt keep living a good and respectable life.

  13. Ya abena Nkalanda imwe kuti mwaipaya people kunseko. But of course it is a serious “convo” you recreate. Ask why Eric “Comical Ali” Mwanza left the Daily Mail. He forged one of the bosses’ signatures to get a loan!

  14. #17. Wellsaid. We feilded a student in freindly against Ghana in England ! The coach is M. I .A. etc.

    What bothers me is that the tax payers/ Government pays football expenses but have no say ,but dance to Fifa crap ! This matter is straight foward whether Kalu was a great player or not. You have ti abide by the constituiton.

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