INFORMATION and Broadcasting Services Minister Ronnie Shikapwasha has said it is cheap politicking for Patriotic Front (PF) leader Michael Sata to allege that President Rupiah Banda’s two years in office have been a disaster.
Reacting to Mr Sata’s statement in yesterday’s Post newspaper, Lieutenant General Shikapwasha said the disaster was in the opposition leader’s eyes who could not see the landmark achievements President Banda had achieved in the two years he had been office.
“The disaster is with the PF-run councils which have plundered resources meant to improve the welfare of residents.
“The K10 billion was given to PF run Lusaka City Council (LCC) to work on drainage in Kanyama township ahead of the rainy season, nothing has been done and residents have not been told what the PF council has done with this money,” he said.
He said with the onset of the rains residents in Kanyama were bound to suffer when Government had availed resources for the council to work on the drainage system.
“The disaster has been with Mr Sata who has failed to democratise and keep his party together as evidenced by squabbles and uncertainty surrounding the doomed so-called PF-UPND Pact,” he said.
He said Mr Sata should be the last person to accuse President Banda’s administration of having been a disaster as he has done nothing for all the time he has spent in politics.
Gen Shikapwasha said contrary to Mr Sata’s baseless accusations, President Banda has scored major successes during his two years in office, which have been acknowledged nationally and internationally.
“Inflation is at single digit, roads, schools, health centres and other social and economic infrastructure are being constructed and rehabilitated countrywide,” he said.
Gen Shikapwasha said the mines, which had closed down, have since reopened including Luanshya and Munali Nickel mines with thousands of jobs recovered and new ones created.
“What disaster does Mr Sata see in 12,500 new teachers Government has trained, 87 new schools and 12 new district hospitals which have been built and commissioned countrywide during the two years of President Banda’s leadership?
“what disaster does Mr Sata see in the bumper harvest Zambia has produced this year as a result of the good agricultural policies Government has put in place?,” gen Shikapwasha asked.
[Times of Zambia]
K10 Billion Kwacha to the PF controlled LCC. Now I really want to see that report on PF led councils that the PF leadership promised some months ago. It was supposed to be released in a week from the announcement, it has now been months which begs the question, when is the report really going to be released?
But why is it that our leaders have to READ from a piece of paper every time they are addressing us..? Even the name of his Ministry he reads it word by word….!!!!!!
I agree with Shikapwasha.The disaster is Sata himself!!!
Be rest assured Shikapwanya that H.E Mr M.C Sata will respond to your questions adequately and in record time nalelo litali.
Ba Ronnie, learn 2 keep quite, you don’t have 2 defend that which is so obvious. Wat has RB done about the corrupt deals with RP Capital? The irrelevant travels abroad?the irregular sale of Zamtel?the theft of the Zesco Optic Fibre Network? Willaim Banda’s violence? Removal of the Abuse of Office Clause?
RB is riding on Levy initiative, all the projects being launched were left by Levy and that guy has no vision of his own. Single digit inflation is only on paper as people’s lives are much more miserable ryt now!! Shame on the Reverend Ronnie.Next u want 2 sell NCZ coz u want 2 get a cut!!
#1 Mr. Capitalist – 3 E’s steering economic growth- Why do you listen to people like Ronnie whose only job is to clean some one’s arse?Kalulushi Manucipal Council is MMD controlled but I would like you to go there and look at what amount of funding GRZ/MMD is giving them compared to the actual developmental projects that they done. Please get your head out the sand and stop using the MMD Membership Card as your brains.
u just protecting u job soldier evry one knows rupiah as done nothing 4 zed
4, ba msana wanzili nabo!
Whether ba Shikulu admits it or not, deep down his heart he admires RB’s achievements. H.E.R.B. is the best leader to take the country forward, he dwarfs the opposition parties combined in all respects: love, humility, boldness, decisiveness, knowledge, hard work, efficiency, development projects, diplomacy, commitment to his country etc. My fear for our democracy is that because of this, as well as his achievements and the lack of a credible leadership in the opposition, Zambians may be tempted to do another wamuyaya, at least for another five years until a credible leader emerges.
This is for all those who condemn RB for his travels abroad. A very clever young Bemba lady said this on BBC radio this morning: Umwan ushenda atasha nyina ukunaya! Meaning that a child who does not travel around thinks his/her mother is the best cook in the world. in other words a person that does not travel around will think what he/she knows is the best. This may explain why RB is making such a big improvement to the economy even if he has been in office just for two years!
#8 Mr Fee
What are you on about mate? Are you one of them bum-lickers? Take this fact to the bank if you like, Shikapwanya will answered epompelele.
10, that is the truth. The kaponyas even think that travelling frequently is enjoyable. Most people find it quite stressful and only do it as duty. President Rupiah Banda himself has said as much. Actually I am amazed at President Rupiah Banda’s resilience, because I would break down, but he has to do for mother Zambia.
11 ba msana wanzili, ba mudala surely by now you know that your Sata does not answer when he is challenged with facts. I am sure right now he is busy mixing chemicals to manufacture other juicy lies.
Tell them HH Sata tabomfwa.
Ok, Shikaz must say HERB finishing LPM’s schools and hospitals not that they were built in the past 2yrs. As for MCS, he simply spits whateva crosses his mind without thinking through it.
Did this ANIMAL FARM Government know exactly how much was required to make drainage systems in Kanyama. It’s not just a question of saying K10Billion, only a stupid person would talk about K10Billion when a project is supposed to K40Billion and still expect the Job complete. What a DULL ANIMAL FARM Cabinet this Country has now.